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Level 50 Gunslingers/Snipers in WZ.


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It's a very underplayed class because at the moment our counterpart (smuggler/operative) can do just as much damage while being able to heal, and stealth. We never shine in the post-fight report because we don't have the AoE abilities to do a ton of damage. Unless we spec a certain way (sabslinger) we don't do more than 200k in a warzone, ever.


This has been my experience too. As much as I want to love my Operative/Scoundrel brethrens, I can't help but feel appalled by the fact that they can match our damage, and excel more than we can against heavily armoured classes all the while having so much more survivability and utility.


We sacrifice a lot, most importantly our mobility, in order to do the damage we can. We should be dominating the single target damage department.

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It's surprising that fellow sharpshooters think it a myth to hit over 200k, when any of us competent players think of it as a myth that a sharpshooter can hit below 200k.


This. I can't even think of the last time I had under 250k in a full WZ.

I find it hard to believe that there are that many people out there who can't play this class.


Guess it just makes the ones who can that much better. Fine with me.

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Only class that really scares me in this game is a well played, well geared sniper. Luckily, they seem a rare breed.


If I had to guess why so few play them, I'd guess the cover system is just hard to get used to while pve/leveling.

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This. I can't even think of the last time I had under 250k in a full WZ.

I find it hard to believe that there are that many people out there who can't play this class.


Guess it just makes the ones who can that much better. Fine with me.


Depends entirely on how many tanks and sages are on the enemy team.

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I think alot of the negative posts in here really don't have a clue how to play the class, or don't play one at all.


Slingers have better burst in all 3 specs than any other ranged. I didn't believe it till i rerolled from my 50 gunnery commando but the difference is night and day. And they are by far more mobile than the commando/merc Gunnery spec, so much moreseo it's not even a comparison.


Sages/sorcs need to cast or stand still for their nasty dps to be effective, while Slingers/snipers can do sick dps while moving in 2 out of 3 specs.


Utility please. 3 second stun on a 30 sec timer, AE blind on 1 min timer, single target root on a 15 sec timer, knockback, cover can't be charged/pulled, better shields than Commandos/mercs.


Cover can be buggy i will give everyone that.


Nothing bursts harder than a Slinger/Sniper other than maybee a sent/maura with lucky criticals.

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Pretty much whats been said.


It does the same or slightly less DPS then every other DPS class in the game, Without any of the utility.


What utility you have requires you to stand still in a moronic mechanic that just makes you bait for the actual good role of your class (Operatives)


Sniper just frankly has zero niche, Cause there is really zero reason to bring one along.


They don't do anything remotely better then any other class.

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Snipers are fine.


Name is Artie, Fatman server. I seem to do just fine and rarely DONT do less than 400k. I'm trying to get to 500k averages nowadays. Post 1.1 screenshots V


Here are some screenshots:


655K GAME - http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o530/l3ulls3y3/655.jpg


555K http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o530/l3ulls3y3/566k-1.jpg


522K http://s1146.photobucket.com/albums/o530/l3ulls3y3/?action=view&current=522.jpg


473K http://s1146.photobucket.com/albums/o530/l3ulls3y3/?action=view&current=470.jpg


etc etc


450k on a huttball is easy for me. There are some screenshots in the album I didn't link, and a lot more I didn't upload. Pretty much not taking screenshots of anything short than 500k because 400-500 isn't hard anymore. Snipers are fine.

Edited by BuIIseye
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i played snipper just to 2x level, but i got totally bored of it. i could choose operative and get stealth, heal ,and actaully more damage. rather than +5 range on my rifle..


but mainly i quitted because of cover, it was annoying as hell to use cover, and with all those delays in warzone its just TERRIBLE

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The cover mechanic is great, don't know why there's so much hate for it. All classes that use channeled spells (think grab round/ tracer missile spammers) would love to have knockbacks and interrupt immunity whilst channeling.



You clearly don't play a sniper/gunslinger if you think the cover mechanic is great...

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You cant cover when youre rooted either, for some stupid reason.


Not being able to go into cover when an immobilize effect should get a fix, because you're a living target for jet chargers/leapers, which irritates alot.


Found it in the beta and it's a great source of annoyance and outright stupid, i've mentioned it atleast 3 times in the Agent/smuggler forums but it seems to fall in deaf ears.


As for Marksman tree (i'm an agent) has the lowest viability in PvP because it's build around the cover system.


I'm currently letha specced because it fits me much better and i actually can kill those pesky melee'ers now :D.


As for operatives, i have a 360 vision, get first hit to get them out of stealth and they are frustrated :D


And a few posts back, getting 400k dmg is pretty much doing dmg only and not helping your team, you contribute nothing.


200/300k is far more reasonable as top dmg. (can do better or worse depending on amount of harrassment)

Edited by Monkeybusiness
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Again to anyone who says Slingers/snipers do the same damage as the other ranged if not paying attention to the discussion.


They have the strongest ranged burst in the game. Sages/commandos and their Imperial counterparts just dont come close. And to those who think Slingers/snipers are immobile you never played a sage or commando lol. Much more Turret based than Slingers other than their 1 cover based spec.


If you don't believe me look at all the other 50 Slingers POSTING links in THIS THREAD showing the ridiculous damage and burst they put out.


And i don't buy the damage doesn't help your team argument. If I have 400k damage and 40 kills not only will I be getting 6-7 medals but i will be saving my healers/tank /dps by using my DPS to kill the nasties hitting them with lightsabers.


Also the recent update did wonders for the cover mechanism, now it generally works as soon as i push the button. Still needs some work but ti's coming along.

Edited by Mcfree
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Considering that the sniper class is a pure damage class and has neither access to invaluable heals nor the heavy armour of other rdps classes the package is simply lacking because other classes can do similiar burst (even better on targets with heavy armour) while providing more utility or survivabilty.


And exactly that's what's wrong: you simply can take one of the classes and they will do a better job overall.


If you don't believe me, then ask yourself why there are hardly any 50 snipers in pvp. Telling yourself that it is only about the looks or that the cover mechanic isn't for everyone can't explain the abundance of sorcs and BHs and the next to non-existant snipers in WZs (at least on my server)


Again to anyone who says Slingers/snipers do the same damage as the other ranged if not paying attention to the discussion.


They have the strongest ranged burst in the game. Sages/commandos and their Imperial counterparts just dont come close. And to those who think Slingers/snipers are immobile you never played a sage or commando lol. Much more Turret based than Slingers other than their 1 cover based spec.


If you don't believe me look at all the other 50 Slingers POSTING links in THIS THREAD showing the ridiculous damage and burst they put out.


And i don't buy the damage doesn't help your team argument. If I have 400k damage and 40 kills not only will I be getting 6-7 medals but i will be saving my healers/tank /dps by using my DPS to kill the nasties hitting them with lightsabers.


Also the recent update did wonders for the cover mechanism, now it generally works as soon as i push the button. Still needs some work but ti's coming along.


1. Burst

Yeah, this awesome burst...fully 1.2k damage on an ambush crit. The target was a sentinel and he had no absorb shield popped wohooooo (Rank 56 here).


I can also do ridiculous burst: on light armoured targets with no expertise.


I doubt that you play a sniper at 50 else you wouldn't make up these fairy tales especially not when you have a clue how the mitigation system pees on marksman's only damage type


2. Posting Numbers

I could post real jaw droppers numberwise as well. The best way to do it, you spec lethality and dot everything up and if you are lucky you play voidstar with a silly opponent team which likes to take a shower in orbital strikes.

Edited by Desgarden
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Explain to me then how my Gunerry commando can't do jack to anyone with expertise because they get Los'd like a troll after the first grav round. While snipers absolutely drop me with 2 dots and a channel(lethality)in 6 seconds.


Yes i have the same expertise, yes i use my one crappy cleanse that does jack, yes I try to Los them but it doesnt matter because their root is always up. I could interupt them but damn i don't have an inturrupt and my stun is down...i'll just heal O **** my heals suck and i got interupted, damn that's right they get a ranged interupt on a what a 6 sec cooldown.


Commandos/mercs have horrible utility unless heal specced. No root, no reliable slow, 1 crappy stun, a knockback that is great for huttball, a horrible 2 sec castable single target 10 second CC that breaks on damagepy heals if dps specced, and heavy armor...Yay.


O and granted I don't have a slinger at 50 yet but I have played loads of games in the 50 bracket against snipers as a commando. And man do i have to play TWICE as hard to do half the damage as the snipers and slingers on my team.


I'm starting to think there is jut alot of bad Slingers/snipers out there who don't know how good they have it.

Edited by Mcfree
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And to those who think Slingers/snipers are immobile you never played a sage or commando lol.


Setup for Gunslinger large burst damage:


Run to spot in range, try to go into cover, if you can't go into cover move around until you can, once you are in cover then fire.


Setup for Commando large burst damage:


Run to spot, fire.


Setup for Sage large burst damage:


Run to spot, concentrate.


Yes Gunslingers can do higher burst damage, but they have to pause more often to do so. Not to mention if your opponents are at all capable, they can shut you down easily and you won't be able to do hardly any damage.

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I'm a Sniper, usually the lonesome Sniper...well anywhere I go. Warzones are predominantly Sorc/Sage and Trooper/BH with the occasional sprinkle of Warrior/Knight. I've done extremely well as a marksman and engineering sniper but alas I've changed to lethality and haven't looked back.


Marks and Engineering are very viable 'right now' because there are a lot of stupid people who play in warzones. So many good spots to just pick people off and they never realize it. Once you get a melee on you it's pretty much game over. I save all my tricks for when they come and about 50/50 I can walk out alive. This does require for the melee to be an imbecile which happens quite frequently.


Couple of cool fixes I'd like to see is:


*When the Sniper/Gunslinger is in cover, melee are unable to use attacks which benefit

from being behind the target.*


*In the Marksman tree there should be a talent which reduces cover pulse to 15 seconds*


*Increase both melee and ranged defense to 15% when in cover*


Right now our counterpart the Scoundrel/Operative are lightyears ahead of us. They have the lethality build, Scrapper build, stealth and heals. We have...:confused:


Kinda wish I went Operative :(

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Seen any lately? They are almost non existent on my server... I have 2 alts 1 is a 41 Guardian and the other is a 40 gunslinger... I'm not sure which to take to 50. I struggle to find any real top quality pvp footage on them, and rarely see them in Warzones...


Are Gunslingers/Snipers Underpowered? or people just hate to play this class in general over the other options?


If anyone could find 50vs50 footage of gunslinger/sniper it would be appreciated.

I'm also wondering if BioWare is going to maybe buff this AC since its barely played in Warzones?


The cover system is a bit to get used to, and sniper/gs don't get all their really mean tricks very early on, so I suspect a lot of people end up preferring to roll something more mobile . I like my sniper very much, my only complaints are I hate getting stuck when you try to go for cover and you are spamming that button and nothing happens, you literally can't do anything. Also when you try to take cover on the spot, and get sucked to a cover zone you didn't want to go to (this especially when you are on the high ground in Huttball and you snap yourself to lower ground going for cover). Otherwise I think sniper is great.

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Setup for two Slinger specs. Run, dot, keep running , dot again, Channel or insta(depending on spec), keep running, hit Quickdraw, keep running, target dies or redo rotation.


Setup for commando. Run in , channel or cast grav round, grav round, grav round, run to chase the target that los'd you after the first grav round, channel, run to chase him again casue you got losed with no root, die to the melee stabbing you in the back becasue you have a huge gun and are an easy target.


Clueless posters are clueless...

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Setup for two Slinger specs. Run, dot, keep running , dot again, Channel or insta(depending on spec), keep running, hit Quickdraw, keep running, target dies or redo rotation.


Here's a question for you. Why wouldn't you just go Scoundrel because this is there fighting style plus stealth and some heals just in case. With dots and movement there is no burst damage. Dots only really work on other gunslingers and sniper since all other classes have easy ways to purge them on short cool downs.

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Snipers have the most epic burst ever after Operatives... and with tomorrow's patch we will probably have the best burst period.


The problem with Snipers is that there are too many scrubs who get their crappy unmodified champion sets and go like: "olol I r champion set! I has 110% accuracy 60% surge ftw"...


Take your scrub sets, get rid of all the crap +48 accuracy enhancements and replace them with +surge ones - even the lvl 49 ones will do if you don't run instances to get better.


I currently run with 86% Surge unbuffed with custom modified Champ set and BM earpiece/implants, I can crit BM Sorcs for up to 5.8k damage on Ambush and 4k on untalented explosive probe. I can wtfburst people like a boss... Sorcs and Mercs are not even near the bursts Sniper can generate. We are also the hardest class to lockdown, immune to interrupts and immune to cc at will and out of all ranged AC's we are the hardest to LoS too with our Leg Shot and loads of instants.

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Snipers have the most epic burst ever after Operatives... and with tomorrow's patch we will probably have the best burst period.


The problem with Snipers is that there are too many scrubs who get their crappy unmodified champion sets and go like: "olol I r champion set! I has 110% accuracy 60% surge ftw"...


Take your scrub sets, get rid of all the crap +48 accuracy enhancements and replace them with +surge ones - even the lvl 49 ones will do if you don't run instances to get better.


I currently run with 86% Surge unbuffed with custom modified Champ set and BM earpiece/implants, I can crit BM Sorcs for up to 5.8k damage on Ambush and 4k on untalented explosive probe. I can wtfburst people like a boss... Sorcs and Mercs are not even near the bursts Sniper can generate. We are also the hardest class to lockdown, immune to interrupts and immune to cc at will and out of all ranged AC's we are the hardest to LoS too with our Leg Shot and loads of instants.

shh dont give away sniper's secret. only noob dont remove those +acc mod in their pvp gear.that goes for other class too.

Edited by Asurai
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This thread is full of so much misinformation it hurts.


As for starters, gunsnipers are not fine. However, the reason is because game design not the class itself. The tech/ranged dmg bonus design will go down as the worst thing ever developed.


Cover has very tiny bugs. Use the binds, 1 for take cover in place and 1 for natural cover. The bugs are cant go into cover on ledges and the auto face doesnt work so well in the illum ice crevices.


Cover gives the class the best benefits in the game. Cant be interrupted, cant be pounced and get a cover bar. As well as abilities that make you immune to CC that you can basically pop every fight.

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