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A few suggestion nerfs to healing.


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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?

Edited by Lickl
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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?


oh poor guy, you dont want to blow your stealth but expect us to have to blow our breakfree to even stand a chance to get away after your initial burst, much less have a chance to win the fight when starting out below 50% health. Heals do very little cause the decent one has a cast time. learn to interupt it and you'll own.

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< Not a healer.


Healing doesnt need nerfing you clown. They already have a %30- reduction in PvP.


Theres two skills in this game that need tweaking. Tracer Missile/Grav Round (Longer CD, damage cap, various other suggestions) and Force Lightning/Tele Throw (Remove root).


If BW took those two steps, balance would improve drastically. Beyond that I dont really think theres too many imbalances.

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As a dps operative you are either bad or undergeared if you are complaining about a sorc/sage. Only a Merc/Trooper should give you any trouble and that is because they can survive your burst and can't be interrupted when they use Energy Shield.
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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?




I'm a sorc healer and I get reamed in wz's constantly. Once someone knows i'm healing they immediately go for me. Typically not just one person either. I'm not the best healer out there so I'm sure you come across ones that are tough to take down but that's with any proffession. Just because YOU can't beat them doeesnt mean they need to be nerfed. 1vs1 against me as a pure healer I have to pretty much only heal myself to keep my self alive and hope someone else comes to attack my attacker. My static barrier is the only thing I have to allow me to throw a dot or two on you while not dieing. Healers are squishy whether you want to admit it or not. The only reason you have a hard time with them is because you aren't interrupting their heals and basically using some strategy instead of thinking you can just hit specials blindly hoping to take someone down. On top of that healers will typically have at least one other person helping them in a group. I know I will have my friends whoa re tanks guard me while I'm healing them, which can make for a nice combination.


On top of all that if you put a cooldown of 3 seconds or even 2 on our heals, we would become completely useless in FP's and most situations where a healer is necessary.

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Oh yeah. I forgot to interupt....Are you stupid? How can I interupt when all my stun moves are close quarters? If the fool pops his speed move then I can't do ****. Not to mention that they stun me before I even can snare them with my sever tendon move. I know how to play my Operative. Actually I think the only move I have to interupt at a distance is flashbang, but that's a 5 meter or less?


Just admit it. A healer with a cast time of 1.5 seconds? Even if I did stun him, his resolve bar would be full so I couldn't interupt him again. Oh, and I can become the healer tier, remember that. I could get my Operative to heal every 1.9 seconds for 3-5.8k which then gives me a tactical advantage to use healing droid which instantly gives me another 2k health. Good luck trying to 1v1 me when I can out-heal any DPS.

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On top of all that if you put a cooldown of 3 seconds or even 2 on our heals, we would become completely useless in FP's and most situations where a healer is necessary.


That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If there ever was a nerf to healing in the instance of a cooldown, BioWare would have no choice but to retune the DPS of bosses and other enemies.

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Oh yeah. I forgot to interupt....Are you stupid? How can I interupt when all my stun moves are close quarters? If the fool pops his speed move then I can't do ****. Not to mention that they stun me before I even can snare them with my sever tendon move. I know how to play my Operative. Actually I think the only move I have to interupt at a distance is flashbang, but that's a 5 meter or less?


Just admit it. A healer with a cast time of 1.5 seconds? Even if I did stun him, his resolve bar would be full so I couldn't interupt him again. Oh, and I can become the healer tier, remember that. I could get my Operative to heal every 1.9 seconds for 3-5.8k which then gives me a tactical advantage to use healing droid which instantly gives me another 2k health. Good luck trying to 1v1 me when I can out-heal any DPS.


You're the only one complaining about this so I think that's where you are getting the flack from those other posts. Other people don't have probs like you do which makes them believe you aren't doing something right or don't have decent gear. I can't say much in regards to your profession cuz I've never played that side. But speaking from being a pure healing sorc I'm far from superior in wz's and 1vs1 can be killed from experienced pvp'ers. Just keep trying different strats. Don't keep doing the same thing expecting different results. And please don't post on forums to nerf a whole class just because you can't beat them.

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An Operative complaining about not being able to kill something. You sir have just made my day. Considering that last night every time an operative opened on me if I didn't pop my trinket on their initial stun I would die. Yea healers are too hard to kill nerf please kthxbai.



Squishy Sorc Healer

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One thing I've noticed lately when playing PvP in either Warzone or Ilum is that if you're up against a healer you're pretty much either going to tie or lose. I'm an Operative, so I can't use a move that'll give me enhanced movement speed unless I want to blow my stealth which has a 2:00 cooldown. So here are a few suggestions for me when it comes to all healing and then something about the sage/sorc.


1: Healing-

It would be a really simple and effective change if they just added a cooldown timer. Hell even a 3 second cooldown for all healing spells would go a long way into helping with the healing fiasco. I once seen a group of three Jedi Sages hugging each other in Cival War and our group of 4 couldn't kill them. We had to get another guy there to help us with the final DPS. I'm all for extending the length of heal time as well, but it's not really important as the cooldown.


2: The Sage/Sorc bubble shield-

Now this one I'm not too sure about. I would also think that a safe method is to extend the cooldown time of this move. I have a shield on my Operative, but it's nowhere near as powerful as this one. Not to mention mine only affects me and not the entire group. I would either be for extending the cooldown timer or weakening the shields absorbtion rate. I wouldn't mind having both of these, either.


I hope that some of you agree with me on these two suggestions. I'm only stating them because if I'm having trouble now on Operative, which is supposed to be the most "overpowered" class in PvP........Then after nerf of me how the hell will I kill them then?




<---50 Sage Seer


When the OPer can do what I just did above then come speak in these forums about healing in pvp.


Oh btw check out the sage seer forums its pretty dead bro... if we do these changes you suggest then what happens then? M0aR lightning people? and Pebble throwers?







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That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. If there ever was a nerf to healing in the instance of a cooldown, BioWare would have no choice but to retune the DPS of bosses and other enemies.


No, your original suggestion of putting a cooldown is definately dumb. You think BW would put all that work into every healer needed situation just to put a cooldown on healers heals b/c Lickl can't beat them in warzones???? Oh wait, you're right, BW, I'm dumb, the OP is not.

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Apparently you need to read up some besides picking out a few choice sentences. Did you read the part about me stating that 3 of them were taking on 4 of us and not dying? Did you read the part which I stated that it took 5 guys to do enough DPS to kill the 3 sages? Did you not even read the second suggestion?


Even on a 1v1 fight, you can easily stun me then run off and I can't catch you. Just face it. 1.5 second cast timer is a joke. Just like what you think about tracer/grav round, and my hidden blade. It's a joke. At least I can admit that my class needs a nerf. Maybe you should balls up first before replying back to this thread.

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Apparently you need to read up some besides picking out a few choice sentences. Did you read the part about me stating that 3 of them were taking on 4 of us and not dying? Did you read the part which I stated that it took 5 guys to do enough DPS to kill the 3 sages? Did you not even read the second suggestion?


Even on a 1v1 fight, you can easily stun me then run off and I can't catch you. Just face it. 1.5 second cast timer is a joke. Just like what you think about tracer/grav round, and my hidden blade. It's a joke. At least I can admit that my class needs a nerf. Maybe you should balls up first before replying back to this thread.


Try isolating the healers. Works wonders. When my groups have these problems, I hilt strike one, force push and force stasis a second, and the group evaporates when the cohesion is gone.

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Apparently you need to read up some besides picking out a few choice sentences. Did you read the part about me stating that 3 of them were taking on 4 of us and not dying? Did you read the part which I stated that it took 5 guys to do enough DPS to kill the 3 sages? Did you not even read the second suggestion?


Even on a 1v1 fight, you can easily stun me then run off and I can't catch you. Just face it. 1.5 second cast timer is a joke. Just like what you think about tracer/grav round, and my hidden blade. It's a joke. At least I can admit that my class needs a nerf. Maybe you should balls up first before replying back to this thread.


You should seriously just stop posting in this thread. You are just digging yourself more into a hole every post. And it's obvious with the feedback too your OP. So you just admit that your post was a mistake, and you will go back and rethink your strat.


All I see in your posts are, "Wha Wha wha, people are using team work to beat me", "Wha wha wha, I can't do something so I want others to suffer for it".


As I currently see every situation in this game, there is no need to nerf anyone. In fact, the harder it is for me to beat someone due to a specific move they may have, the better it can make me by figureing out how to beat them. You have too much of a pesimistic attitude. Try harder.

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No, your original suggestion of putting a cooldown is definately dumb. You think BW would put all that work into every healer needed situation just to put a cooldown on healers heals b/c Lickl can't beat them in warzones???? Oh wait, you're right, BW, I'm dumb, the OP is not.


I think it's funny how you don't show a shread of proof to support your claim. You just go on the defense and throw your hatred at someone. Even if I would've said that they should extend the cast time on healing you'd cry and complain. Again, I ask that you read my thread through and through. I never said I couldn't beat a sage 1v1 in warzone. I said that with 3 of them stuck together it becomes rather stupid rather fast. Like I stated so many times before if it's 1v1 they stun and then flee to heal themselves.


Now. I'm sorry if you're offended by this, but really I don't care. I'm not going to get emotional over a game. This is my opinion. Coming from someone who leveled multiple classes while waiting for Warzones to get a little better on my server. I think I have more expertise on this subject when I talk about it. You think Trooper needs a nerf? Go play it. You think Bounty Hunter needs a nerf? Go play it. I have.

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Apparently you need to read up some besides picking out a few choice sentences. Did you read the part about me stating that 3 of them were taking on 4 of us and not dying? Did you read the part which I stated that it took 5 guys to do enough DPS to kill the 3 sages? Did you not even read the second suggestion?


Even on a 1v1 fight, you can easily stun me then run off and I can't catch you. Just face it. 1.5 second cast timer is a joke. Just like what you think about tracer/grav round, and my hidden blade. It's a joke. At least I can admit that my class needs a nerf. Maybe you should balls up first before replying back to this thread.



I'm a 50 sage seer (healer) and I can tank 3-4 people that aren't talented at pvp (Dont use their interrupt or cc to stop heal channels). I do it everyday... But 1 level 45 that uses his cc & interrupts can kill me with another level 50 that has full champ gear.

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I think it's funny how you don't show a shread of proof to support your claim. You just go on the defense and throw your hatred at someone. Even if I would've said that they should extend the cast time on healing you'd cry and complain. Again, I ask that you read my thread through and through. I never said I couldn't beat a sage 1v1 in warzone. I said that with 3 of them stuck together it becomes rather stupid rather fast. Like I stated so many times before if it's 1v1 they stun and then flee to heal themselves.


Now. I'm sorry if you're offended by this, but really I don't care. I'm not going to get emotional over a game. This is my opinion. Coming from someone who leveled multiple classes while waiting for Warzones to get a little better on my server. I think I have more expertise on this subject when I talk about it. You think Trooper needs a nerf? Go play it. You think Bounty Hunter needs a nerf? Go play it. I have.


If you really hate healers make a powertech... They do insane burst and have tons of interrupts....

Edited by Choppinrockz
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