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So why pick doc over Kira?


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The idea is that doc keeps you healed up so that, while you're taking out everything solo, he's keeping your health up to where you don't need to rest afterward. Just for myself, I was a bit questionable about the swap since I liked the extra DPS, but things do seem to go a lot faster for me when I've got Doc as my companion (whether elite or normal).
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He's the far safer choice as Defense Guardian, and with DPS Guardian/Sentinel he actually is the better choice for Elite/Champion battles.


Against trash mobs though, it doesn't really matter, but I do find it to be faster with Kira. Spending a few seconds healing back to full is less time invested compared to a slower kill time.

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the answer is simple, really - you don't pick doc if you don't need him ;)


summoning another companion takes about 2 seconds - so just stick with kira and summon doc if you know that you probably won't survive the next encounter without him.


it's not terribly hard to keep his gear somewhat up to date either- as i understand the game mechanics, most of his healing power comes from the tech power on his pistol and scattergun (they contribute about 50% of his tech power and healing). so keep his main and offhand slot somewhat up to date and he will be good enough to heal you through most elite and some champion encounters if you use your defensive cooldowns wisely.


at least, that's what i did and it worked for me through the whole campaign.

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Kira is better for DPS, but playing a defense Guardian I run with Doc. Running with Doc means I don't have to constantly pop medpacs, and to be honest I had gotten sick of Kira's comments because I had been running around with her so long.


Now I will say that if I am grouped with a player that heals, I always bring Kira.


But the fact is, when I am playing solo, Doc suits my playstyle far better than Kira.

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As a level 43 defense guardian, Doc normally slows me down. The only reason I pull him out is when the opposition relies heavily on internal/elemental damage (i.e. on Belsavis, there were a particular set of strong opponents who could layer 3 different internal damage ticks on me that did about 350 a tick each). If they don't, I just use Kira. Even when I have him out, I typically have him in his aggressive blaster stance because I really don't need as much healing as he can provide. I think the only exception to this rule so far was when I was doing the final mission for Chapter 2.
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I did get doc now at lvl 35, i hear alot about how good he is.


vs elit he is great, but vs regular mobs it takes for ever since he doesnt fight....



Fightning with kira is about 70% faster. So why pick Doc?


There's your problem: You're at L35. Doc's value takes a while make itself manifest, because of how TOR's zone design is. As a Watchman Sentinel, I had the sentiments you did after getting Doc. The character is supposed to completely change the leveling experience, making things ever-so-much better...and he doesn't really do that out of the box. Especially if you've been keeping Kira well-geared, things actually get markedly harder if you switch to Doc immediately after getting him.


Things change when you get to Belsavis, as Chapter 3 welcomes you with a bear bug of spiked enemy HP and throughput combined with the fact that you'll not be able to throw a stone without hitting a Strong. That's when ol' Doc starts really earning his keep.

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With my lvl47 defense specced Guardian I never needed Doc for anything. Did fine with Kira all the way.


Really? Interesting, I'm same specced and I often use Doc especially with elites/strongs etc. Anymore than 2-3 of those on you (without Doc) and they will own you I found. Certainly one on one wasn't a problem but where do you get that option in a dungeon area.


To the op using Doc certainly makes things a lot easier in most situations and allows you to stay alive while you wade through the hordes, totally recommend using him.

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As a purely defense spec'd Guardian, I only used Doc for Champion fights, like the bonus series ones on Balmorra.


Everything else was done with Kira.

If I were DPS, I would use Doc instead. I know how to play my class well enough that I don't think I'd have trouble killing anything on my own.

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Doc is the difference between killing 2 gold + grey and succeeding versus the same thing with Kira and dieing (Sentinel).


This is a simple logic : if your DPS is much better than your companion, it's better to have you kill things than him/her.


On the contrary, if you are the heavy tank taking 3 days to kill something, but can last an hour with 3 mobs beating you, then you need DPS to speed things up.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Really? Interesting, I'm same specced and I often use Doc especially with elites/strongs etc. Anymore than 2-3 of those on you (without Doc) and they will own you I found.


Well, I'm not saying there were no close fights. Sometimes you have to use Force Stasis and Force Push to take a strong/elite out of the fight for a bit. And of course I have to use a medpack occasionally. Just saying, that I never ran into a fight that I couldn't win with Kira.

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i'm a level 37 guardian, so i've had doc for only a couple of levels but i reckon he's awesome. the fights are only slightly longer but you'll never have to use introspection after fights so overall gameplay is more time-efficient. i also had a much better time solo-ing heroic 2 quests with doc. i never need to pot or even use my shield generator, soresu form was enough.


i have his blaster stance turned on so he helps with dps while he heals as well.

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I went from 10-50 as a def spec'd guardian and used Kira 95ish% of the time. There were 2 class boss fights in the 40s I needed Doc's heals for and another class boss fight I had no choice as to who my companion was. Other than that, it was Kira and me for everything.
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The kill speed difference was marginal for me, but not having to rest after every group of mobs because I had Doc is huge. Overall it's much faster leveling with him even though you may kill stuff a little slower.


And of course, Elites are a joke with Doc.

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It depends on your advanced class and spec. If you are dps then Doc is definately the better choice for everything but trash mobs. If you are a guardian tank, then Kira is pretty much good for everything but the tougher mob pulls (usually like 1 gold mob with extras or 2+ Silver Mobs) or bosses. Even then it's a matter of your gear and kira's gear at that point.


On my level 50 guardian, I find myself using Kira 75% of the time now that I have both Kira and Doc maxed out on Affection. She makes killing stuff so much faster.

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Combat Sentinel, I ran with Kira up until I got Scourge. Without an issue I used her for everything short of boss fights. Yes it could have been easier using Doc all along, but that was why I did it that way. I was a masochist so I could continuously learn and relearn just what my class could do.
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Running Combat Sent i find Kira useless after some point and Doc just perfect.

Mobs later on start hitting harder without increasing their defences (hp and armor) a lot.

I simply destroy them so fast with Combat Sent that i don't need another dps. What i need is more survivability and less downtime and Doc is just the right choice for that.

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Every time I see this question discussed, it's always a decision between Kira and Doc. Why does no one use Rusk? His aoe Dps dominates Kira's for groups of weak mobs, doesn't it?


He doesn't look as good in the dancer outfit to me. :D


Although, I guess opinions on that could vary. :p

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As a sentinel I've rarely used Kira up to level 29 now. Been T7 all the way. Little sucker takes all the agro with his 6 orange modded gear while I melt everything on him in seconds. Kira is nice and all but harder to find gear (had to buy the leia bikini outift just so she'd have something good to wear) and never takes agro away from me so I just end up getting beat around every fight.


The better question for me is who do I use when I get doc... him or T7? Will have to experiment on that one.

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