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The Jedi Consular story....


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Hmm, maybe I'm alone with my point of view, but I actually LIKED the JC story. Indeed, you are "pure" Jedi of , say, most "canonical" way it can be made. as someone stated elsewhere JC story is kinda KOTOR3 and for that I am happy. Did not pay much attention to any PvP just focused on the story. Leading my little army on Corellia was, indeed, fun, maybe just too late. Another planet with them around would be better.

No, I was not really disappointed that they immediately sent me out to Ilum - it's just a consequence of my previous dealings, isn't it? I was good at fights and diplomacy and Ilum needs both, so..here U go.

The only sour part this was that the final title definitely should be "of the Council" - the current given refers strictly to Chapter 2 and not to 3.


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I'm on Balmorra in Act 2 of the JC story. I'm liking it so far. Act 1 did get a little slow at times, and I was ready for it to be over and move on to other things. Overall, though, I like being a diplomat capable of leading armies and bringing entire planets back to the Republic.


My Consular is the first character I made so of course I am going to be pretty protective and attached to her. Haha.

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I loved the Consular story. You just have to be prepared for it going in. I leveled my Consular while my friend played a Knight, and we were delighted at the differing storylines. And while I can see how people might find Chapter 1 to be a little slow, my friend was jealous when I got to do things like

walk into the Peace Summit on Alderaan


add my own entry to the Jedi Archives



Essentially, you have to know you're playing a different kind of Jedi. One who is more a diplomat than a straight-up warrior. For me, that was excellent, and I'm hoping that when the class stories are continued, I'll get to see people like

Hallow Voice, Gaden-Ko, and Tai Cordan


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The first act:



Had way too many 'save jedi X from the mysterious plague' missions. They just went on and on. And on. Saving one would have been enough. It seemed like the story-writers had no ideas to begin with.



The story only really picks up in the second and third acts, which were great

right up to the inevitable betrayal and anti-climactic boss fight ... in a cave? It's hardly Obi-Wan V Anakin, is it?



My biggest complaint, however, is that the whole storyline seems geared towards being a sage. I played Shadow, supposedly the secret justice arm of the Jedi, but it just didn't seem relevant at all.


We also get borked on companions.

Qyzen gets old real fast, and it takes ages to get to the next one. I liked Theran, and Holiday is a great bonus, but Iresso and .... that Twi'lek dude .... were too similar and came too close together. I don't think either of them got much of a run around with me. Nadia makes a good Padawan, and although I didn't romance her, I think it's a bit harsh giving the consular the female romance option at the very end. Also, I think romancing a Padawan is a bit ... creepy, tbh.



All in all I'd give the consular arc 6.5 out of ten.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The whole thing felt rather uninspired.


But what I found most offensive was the overuse of expository dialogue. BioWare made the fatal mistake of telling me the effect I was having on the galaxy, rather than showing me. The fact that I am constantly being told by NPCs of my past deeds and how they have changed events was quite frankly insulting. It was especially bad during the encounter with the First Son (which was a major anti-climax in and of itself - really, a random cave is where my final showdown takes place?).


On the other hand, I did rather enjoy the Rift Alliance portion, as I found the various personalities of the Rift to be a nice change of pace from the very formulaic first chapter. Still, I would've preferred investigating mysteries of the Force (you know, like the class story was described as) rather than being a gofer.

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The story is interesting.

Act 1 is where you study the mystery of the Force if you really pay attention to the dialog.


Act 2 is where you become a diplomat.


Act 3 well you become a general leading a whole army.


Since you are a consular you wont have any epic fight or glory like a knight, your last fight is in a cave which is logical because that is where 1 of the fortress should be.


Personally people should not play consular simply because you like to wield double saber. They should have read the description of a Jedi Consular clearly before playing. If you did not read it and dont like the story; instead of complaining to Bioware and Lucast Art, you should have be responsible and say: I was stupid for not reading the description.

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What annoys me about the complaints regarding the Consular story is that they tend to revolve around Act I. Yes, that Act takes too long and gets boring. But so do all the others. The only Act I I have really been impressed with has been the Sith Warrior. Edited by Master-Nala
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  • 2 months later...

In reading some of the responses in regards to Act1 being a little long, I have to wonder if you are new players or been around awhile...


Being a brand new Swtor player, I thought that it was not too many to save as I was learning game mechanics as I went... for example:


I never used interupts or stuns till the end of the Act... wasnt needed...

Plus learning a number of things that Swtor does that breaks the traditional mmo mold


As a Sage you are a caster and a diplomat and you follow the code... if those 3 things dont come natural to you then yeah... you might not be happy with the story... but thats not the stories fault...


As for Nadia... when L60 or L70 is the cap, Im sure her romance will pan out fine

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Level 50 Consular Sage here; wasn't bored at all. Simply put, if you don't like diplomacy and following the Jedi Code, you're probably not going to be impressed with the consular storyline.


You're essentially playing an Obi-esque character; as you might recall, they're somewhat low-key until they absolutely have no other choice. For folk looking for excitement, thrills, and action, this likely doesn't hit the sweet spot of expectation. Then again, for those who get diplomacy as a profession and its affect on much larger events, it is exciting, thrilling, and action-filled.


(And no, the storyline doesn't really "change" except that your encounters with the "evil" folk get harder as you go along.)


My $0.02 worth.


Obiwan had love affairs fought in a massive war ,lost his friend to the dark side was sent into Exile watch his entire Order wiped out in a genocide , (Was not Infalliable didn't win all his fights ,and the Narrative didn't say he was always right like the one in TOR does and gives slap on the wrist for committing crimes ) . Faced down thousand of tsuken raider to protect luke birth place , Had a personality cracked jokes , didn't always Blindly believe with the jedi counsel .Fought Darth Vador lol


If Consular story was like Obi wan I would have no Problems LOL. - please do not compare one-dimensional tripe consular crap to obi wan . If the Counslar story was a mirror of Obi wan or Yoda actual history it would be far better than the Imperial agent story . You wouldn't hear constant complaint that the story sucks in-game . Hell even yoda had a far more exciting life and he's a Jedi master , so that a load of horse-crap lol. that TOR consular has anything in relationships to them. bio-ware can do much better


if anyone has read the expanded universe and seen the Movies would know the Jedi archetypes are poor shadows of the heroes based on with the worse being the consular (They remind me of those generic jedi in the movie you know the one, the one no one care about and get killed easily ?The equivalent of the red shirt from Star Trek. ) The heroes always had something interesting about them to care about or make them laugh , Flaws , Generic jedi are fodder for Sith and separatist bombs ) .


Which is why I can't understand why someone would pick that for a main hero in TOR , (I mean the writer could be really really incompetent , Or so obsessed with making a character mirror the Jedi code she forgot to write a human being with flaws and complexity of real life ? ) it a generic Jedi , generic background jedi as generic as can be and you would never write a Star wars Movie/novel/or mainstream game with it as a starring character because they are narrative devices to be killed or ridiculed , or made fun of for being hypocrite . It the the kind that writer use to kill off normally or get rid of in the main star wars story , or used as essentially Narrative fodder for a villain . Not really a hero with human qualities and flaws anyone cares about .


In comparison to what character feel more human and have choice and consequences , You got (Imperial agent at the top ) and Consular at the very bottom , One-dimensional predictable ,zero choice (Pretty much there only Light Side and ur more light side !) Not sure why they did this the Sith get more choice between Light dark and neutral than the jedi get .When they made the consular they didn't write a human being with flaws and conflict they wrote *I am good , I am good I am gonna win because am Good !" No tension predictable dramatic conflict and frankly no story consequences. (Who care if I kill the master Or let them live , I'll still get a cookie for at the end of the day =/)


What makes it even worse is they try to make it Epic in chapter 3 and still make no logical sense why I should care or even believe in this characters ? Even the companions are one-dimensional . Not a fleshed out character that feels like they lived a life at all . Frankly hope the writer got fired and never works on another story in TOR again.


Remind me of Very bad fantasy archetype and less star wars , Something out of Guild wars 2 (I AM LAWFUL GOOD because you know I am lawful good , that what the name tag says , No emotional realism what so ever lol) And really you can't lose even the (Oh your looking weaker from the ritual ) doesn't have any long term narrative effects on the plot . Could of sent a death squad out to wipe out the Jedi corrupted and would of made zero-effect on the story

Edited by OceanwaveII
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Obiwan had love affairs fought in a massive war ,lost his friend to the dark side was sent into Exile watch his entire Order wiped out in a genocide


He always ended the love affairs before they went anywhere due to his dedication to the code, he reluctantly fought in the war because he preferred negotiation ('The Negotiator'...), and the other two bits are just story-line features, not really character traits...


if anyone has read the expanded universe


But who actually cares about the expanded universe? You and maybe 5% of players. As examples go, using Obi-Wan as the example of a stereotypical well-rounded and traditional Jedi is quite a good one.


Which is why I can't understand why someone would pick that for a main hero in TOR , (I mean the writer could be really really incompetent , Or so obsessed with making a character mirror the Jedi code she forgot to write a human being with flaws and complexity of real life ? )


Well have you even played the game? You can have character flaws because it's your choice... There isn't *just* light side options, there are middle-ground and dark side options for most things as well, all of which can be based on your consular's emotions.



I tend to agree the Consular's storyline is bland and not very well developed, but too much anger in you I sense.

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I liked the story. It's not action-packed, but I liked the diplomacy. It really felt like I was making a difference in the galaxy and bringing people together.


I would have loved this, if the story actually rewarded you in some tangible way other than just a cut-scene where someone says you make a difference in the galaxy...


For example, all that build your alliance and army stuff could have been made far more dependent on the player's choices, and then could have actually had your forces and enemy ones fighting each other in the last sequence, instead of just saying 'oh your men won'.


Diplomacy and being the shrewd, wise Jedi Master is great fun, but the way they made the storyline so un-interactive isn't.

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My Sage has only just got to Tatooine but I'm liking the story so far, it makes me feel like a... well..Jedi Sage very wise and yoda-like, it also feels more mystical than the JK story which outside of Tython was just very formulaic action, action, action and then after chapter 1 it became boring also :(


At least the JC story (so far) makes you feel like you are a jedi and not just an action hero like JK

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Hey Howdy Hey,


I just hit 50 with my Jedi Consular and I'm finishing up the class story.


I have to say the story has become more interesting especially for Chapter 3.


I don't want to add any spoilers, but I would say stick it out until the end. It is worth it. Chapter 3 makes slogging through the other 2 chapters worthwhile.


So far the story gets 7/10 for me. I'll finalize this number as soon as I complete the Class story.

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I'd definitely say the JC story isn't for everyone, good thing there are 7 others to pick from. I'm enjoying the heck out of it. Yeah, not as actiony as others, but thats why I like it. Love having ( use the force ) as an story option.



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Level 50 Consular Sage here; wasn't bored at all. Simply put, if you don't like diplomacy and following the Jedi Code, you're probably not going to be impressed with the consular storyline.


You're essentially playing an Obi-esque character; as you might recall, they're somewhat low-key until they absolutely have no other choice. For folk looking for excitement, thrills, and action, this likely doesn't hit the sweet spot of expectation. Then again, for those who get diplomacy as a profession and its affect on much larger events, it is exciting, thrilling, and action-filled.


(And no, the storyline doesn't really "change" except that your encounters with the "evil" folk get harder as you go along.)


My $0.02 worth.




Exactly. This is how i played my storyline and i absolutely loved it.

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I'm playing a LS shadow, and level 44 now. I've gotten a Sith warrior and a Trooper up to 50, and so far, the Consular story is far and away my favorite. I got tired of it in the first act, much as I have with my bh, shielding masters and collecting bounties both get old at the same speed. However, some of the most jaw dropping moments in the game for me have been thoughout act 2. My only real complaint was that Tython was rather bland.
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