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Should successful interrupts be a flat 4 second silence/lockout of some sort?


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And hell, this thread wasn't even supposed to be about healers. I'm sorry the medal system is not good but this has absolutely nothing to do w/ this thread. Edited by Ellvaan
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I feel like for casters the game is a lot more forgiving than it is for most melees. Seems like this is mostly because if any of their casts get interrupted they can just cast something else.


I don't think I've ever seen someone bother to fake cast in this game... Ever.



a 4 second lockout might be a little bit much, maybe 2 or 3 depending on the interrupt, but what do you guys think?



edit: To add, my main reasoning for starting this thread Is I posted a thread earlier today asking people which class they thought took the most skill.


Out of some 6 pages not a single person said sorcerer, mercenary, operative, and only some 3 people said sniper.


I figured the reason for this is that melee classes are penalized a lot more for playing badly in this game than caster classes are.



You're right. All of the melee players who open with charge in this game are truly great players, but they are just victims of an unforgiving and underpowered class structure.


Interrupts are fine, couple that with the outrageous damage and stuns in this game and you shouldn't have a problem killing casters.

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Notice a theme here? The people calling for this change have minimal game knowledge at best, on average.


I'm thinking that's why they're having so much trouble in the first place.


And the people saying that a lockout would be a bad idea... Sounds like most of the people on the forums just have minimal game knowledge.

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And hell, this thread wasn't even supposed to be about healers. I'm sorry the medal system is not good but this has absolutely nothing to do w/ this thread.


But your idea punishes healers more than anyone else, and nearly all the examples used are against healers.


So it really IS about healers.

Edited by Ellvaan
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I just made a thread asking people which class they thought took the most skill... Almost every single answer was a melee class.


And I have to agree with them, in this game melee are just not faceroll.


How difficult or easy something is, has nothing to do with how strong the class is. The game isn't and shouldn't be balanced around the mouth breathers and helmet-wearing droolers.


What you're suggesting makes melee significantly stronger, they're fine as is, I play a sent, shadow, scoundrel, sage and commando - all 50 but the sent, 43. Geared except the shadow and sent.


If my shadow or sentinel or scoundrel locked people out for even 2-3 seconds much less 4, I would walk over every single healer in the game except other ops/Mercs with reactive shield active. They would not be able to survive, it wouldn't be possible. Sentinel alone would dominate any caster without even trying.

Edited by Haeso
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And the people saying that a lockout would be a bad idea... Sounds like most of the people on the forums just have minimal game knowledge.


No, we just have experience as healers and know how bad things get when our main heal is interupted.

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But your idea punishes healers more than anyone else, and nearly all the examples used are against healers.


So it really IS about healers.


Pretty much this. Every class will have something to fall back on. Healers don't.


Because they're so much invested into healing, their damage is minimal at best. If they're locked out of their healing spec, then there's simply no way in hell that they can outlast the damage done until they get the tree back and even when they do, so what? Another person comes to locks them out again


There's also the fact that I'm certain Aidank hasn't played a healer, or he'll know it's a LOT more difficult then he makes it.


Being bad or good doesn't have any bearing on being focused down. Being bad or good has no bearing on being interrupted and cc'd. There's simply put out a heal spec based power, and the birds will flock to tear the healer apart because that healer is keeping them from their kill and win.

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Aidank, what Class/Level/Spec and Valor Rank are you?


Would interupts also prevent melee from meleeing?


I've got a 58 madness sorc and a 52 scoundrel that I've been playing as a dirty fighting hybrid.



And inb4 scoundrel burst, I realize scrapper opener burst is too much, so I've been testing out hybrid specs since the nerf was announced because Imo it's more fun.



Edit: I've tried both of my classes as healers, Sorcerer healing is very easy, operative healing imo is a lot more difficult, but that's a problem with operatives, not healers in general.

Edited by Aidank
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Every healer in WoW utilized the same school for their heals.


Crappy rogue who didn't know how to kick detected



You do realize discipline and holy are two different schools right? Priests had those two, paladins had holy, druids and shamans had nature. Try again.

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School lockouts are stupid for interrupts. They are dumb in wow and dumb on paper, in practice, on a boat , with a goat.


Interrupts are fine, stuns are fine.


Bad players are already complaining how they are crowd controlled all the time.

Edited by RealAeiouy
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It's fine as it is right now. Between interrupts, pushback, knockbacks, mezzes and stuns, it's already plenty hard to get timed casts off unless you create some distance first.


I am inclined to agree here.


Why should healers be penalized because DPS don't bother to interrupt? They don't bother to chain their abilities together to burst me down. They don't bother to pool their resources so that they can burst me down. Put a good player who knows how to pressure a healer on me, and it's a different story, of course. But against most of the randoms in WZs, it's barely even worth the effort to try and juke a heal since hardly anyone will bother to interrupt you anyhow.


I feel like a blanket lockout would just reward the bad players and give the good ones an insanely unfair advantage against casters. If you change something like this, it would become necessary to implement lots of other little changes to balance out the healers and caster DPS.

Edited by belialle
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This isn't about me though. Don't make this one of those threads where you resort to personal attacks because you don't have an argument.


No, it's about your stupid idea, not you. That's correct.


How difficult or easy a class is to play is irrelevant when it comes to how powerful it is and should be.


If you have to do more than roll your face across the keyboard to be successful, that doesn't mean you have any right to be stronger than the classes that don't need to do more.

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I completely agree. This is why ranged is so strong in this game.


Lack of a meaningful interrupt means a melee in melee range is not nearly as punishing as it should be. People have so many ways to kite that if they should be fine with this change. But people can just free cast and facetank a melee and try and out damage them.




melee have the inherit downside of needing to be close when attacking enemies. this is usually made up for by them being more punishing on people when they do get close. with such a lame interrupt that isn't the case

Edited by VoidSpectre
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This isn't about me though. Don't make this one of those threads where you resort to personal attacks because you don't have an argument.


Because if you were any good, or played with people over Valor 60 with some BM gear you'd know that 4 seconds of downtime would be incredibly fatal. Especially because Sentinels/Marauders can interrupt 4 spells in a row if done correctly.


What the interrupts do isn't the problem, people actually doing the interrupting is the problem.

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You do realize discipline and holy are two different schools right? Priests had those two, paladins had holy, druids and shamans had nature. Try again.


Oh, sorry I thought we were talking about heals which you said every class had multiple schools of.


Then I correct you, and you correct yourself and then you tell me to try again? Try again.

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melee have the inherit downside of needing to be close when attacking enemies. this is usually made up for by them being more punishing on people when they do get close. with such a lame interrupt that isn't the case


Melee also gain from heals, bubble etc to you know?


Or did you annoy all the healers in the Warzones that they don't bother to actually help you any more?


I group with a Marauder and a Mercenary quite often, I'll always position myself to be able to heal the Marauder and he can often survive 2/3 people beating on him whilst he rips the healers etc apart. If he gets into trouble I force pull him out. But most people, are probably to ignorant to realise that Healers actually heal them too.


Unless your one of the melee's who put's themselves smack back in the middle of the enemy team, without considering the positioning of your healer.


I'm also normally in Team speak with these people, or failing that I call out in /ops that they are out of range etc.


Good communication and team work can set the good from the bad.


If I get my main heal interupted, then it's more often than not game over.

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By the way the problem with suggestions like this are they are targeted at 1v1 play and not team play.


Interrupts and stuns serve their purpose in a team environment.


A lasting interrupt doesn't even make sense. An interrupt should interrupt the current ability, hence the name. It is not called filabuster.

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Fake casting in wow only worked because healers could afford it. They survived longer, they could keep themselves up without casting for longer periods, they had different schools of magic and it was easier to prevent a melee sitting on you.


It's already incredibily easy for melees to get to their targets, and it's 10 times harder for ranged to get away from melee as compared to wow. Maybe excluding sorcerers.


But as it is now, total lockouts or silences would destroy any non sorcerer as it would basically be just another stun which isn't affected by resolve.

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