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What's your opinion about this game?


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Well for me the game for a just released MMO is very good and very balanced with few bugs when you consider the actual size and magnitude of the game. We are only a month in yet already we have seen a major content patch, bug fixes and an assortment of changes etc to try and balance the game between the people who never will try and cheat a little to the ones that will exploit the second they get the chance.


An mmo company can only guess as to what the playerbase will actually do with the content provided to them and they hope that common sense previels. Obviously there are some people who will use any excuse to exploit and think that its not only funny but that they will have zero come back onto them no matter what damage they actually do to the game. Prime example illum a few weeks ago and the traded illum kills that have been documented.


How anyone expects an mmo company to think that they can trust the playerbase todo as the content was intended to play is having a laugh and the people who scream about they are rail roaded into specific gameplay need to sit down and look at why specific gameplay is rail roaded as it stand to the fact that to much freedom is always abused by a minority which reflects badly onto the majority.


This MMO is not only a great RPG which can be solo played from 1-50 but also it encourages group gameplay from 1-50 via alternative story within the game dependant on which party member actualy replys and wins the roll to answer.


Space is fun and challenging if a little limited right now but supports a great base to be built upon for future development which is a key to longevity of an mmo.


The PVP is if not fully balanced at the moment but it is fun and engaging, multiple map styles and game types. with future additions already promised and if they ever add a spectator mode wouldnt just open games like hutball up for players to actual enjoy watching but also allow it for the use within esports.


The UI is a little meh to some people but it is fully functional. The things they have said is coming also adds the feeling that what we have now is nothing compared to what we shall have.


All in all then for me to say the game is just out and the stuff we have now and the things we know are coming states that what we have now is the barebones for swtor and what we will have maybe just 1 years time from now will be astounding for a game that will only have been out a year never mind the fact that its main game that it is compared to is over 7 years old and has all that time behind it in not just development time but also in the fact that it has had that time to develope and update its game.

Edited by Shingara
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For one you havent even played gw2 so how can you even compare it? Also you have only based the positives on graphics which is always a mistake.


well, I can't say that GW2 is already better than swtor since it hasn't come out yet.

But it's hard to imagine any games worse than swtor.


Graphicwise, well...maybe :rolleyes:


I should have known that swtor enemies are all going to be either

1. human with handguns made in 80's

2. droids

3. sith with light saber

4. colicoid :) ....well...I actually liked colicoid :D and zombies :cool: but thes ones I listed as 1,2, and 3 are over 90% and that's a big disappointment. I already see some cool looking enemy designs in GW2 and diablo 3.


also, I really enjoyed tython because it has such a beautiful environment design. And then as soon as they went to nar shada, republic fleet....everything feels so inorganic and too simple. Desert and snow places....well...they got nothing but either sand or snow. Why couldn't they think harder? When I was in art class, our teachers would always tell us to be creative. STWOR designers should've entered my elementary school art class.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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It's been out for a month and I think it's about time to write a non-biased review about this game.


In my opinion, this game has a lot of problems. I am sure some people will disagree, but here are what I think.


This is an online game, but it feels more like a single player game with some heroic missions that require more than 1 person. Spacebattle feels like a shooting game that we played in arcade with 25 cents coin when we didn't have the internet. There are many places that stops you from mounting and you must run pointlessly. Every planet has airlock and orbital station that make players waste so much of their time without having fun.



I haven't played all the classes but I can say that Jedi Knight story is really boring. Also, since 99% of the story is side quests that are shared with other classes, I can imagine how boring other class stories are, too. Side quests are basically go bring this, go destroy this, go kill this person...etc. One of my friends is a bioware fan and he kept telling me how epic the story was going to be. I expected a story that is very emotional, heart breaking, or has twists, but none of them were in this game. Whether you choose light or dark side, it won't change the story enough to make you think.


The game is fully voiced but half of NPC are aliens with pig or elephant sound.


Once you reach level 50, there are not many things to enjoy. You already finished your quests, and basically the only thing you can do is flashpoints, operations, and PVP.


I am sure they will add more of these as they did with patch 1.1.

But I have finished most of flashpoints at least once or twice, and repeating these is not fun at all. It's just the exact same mission over and over without any kind of variety.


Whenever we form a group, it takes a long time before we can start because we all need to gather in front of the mission entrance. There is no teleport feature to instantly summon your group members. The rest of the group must waste their time or take a shower and come back.

This happened almost every time whether I played the game with my friends, guildies, or random people.



When there are huge number of players (either republic fleet or ilum open world pvp) the game lags so much.



Overall, I am not impressed with this game.


I agree with most of your points.


I tried my first warzone today...was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had on a video game - so I won't be doing those again anytime soon lol


The game makes for a solid single-player game - but as an MMORPG it leaves a lot to be desired. I give this game 6 months tops, then unless some major changes are implemented, this game is going to go into a freefall.

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You kinda don't get it. A lot of people didn't buy this game hoping it would suck so they could come to the forums and troll. I for one love Star Wars. I remember being a kid and wishing I had force powers. I had over 50 action figures, Millennium Falcon, Death Star, Jawa robot base, and a bunch of other stuff. When Luke got his hand cut-off, I would think how cool it would be to find his light-saber.


However, I also played several MMOs over the last 10 years. This one just isn't good and it kinda makes me mad because it is Star Wars. I really wanted it to be good. I wanted to waste hours and hours of my life playing but like many many many others have said, this is not a very good game. It isn't a MMO.


I feel the same, i really wanted this game to be cool and to succeed. I have watched the movies some hundred times and i own almost every Star Wars book that exists on this planet.


But the game is just not what i expected and i dont see that this problems can be patched away because there are just to much core problems and basic design failures

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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The travel system is horrendous which is made worse by the amount of loading screens and transitions. This is amplified even more by some of the large maps with far travel distances. It's bad enough the loading screens take forever, but the game also likes to hang for a good time when you quit out.


The horrid amount of transition zones was something that Blizzard fixed back in BC with bettre map design and simply getting rid of excess areas that add nothing. There is no point in making people run through little areas which have no purpose other than to make them run through them. (Also not a big Blizzard fan tbh, but I do remember them fixing that back in 2006 or whenever that was.)


I'm am sourly disappointed by how the pvp combat feels. For me it functions well as a single player game. I feel like they tried to polish it too much or something and it just feels flat. There is nothing visceral about the combat, and while it's okay, it's nothing special. It looks like they have went for a functional system, rather than going for broke and creating something really fun. Like, it feels to mechanical and prescribed, not to mention slow and plodding (in large part because of the relatively slower movement speed while in combat).


Sounds are great, voice acting is good.


The story is good, but after lvl 35 or so nothing feels original, even moreso every little story arc feels predictable, forgettable, and mechanic in nature. Forcing more derivative Bioware cliches down my throat = space bar.


Part of me thinks they cut the budget part way through (if not I feel bad for the investors, unless its EA, then i don't give a ****).


But wth do I know, I played Aion for almost 2 years because I liked the combat system and pvp.




But I will say it's not all bad, it's just the bad stuff is sticking out more than the good stuff for me.

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its the same like a feel, i really wanted this game to be cool and to succeed. I have watched the movies some hundred times and i own almost every Star Wars book that exists on this planet.


But the game is just not what i expected and i dont see that this problems can be patched away because there are just to much core problems and basic design failures

I doubt that they can get rid of airlocks and orbital stations with patches :(

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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You kinda don't get it. A lot of people didn't buy this game hoping it would suck so they could come to the forums and troll. I for one love Star Wars. I remember being a kid and wishing I had force powers. I had over 50 action figures, Millennium Falcon, Death Star, Jawa robot base, and a bunch of other stuff. When Luke got his hand cut-off, I would think how cool it would be to find his light-saber.


However, I also played several MMOs over the last 10 years. This one just isn't good and it kinda makes me mad because it is Star Wars. I really wanted it to be good. I wanted to waste hours and hours of my life playing but like many many many others have said, this is not a very good game. It isn't a MMO.


It isnt what you wanted it to be which is why most people are mad. A fair assessment even though its a little "entitlement" for my tastes.

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well, I can't say that GW2 is already better than swtor since it hasn't come out yet.

But it's hard to imagine any games worse than swtor.


Graphicwise, well...maybe :rolleyes:


I should have known that swtor enemies are all going to be either

1. human with handguns made in 80's

2. droids

3. sith with light saber

4. colicoid :) ....well...I actually liked colicoid :D and zombies :cool: but thes ones I listed as 1,2, and 3 are over 90% and that's a big disappointment. I already see some cool looking enemy designs in GW2 and diablo 3.


also, I really enjoyed tython because it has such a beautiful environment design. And then as soon as they went to nar shada, republic fleet....everything feels so inorganic and too simple. Desert and snow places....well...they got nothing but either sand or snow. Why couldn't they think harder? When I was in art class, our teachers would always tell us to be creative. STWOR designers should've entered my elementary school art class.


WoW has run the whole fantasy elf, gnome, whatever into the ground. Its a good thing to have swtor out there as a high tech mmo-ish type of game.

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I'm a Star Wars fan above all else, and I have played and loved KotOR since release. The lack of end game, bugs whatever dont bother me one bit, its the story and look of the game that spoil it for me. Maybe my standards are too high, but I have had a neutral look on my face since creating my character... not one time have I had any level of fun, excitement or emotion from any part of this game; Its just not good enough for the Old Republic era, and the legacy left by Tales of the Jedi and KotOR, and certainly not good enough to kill SWG.


The Old Republic (era) should be epic, and MMO's should be more open to customization and blazing your own trail... This has neither.

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There are going to be so many people massively disappointed when they realize Guild Wars 2 is a really bad combination of Unreal Tournament and League of Legends...


I think the real question is, which game will eventually disappoint more people :rolleyes:


I am an extremely picky gamer so it's hard to find a game that really fits my taste so I basically care about which game has less flaws :D

It was just hard for me to think of any games worse than swtor, but if GW2 can break the record then maybe diablo3 is next.

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The game is average and sells itself on the SW licence. Overused combat system. Space combat missions repeat themselfs as you do the higher versions. Legacy system isn't finished. The "major content" patch added the missing bosses in the 2nd raid. Something that should of been in at launch.


Game holds your hand down a very linear path for questing. The story might be interesting depending on the class but you have no real choice in how it develops. No differant planet routes to take. Crafting takes long the higher you get it and then stops being useful when you hit 50 since farmable mobs offer cheap gear you can get off the AH.


I enjoyed the ride to 50. I didn't play 8 hours a day but saw everything i could on my only character. I did every soloable quest I could. I got geared up and found a pug 8man raid and saw and defeated all bosses in 2 nights time.


Average game has nothing to keep my interest.

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1. This game has really problems with high-end level content's difficulty. It's astoundingly easy! My guild are casual. We raiding 2/7 with my guildmates about 3 hours per raid, and this week we completed 4/5 NM EV + HM 5th boss in EV and HM 5/5 KP.


2. This game has really problems with bugs. Yesterday we spent more than 4 or 5 tries to complete 4th event in EV. Buttons on pillars just bugged and bugged from try to try - some moment its became inactive and we are do nothing except wipe. And I not talking about evading daily mobs, broken loot system in N ops, bugged UI and so on.


3. This game has really problems with lags. Its seems so game's engine doesn't support more 20+ ppl in small area. And this is completely disabled any massive PvP.


4. There is some ppl lived in GMT+2, +3 an so on, who saying "Thank you so much, Bioware!" Maintenance on the weekend in american's time is the one from the most annoying thing that you can invent.


5. I like story-based leveling and new FP and OP's bosses (added in last big patch) are good, but game almost haven't high-end content still. Hope Bioware working on it or soon I'll have nothing to do in this game.

Edited by cyberxeit
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My opinion is this game should of been a sandbox mmo like SWG, not a themepark/sharded instance mmo. It's also fairly middle of the road, nothing special/not extremely terrible either. That pretty much sums it up.


LOL, thempark/shared instance MMO :D You really nailed it.

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By now I am pretty sure almost only haters show on the forums to tell us over and over how bad this game is. How different is it ingame and when you talk to people irl about this game.


Yeah, pretty much. But that's understandable - I've yet to see a game where the forum population actively reflects the playerbase at large.

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