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What's your opinion about this game?


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It's been out for a month and I think it's about time to write a non-biased review about this game.


In my opinion, this game has a lot of problems. I am sure some people will disagree, but here are what I think.


This is an online game, but it feels more like a single player game with some heroic missions that require more than 1 person. Spacebattle feels like a shooting game that we played in arcade with 25 cents coin when we didn't have the internet. There are many places that stops you from mounting and you must run pointlessly. Every planet has airlock and orbital station that make players waste so much of their time without having fun.



I haven't played all the classes but I can say that Jedi Knight story is really boring. Also, since 99% of the story is side quests that are shared with other classes, I can imagine how boring other class stories are, too. Side quests are basically go bring this, go destroy this, go kill this person...etc. One of my friends is a bioware fan and he kept telling me how epic the story was going to be. I expected a story that is very emotional, heart breaking, or has twists, but none of them were in this game. Whether you choose light or dark side, it won't change the story enough to make you think.


The game is fully voiced but half of NPC are aliens with pig or elephant sound.


Once you reach level 50, there are not many things to enjoy. You already finished your quests, and basically the only thing you can do is flashpoints, operations, and PVP.


I am sure they will add more of these as they did with patch 1.1.

But I have finished most of flashpoints at least once or twice, and repeating these is not fun at all. It's just the exact same mission over and over without any kind of variety.


Whenever we form a group, it takes a long time before we can start because we all need to gather in front of the mission entrance. There is no teleport feature to instantly summon your group members. The rest of the group must waste their time or take a shower and come back.

This happened almost every time whether I played the game with my friends, guildies, or random people.



When there are huge number of players (either republic fleet or ilum open world pvp) the game lags so much.



Overall, I am not impressed with this game.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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From 1-49 was a blast!

Warzone was an exciting challenge, questing never felt so alive.

Once the 50 bracket WZ came in, the 10-49 warzone was sweet as honey.


Now that I hit 50, I don't like it anymore.

I also don't want to make another character. I've chosen my one with love and consideration. And have no interest in trying out another.


Now at 50, the game has become stale for me. Unfortunately.

Warzone isn't as fun as before

Too many warzone leavers, too many leet geared players.

Still have those silly warzone afkers.


Not my style.

Edited by Krondorf
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199 million on cut scenes and voice overs. 1 million on the rest :(


And to be quite honest, the name should have been: Star Wars The Loading Screen


I've been playing about a week now and I'm SO SICK AND TIRED of loading screens. Travel is an abomination in this game.


I can see and understand why so many people are leaving. A lot of things, the way they were designed, just make the game a PITA!


I love it enough to stay though and put up with it in hopes that they make some much needed convenience changes (quality of life changes).

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199 million on cut scenes and voice overs. 1 million on the rest :(


And to be quite honest, the name should have been: Star Wars The Loading Screen


I've been playing about a week now and I'm SO SICK AND TIRED of loading screens. Travel is an abomination in this game.


I can see and understand why so many people are leaving. A lot of things, the way they were designed, just make the game a PITA!


I love it enough to stay though and put up with it in hopes that they make some much needed convenience changes (quality of life changes).


Loading is definitely long but once it loads, it basically doesn't have any loading time until you go to a different planet so I think it's understandable.


But it definitely has too many boring cut scenes. All I hear during flashpoint mission is "could you please press the spacebar so we don't have to waste another 5 min listening to this boring conversation?" I don't know who wrote the story but it definitely aimed for elementary school kids.


From 1-49 was a blast!

Warzone was an exciting challenge, questing never felt so alive.

Once the 50 bracket WZ came in, the 10-49 warzone was sweet as honey.


Now that I hit 50, I don't like it anymore.

I also don't want to make another character. I've chosen my one with love and consideration. And have no interest in trying out another.


Now at 50, the game has become stale for me. Unfortunately.

Warzone isn't as fun as before

Too many warzone leavers, too many leet geared players.

Still have those silly warzone afkers.


Not my style.

PVP is all about who got better items instead of who got better skills.

I think this is a common problem in this genre though.

Ilum exploit definitely ruined PVP of this game forever.


And it also doesn't make sense to seperate lvl 49 and 50 but doesn't separate level 10 and 49.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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I recently got to 50 on my second character. My first one is a Juggernaut but as it turns out melee tanking in this game is terribad and I don't enjoy playing a tank at all.


Then again, once you hit 50 the game becomes nothing but a slew of daily quests which you do... for no reason whatsoever since I haven't been able to find FP groups in ages.

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amazing! it's outright awesome. This is a game meant to be played for fun and immersion with story and full voice acting. That's what it is. I love this game and will love it for years to come. I have come to watch it grow and I will say...because IM HOOKED! muahahha
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Wipe on a boss in a flashpoint and its LOADING SCREEN for the Fleet/planet, takes you right outside the instance and then LOADING SCREEN for the instance.. thats really anoying!


I agree about the air lock thing too. I dont know what they were thinking with them, they're so completely redundent and time wasting... I hate it too when I exit my ship into an airlock and after the loading screen im facing the door to my ship. Miss clicked that a few times and off to the loading screen and back to my ship I go! ><


I'm still enjoying the game but there is so many anoying issues atm. I guess to get the best out of this would be to wait 6 months for things to be cleaned up properly.

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My honest opinion of this game is this. I think it has alot of potential but the entitlement generation wants everything now. What happens is people expect this game to have everything a 7 year old mmo has and it will, it just takes time. Are there things i dislike about the game? Sure. Are there things that need to be added to make it better? Of course. Do i think bioware will deliver on those things? Im hoping so but i wont quit if i dont get everything i want.


There are many things this game doesnt have but it doesnt make me dislike the game it just reminds me that patience wins in the end. This game does have potential to be a great mmo but it wont be overnight and if people quit and come back when the game is more polished with better pvp and more content then thats fine. However i dont feel its fair to write this game off as a failure in the 1 1/2 months its been out. If you're going to give a game a fighting chance at least base it on a decision that was made after playing to 50 and experiencing ALL of the game.

Edited by Daedricshots
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OP it seems this is not a game for you, especially if you found the JK story boring I think you really should consider giving up SWTOR.


I love the game so far, it's a MMO perfect for me, and the stories are actually very well written and exiting and makes it hard for me to stop play because I want to know what happens next.


Sure there are some drawbacks but those that bother me are minor and will prob be fixed shortly like:


- better UI

- better GTN

- Optimize game regarding FPS


Also I actually enjoy the pace in this game with the occasionally loadscreen and so on but I'm an oldtimer who has gamed since the 80s so my preferences are a bit different from the 733t-kids of today.

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Wipe on a boss in a flashpoint and its LOADING SCREEN for the Fleet/planet, takes you right outside the instance and then LOADING SCREEN for the instance.. thats really anoying!


HAHA, that's so true. I was gonna write about it. I can't believe that I forgot to.


It's true that the game is only 1 month old and it will take probably take 6 yrs to polish this game. And maybe it's unfair to compare it to other games that spent 6 yrs to polish.


However, why should we give this game that much time and wait until it becomes polished when we could simply play games that are already polished?

All they had to do was imitate or copy what were good about other games and then add more positive stuffs. In this case, they failed to copy and added more negative features.

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HAHA, that's so true. I was gonna write about it. I can't believe that I forgot to.


It's true that the game is only 1 month old and it will take probably take 6 yrs to polish this game. And maybe it's unfair to compare it to other games that spent 6 yrs to polish.


However, why should we give this game that much time and wait until it becomes polished when we could simply play games that are already polished?

All they had to do was imitate or copy what were good about other games and then add more positive stuffs. In this case, they failed to copy and added more negative features.


So..then...why are you here posting?

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Love the game. Thoroughly enjoyed this MMO, and was far more intrigued and interested than it's competitors, i.e WoW, GW (And anything else half decent in that bracket)


Sure there are some issues, but it's still a new game and it will be sorted. Sooner the better, but should it need time, i'm willing to give it.


My only mistake was making a Tank. Though I recently discovered how to become effective in PvP, it's still not great. You can't get stuck in and take people down as a Jugg. You have to sit tight, guard everyone to get your medals etc. Which is fine if you like that, but it can get extremely boring. Plus in general PvP seems more of a chore than anything. win warzone matches (Daily + Weekly) is not a problem, can be fun. However Ilum is a real stumbling block, finding myself crate farming most of the time with about 30 other imps. I work out you get about 10 Armanents in a space of an hour. It's just too draining. Hopefully they can add something to it.

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It's been out for a month and I think it's about time to write a non-biased review about this game.


In my opinion, this game has a lot of problems. I am sure some people will disagree, but here are what I think.


This is an online game, but it feels more like a single player game with some heroic missions that require more than 1 person. Spacebattle feels like a shooting game that we played in arcade with 25 cents coin when we didn't have the internet. There are many places that stops you from mounting and you must run pointlessly. Every planet has airlock and orbital station that make players waste so much of their time without having fun.



I haven't played all the classes but I can say that Jedi Knight story is really boring. Also, since 99% of the story is side quests that are shared with other classes, I can imagine how boring other class stories are, too. Side quests are basically go bring this, go destroy this, go kill this person...etc. One of my friends is a bioware fan and he kept telling me how epic the story was going to be. I expected a story that is very emotional, heart breaking, or has twists, but none of them were in this game. Whether you choose light or dark side, it won't change the story enough to make you think.


The game is fully voiced but half of NPC are aliens with pig or elephant sound.


Once you reach level 50, there are not many things to enjoy. You already finished your quests, and basically the only thing you can do is flashpoints, operations, and PVP.


I am sure they will add more of these as they did with patch 1.1.

But I have finished most of flashpoints at least once or twice, and repeating these is not fun at all. It's just the exact same mission over and over without any kind of variety.


Whenever we form a group, it takes a long time before we can start because we all need to gather in front of the mission entrance. There is no teleport feature to instantly summon your group members. The rest of the group must waste their time or take a shower and come back.

This happened almost every time whether I played the game with my friends, guildies, or random people.



When there are huge number of players (either republic fleet or ilum open world pvp) the game lags so much.



Overall, I am not impressed with this game.


Honestly , you should think before you make a thread.... Because every MMO released thus far has been like that at max level.


Instances , Raids , Daily quests and of course PvP.


If you don't like the way a MMO works , why play it then? And if you don't like it , instead of making a post like this... just make a suggestion of what you would consider better endgame acticvities.

Edited by Hotchie
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I think this Bioware did (at least until now) fail in using their and the game's potential to its fullest. I love the game and have lots of fun every day when playing but it seems as if there are a lot of people who actually cannot play due to lagg or crashes or simply don't find other people to do something.


The Story:

I played the Bounty Hunter story during Beta till level 20 and really liked it. My current character is a level 50 Sith Sorcerer and I loved that story due to its epicness. A big problem however is, that the game tries to make you feel epic while giving you tasks which are suited for a 4 year old but not for a Darth.



I played together with a guild friend since level 30 and enjoyed it. We both play Sorcerers which is why we split up while doing class quests but actually finished most quests together. The game is suited for group play I think as long as you find people you get along with well while playing.


Loading Screens:

I actually don't think they would be that much of an issue if Bioware would have done a few things a little different. For example there should be an option to travel to another planet without having to first get the loading screen sending you into space and then have a loading screen when you arrive at the planet you want to get to. It might be nice to have a ship and Bioware seems to try making the game feel "realistic" by forcing you to see it every time you travel but this is just annoying. Most of the time I don't have anything I could do on my ship which is why I just sprint to the galaxy map and back to the air lock.

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Just on a side note from my previous post.


This game is by far the most fun MMO i've played in a while... and i've played a lot of MMO'S , and while this oppinion might not be shared by everyone i don't see the need to post that kind of negativity at all on forums.

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- to much effort put in storyline and leveling process


- not enough effort put in endgame


- to much instancing/loading screens (world feels empty)


- poor character and armor customizing


- Spacecombat boring, no multiplayer (rail shooter)


- pvp imbalanced


- 3 boring warzones


- open pvp is a joke (5 fps because engine cant handle more then 30 players)


- gamebreaking bugs still not fixed (wins not registering and so on )


- maintenance times way to long and timeframe badly placed


- customer support non existant

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best mmorpg game i ever played and level in .

everything was amazing while leveling flashpoints - pvp - questing - was really great experiance



50 worst mmo experiance i'v had by far . the mmo elements is there but it lacking in every corner

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It's been out for a month and I think it's about time to write a non-biased review about this game.


In my opinion, this game has a lot of problems. I am sure some people will disagree, but here are what I think.


This is an online game, but it feels more like a single player game with some heroic missions that require more than 1 person. Spacebattle feels like a shooting game that we played in arcade with 25 cents coin when we didn't have the internet. There are many places that stops you from mounting and you must run pointlessly. Every planet has airlock and orbital station that make players waste so much of their time without having fun.



I haven't played all the classes but I can say that Jedi Knight story is really boring. Also, since 99% of the story is side quests that are shared with other classes, I can imagine how boring other class stories are, too. Side quests are basically go bring this, go destroy this, go kill this person...etc. One of my friends is a bioware fan and he kept telling me how epic the story was going to be. I expected a story that is very emotional, heart breaking, or has twists, but none of them were in this game. Whether you choose light or dark side, it won't change the story enough to make you think.


The game is fully voiced but half of NPC are aliens with pig or elephant sound.


Once you reach level 50, there are not many things to enjoy. You already finished your quests, and basically the only thing you can do is flashpoints, operations, and PVP.


I am sure they will add more of these as they did with patch 1.1.

But I have finished most of flashpoints at least once or twice, and repeating these is not fun at all. It's just the exact same mission over and over without any kind of variety.


Whenever we form a group, it takes a long time before we can start because we all need to gather in front of the mission entrance. There is no teleport feature to instantly summon your group members. The rest of the group must waste their time or take a shower and come back.

This happened almost every time whether I played the game with my friends, guildies, or random people.



When there are huge number of players (either republic fleet or ilum open world pvp) the game lags so much.



Overall, I am not impressed with this game.


How is this a non biased post? Maybe you should learn what words mean before you use them.

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- to much effort put in storyline and leveling process


- not enough effort put in endgame


- to much instancing/loading screens (world feels empty)


- poor character and armor customizing


- Spacecombat boring, no multiplayer (rail shooter)


- pvp imbalanced


- 3 boring warzones


- open pvp is a joke (5 fps because engine cant handle more then 30 players)


- gamebreaking bugs still not fixed (wins not registering and so on )


- maintenance times way to long and timeframe badly placed


- customer support non existant


1. End game is always evolving

2. Agree somewhat but thats what class story needs.

3. Coming soon actually

4. They've talked about expanding on space combat and it will be coming soon.

5. You're joking right? The pvp is very balanced.

6. Your opinion not a fact.

7. Sounds like you have a comp that needs upgrading.

8. No idea what youre talking about

9. A new mmo will have long maintenance times if you cant handle that then move on.

10. Never had to deal with them.

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- to much effort put in storyline and leveling process


- not enough effort put in endgame


- to much instancing/loading screens (world feels empty)


- poor character and armor customizing


- Spacecombat boring, no multiplayer (rail shooter)


- pvp imbalanced


- 3 boring warzones


- open pvp is a joke (5 fps because engine cant handle more then 30 players)


- gamebreaking bugs still not fixed (wins not registering and so on )


- maintenance times way to long and timeframe badly placed


- customer support non existant


I actually made my 2nd character that is now level 20.

What I noticed is that early story line gave you many choices between light and dark side.

From the mid game, basically the only time you can pick light and dark side is flashpoint. I felt that they kind of rushed the game as soon as they made the 1st planet.


I think that warzones are not too bad. Although voidstar is nothing but AOE spam to the door without any thought process, the other two seem ok in my opinion.

What I think the biggest problem in pvp is that it relies too much on stun.

They also gave too much advantages to ranged characters and mages.


Since you mentioned it, I think character designs have big flaws too.

It only has 4 body types. I am pretty sure a lot of star wars fans wanted to pick yoda type.

And you can't pick fat girl. You can only pick fat guy. What kind of discrimination is this?

I checked guild wars 2 and it has so many variety when it comes to body types and races.

(for those of you who told me to quit star wars, YES, I am leaning towars guild wars 2 now)


And I am sure millions of people already wrote about how awful end game gear look. My level 20 character got better looking gear than people with battlemaster gear, LOL.

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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- to much effort put in storyline and leveling process


- not enough effort put in endgame


- to much instancing/loading screens (world feels empty)


- poor character and armor customizing


- Spacecombat boring, no multiplayer (rail shooter)


- pvp imbalanced


- 3 boring warzones


- open pvp is a joke (5 fps because engine cant handle more then 30 players)


- gamebreaking bugs still not fixed (wins not registering and so on )


- maintenance times way to long and timeframe badly placed


- customer support non existant


-The game has barely began , so how is it that everyone is expecting perfect endgame in the start? While no other game has ever accomplished that in this short period of time.



- PvP has allways been somewhat inbalanced in every MMO before this.


- No gamebreaking bugs remain at this time.


- The loading screens are only annoying if your computer is 10 years old , otherwise it takes like 30 sec at most.


- Maintenance is actually badly placed though , that's about the only part i agree with in your post.


As for the things i left out , they are either inaccurate or irrelevant.

Edited by Hotchie
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1. End game is always evolving

2. Agree somewhat but thats what class story needs.

3. Coming soon actually

4. They've talked about expanding on space combat and it will be coming soon.

5. You're joking right? The pvp is very balanced.

6. Your opinion not a fact.

7. Sounds like you have a comp that needs upgrading.

8. No idea what youre talking about

9. A new mmo will have long maintenance times if you cant handle that then move on.

10. Never had to deal with them.



well im not paying a monthly fee for basic features and i allready canceled.

my comp does not need any upgrade.


AMD 955 BE @4000 Mhz /Asus Sabertooth 990 FX/ 8 GB Gskill Sniper 1866 / 2x Cruzer 64 GB SSD in Raid 0, 600 Mb/s read / Sapphire 6950 Dualfan


They call this game MMO in my opinion its just a singleplayer game with some Coop Features tagged on to it.

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