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Month and 1/2 since release, Story worth the money?


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Are you still listening/watching the story or are you Spacebar'ing at this point?


If your Spacebar'ing, what level did it start for you?


Personally, about 3-4 days after I bought the game when I recognize the pattern to get the results I wanted from the multiple choices.

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And that's all I have to say about...SPACEBAR

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And that's all I have to say about...SPACEBAR


Same as me, but Lightside. :)

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I'm going to be honest:


The voice over in this game is amazing,

The voice over choices for your character are terrible, "Murder and mayhem await!" 50+ times

The story is bland, boring and written by folks who obviously weren't that much into Star Wars.


There is only about 5% of the story unique to your class so rolling alts of the same faction is a mind numbing grind.

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I personally think some of the replies warrant more extreme reactions from the NPC's you speak to......but they are limited i suppose.



i do not spacebar the story arc at all..I have many high level toons....the side quests I space through all that jazz.



I personally thin the NPC's were not so well scripted to reply to a broad spectrum of replies froom goo neutral or evil......they feel lacking..



case in point...I am beingin insubordinate to general garza and she replie with a stiff comment and continues on with her spiel.......I hit ESC tried it with neutral and good...the replies are all different but the mood does not change.....seems to me a little flat.


The whole voice acting, while it is novel and interesting a times, is something i could live without in its current form.

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I'm going to be honest:


The voice over in this game is amazing,

The voice over choices for your character are terrible, "Murder and mayhem await!" 50+ times

The story is bland, boring and written by folks who obviously weren't that much into Star Wars.


There is only about 5% of the story unique to your class so rolling alts of the same faction is a mind numbing grind.



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The stories i've played have been pretty good. Sure it's not The Brothers Karamozov but it's a huge upgrade from collect boar tusks for my soup.


It wastes 5-10 mins of your play time every other hour or so. How is this an "upgrade"?


Sidenote, your comparing the Brothers Karamazov to the writing in this game??


Just stop.

Edited by Kunra
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It wastes 5-10 mins of your play time every other hour or so. How is this an "upgrade"?


Like i said i'm enjoying the story, not sure what you're trying to get out of this since i have a different opinion than you.


Do you think we should all like the same movies, books and games? Should i get a state approved list of MMO's comrade?

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didnt space bar at all except after i read a subtitled alien up to level 50 as my Imperial Agent


Started a sith warrior and have not space barred once and wont up until level 50


Started a jedi counselor tonight and again, will not space bar that either. space barring iruins the immersion for me and its always interesting to listen to what everyone has to say.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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I haven't spacebarred through a single dialogue yet. I space through the ship takeoff sequences but that's about it.


So far the stories are worth every cent, and it's looking like it'll be worth every cent of my next years worth of subscription that i'll pay to get through the rest of the stories. Here's hoping they'll have even more for me then.

Edited by Cormey
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Didn't spacebar once during my initial 1-50 on my SI.


Used spacebar during conversations on my SW on some quests. No class ones and no world story arc ones but most of the side quests.


I have 6 more toons to level up to 50 but after about 90 levels (50+40) I'm still hooked on the cutscenes.

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The problem here, is that the stories end. All of them. Successful MMOs thrive with longevity. When you gear a game toward initial box sales, it'll ultimately suffer. The game needs more than story and voice-over quests. Where's the persistence?
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There is only about 5% of the story unique to your class so rolling alts of the same faction is a mind numbing grind.


Mind numbing for you maybe...my mind can take it :p


Seriously though I guess it's down to preference. I actually love seeing films again. Re-reading the same books etc. I've seen the Star Wars trilogy maybe 30 times in 34 years. Still watch any SW film when I catch them on the box. I've read some books 3-5 times. Heck I had 20 lvl 90 toons on SWG. You want a grind? Try doing the SWG legacy questline for XP on 20 toons. That was my mind numbing experience.


There is so much good quality content in this game that after a while I won't mind re-seeing some of the cutscenes on a new toon.


My opinion of course.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Why the **** would people who don't like Star Wars or never played kotor even be here anyway? In fact, even any other bioware game.


I only spacebar side-quests I've already done. I did like the JK's class quest storyline very much and Sith Warrior is quite interesting up to Alderaan, I really don't know what you guys want.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll admit, I spacebar through quests on occasion. However, I would say 9/10ths of the time I do not, because I treat each character as a different entity from the last (I have a 50 Operative, a 46 Jugg, a 36 Guardian, plus numerous other alts). Since I view each one as a completely new personality, I am usually eager to see my reactions range from compassionate on one character, to utterly sadistic on another - even if it is to the same NPC in a world quest.


Somehow I get the feeling the way I do it is what Bioware hoped all players would do, but I'm a lorehound, and this game was obviously made to appeal to lorehounds in that way.:p

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