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Force Speed should be removed from the game


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I have a feeling we are all just being trolled by the OP here.


If you have a problem with force speed, you actually suck. Thats about all there is to say.




I really wish there was a tag that came with everyone posts that had their current list of characters



Since I think I'm just being trolled by sorc/sage players

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Um, pvp doesn't work that way




Me: Usually it's "hey I found a sorc, time to shoot at him"



*sorcs force speed is on cooldown*



Sorc: Time to cast bubble so all his damage does nothing!



*bubble dies*



Sorc: Better use one of my many stuns to keep letting force speed recharge!



*I'm stunned, break it*



*3 of my teammates show up*



Sorc: Better use my AOE knockback that also roots!



*force speed is off cooldown*



Sorc: Bye! *zooms off, heals self*




This doesn't happen with other classes


Oh I see. So that whole time his force speed was coming off cooldown, but your stun wasn't. Gottcha. They're both 30 seconds, champ.

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LOL. . . . Seriously


Play a sage or Sorcerer in PvP and see if you feel like it's OP then.


Assassins having it, might be OP, but Sages can't Vanish.

Assassins in Huttball are extremely useful, I can attest to that with my lvl 50/45 valor Assassin, but it does get old carrying the ball every game I must admit.

Edited by Manigma
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Um, pvp doesn't work that way




Me: Usually it's "hey I found a sorc, time to shoot at him"



*sorcs force speed is on cooldown*



Sorc: Time to cast bubble so all his damage does nothing!



*bubble dies*



Sorc: Better use one of my many stuns to keep letting force speed recharge!



*I'm stunned, break it*



*3 of my teammates show up*



Sorc: Better use my AOE knockback that also roots!



*force speed is off cooldown*



Sorc: Bye! *zooms off, heals self*




This doesn't happen with other classes




And with all that NONE OF YOU DIED! **** off with your crying.

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And with all that NONE OF YOU DIED! **** off with your crying.




hahaha you think that makes it ok





4 people should be killing 1 guy, because if that 1 guy wasn't a sorc/sage he isn't getting away



Why is this the only class that's allowed to live in situations where he has been outplayed?

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I really wish there was a tag that came with everyone posts that had their current list of characters



Since I think I'm just being trolled by sorc/sage players


I play a lvl 50 inf shadow actually. Bearu - belgoth's beacon.


Bottom line is if you're counter to my force speed is on CD then tough beans pal. Thats the way this game works. If i have my cd's and you don't i'm probably going to kill you. This is not a new phenomenon in the world of mmo's


Stop qquing and hotkey your stun, and if your stun is on cd when i use force speed guess what?


I'm probably going to use forcecloak to vanish, pop all my consumables and comeback to global you.


Like everyone has been saying, there are SEVERAL counters to this ability, if you can't utilize them it's nobodies fault but your own.

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hahaha you think that makes it ok





4 people should be killing 1 guy, because if that 1 guy wasn't a sorc/sage he isn't getting away



Why is this the only class that's allowed to live in situations where he has been outplayed?




Oh yeah and if 4 PEOPLE cant stun one Sorc/Sage .. that means they all suck at managing their cooldowns.


You just killed your own argument by admitting that you group with bads.


And yes I play a sage and yes I am a healer and yes I have had my *** handed to me several times due to my every so OP Force Speed being countered. So much so, that I CAN'T rely on it as an effective means to keep me alive in a WZ.

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Sounds like you and your 4 baddie friends got outplayed.




Please tell me how bounty hunters, warriors, and agents are able to force speed away or draw upon a shield that sucks up all damage or use one of numerous cc abilities to successfully escape from 4 players



Go ahead

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Please tell me how bounty hunters, warriors, and agents are able to force speed away or draw upon a shield that sucks up all damage or use one of numerous cc abilities to successfully escape from 4 players



Go ahead


No. YOU tell me how your list of baddies can't kill one dude in armor that is the equivalent of a wet paper bag.


You just aren't good. if 4 people can't pop a 3k bubble, or use that shoulder charge, a grapple, a stun, or whatever else you are purposefully overlooking, then its you and your boys that are failures, not the guy running trying to speed away with his armor on fire.

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No. YOU tell me how your list of baddies can't kill one dude in armor that is the equivalent of a wet paper bag.




I already did




Shield sucks up all damage, bunch of stuns, aoe knockback with root and force speed





Since you're typing words I'm assuming you're literate and not just hitting keys at random so go back and actually read things




just because you're capable of dying doesn't mean that you aren't overpowered bro

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I already did




Shield sucks up all damage, bunch of stuns, aoe knockback with root and force speed





Since you're typing words I'm assuming you're literate and not just hitting keys at random so go back and actually read things




just because you're capable of dying doesn't mean that you aren't overpowered bro


I have ONE stun and no root on my knockback, and as said, the shield absorbs about 3k damage. That's about 2k less than I get backstabbed for.

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I already did

Shield sucks up all damage, bunch of stuns, aoe knockback with root and force speed

Since you're typing words I'm assuming you're literate and not just hitting keys at random so go back and actually read things

just because you're capable of dying doesn't mean that you aren't overpowered bro


This just proves you are a troll.


Good job, i just thought you were stupid.

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I have ONE stun and no root on my knockback, and as said, the shield absorbs about 3k damage. That's about 2k less than I get backstabbed for.




Uh do you not spec for pvp or something




And also "hey look I was backstabbed, better use aoe knockback with root and force speed away"

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I already did




Shield sucks up all damage, bunch of stuns, aoe knockback with root and force speed





Since you're typing words I'm assuming you're literate and not just hitting keys at random so go back and actually read things




just because you're capable of dying doesn't mean that you aren't overpowered bro


i break sorc shields in one global... BRO

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Uh do you not spec for pvp or something




And also "hey look I was backstabbed, better use aoe knockback with root and force speed away"


Sages have this thing called the Seer tree. It lets them actually heal effectively. Despite what you may think, Sages with 0 points in Seer can really only heal up if they're not being targeted because their only decent heal suffers full pushback, takes 3 seconds, and heal for like 2k. If you're full Seer to get the AoE heal, you don't get blind on shield break, knockback on root, instant whirlwind, stun on whirldwind.


I've said this in many other threads. Stop blaming things that are baseline like Force Shield and the bubble. The ONLY problem with Sorc/Sages is that hybrid 0/20/21 or similar builds that have access to ALL of the CC. Force speed is not the problem.

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Uh do you not spec for pvp or something




And also "hey look I was backstabbed, better use aoe knockback with root and force speed away"


I see. You'd prefer the following:


"Hey look I was backstabbed - better go afk and let this scrub get a free kill because if I own his face by using more than one button he'll cry on the forums."

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