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What SWTOR will be


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This game is good, it is not great. For this much content to be in at launch it rivals anything that has been put out in the last 3-5yrs. The launch was smooth, the lvling imho is pretty entertaining, the exploration (aka datacron hunting) is a blast, and end-game raiding is pretty fun.

That being said, pvp needs to have FOTM nerf bats and buff sticks hitting it hard, SC needs to be 3D for Coop and PvP options (instanced like this), 4/6 crew skills need to be added to so they are viable at end-game (everything but Biochem and Cybertech are basically useless), the AH "GTN" needs to be scrapped and completely redone (it is overly complex and needs simplifying asap), and they need to add a dungeon finder as frequently I have found folks get tired of spamming after roughly 30min.

There is plenty in this game that needs to be rethought and reworked. They have another 4months of my time though so I am praying, but not optimistic.

Edited by Evironrage
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Sarfux, while your enthusiasm for the game is nice, do you -EVER- have anything useful to say? Shilling for SWTOR on SWTOR's forum is...kinda like preaching to a choir.


Should take your cheerleading show on the road though if you want to try shilling for SWTOR to a maybe useful end. Seriously, I'm not trying to be rude, but most of us here, even if we complain...are playing the game.


Preaching about how awesome it is to folks playing the game ain't where it's at, brudda.


Just throwing that out there.

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Dude, every MMO forum is like this. Heck a lot of game forums are like this. Check out WoW's or Rifts. Diablo III is supposedly the worst game ever if you go read the forums and its not even out, haha


You have a good point. I'm new to forum reading but it seems that there are a lot of haters that contribute to forums. So many negative people. I really enjoyed WOW for the few months that I played it and I have also been very impressed with what BioWare has done. I was very impressed to see that almost all the little things I disliked about WOW, Bioware changed it for the better.


I consider myself a casual gamer. After working all day and spending time with my family, I really only have around 6 hours a week to play games. I loved WOW when it first came out. I played the beta but never made it to the level cap. I currently have a level 30 character in SWTOR and have really been impressed. I don't base my opinion on how popular the game is or what anyone else thinks. I personally agree with the original poster. This game is already an absolute success and I hope that more people give themselves the chance enjoy it as much as I have.

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Very optimistic about GW2 but I would never buy a Funcom game again. I had the pleasure of being ripped off for the launches of both AO and AoC :)


AoC was painfully buggy for the first 3months, but the game was pretty good once it ran smoothly. Real issue was there wasn't much to do beyond lvl20, but grindy questing. Building your guild city was pretty righteous though. AoC had real potential that was never realized.

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I've never been much of an MMO fan. I've tried the EQ series, and the first GW. Never could stick with 'em after a few weeks. Just got tired of the same ol', same ol', ya know? I avoided WoW - not because I had any kind of bias against it - but because I had a few friends who played it, and never saw the light of day after becoming hooked.


That being said... I've enjoyed TOR immensely. Yes, I agree that they need more content, but I haven't encountered any game-breaking bugs, nor have I grown bored with the game. I like the combat, the visuals and especially enjoy the story. I've always been impressed with BioWare's emphasis on story (I absolutely loved the first Dragon Age and can remember good times while playing Baldur's Gate II). The writing is good - I wouldn't say great - but good. Its intriguing, although a bit predictable at times. And I feel they've done the "new age" Star Wars community some justice.


I look forward to seeing what they'll add. I didn't come into this wanting to compare it to WoW or any other MMO, for that matter. I soon tired of reading pissing matches between WoW and TOR fans (never understood the need to argue back and forth over a moot point anyway).


It disgusts me, in a way, to see just how much complaining a community can present. This idea of "entitlement" sickens me; not just within the online community, but also in society in general. I understand that folks want what they presume they paid for, but I think we take it too far when we readily ignore the good and only bring forth the bad; as if we're all special little individuals who are "owed" something. I think by now we all know that life isn't fair, nor as cut and dry as anyone would like it to be. Chin up, troopers - there are more important things in this world than a night/day cycle in an MMO.


Bottom line is, and I've seen this opinion expressed by many already, if you don't like it - don't play it. If you prefer WoW: play WoW. I'm placing my faith in BioWare because I'd like to see them succeed with this game. I think they deserve it after presenting the gaming community with amazing games. Have they made games I didn't enjoy? Yes. But the ones I have enjoyed seriously outweigh those I wouldn't play again.


And remember: this game is relatively new. An MMO is a huge undertaking which requires a steady and diligent stream of content, updates and new ideas. Give them a little more time before you throw BioWare to the wolves.

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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really

You highly overestimate what the game's engine is capable of. They can only modify it to an extent, not indefinetly. I'm afraid it would require a total redo of the game for it to become the next big thing on the MMO scene. This is close to the best the engine can handle folks. In coming months/years you might see them improve fps by 5 or something in mass-scale PvP but this engine can never get it to run as smooth as in some other games. Be happy with what you got, it isn't going to be a magically different game a year from now.

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I don't know what SWTOR will be. Currently I'm really, really enjoying the stories associated with each class, and the leveling process feels like much less of a grind because missions are significantly more interesting than the leveling experience in previous MMOs I've played. That is to say the parts I'm enjoying are the parts that are more akin to a single player RPG.


And that's actually where my enjoyment of the game ends, bugs completely aside. The multiplayer experience brings nothing new to the table; in fact it feels dated. The mechanics feel just like WoW. The gear is uninspiring, nothing is unique, it's all just a linear stat progression and doesn't offer any mystique or intrigue - the feeling of getting an upgrade will never compare to the feeling of getting, say, a Ridill in FFXI, or a Nightmare battleship in EVE.

The market is stagnant, and can even be completely circumvented during level progression. The majority of crafts are borderline useless and there is no real player economy to speak of. The PvP is unvaried, lacking in long term incentive, and same old.


I think I will probably get as much as I can out of each storyline, and I really think BioWare aced the class missions and did a great job with the missions in general. But once I get bored of this one aspect of the game, I don't see a reason to stick around. As much as it pains me to say it, it's how I truly feel - RP aside this game is totally mediocre.


+1 Couldn't have said it better.

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What MMO community has dubbed this game a failure? Some trolls on the interwebz? The same one that has been labeling WoW a failure and terrible game for years? Or the one that claims WoW is the best MMO ever made? Or the one that is completely indifferent to themepark MMO's and prefers sandbox games like EVE? Or maybe the group that still prefers old school MMO's such as UO or EQ?


You overestimate the influence of one small part of MMO players. For one, the MMO community at large is fractured into so many different groups, all with their own likes and dislikes and everyone has an opinion. There is no consensus of MMO players and there never will be.

Wow. Dismiss people much?


There is a growing contingent of gamers who are dissatisfied with SWTOR. It is starting to become very prevalent in the blog-o-sphere. Some well known blogs and gamers have basically said TOR was nice, but it didn't have staying power for them. So, it's a good game, but it isn't MMO nirvana.

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Except for when WoW came out and there was that three day down time when nobody could log on and everyone got charged

Blizzard was very forthcoming with account credits. Most people around at launch didn't actually pay until day 45 or so. If you are going to hate on WoW, fine. Just be accurate about it.


I haven't been back to WoW since that first year and maybe things have improved.
if you haven't played it since vanilla, you really shouldn't be commenting on it. Other than the crappy stock UI, most of the game is completely different from the vanilla days.
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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


Sorry to inform you but shareholders are not as patient as you are. Subs are declining, there is no question about that. Anyone says others wise they are straight up ingnorant or refuse to see the facts. It will not be before long that EA cuts funding to this game...Hence we will see maitnenance mode soon. Then we have Warhammer 2.0.....

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Wow. Dismiss people much?


There is a growing contingent of gamers who are dissatisfied with SWTOR. It is starting to become very prevalent in the blog-o-sphere. Some well known blogs and gamers have basically said TOR was nice, but it didn't have staying power for them. So, it's a good game, but it isn't MMO nirvana.


The fact of the matter is just because some people are talking **** about this game doesn't mean it's going to die, people talk **** about everything, and i really mean EVERYTHING, there isn't a single thing known to Man that people don't talk **** about, that's just the way they are, but it doesn't mean anything, it's just an opinion, i'm not happy with the current state of this game, but will that stop people from playing it? No, there are people that love this game with all their heart, will that make me want to play it? No, an opinion is an opinion bro, everyone that whines about this game is a minority and they won't change a thing, accept that fact.

Edited by PeacefulViolence
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I am still amazed that people expect a leveling mechanic (voice acted dialog) to hold any sizable numbers over the long run.


Take away the voice acted dialog and the fact that it is star wars and you have a mediocre game. This game will not grow, and has more shrinking to do before it levels off.

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Tera is terribad. Played it through this weekend. Tera is like every other korean F2P MMORGP (especially very similar to Prius Online) but costs money.

I'll give them a + for that their graphics engine is greatly optimized and the game is beautiful. However the gameplay is so extremely dull, the world is as I said earlier beautiful but you as a character have zero connection to it. That's the one thing asian MMORPGS always fails with, they can't create the RPG element in their MMOS.


If you want to try Tera for free, play Prius cause it's very similar, just free and not as nice looking.


Play swtor if you want voice acted dialog (because Tera's quests were lame). Play Tera if you want action combat and a beautiful game that runs smoothly with a hundred people on your screen.


The think you do MOST in an MMO is fight, Tera got that right.

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you highly underestimate what this game offers and people don't give games a chance these days. It's sad really


agree, no patients these players have, and sad it is.. they will do the same thing for every new game coming out, if some one does not like it, then they call it a fail, what an over used and out of context word.. Tor will hold it's own, if was in that bad of shape they would not be adding servers in other parts of the world..just a thought :)

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agree, no patients these players have, and sad it is.. they will do the same thing for every new game coming out, if some one does not like it, then they call it a fail, what an over used and out of context word.. Tor will hold it's own, if was in that bad of shape they would not be adding servers in other parts of the world..just a thought :)


Funny, I don't remember Rift taking as much flak as SWTOR has.

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Star Wars: The Old Republic will be the game of the new generation. Slowly but surely it will crawl, walk, run, sprint..and just keep on going and chuggin along. BioWare will not disappoint. This is their baby and they are proud of it. They are trying so hard to please mainly everyone for the majority of the game.


This game will continue to grow and get better as time goes on. More planets will get added, more gear, more raids, more planets, more weapons, more major content, more story. This game will be the next mmo giant and the game to beat in the coming years. You just watch!


Listen guys...they are fixing lots of bugs, they are coming out with content, they will keep adding more stuff we want. This is their plan, they launched with the stuff they had and just keep on adding the stuff players want little by little to keep people coming back for more because they will keep releasing content update patches every month or close to that. I believe BioWare keeps the community at heart when releasing this content and just know they can't do everything right now.


The things that you guys want, whether it be sitting in chairs, swimming, day/night cycle, weather, they WILL come in time :) The heroengine is getting updates constantly and performance issues ARE being worked on! This is one of the smoothest mmos ever and the running looks VERY good. You can't argue that. The environments and running feels natural.


Great game BioWare keep it up :)


Sarfux, just the fact you have to be so optimistic about the future and forgiving about the present is proof this game should have never been released in it's current state.


Game developers need to stop pushing their games out balantaly un-finished with promises of more to come. It's a bad business model, and players are getting tired of it. I know I sure am.

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I had never played an MMO until this game was announced. I then jumped into WoW to see what an MMO is all about. It was for this game. Now I have enjoyed this game quite a bit, but it just doesnt have the epic feel. I think it has to do with the talents being so boring (for example only increasing an ability by 1%! I cant stand that) That is not all, but it is part of it.


All I can say is that now that this game has released, I am a bit underwhelmed. I am now looking forward to Guild Wars 2 more than anything. I will continue to play this until I get a chance to try GW2. Its just that that game seems so much fun. I havent even looked into it until this week, but it looks amazing. Im not one to get my hopes up, and I probably did with SWTOR a little too much, but I hope BioWare can deliver. I will say that BioWare made questing amazing, but it seems to be the only real advancement with the MMO formula in SWTOR.

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Not that bugged, I have been playing computer games since C64 and ZX80 Spectrum. Haven't seen anything like TOR in my life. I'm still in shock. And game is made buy company who made Never Winter Nights and Baldur's Gate. Hard to believe.


You apparently missed the entire first several months of WOW then....

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lol yeah Vanguard. I was in beta for that and people were calling it the WOW killer.. The beta game was awful and the release game just like the beta.


It was pretty bad....in beta and release. I remember .....right after the beta started..being told..."we don't have lots of the weapons coded yet...", and watching my character using invisible weapons....that was fun...oh yea...

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