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What SWTOR will be


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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


Mores to the point, you won't see it. The rest of us will and that right there is a great thing indeed. :cool:

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It doesn't matter if the game has investors or not. What matters is that it makes more money than it cost to make.


Are you willing to pay 30 $ or 50 $ a month for an MMO? Maybe then an MMO to the "veterans" that need hardcore difficulty and don't want the game dragged down for "carebears" can be made.


I'll answer that by saying I boxed 6 characters on EQ for years. So that's 6 x 15 Euro monthly. So 90Euro pm.


BW got 1 x 15 Euro off me and that's enough.

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Not that bugged, I have been playing computer games since C64 and ZX80 Spectrum. Haven't seen anything like TOR in my life. I'm still in shock. And game is made buy company who made Never Winter Nights and Baldur's Gate. Hard to believe.


No dude you don't know your history at all. The Baldurs Gate & Icewind Dale series was created by Black Isle which later was bought by Bioware when Black Isle went bankrupt. Black Isles worked with the Forgotten Realms campaigns. After Black Isles demise, Bioware took over the development of where Black Isle left off and sadly.. The Newerwinter Nights games sucked A.SS!


It wasn't until Bioware made Mass Effect that I started to like their games though Bioware like the "ship" thing far too much and while I can buy the concept of it storywise in ME1 and 2 it's just weird in Tor to be playing as a sith and have a cheesy robot that repeats the same 5 sentences over and over.


This game is nice but comparing it to WoW? It's 2 different markets altogheter IMO. TOR is a single player game with mmo features, and I'd put TOR in the same category as the original Guild Wars games, City of Heroes/Villains, DCUO and CO. The biggest mmos in WoW's Category is Rift and the grandfather EQ2.


Tera (which I've seen ppl talk about on the forums) is not in the same market as WoW either. Tera is a asian (korean) game and asian games follow a total different formula then westener dark/high fantasy type of RPGs.

Whatever you try to prove, TOR is not a "WoW killer" there is nothing that can kill WoW simply because WoW refined Everquest/ultima Online etc mmos into a game that was approachable for everyone. Whether you like WoW or not (I don't) there's noone that can deny how good of a game it is and that Blizzard evolved the old badly designed mmorpgs into something stable and well done.

Secondly Tor is not a WoW killer because it's not the very same type of game as WoW though it has parts that is very similar.


Blizzard has one of the greatest reputations of all game companies. Everything they've ever done has been solid gold. For example; In the early days Blackthorne kicked major a.ss. Please mention 1 bad game that Blizzard's made.

Edited by redsovereign
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It doesn't matter if the game has investors or not. What matters is that it makes more money than it cost to make.


Are you willing to pay 30 $ or 50 $ a month for an MMO? Maybe then an MMO to the "veterans" that need hardcore difficulty and don't want the game dragged down for "carebears" can be made.


See , i played wow from the start and left went it started catering to ...lets say the lesser skilled...


Im a HUGE SW fan, but im not going to play a game ( no matter how much i love the ip ) thats even easier then the one i left behind, and especially with the same gameplay mechanics..If Tor was more challenging, i would definatly overlook the wow " concepts " on most things, but its not, its heaps easier then wow....


GW2 and even tera look fresh, heres hoping they are not going to be as simplistic as tor and wow.


We need a new vanilla / BC wow ( NOT wrath nor cata ). Heres hoping for these new titles to prevail...

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Atleast in the past Blizzard's releases have been playable, and not hidering you with a massive amount of bugs.

Except WoW.

Sure, there has been bugs in their releases, but nothing to major imo.

Except for when WoW came out and there was that three day down time when nobody could log on and everyone got charged but you know Blizzard is awesome because they have had 7 years to add Panda's in miniskirts...

SWTOR just has to much buggy crap to be enjoable right now.

I'm enjoying SWTOR just fine and I haven't seen too many bugs that have had a detrimental effect on my playing ability but I also come from years upon years of MMO playing.

I'm also not rushing it and I've learned that an MMO is supposed to be a part of your life not to become your life.

I haven't been back to WoW since that first year and maybe things have improved. To say that all Blizzard puts out is great stuff is kind of eh... They were working on WoW before the announcement in 2001 and now it is 2012.

There is things I would like to see in SWTOR and like all MMO's it will rely on it's community for feedback. I hope to be around for a while but I can say without a doubt that the day they dress a Jawa in a miniskirt is the day I am gone.

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See , i played wow from the start and left went it started catering to ...lets say the lesser skilled...


Im a HUGE SW fan, but im not going to play a game ( no matter how much i love the ip ) thats even easier then the one i left behind, and especially with the same gameplay mechanics..If Tor was more challenging, i would definatly overlook the wow " concepts " on most things, but its not, its heaps easier then wow....


GW2 and even tera look fresh, heres hoping they are not going to be as simplistic as tor and wow.


We need a new vanilla / BC wow ( NOT wrath nor cata ). Heres hoping for these new titles to prevail...


Tera is terribad. Played it through this weekend. Tera is like every other korean F2P MMORGP (especially very similar to Prius Online) but costs money.

I'll give them a + for that their graphics engine is greatly optimized and the game is beautiful. However the gameplay is so extremely dull, the world is as I said earlier beautiful but you as a character have zero connection to it. That's the one thing asian MMORPGS always fails with, they can't create the RPG element in their MMOS.


If you want to try Tera for free, play Prius cause it's very similar, just free and not as nice looking.

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Except WoW.


Except for when WoW came out and there was that three day down time when nobody could log on and everyone got charged but you know Blizzard is awesome because they have had 7 years to add Panda's in miniskirts...


I'm enjoying SWTOR just fine and I haven't seen too many bugs that have had a detrimental effect on my playing ability but I also come from years upon years of MMO playing.

I'm also not rushing it and I've learned that an MMO is supposed to be a part of your life not to become your life.

I haven't been back to WoW since that first year and maybe things have improved. To say that all Blizzard puts out is great stuff is kind of eh... They were working on WoW before the announcement in 2001 and now it is 2012.

There is things I would like to see in SWTOR and like all MMO's it will rely on it's community for feedback. I hope to be around for a while but I can say without a doubt that the day they dress a Jawa in a miniskirt is the day I am gone.


As mention before I'm not a WoW lover but common dude. How old is WoW and how old is ToR? When WoW was released the other big MMOS in the genre was EQ1 and 2 (which was released around when WoW was and is my crown jewel).

What does this mean then? It means that when WoW was released there was little to NO GUIDELINES wahtsoever. Blizzard had to experiment and see what happened and in the end they have the crown for the most successful MMORPG of all time. Suck on that.


Today you have so many guidelines which unfortunately Bioware ignored to take inspiration from. Basically Tor does the same mistake as the elderly WoW in a time when Tor has so much references to make use of. Bioware really took a step backwards and it's a shame cause the game could be so good if it just was a MMORPG and made much more use of the IP. Let me actually make choices that has an impact (doesn't have a real impact but let me imagine that it has an impact which phases doesn't allow me to do) on the world. Let me actually be a powerhungry competing and murderous psycopath sith. Not a cheap childrens story bad game like in this game.

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Blizzard had to experiment and see what happened and in the end they have the crown for the most successful MMORPG of all time.

It's also been dumbed down quite a bit which I'm not in the ball park of being a fan of. WoW simply got where it was because of some stupid mistakes by the MMO's coming before it.

I agree with you that ToR has a ways to go and there is lot's of things I would like to see happen with this game. I'll probably give this game a year and if it isn't heading down a road I like then I'll be gone. One of the things I want to see is cross mission cross overs where we interact with the opposing side. Think we have to guard a high official and the other side has to kill them (massive health) and it has a real world effect. Customization of your ship and character is another biggie on my list.

I would like to see the Planets that do exist get more content through out the years to the point that you may not even have to leave the Planet to level.

The thing I like about this game is that it has so much potential.

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carebear == $$$$

difficult == minority audience

I don't believe that to be true.


It's predicated on the myth that WoW became more appealing as it became ever increasingly carebear, but Blizzard's own subscription data doesn't support that conclusion.


It might work for select IPs, but even then it'll come down to mechanics, features, etc. TOR certainly benefits from the SW IP, though I don't know if WoW ever would have achieved mainstream success if it released in its current carebear state.

Edited by Ansultares
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You highly over estimate the Totanic failure that the MMO community has already dubbed this game to be and how unforgiving the MMO community is.


SWTOR will never see the potential it has is realized.


You highly overestimate the importance of bittervet whining, especially to people new to MMOs who just don't care.

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  • 2 weeks later...
You highly overestimate the importance of bittervet whining, especially to people new to MMOs who just don't care.


Unfortunately, there appears to be a portion of forum posters who confuse people with concerns / suggestions, with "whining" or think that such people with concerns don't care.


Whereas in actual fact, it could be argued taht those who express concern and make suggestions actually care MORE than those who just think that the game is fine, and that everything the devs do is some form of miracle bestowed on the priveledged few.


TOR is far from being a shiny beacon of how to make a perfect MMO. It currently can't even reach WoW's standards in certain respects. And I wouldn't say that WoW was perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

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Atleast in the past Blizzard's releases have been playable, and not hidering you with a massive amount of bugs. Sure, there has been bugs in their releases, but nothing to major imo. SWTOR just has to much buggy crap to be enjoable right now.


Not for everyone. I've never encountered but a handful of bugs.

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Not for everyone. I've never encountered but a handful of bugs.


Play the HM FP's and Operations, then you'll perhaps see more.


  • Being squished like a bug by a certain well known robot in The Foundry because the button you pressed isn't registering and thus he enrages, is fun for the first 5 times.
  • Watching a half a dozen "clones" of players appear in quick succession in D7 never gets old to annoy you.
  • Wiping at Soa in EV, only to find that the floor hasn't actually reset (and thus preventing you from trying again) is downright infuriating.

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Play the HM FP's and Operations, then you'll perhaps see more.


  • Being squished like a bug by a certain well known robot in The Foundry because the button you pressed isn't registering and thus he enrages, is fun for the first 5 times.
  • Watching a half a dozen "clones" of players appear in quick succession in D7 never gets old to annoy you.
  • Wiping at Soa in EV, only to find that the floor hasn't actually reset (and thus preventing you from trying again) is downright infuriating.


I have a few friends that have and they havent ran into that.

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You seem to be living in the la-la land that EA will commit more cash than what it has already sunk into this giant boondoggle of a warhammer online clone failure.


EA has shown with previous games (Earth and Beyond, anyone?) that they will not continue to blow money on a game that is not profitable. They want an expansion pack every 12 months (in the industry they call this annualized revenue) and a huge customer base.


Afterall, if I gave you $300,000,000.00 and you developed swtor... would you be comfortable coming to me and asking for yet more money to finish my product?

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Unfortunately, I think BioWare has already missed their chance with his game. Even as the population levels out, I don't think the game has the staying power needed to fund the team for future development.


I foresee TOR suffering the same fate as STO (while making no judgement about the quality of the game itself), where the team is racing to fill in content gaps and smooth over bugs, but not really getting the game to where it could/should have been at launch. By the time they do get around to making this game shine, the crowd will have left and moved onto other things. In the end, all they can do is play catch up.


My three months in this game were fun and entertaining, but I can see it's not a game I will enjoy for the long term. Can't say I'm happy about that; I had high hopes and was eager for this game for years.

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