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Will Republic *ever* get Purple crystals?


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No, you cannot remove the Crystals from Any PvP weapons. Period. It is not an option, as of right now, but maybe sometime in the future.


You are correct, but PvP weapons are not the only weapons that shoot purple stuff. I am not sure about Blue-side (I play a BH), but my pistols have purple crystals, and I can move them around to other weapons, so it stands to reason that you could save up the commendations/crystals to buy a weapon and then strip the crystal.


Also, battle of Ilum drops the off-hand weapon, you might be able to run that enough times to get the off-hand token for a BH/IA (or blue-side versions) and then get a weapon that way.


I am not defending the decisions that made that the only way to get the purple crystal, just trying to offer a way for those of you that want it to get it.

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This. The movies are pretty clear. Windu's lightsaber color had nothing to do with lore and everything to do with Lucas giving Sam Jackson a treat after he asked for a "cool" lightsaber for his character.


And bottom line, this is the reason there are lightsaber restrictions, to try and maintain as much of the feel of the movies etc. as possible. Yes, they have and will probably continue to add crystal colors into the game. But in the movie world, the colors most certainly DID have an alignment. So we're likely to keep seeing them in the game.


Regardless of the 'rumors' surrounding how the purple crystal came about for SLJ's character there is no disputing that the movies are canon. The only person in the movies to have a purple lightsaber is Mace Windu - a Jedi.


Following your logic again and remaining canon to the franchise purple should only be a Jedi color and not Sith at all.

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Regardless of the 'rumors' surrounding how the purple crystal came about for SLJ's character there is no disputing that the movies are canon. The only person in the movies to have a purple lightsaber is Mace Windu - a Jedi.


Following your logic again and remaining canon to the franchise purple should only be a Jedi color and not Sith at all.


The prequels never happened. My VHS tapes of the original trilogy are the only real Starwars

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The prequels never happened. My VHS tapes of the original trilogy are the only real Starwars


In that case consider this, there are 4 lightsabers in the original trilogy 2 blue, one green , one red. There are two old school jedi, one of which has a blue saber the other of which has no saber. There are two sith one of which has no saber the other of which has a red saber. Then there is luke who had a blue saber, lost it and made a green one.


There's no reason to think all sith have red sabers for all we know vader might of had the only red saber ever made, same for luke's home-made one. The only thing we can reasonable glean from those movies is that at least two old-school jedi had blue sabers ( Obi and Anakin) but that doesn't mean the Jedi didn't have a whole rainbow of saber colors. But it wouldn't be entirely unreasonable to assume all Jedi used blue sabers during the clone wars.


In the end Lucas and his merry band of yes-men went for a "good guys in the old movies have the same color sabers as good-guys in the new movies" - "same for bad guys" "except that one guy because he likes purple." Which is a bit lame IMO, but understandable.

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That's a matter of interpretation - I never saw him that way.


The fact that he was a Jedi, however, is not in dispute.


I never saw him as darkside, either. He used an aggressive fighting form (or so the EU says), but his actions were those of a Jedi. His caution in bringing Anakin to the final duel with Sidious, while proven to be wrong (had he brought Anakin, I believe that they would have together slain Sidious -- Anakin was just looking for someone in the Order to show some faith in him at that point), was a lightsided decision -- he didn't want Anakin exposed to more emotional turmoil.


Similarly, his decision to slay Sidious seems to me to be, at worst, neutral. Windu knew full well that the Republic system was tainted by the Sith in that moment -- slaying Sidious, while perhaps not the most 'Jedi' of actions, was ultimately going to save lives, and that was what was on Windu's mind as he wound up for his swing.


But was Windu darksided? Absolutely not. And he most certainly wasn't a Sith. The purple = sith correlation in TOR has no basis in the canon. None. Not one little bit.

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I never saw him as darkside, either. He used an aggressive fighting form (or so the EU says), but his actions were those of a Jedi. His caution in bringing Anakin to the final duel with Sidious, while proven to be wrong (had he brought Anakin, I believe that they would have together slain Sidious -- Anakin was just looking for someone in the Order to show some faith in him at that point), was a lightsided decision -- he didn't want Anakin exposed to more emotional turmoil.


Similarly, his decision to slay Sidious seems to me to be, at worst, neutral. Windu knew full well that the Republic system was tainted by the Sith in that moment -- slaying Sidious, while perhaps not the most 'Jedi' of actions, was ultimately going to save lives, and that was what was on Windu's mind as he wound up for his swing.


But was Windu darksided? Absolutely not. And he most certainly wasn't a Sith. The purple = sith correlation in TOR has no basis in the canon. None. Not one little bit.


I would have to say killing Sidious was a dark choice just because of the poet justice aspect. When challenged with the worst-case-scenario for a Jedi he gave into his feelings and turned away from the Jedi path and to the dark-side, which is Sidious's home-ground. So he lost, not at the moment his hand was cut off or when he fried, but when he attempted to lay the killing blow. Thus he showed Anakin (true or not) that the path of the Jedi was all talk. And so he was the straw that broke the camels back in terms of Anakin turning to the dark side.

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I would have to say killing Sidious was a dark choice just because of the poet justice aspect. When challenged with the worst-case-scenario for a Jedi he gave into his feelings and turned away from the Jedi path and to the dark-side, which is Sidious's home-ground. So he lost, not at the moment his hand was cut off or when he fried, but when he attempted to lay the killing blow. Thus he showed Anakin (true or not) that the path of the Jedi was all talk. And so he was the straw that broke the camels back in terms of Anakin turning to the dark side.


No, killing is just last resort for Jedi. They won't risk other innocent lives over someone who cannot be controlled nor ever be saved. Windu knew that Sidious was lying about feeling week. He was telling Anakin the whole time not to listen to him. Sidious had to die.

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There are misinformed people in this thread.


Republic has access to magneta crystals.


Magenta is not Purple. And Both factions have access to it. A lot of people who play Republic wanted a purple crystal. It kind of makes me wonder what bonehead dev wanted Purple only on Empire side... maybe an Empire biased one? Like all the other ******** things Empire get over Republic. They even joke about that with the Kira ("all the fashion designers must have went to the empire"). My shadow looks a *********** hobo in pvp gear, basically walking around barefooted.


Gimme my freaking purple crystal!

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No, killing is just last resort for Jedi. They won't risk other innocent lives over someone who cannot be controlled nor ever be saved. Windu knew that Sidious was lying about feeling week. He was telling Anakin the whole time not to listen to him. Sidious had to die.


Well story wise that didn't exactly work out for him did it, He didn't exactly look rational as he went to kill the man, he had given into his feelings, and his hatred for the sith and probably anger at being fooled for so long.


I'm happy to disagree but in a fictional world, especially one as operatic as star-wars you can more or less judge whether a decision was morally good by whether or not the outcome is also morally right, in this case the outcome was his own death and Anakin's final conversion to the dark side.


But again I don't want to act like I'm right and you are wrong, the beauty of fiction is that it requires both the play and the audience to create meaning, one which by no means has to be universal.


That doesn't stop it being fun to argue about though.

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The real issue here is that no matter what side you play, at 50 all BHs will look the same, all Jedi Knight classes will look the same and all Sith Inquisitors will end up looking the same. This is because all end-game gear is not slotted and no craftable gear scales into even the remote bottom end of the easiest to get PvP gear item.



Therefore, crafting is an utter waste of time and credits. All the collected gear you've been getting for a unique look is null and void at 50 unless you plan on nerfing yourself into uselessness. The 2 million or so credits it cost you to flesh out 3 skills to 400 and amass an assortment of seemingly useful recipes are rendered 100% obsolete the instant you ding 50. You can't use the gear and nobody buys the gear because of its said uselessness. You realize you wasted hours and hours, countless credits and time on something that is completely and utterly useless. All of the customization and nifty slotting mechanics... rendered null and void at 50.


This is also why so many L50s are abandoning this game.

Edited by Laeris
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Jedi use blue and green, Sith use red. Anything else is just EU nonsense.


Actually Mace Windu used a purple light saber because Samuel Jackson requested it from GL himself. It was later theorized that the purple saber, being a mixture of jedi blue and sith red was used because of Windu's Vaapad saber form. Vaapad being a form that is described as treading dangerously close to the dark side.


With this evidence it should be safe to assume that the color should be available to light or dark side force users capable of employing the Juyo form, since it is the predecessor of the Vaapad form.

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In case you hadn't noticed, they screwed the pooch on most of the colors.


Red saber in the films.


Red saber in TOR.


The TOR version is several shades darker.


This still doesn't change the fact(s) that:


1) Windu used a purple saber.


2) Endgame PvP sabers for Sith in TOR are purple.


3) Republic cannot get this color.


4) Magenta is not purple.



Facts are WRONG:


1. Windu used a magenta sabre according to lore-the ingame magenta is wayyy to bright. The Sith purple is ALSO too bright-thus the confusion.


2. Endgame PvP sabers for Republic are Cyan-do Empire guys QQ????


3. The Empire cannot get Cyan no matter what


4. Agreed and totally besides the point.

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Facts are WRONG:


1. Windu used a magenta sabre according to lore-the ingame magenta is wayyy to bright. The Sith purple is ALSO too bright-thus the confusion.


2. Endgame PvP sabers for Republic are Cyan-do Empire guys QQ????


3. The Empire cannot get Cyan no matter what


4. Agreed and totally besides the point.


No-one wants cyan.


-"Nice blue light-saber my friend!"


"Oh no no no kind sir, this saber is not blue, it's cyan!"


-"Cyan you say?"


"Yes sir, it's very much like blue only lighter!"


-"Wow is it not also slightly greener than your standard run of the mill blue?"


"Not really."

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I think everyone should also remember that all sabers, in game or in the movies, were at least 2 different colors. The core has to be brighter than the aura, I believe the most accurate to the saber seen in the movies would be a magenta core with a purple aura.
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