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Someone condense the anti - LFD tool side argument for me


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LOL, and yet they continued forward with the LFR. Kinda sounds like they don't regret it.


Find one and ask them yourself. :confused:


This just shows that people on forums just come up with random statements and cant back it up.


Not without getting my friend in trouble, no. I don't care about winning forum arguments that much. Having said that, I'm sure Bioware can and will contact people within Blizzard to discuss their impressions.

Edited by Heliotic
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Find one and ask them yourself. :confused:




Not without getting my friend in trouble, no. I don't care about winning forum arguments that much. Having said that, I'm sure Bioware can and will contact people within Blizzard to discuss their impressions.


Just asked one, they said it was the best thing they had ever done. And they also said the LFR finder was even better!


See what i did there?

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Destroys community.


The community has already been destroyed just look at the companion ninja looter threads.


Perhaps the ones who were ninja looting are the same ones who are here ************ they need a cross server LFD because they can't find a group.


That's pretty funny actually.

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Perhaps the ones who were ninja looting are the same ones who are here ************ they need a cross server LFD because they can't find a group.


That's pretty funny actually.


Just my observation but from MMO to MMO the community has always stayed the same. I think the gaming community is always going to be horrible so you'll always have issues.

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I'm like most of the supporters. I'm all for a brand new interface where we can manually set ourselves for any group content in the game, level appropriate, and have a nice GUI where we can list all the other people and see detailed comments, player typed and server derived, about that person and their LFD needs.


The community thing... harder to explain. My current server (shall remain nameless) is a heavy pop server. There's 140 people on the fleet at 6pm EST, any day of the week. Any planet you go to has 20-80 people there. I personally have a 50 Jugg, 26 BH, and 16 Sniper on this server. I have grouped every group content there is, up to 50, and done 16m EV with my guild. In all of my playtime experience on this realm, I've met 2 trolls. Each one of them was publicly denounced in live chat by nearly everyone else in the zone. These people haven't been heard from since. Everyone left helps each other out, and we do it because that's how it should be.


Whether we forgot their names, or they quit, or they deleted and started again elsewhere, we don't know. The point is, we stopped it. My realm is busting with people that enjoy the game. My realm even has a LACK of DPS players. There's tanks and healers abound! Everyone is happy, but not overly joyous and flamboyant. It's a delicate mix that fit's perfect for me.


A cross realm LFG will make everyone who has an itch to be a D-bag actually become an Anonymous D-bag, with no repercussions. Everyone has this itch. It's called life. It's just a matter of how easily some people scratch it. For alot of you, it's a LFG button.

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I was anti-so many things during this game development.





It's not the game I thought. Still good, but different. More of a lobby MMO.


So bring on the LFG tools that port, the mods and everything else.


It really doesn't matter. This isn't the kind of game that fosters community. It is a solo experience with multiplayer aspects.



Still enjoying the game, but the truth is the truth.

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I was anti-so many things during this game development.





It's not the game I thought. Still good, but different. More of a lobby MMO.


So bring on the LFG tools that port, the mods and everything else.


It really doesn't matter. This isn't the kind of game that fosters community. It is a solo experience with multiplayer aspects.



Still enjoying the game, but the truth is the truth.


Its not "the truth" its your opinion and your expierience, ive met and grouped with tons of people, feels more like an mmo then 4 years of wow ever did.

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WoW killed the social aspect of MMOs.



Majority of players are from WoW which is why you don't see a lot of players being social. Not a hard concept to understand.


Games basically required a LFD tool now because no one wants to be social anymore.



Be social? Sure, social's good.


Be forced into relationships of dependance on other people in a purely arbitrary environment for equally arbitrary purposes of achieving goal's many would very probably have more fun doing at their own pace sans the coordination hassles?


Now we're onto the actual topic of relevance for many; what is and is not worth putting up with depending on other people for.


For example, I go to work and have to work with an awful lot of people. Many of them I don't like or dislike in any particular personal manner; most of them do their jobs well enough and that's what they're there to do.


A couple of them, I like at a personal level. They are far outnumbered by those I have no personal feelings on one way or any other, and still outnumbered by those I personally dislike.


However, even those I personally dislike, I work with. That's a professional obligation and rather basic standard of a workplace environment.


MMO-land? Not a workplace environment. Not meant to be one, should not be confused for one, does not follow the same standards of expectation as one.


LFD tools still force you to work with people you might very well not like. The upside, there's an equally good chance you'll never know it or have to deal with them for much or for very long.


A little bit of appealing to a workplace standard goes a long way there, because trying to approximate the efficiency of such a system in a system geared more toward giving us maximum flexibility in who we do what with per our own preferences still doesn't necessarily help address the matter of getting more people seeing and doing more of the grind-intended content.


But it's still not a workplace environment, and people are not being lazy or wrong or stupid for wanting to do what they want to do when they want to do it in Happy Funtime MMO-Gameland.


For another example, Disneyworld. There's an admission fee to get in; there's an initial purchase fee and an ongoing subscription fee to play SWTOR and many other MMO's.


Once you're in at Disneyworld, they offer you all manner of luxuries and enticements and foodstuffs and perks and tickets for rides at extra costs. You can, in fact, go to Disneyworld and do/see an awful lot without having to spend a penny more than what it cost you to get there and through the gate, but you can do a lot -more- and see a lot -more- if you're willing to drop some cash on your experience.


Free-to-Play MMO models are a lot like that. Incidentally, they're also stupidly successful when even a tiny fraction of the thought and psychosocial acumen gets put into their delivery models as Disneyworld puts into theirs.


Subscription MMO's? Hoo boy. They've gotta give you everything up front with the understanding that significant expansions might well be developed and sold individually. There's a whole different body of expectations at work there, but what's absolutely identical there with Disneyland?


Ideally, they're there to entertain you. To amuse you. To give you the thematic sorts of thrills and oohs and aaahs and WOW's and OMAIGOSH's you're spending your money and your time to recreationally pursue.


F2P games could learn an awful lot, and I mean -AN AWFUL LOT- from the thinkers at Disneyworld. Frankly, most of them look like sleezemills operating garbage churn rackets out of the back of a van compared to the elegance and acumen of true professionals in the entertainment business.


A subscription model? The subscription is their life. They must deliver, with consistency and to the majority's satisfaction, an evolving experience in their thematic that engages and intrigues in such manner as to keep the viewer coming back for a new season, the player coming back for a new month of paid-for time or the season pass holder coming back and wanting to buy another season pass when the current one expires.



It's worked for a while to give people hamster wheels and cheap carnival gimmicks to occupy them, but, time goes by. The consumer base learns and evolves as well. What worked before, ehhh...it just doesn't work so well now. In time, it won't work at all because the saturation of bias against something will be so thorough as to render that something obsolete.


It's fodder in advertising, for example. Go on yon internet and look up advertisements from 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and, much more recently, 2010.


Seriously, take some time and do it. It's an excellent way to get a ground-level look at how the nature of such things has changed.


For a subscription game or any sort of entertainment basing its profitability on a subscription of monthly pass style of model, everything they do has to essentially (albeit not literally) be an advertisement, because they are always, always obligated in pursuit of their own success to be trying to sell you the next ticket, month of subscription, pass or whatever.



Ideally this is so, anyway.

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You'll still get people needing on gear (mage vs mage on a robe, othe guy has epic you don't), but honestly you deal with that in TOR right now. It's even WORSE because there are no loot restrictions. A smuggler can take jedi armor/weapons easily, but if it's an accident it cannot be fixed.


None of this would happen or the ninjas and bads would get shortlisted quickly. Its not a matter of increasing anonymity then implementing tools to prevent people from abusing it. It just becomes ugly and everyone is suspicious of everyone when things get this way.


More than ruin community, it ruins a core cohesiveness of the game world - how on earth are people teleporting all around the place and back to where they were standing without actually traveling? If this kind of travelling is possible, why are speeders and ships needed? It is an insult to the intelligence and the game becomes a giant waiting room. Subscribers increase but game quality reduces - as anybody with 30 minutes a week can get something done. Not that this is bad in itself, but its not what this genre about. An RPG is about depth, story and character interaction/development/doing a number of different things and time immersion. If you don't like it play another game - an FPS or something.


And yes, it does ruin the community. Taking a few days to get a good dungeon done and a group assembled brings in invested players into the group - a much deeper and richer playing experience, and makes the loot gains actually worthwhile - not just 'the next tier' or 'endgame equipment'.


The genre has gone way too commercial and has lost all its RPG element. I am not talking about RP element but RPG element here.

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I hope that the people against insta porting dont ever use Emergency fleet pass and quick travel.


Its on 30/18h timers. Its a big difference. Quick travel is a glorified hearthstone - necessary in the game, and emergency fleet pass is for end of the day travel back to the fleet to quickly put up auctions before sleeping. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get auctions up at night - id be too assed to travel from wherever I am back to the fleet just to put up auctions.


18h is a MASSIVE cooldown.

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Its on 30/18h timers. Its a big difference. Quick travel is a glorified hearthstone - necessary in the game, and emergency fleet pass is for end of the day travel back to the fleet to quickly put up auctions before sleeping. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get auctions up at night - id be too assed to travel from wherever I am back to the fleet just to put up auctions.


18h is a MASSIVE cooldown.


Its still an insta port. Quick travel isnt a hearth stone because its not bound to one spot.

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The LFG tool also makes the world a no aaaman's land. Everybody will just sit in fleet and wait for a group pop. Port to instance do instance port back.


But here is what happened in wow.


Group popes . i would see 4 people from another server. I would be ninja'ed the whole place with no comback.


Simply LFG tool is for people looking for the easy way out. I do not want to play with these type of people. These same people will then expect to raid with you with no idea of how to actually play. LFG / LFR makes people bad / lazy players


You would get people standing at the start of the instance. Unable to kick them from the group. all sorts of exploits.

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In experience, I ran MANY, MANY more dungeons and made MANY more pug friends AFTER the LFD tool was introduced in WoW. I ran into some egotistic tanks ONLY twice in my whole LFD experience. And we managed to get replacements for them anyways. .


The fact is...doing group content and playing the game === MORE COMMUNITY compared to spamming local fleet chat for tank/healer/dps. You can actually go out and do dailies while you are on the dungeon queue.


LFG tool with auto-summon would allow folks to do more group content, more frequently and this is good for the health of the game.

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In experience, I ran MANY, MANY more dungeons and made MANY more pug friends AFTER the LFD tool was introduced in WoW. I ran into some egotistic tanks ONLY twice in my whole LFD experience. And we managed to get replacements for them anyways. .


The fact is...doing group content and playing the game === MORE COMMUNITY compared to spamming local fleet chat for tank/healer/dps. You can actually go out and do dailies while you are on the dungeon queue.


LFG tool with auto-summon would allow folks to do more group content, more frequently and this is good for the health of the game.


This was pretty much my experience as well. I still seriously question all these horrible groups that people had. Maybe the problem was them ... I don't know. Maybe I was just lucky out of the hundreds of dungeons I did but I never not even once had an item stolen. Worst case scenario someone would roll need for an off spec which I thought was kinda messed up but I got over it pretty quickly.


I thinking maybe some people are just way too over sensitive.

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Seeing how this game currently plays like a single player game with the option of others and a juvenile general or planetary chat to amuse you while you single player clear the entire game, the arguement that it will kill community is beyond wrong. At this point we might as well have one because it is the only part of this game that you ever need a group for and its damn hard to find one due to instanced servers etc.
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