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Thanks for the 15 minutes of warning


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Not everyone reads the forums regularly. How about an email too?


How about some in game notices more than a 15 minute warning.


We were at the last boss of Border Patrol Hard mode and nearly done when the servers went down.


Thanks for caring so much about your customers.


I have submitted a ticket but I am sure I will get the I am sorry there is nothing we can do for you chump.

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Not everyone reads the forums regularly. How about an email too?


How about some in game notices more than a 15 minute warning.


We were at the last boss of Border Patrol Hard mode and nearly done when the servers went down.


Thanks for caring so much about your customers.


I have submitted a ticket but I am sure I will get the I am sorry there is nothing we can do for you chump.


How about not pretending you are bothered by the short notice and tell it like it is...ur pissed about downtime.

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Not everyone reads the forums regularly. How about an email too?


How about some in game notices more than a 15 minute warning.


We were at the last boss of Border Patrol Hard mode and nearly done when the servers went down.


Thanks for caring so much about your customers.


I have submitted a ticket but I am sure I will get the I am sorry there is nothing we can do for you chump.


Really, you put in a trouble ticket so someone can comfort your feelings? Put on your big boy pants and stop wasting Bioware's time with frivolous tickets.

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Not everyone reads the forums regularly. How about an email too?


How about some in game notices more than a 15 minute warning.


We were at the last boss of Border Patrol Hard mode and nearly done when the servers went down.


Thanks for caring so much about your customers.


I have submitted a ticket but I am sure I will get the I am sorry there is nothing we can do for you chump.


you know enough to come to the boards to complain, but you don't think it necessary to come to the boards to see when they are shutting down the game for a patch? a game that is only a little over a month old!?!?!?


in case this is your first mmo, these games require a huge amount of tweaking after launch. expect there to be quite a bit of downtime, and come to the boards often to find out when they will be.

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Fifteen minutes is really short warning. They should give the first announcement an hour or at least a half hour before they come down. If you're deep in the middle of something intense, 15 minutes can be too short to really wrap it up. ESPECIALLY as this was atypical, unscheduled maintenance, and caught many by surprise. Heck, even the announcement of it was tucked into the usual announcement post about the regular Tuesday maintenance. I clicked on that on a whim a few hours before the servers came down, or I'd have never known the servers were coming down right at the beginning of my prime time.
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Unexpected Saturday downtime should not be happening anyway, much less only a 15 minute warning. I sympathize with the OP. It's clearly about the lost time spent in the flashpoint and the loss of items. Pathetic that there are so many people who pop on here just to defend Bioware. As much as I love this game, there are some really bad practices being used.
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I support the OP. I logged on at 10pm PST and did not have a warning on my launcher. A one hour in game message is more than appropriate, especially for an "emergency" patch.


I was pretty pissed last night, but I figured there must have been some big exploit or something that needed to be fixed. When I read the patch notes this morning, I was even more disappointed. I know the game is new and needs to be patched, but the patch decision making process and notification at BW is lacking to say the least.

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Really, you put in a trouble ticket so someone can comfort your feelings? Put on your big boy pants and stop wasting Bioware's time with frivolous tickets.


How about you fanboi trolls put your own big boy pants on and stop emo-ing everytime you see a post you perceive as critical of your game?


There's nothing wrong with him suggesting we get more than a 15 minute warning before servers go offline. In LOTRO they usually gave you an hour notice. That's pretty helpful if you're about to take on a raid or in the middle of an instance.


One hour heads-up would be nice when it's non-critical.

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15 minutes seems like a lo of warning time to me. I just don't know... *shrug*


It's not "a lo" of warning. You can't complete a quest on later planets in 15 minutes without running like a madman. You know distances on those later planets are long between quest locations and safe locations.

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It's not "a lo" of warning. You can't complete a quest on later planets in 15 minutes without running like a madman. You know distances on those later planets are long between quest locations and safe locations.


lol I like how you empasized my typo there. It shows your rage. :D


Well, if you can't finish the quest before the 15 minutes is up, then I guess you'll have to wait till the servers come back online. Tragic, that. :rolleyes: lol

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I Sympathize for BW, having to deal with patrons like you. 15mins is plenty. And if they need to patch, to further polish this game... I could care less if they gave no warning. Why? Cause there is always tomorrow.


This /\


Besides, I really needed to get some sleep anyway.

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Unexpected Saturday downtime should not be happening anyway, much less only a 15 minute warning. I sympathize with the OP. It's clearly about the lost time spent in the flashpoint and the loss of items. Pathetic that there are so many people who pop on here just to defend Bioware. As much as I love this game, there are some really bad practices being used.


Exactly my feeling to. It's only a matter of time, that the same people who agree to how things are handled by BW will wake up to.

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jesus no wonder it takes a week to get a canned response. the CS is being flooded by this BS


"i was doin a fite an the servers went down now i cant do my fite can u let me do my fite plz :("


It's about the short notice when he was allready in the game. Not about the downtime. Maybe you should learn2read.

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lol I like how you empasized my typo there. It shows your rage. :D


Well, if you can't finish the quest before the 15 minutes is up, then I guess you'll have to wait till the servers come back online. Tragic, that. :rolleyes: lol


I don't know about you but I don't like to give easy kills for enemy. PvP mechanics.

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