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Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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Well I'm 37 I don't have the drive to play ever hour of ever day anymore , I play for a few hours and then maybe wont log in for a day , maybe thats your problem your burned out on mmo's?


I feel like that sometimes just saying.

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Its just a shame SWG was a game based on Buffs not skill and was completely broken from day one, with bugs that never got fixed in 8 years and the worst combat system see in an MMO.


Yup. Thankfully BW is not SOE.


I must say though that I think SWG had more of a SW feel then ToR does. Sure SWG had many problems, but the SW aspect of it kept me playing.


While ToR does have some SW feel, the game doesn't feel alive. It's missing the epicness of the huge planets of SWG. ToR just feels small and static to me.

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Whoah Whoah Whoah..... When did wow become sandbox? Seriously...WoW is the epitome of linear.


/Troll alert


WoW gives the impression of freedom by making it feel as if you're in a wide open sandbox world where you can go anywhere and everywhere whilst infact being a theme park.


The Old Republic feels like a series of single player levels held together by questing hubs.

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I dont need to, If you play the game and one other MMO you would know. Oh and just because you say you have all this experience on MMO's does not make it true.


You comments tell us the real truth ;)


The problem is there are two games in TOR.


The leveling game with an amazing story to keep you going with some MMO elements thrown in for good measure. Basically what we expected. KOTOR mixed with WOW.


Then you have the end game which removes the best part of TOR (Story) and replaces it with a 5 year old style MMO end game.


Horrible balance. Poor UI. No Combat Log. Boring Dailies. Boring group content. Bioware spent most of their money and effort on the part of the game they love the most...Story and VO and tacked on an end game that's at the low end as far as other MMO's are concerned.

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I'm having the same "problem", I really enjoy playing the game, although it lacks A LOT of things that makes an MMO great. In my opinion, they focused too much on the "singleplayer" features of the game, and less on the MMO features, I mean for god's sake there is no button to invite someone to your guild, there are no guild banks, no benefits of being in a guild etc. I still "force" myself to enjoy, although most of my friends have already gone back to WoW. The game really blowed my mind at the beginning because I'm a big fan of Bioware's games, but as I played more and more, it transcended into a very very poorly construced MMO.
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I agree with you. To this day, my best gaming experience in a game was simply sitting in a camp in the forests of Endor in the SWG beta chatting with my group. It took us a long time to travel to the edge of Endor. We died many times but all had a blast. There was a sense of danger. We wanted to explore and see the planet. When we finally reached the north end of Endor a ranger set camp. We stayed there for a while and talked because it felt like an accomplishment. The world felt magical and dangerous. I never feel this in ToR.


Compared to ToR, WoW should be considered open world. You can travel relatively easy and aren't forced down a set path. You have some choices in which zones to quest in or not.


Agree. While alot of people didn't like SWG I loved it. I could just log in and craft for hours and not get tired. I loved the fact that clothes, armor, space ship parts, houses, camps, decorations, speeders and more could be crafted and sold. I miss my store and house. I miss just jumping on my speeder and being able to drive from one city to another across a planet and seeing things along the way without having to drive down one road. It felt like Star Wars. :) Good days!


WoW does give you the different starting zones to level in and different zones to level up in so you don't get so tired of leveling every character down the same path. You are right, I never thought about WoW being open world but after playing this for a month it feels very freeing to just fly or ride anywhere i want to, path or no path.

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Unsubscribed yesterday for the same reasons as OP.


How is it possible:


Bioware forgot to make a good combat system that was on par with other big games.

That there is no LfD system.

That they copied shamelessly. I was shocked to see all the warriors abilities 1:1 copied.


But forgot that:


Almost all things i do, like opening a vendor window and try to find the right mod quickly is user-unfriendly. Its a mess.

The action house has a terrible design.

When i travel on my slow speeder; there is no clear path to travel to my qst, so i can enjoy the design of the environment: no i must hoover between mobs 95% of the time, even on most roads: dunno its like music with to much beat and nothing else.

Almost every aspect of the game, except the story telling is full off bugs and user-unfriendly time-consuming little things. Sometimes bugs, sometimes design choices.


On top of this:


The travel times from fleet to planet has nothing to do with enjoying gameplay. Its gamebreaking bad design and i hate it after 4 weeks!




I think its the sum of all those things that made me quit playing yesterday. Its yust not a realy good game, although mass effect 2 for me is the best game i played, and i am a Gamer since 1994.


Put it simple:


I dont get that really good feeling that i have when i play an excellent game.


I hope:


Bioware will become more aware that the game should be about enjoyable gameplay then anything else. Now its not, well maybe the first few weeks, but there is to much wrong. Its clear to me that you have lag of a real visionary like Apple had Steve jobs.


Sorry that i am so negative, but its the way i feel after a few weeks of play and understand that Bioware is not the company with the skills to build a good enjoyable mmo.

Edited by Patsboem
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You know what the sad part is?

Back in 2010 and 2011 when the game was still in Beta me and many other people were very vocal about some choices Bioware made in this game.


I remember saying it many times: "Guys, don't do this. Please don't follow x path, this will bite you if you do that".

All I can say now is "I told you so"

Because we aren't being listened to.


How many threads we have to make to be listened? It seems that sometimes 10 remakes of 1 thread is not enough anyway. Color restrictions, lack of freedom, travel system.

We can post and post and post and post and nothing will change. Somebody on the top just picks whatever the hell he wants without any consideration.


People like George Z should have a lot more freedom in developing this game.

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I'm having the same "problem", I really enjoy playing the game, although it lacks A LOT of things that makes an MMO great. In my opinion, they focused too much on the "singleplayer" features of the game, and less on the MMO features, I mean for god's sake there is no button to invite someone to your guild, there are no guild banks, no benefits of being in a guild etc. I still "force" myself to enjoy, although most of my friends have already gone back to WoW. The game really blowed my mind at the beginning because I'm a big fan of Bioware's games, but as I played more and more, it transcended into a very very poorly construced MMO.


I know the feeling. :(

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@OP and others: most beta testers knew your feeling would become the main issue with the game not so long after launch.


Simply put, apart the bugs that will be solved someday, SwTOR has the following core problems:

  1. V.O. Story: it's only fun the first time you do it
  2. The game is on rails


#1: Making the story tied to every each of the 8 classes makes it so you have too much shared content between alts on the same faction == space bar becomes your best friend.


#2: You don't choose where to level, you don't choose your gear, nor even its colors, you don't choose your space ship, your wander with companions twins, you only have one type of weapon per AC, you can't PvP anywhere, space is on rails, nothing else to do than kill stuff.



At this point they need not only to enhance the game but totally change its direction, at least if they want to keep subscribers in the long term.

Edited by Deewe
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It's O.K. not to play 24 hours a day.


You're already on your 3rd toon in less than 1.5 months? Seriously take a break. Get something to eat, take a shower, get back in touch with your family. They probably miss you.


This guy sums it up:)

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#2: You don't choose where to level, you don't choose your gear, nor even it's colors, you don't choose your space ship, your wander with companions twins, you only have one type of weapon per AC, you can't PvP anywhere, space is on rails, nothing else to do than kill stuff.



At this point they need not only to enhance the game but totally change its direction, at least if they want to keep subscribers in the long term.



There is not a single thing I disagree with here. I can't... I couldn't even if I tried hard :)


How Bioware doesn't see these things is beyond me. Is the Lead Designer a person that never plays the game and just says "yes/no" to ideas people bring him?

i don't know, but something is really really wrong here.

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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.

Edited by IronSith
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I gotta admit I am kind of in the same boat. I have logged in for about 5 minutes in the last week or so. Then my game client crashed while I was in IF and I just couldnt bring myself to log back in. I thought it was my problem for awhile cuz I couldnt find a guild to play with. Then I remembered that when I started playing this game I did have one and they all left. Every last one of them. Now I log in alone...


Ill keep trying but its getting harder as time goes on.

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You know what the sad part is?

Back in 2010 and 2011 when the game was still in Beta me and many other people were very vocal about some choices Bioware made in this game.


I remember saying it many times: "Guys, don't do this. Please don't follow x path, this will bite you if you do that".

All I can say now is "I told you so"

Because we aren't being listened to.


How many threads we have to make to be listened? It seems that sometimes 10 remakes of 1 thread is not enough anyway. Color restrictions, lack of freedom, travel system.

We can post and post and post and post and nothing will change. Somebody on the top just picks whatever the hell he wants without any consideration.


People like George Z should have a lot more freedom in developing this game.

Sad but true.


- Few examples:

  • Space sim = if not possible for 3d @launch => Xpack
  • Deep character body customization
  • Alien species, especially Wookiees
  • Appearance tabs, gear dyes
  • 3 factions PvP or at least open world PvP, not instanced PvP
  • UI addons
  • Swimming, day/night cycles, even seasons
  • Pazaak, Sabbac pod/swoop racing
  • Choice of weapons for classes
  • Non mandatory pet (companion) classes for solo play
  • No physicial mail boxes
  • Housing furnishing & planetary housing
  • No or at least very few instancing

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I gotta admit I am kind of in the same boat. I have logged in for about 5 minutes in the last week or so. Then my game client crashed while I was in IF and I just couldnt bring myself to log back in. I thought it was my problem for awhile cuz I couldnt find a guild to play with. Then I remembered that when I started playing this game I did have one and they all left. Every last one of them. Now I log in alone...


Ill keep trying but its getting harder as time goes on.


Try joining a guild and becoming active with them. Please remember, this is not a singleplayer game. You absolutely must be part of some kind of community to give you a golden incentive to continue logging into this game.

Edited by IronSith
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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one?


Yeah, go back to WoW.


A game doesn't have to be innovative, just far, far less mounted on rails. Let's face it, SWTOR is a game I like, but it is so hard-mounted on its own rail system that it makes some of the new single player games shake their heads at it.


I probably have another month here, and then it's time to hang it up for a while. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to like the game much, much more and even supported it against the "I quitters" in the first couple of weeks.


No, I won't be going back to WoW. Left that game in 2009 and have no intent to ever go back. But there are many MMOs out there that are far, far less of a rail-ride for a subscription. I'll miss the voice acting and class stories of SWTOR, but they made KoTOR, DA, ME, and others great games. They do not make an MMO "great" by themselves.


Bioware wants a story-driven, single player game inside of an MMO. Unfortunately, something went wrong somewhere in the process, because in the end I'm not feeling like they did either half of the hybrid as well as they should have.

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There is not a single thing I disagree with here. I can't... I couldn't even if I tried hard :)


How Bioware doesn't see these things is beyond me. Is the Lead Designer a person that never plays the game and just says "yes/no" to ideas people bring him?

i don't know, but something is really really wrong here.

Answer is:

Cinematic expericence


That's what they wanted and so delivered. Still it doesn't work in MMO, unless you are able to deliver roundly one hundred hours of new cinematic content... per month

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honestly bro, its not bioware, its not the game, ITS YOU


and i dont say this in a trollish, jerkish way to belittle you, on the contrary...


you seem to be going thru waht my friend is going, and tbh you are probably BURNED OUT of MMOS IN GENERAL not just this one, the playstyle is the same, the engines are similar, and at the end of the day, you are doing the same thing that perhaps you were doing for years on wow before coming here...


its a case of " but it feels exactly the same" wich is what you are going thru im willing to bet


take a break, start playing some consoles, perhaps a different type of game genre altogether..


i know i came back to skyrim and then tor with a renewed fascination after just playing assasins creed trilogy a few months ago, its a different genre , mixing things up helped me deal with "rpg" burnout


anyways, hope the best for ya, whatever the case, well be here till we stop having fun , happy gaming!

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That they copied shamelessly. I was shocked to see all the warriors abilities 1:1 copied.



they absolutley did NOT copy warrior abilities, do you honestly think WoW came up with these abilites?



Abilites that are not from wow:


taunt/AoE taunt (pretty much every mmo before this, but if you need an exact game, check CoH/CoV)

shield wall (city of heroes did it first)

last stand (play Dungeons and dragons)

sunder armor (Rag did it before them)


these are basic tanking skills that tons of MMOs have


there are more but seeing as my game is ready i believe i will go play that.


FYI, wow didnt invent MMOs or even do it best, they just made it easier for regular people to play.

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they absolutley did NOT copy warrior abilities, do you honestly think WoW came up with these abilites?



Abilites that are not from wow:


taunt/AoE taunt (pretty much every mmo before this, but if you need an exact game, check CoH/CoV)

shield wall (city of heroes did it first)

last stand (play Dungeons and dragons)

sunder armor (Rag did it before them)


these are basic tanking skills that tons of MMOs have


there are more but seeing as my game is ready i believe i will go play that.


FYI, wow didnt invent MMOs or even do it best, they just made it easier for regular people to play.


I beg to differ.



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