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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Losing the will to play, dunno why.


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I totally understand where you're coming from. It isn't that I feel burnt out, it's that I can't possibly even get to the point where I'm burnt out because I'm just not that immersed in the game. I will play for 30 minutes and get bored. It's definitely way too linear (I was saying the same exact thing day one in beta) and just not that exciting I guess.


I'm not sure if I will re-sub.

Edited by DarthWomprat
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i'm not against a LFD for same server party's


i am against a cross server system, it allows idiots to act even more like an idiot than normal as they are grouped with ppl they will never bump into again


i understand why LFD was never put in place. planets are x lv - x lv. so chances are any1 looking for a group will be on the same planet as you anyway. so it will be intresting to see if LFD does really speed up forming a group or not


***edit*** hmm how did i end up writing this here, ignore this its in the wrong thread


Edited by grandmthethird
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You know what the sad part is?

Back in 2010 and 2011 when the game was still in Beta me and many other people were very vocal about some choices Bioware made in this game.


I remember saying it many times: "Guys, don't do this. Please don't follow x path, this will bite you if you do that".

All I can say now is "I told you so"

Because we aren't being listened to.


How many threads we have to make to be listened? It seems that sometimes 10 remakes of 1 thread is not enough anyway. Color restrictions, lack of freedom, travel system.

We can post and post and post and post and nothing will change. Somebody on the top just picks whatever the hell he wants without any consideration.


People like George Z should have a lot more freedom in developing this game.


George Z made it clear in beta testing more than any other dev that they didn't care much about our opinions and knew what they were doing.

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I have to agree with you, I want to enjoy this game so much but I just don't, the Saturday EU maintenance was the straw that broke the camels back for me today and pushed me to cancel my subscription, but there are many other problems.
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Perhaps you also feel similar? Like you are losing the will to play, but can't really tell why?


It sounds like you are completely burnt out from the entire genre. Perhaps scale back on play? I don't get a chance to play this game as often as I would like -- only once or twice a week -- I haven't experienced a similar surfeit.


However, I do miss the illusion of an open world presented in many MMOs as you mentioned. This was partially the reason why Guild Wars never clicked with me. Its restricted paths made progression feel much more linear than average. I think by streamlining space travel much more, TOR can escape this rigid atmosphere.

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So I'm just going to say it (/ducks flames) WOW was able to pull off a fully nuanced and interesting game without voice acting. I say dump the voice acting for non-class quests, and work on the overall layout and design of planets. So many things seem absolutely the same.
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So I'm just going to say it (/ducks flames) WOW was able to pull off a fully nuanced and interesting game without voice acting. I say dump the voice acting for non-class quests, and work on the overall layout and design of planets. So many things seem absolutely the same.



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there are a lot of us that feel the same way.


aside from bugs, which happens in a new game (takes 3-4 months to usually get them almost fixed) the faction imbalance, the class imbalance, the questing lack, the daily quests boring run.... I honestly think this game is dead in less than a year unless they do something and find our interests... but, it's just a game, so we as gamers have more to get from other places.


It's a simple, average system and it is not the greatest, the 'but... it's Star Wars...." doesn't work for true MMO gamers... we need substance and a lively community... this one is dying already for the top end MMOers.

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me too OP...losing will to log in anymore...yawn....it was exciting for first few weeks but now it's blah blah blah spacebar...blah blah blah...spacebar...blah blah blah..spacebar...go kill this return,..repeat...blah blah blah spacebar..repeat


This game was ruined by arcade style gameplay...no open feel to it. Sadly i feel this game will go same way as Warhammer,...mark my words :(

Edited by Jetsunz
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Where are you going to go? Is there -really- a game out there that is 'so much more innovative' than this one? I feel as though you people are just tired of MMO's in general. It isn't an issue with the game, but the genre.


You people? YOU PEOPLE?!


The Sith are so intolerant of alien races. Just because I am blue doesn't mean I don't have feelings.


OT: Playing through the IA storyline was fun. The main quest chains for each planet were fun. I just don't feel the drive to level an alt through that content again. It would be nice to have more choice in the leveling process.

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yeah i feel the same way as well.


basically logging in to do dailys and not really caring if i finish them anymore.


The state of PVP is terrible.


Raid instances are long and predictable.


i have actually been choosing to do work instead of playing.

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You're losing the will to play because there's nothing interesting or creative about this game to inspire you and encourage you to explore.




Seriously, when did MMORPGs stop being creative, and start making carbon copies of each other?


Remember the first time you fired up Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, etc, and had to figure out how little things worked, what kind of character you could make?


Get rid of this three talent trees, carbon copy healer/dps/tank categorization, ********. So freaking BORING.

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You're losing the will to play because there's nothing interesting or creative about this game to inspire you and encourage you to explore.




Seriously, when did MMORPGs stop being creative, and start making carbon copies of each other?


Remember the first time you fired up Anarchy Online, Dark Age of Camelot, etc, and had to figure out how little things worked, what kind of character you could make?


Get rid of this three talent trees, carbon copy healer/dps/tank categorization, ********. So freaking BORING.


I do remember the first time I fired up Anarchy Online. It was a buggy, unplayable mess. All these years later, I won't give Secret World a chance because of how bad that launch was for Funcom.


That said, I agree with everything else. Hopefully GW2 or something else in the near future breaks the carbon copy mold and does well.

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So I'm just going to say it (/ducks flames) WOW was able to pull off a fully nuanced and interesting game without voice acting. I say dump the voice acting for non-class quests, and work on the overall layout and design of planets. So many things seem absolutely the same.


I actually totally agree with this. Best suggestion I've seen in a long time.


Class quests and planet quests should be voice acted. Everything else can be done as a text window. At this point (level 43), I'm pretty much space-barring through everything anyway. Every side quest is just another kill/fetch quest with window dressing, and no matter which dialogue option I pick, my character gives the same canned response that he's given several dozen times before.

Edited by Greyfeld
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So glad to see I am not the only one feeling this way. I have about 8 or 9 characters (across servers since I learned to spread characters from other games when servers crash, east coast vs. west coast, and so on) and while I enjoy the main storylines of each, doing the same planet side missions is KILLING ME!


At first, I kept telling myself well I will log off in the cantina so I can level more quickly. Then I realized I wasnt going back to that character at all. My BH started off so strong, sprinted to 35, finished act I, then it was like. . . Ummm, what happened. An interesting storyline, capped off with an anti-climatic battle, and now I still run errands that other BH's are to pathetic to investigate.


I think the things I miss the most is what has kept me subscribed to CoH for so long (yes, even with its F2P model I still subscribe). I love the ability to customize my character, from looks, to costume, to even generic facial structures. I love playing different AT's that arent just tank, damage, control. And I love the fact I can customize those characters into a feeling of overpoweredness! Yes, i want to be overpowering in a game, since real life we are all ordinary in comparison!

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I feel kind of the same way, but for me it's normal. I have played most modern MMOs (EQ2, Rift, Aion, LOtRO, EvE...etc). They are all great for the first few months, but then... meh... I always end up back at WoW. Been playing WoW since beta and I guess it's like my "first love". The one you can't forget.. Anyway, I'll be playing ToR for a month or so longer until I get bored. You never know, that may never happen, and I'll end up being here for a good long time.. :)
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while I enjoy the main storylines of each, doing the same planet side missions is KILLING ME!


At first, I kept telling myself well I will log off in the cantina so I can level more quickly. Then I realized I wasnt going back to that character at all. Yes, i want to be overpowering in a game, since real life we are all ordinary in comparison!



Totally agree... I want to feel like a Hero or Villain that is OP...not some character that is constantly getting beat on to an inch of my health totally being wiped out! I have never ever understood the concept of pain or the harshness or being hard to lvl up....it should be like WoW...a nice casual faceroll experience. THEN,..when you get to lvl cap...the RAIDING starts where it is hard


PvE questing should never be hard or slow. They really need to tone down the difficulty of this game

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I feel kind of the same way, but for me it's normal. I have played most modern MMOs (EQ2, Rift, Aion, LOtRO, EvE...etc). They are all great for the first few months, but then... meh... I always end up back at WoW. Been playing WoW since beta and I guess it's like my "first love". The one you can't forget.. Anyway, I'll be playing ToR for a month or so longer until I get bored. You never know, that may never happen, and I'll end up being here for a good long time.. :)


Perhaps it's because I played WOW for years, but I actually remember the feel of certain zones in the game. They actually had a soul or something. It's very hard to explain, but some of the worlds in SWTOR feel so bland. Don't get me wrong, Bioware made beautiful worlds, but I don't want their worlds to be pictures I hang up in my office, I want them to have a feel to them.

Edited by DarthWomprat
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Perhaps you also feel similar? Like you are losing the will to play, but can't really tell why?


It might be MMO burnout. Happens to all of us.


First MMO: great excitement and magic. Subsequent MMOs, chasing your tail to recapture that feeling, but you never quite recapture it.


Meanwhile, you keep playing them, and eventually you get sick of the playstyle - which means, for most MMOs nowadays, the "DIKU MUD" game logic. (EQ was the first to use it in a graphics-based game, then WoW streamlined it, and everyone since has copied Blizz to some extent.)


What might change it round for a bit is to try a different type of MMO - try EVE Online, Darkfall, Mortal Online, Perpetuum Online. These are all "sandbox" MMOs, with a totally different kind of game logic.


The downside of them is that they are very PvP-focussed, and you will get griefed a lot to start with.


But they can give you a "break" from this type of MMO, sufficiently so that you can come back in a few months' time and get more into it.


Or just stop playing MMOs for a month or two, and come back refreshed.


But I warn you, for the future, each time you come back, you'll have a bit less enthusiasm, till eventually you can only play an MMO for a couple of months at most before you get burnt out.


I think this is what's happening a lot these days. Nearly everyone suffers burnout to some extent, and everyone hopes the next MMO will revitalize them, and it does - but only for a month or two. So we wait for the next one, hype it up in our minds, etc., etc.


It's kind of a sad addiction - but it does have a lot of fun moments too, even if you're used to it! Because every now and then, just for a moment, you get a slight return of the magic feeling - where you're totally immersed and not just some chump sitting at your computer, but in a real-seeming virtual "place" with other people.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Totally agree... I want to feel like a Hero or Villain that is OP...not some character that is constantly getting beat on to an inch of my health totally being wiped out! I have never ever understood the concept of pain or the harshness or being hard to lvl up....it should be like WoW...a nice casual faceroll experience. THEN,..when you get to lvl cap...the RAIDING starts where it is hard


PvE questing should never be hard or slow. They really need to tone down the difficulty of this game


Erm.. what?

Are you serious?????


I must be VERY blind or something, cause i cannot see where the hard part is in PvE questing.


To OP, i dunno if im that atm, tho, sometimes when i read the forums, i kinda get a feeling to...


:confused: :confused:

Edited by Neptunius
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