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Level 49 PVPers: I feel sorry for you :(


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I prefer the 50's brax tbh. In the 1-49 brax on my alts, I find that a lot of players don't know what they're doing (more so than the 50 brax anyways), queue up at level 11 and spam their basic ranged attack, lack a lot of their abilities possibly causing one side to be imbalanced. I feel like I'm just n00bstomping in the 1-49. Capping a turret, scoring, or planting a bomb in the 50's brax feels so much more rewarding. People die much slower in the 50's brax and are generally more organized. I think that's a good thing.


So personally, no. I main a Shadow and I am not foregoing the 50's bracket for easier PvP.

Edited by kckkryptonite
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We had to work for our PVP gear, so you will have to as well.



I should have a big advantage as a level 50 who for the last month, has killed xxxxx amount of players to get my valor and commendations. Why should you (who is about to finally turn 50), have ANY type of level playing field against us who have worked our butts off to get what we got?


It's called endgame incentive. If you hit level 50, and there was no gear to obtain, and you were as powerful as you could possibly be, then what would be the point in continuing to play that character? Endgame PVP, this is how it works. Get used to it.









Edited by Dego_Locc
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So i hit 50 last night and jumped into pvp as a sage healer, and boy am i annoyed already. Its not the fact i suck, as well, i knew i'd get jumped as soon as they realised 1) im a healer and 2) im low geared. The annoying part is, i feel like a burden to my team as i spend more time healing myself and running to actually help out any of my team. Suppose i just gotta keep on dieing and hope i get gear from those bags.
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This isn't true.


I was a fresh 50 just after the change. Yes, I got owned at the beginning, but the dailies to get bags don't require you personally to be amazing.


I have geared up a bit and now compete better.



Your thread boils down to, why don't the new 50's get to be as good as the 50's that put time into the game.


Playing more = getting better.


You don't get things quickly or for free. Work for them.

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The worst reality is that at least the Imperials don't have to BS with Centurion commendations.


Imperial players simply head to Ilum. Spend 2 days out there farming valor. Those 2 days farming valor saves them from 2-3 weeks of BS Centurion commendations. You roll on Battle Master gear in hopes of l33t items, and if that doesn't go well..hey! You have Champion commendations!


Republic players. Our options are to either A. Suck it up and hate this game, PvP, and life. OR B. Reroll Imperial where the classes/gear/story/abilities are more interesting and visceral and where time spent on Ilum isn't comparable to drilling rusty nails into one's own genitalia.


The valor grind for Republic players in SWTOR will find itself somewhere in my suicide letter, I swear it.

Edited by Zyillo
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I would have stayed with WoW if I wanted this... at least their class's are a bit balanced compared to what we have now.


To the OP, I was afraid that this would happen when I started the game, I didn't want to rush to 50 though.


Looks like when I hit 50 I will need to grind for another month or two so I can start having fun again... oh wait this is a game I should be having fun every second I am playing... guess not.


I love how the devs of this game (if I can find a video of this) said As soon as you get into the game you will be doing something completely different than any other MMO!!


oh well, I got into this game for a filler until GW2 comes out.


Bye... And as for the origional post..


Stop complaining. Put on full pvp gear and I garuntee ill beat u nine times outta ten in greens. Think about your dumb argument. Ur saying that when u hit 49 or 50, u should be just handed gear to compete? Comon man. Earn your gear like they did and ****

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You're about to enter into the Warzone/Ilum area, and what you're about to face is going to either make you re-decide PVP in this game, or go PVE and avoid PVP.


Or quit. Some of us aren't retarded and won't keep walking into the wall, instead of around it.

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But they refined it with glorious features like completely random gear acquisition (who doesn't like THAT one, so much fun to gear up this way. I wonder why it has never been done before. Wondering really hard.




No combat log to help you analyze combat situations. (again, great feature. Wonder why games have not shipped without a combat log since the 90's? I just don't understand. That's a feature every game should have. Sorry, lack I mean.


Only noobs need combat logs.


Even ability CDs are no longer greyed out as in other games. That one is a personal favorite, it's whack a mole time with a healthy portion of lucky guessing now.


lol, what the hell are you talking about?


If you're guessing at what you're doing, then it only verifies that noobs indeed ask for combat logs, among other things.


I don't know about you, but I know what I'm pressing, why I'm pressing it, what's been pressed.


Because I'm not an idiot.

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Except you can buy gear with warzone commendations that has expertise on it, trade it up to epic gear with expertise on it, and be just as "expertised" as the 50s, and only be missing set bonuses. People who make posts like this obviously haven't looked for gear as much as people who are serious about pvp'ing do.


Plus stockpiling merc commendations and warzone commendations will allow you to open 6 champion gear bags, giving you a small opportunity of gear there too.

Edited by Skodar
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The worst reality is that at least the Imperials don't have to BS with Centurion commendations.


Imperial players simply head to Ilum. Spend 2 days out there farming valor. Those 2 days farming valor saves them from 2-3 weeks of BS Centurion commendations. You roll on Battle Master gear in hopes of l33t items, and if that doesn't go well..hey! You have Champion commendations!


Republic players. Our options are to either A. Suck it up and hate this game, PvP, and life. OR B. Reroll Imperial where the classes/gear/story/abilities are more interesting and visceral and where time spent on Ilum isn't comparable to drilling rusty nails into one's own genitalia.


The valor grind for Republic players in SWTOR will find itself somewhere in my suicide letter, I swear it.


This is funny as an imp my friends and I were talking about rolling pub so we can roam around and kill the massive amount of PVP targets in the open world or aZz jamming the imp zerg farming at the base. There is soo much more to pVP than standing at the entrance to the base pulling people.


That and dam play the game. after a week you will have some gear. Do your dailies and buy your bags. You act like because YOU don't have gear you will lose every warzone you go into. This is not the case.

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Right now Warzone PVP is: The Rich get Richer, the Poor get Poorer. (I hope they change this, and soon)


The system may be far from perfect, but it's not nearly as bad as you make it out to be. You make it sound like every new 50 is going to be going in every game with 7 other new 50's, and that there are no geared 50's on their side of the faction to help balance things out.


Statistically, things are not likely to happen that way, especially considering premades are limited to groups of 4. It doesn't matter if the ammount of new 50's at any point of time entering the bracket is less than the current population of geared 50's, or you have an influx of new 50's vastly outnumbering the current population of geared 50's entering. You'll most likely either end up with a group of geared 50's carrying the small ammount of new 50's (in the former case), or a few geared 50's dealing with a larger population of ungeared 50's.


The part I take particular issue with is the part I quoted. The system is RNG based, so if 'the rich' are getting richer at a faster pace, it's only because they can crank out a few more warzone tokens a day than 'the poor'. Everyone has to deal with the same RNG system.


Try to temper your fear mongering with critical thought, you'll come off as less hysterical.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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We had to work for our PVP gear, so you will have to as well.



I should have a big advantage as a level 50 who for the last month, has killed xxxxx amount of players to get my valor and commendations. Why should you (who is about to finally turn 50), have ANY type of level playing field against us who have worked our butts off to get what we got?


It's called endgame incentive. If you hit level 50, and there was no gear to obtain, and you were as powerful as you could possibly be, then what would be the point in continuing to play that character? Endgame PVP, this is how it works. Get used to it.




I'm lvl 45 valor rank 45, would you say I haven't done enough 'work' to get gear?

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Cry Moar?


First you want 50s separated, fine I liked the idea. But did you honestly think that you idiots are going to come right in as a fresh 50 and do anything meaningful? Like the people who got there before you and put the time in before shouldnt be able to beat you?


All these whines need to stop, put the work it, get your gear, then you can faceroll and show us your "talent" as a pvp player, instead of wanting great gear out of the box or nerfs to other players gear.


Jesus Christ.





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I'm lvl 45 valor rank 45, would you say I haven't done enough 'work' to get gear?


The good news is, you'll be able to pretty much bypass cent gear by the time you hit 50 if you continue to grind out valor at that rate. So yea, you're going to reap benefits from this. I'd say your work has paid off.

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Except you can buy gear with warzone commendations that has expertise on it, trade it up to epic gear with expertise on it, and be just as "expertised" as the 50s, and only be missing set bonuses. People who make posts like this obviously haven't looked for gear as much as people who are serious about pvp'ing do.


Plus stockpiling merc commendations and warzone commendations will allow you to open 6 champion gear bags, giving you a small opportunity of gear there too.


Exactly bro. That's what I did and with about ten hours played at 50, I have only 4 pieces left to get. No other game gives out pvp epics like this one.

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When people say they have to "work" in a video game, then there is something wrong.


Take it in context. Not everyone that says 'work' means 'something I don't enjoy doing'. Work can mean 'effort put into something'. I personally enjoy putting effort into the games I play.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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Thats why my toon hits 50..and done. Did the same in other games that just failed (try to get my money's worth atleast lol)...game IS boring, but I do like to finish things. I will be lvl 50 valor 50 at the same time, I have been leveling 100% in the bgs, I started just doing class quest in the 30's with bgs...but even then it got so absurdly boring in the quest I just said forget it around Hoth...I dont need that last companion anyways, crafting is meh at best Edited by Grometsc
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