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Damage Meter, how to get if you want?


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If my raid beats the enrage timer = good for us

If our raid doesn't beat the enrage timer = gear issue

If we wipe before enrage = someone stood in fire.


Cool story bro, and how are you gonna differentiate the guy who stood in fire from the guy that took random unavoidable damage and didn't get healed?


Or wait, you're probably gonna keep trying til all the stars align and randomness works in your favor. Amirite?

Edited by Skeelol
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Basically I'm neutral about meters.


I'm personally not a fan of damage meters. Being primarily concerned with PvP, damage is not always the most important factor, as there are many other things influencing the outcome (cover/movement, CC, healing, consumables, strategy/tactics/teamplay).


BUT, if some kind of damage meter is to be implemented, I'd vote for it to be an in-game one, and not a third party add-on that needs updating every patch. This would surely make PvE heroes happy.


People will always play the game as seriously or as casually as they wish, and it is up to us as players to decide who we are going to play with. If you are a casual sub in a hardcore raiding guild and get singled out for dpsing/healing poorly, maybe its time to say goodbye to those no-lifers and join a group of more relaxed and like minded individuals.


Similarly, if you are a foam-in-mouth hardcore player playing with a group of casuals, you might find yourself frustrated that no matter how much effort and time you have spent honing your skill, your peers aren't up to par to meet the expectations you've set for your performance. Perhaps that would be time for you to say goodbye to those noobs and join an elite guild/group of players with whom you can roll over content with.



See how you can view things from BOTH points of view?



Yea.. I was a true neutral druid in another life...

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... so you can help them improve.


lol ... yeah thats what its used for ... to HELP people improve :rolleyes:


Really hope Bioware regulates what you can and cant see with the meters (personal use only!). You know something is wrong when people come here and downright lie about what its actually used for just to get it implemented.

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Damage meters only promotes people playing with imaginary numbers and faking situations. In the end, did you kill the boss and did you have fun? If you killed the boss... WHO CARES who did what damage and who healed more and who did what.


If you had fun, regardless if the boss mob died or not, then WHO CARES!





If you like playing numbers... get some money and play the stock market...



Did we kill the boss? Nope. Oh look a damage meter! 3 of you suck and one was apparently afk 2 rooms back.


Ditch those guys and get people who aren't terrible. This takes 10 seconds of looking to find the problem versus potentially never knowing which player says they are good and aren't at all.


Boss is down. Now I'm having fun. If you fear the meter we can still be friends but we can't waste my time.



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Once again you miss the point its not about who tops dps its to see who playing right and to critique your own play but nice try.


That's the point though, people USE it to say "look, I was on top of DPS" well whooptie frikkin doo, you were on top of DPS.


You'll see when if they put it in and you have to turn off general chat due to "LFG xxx must have 10k dps" and if for some odd reason you get in and are below due to who knows what, you get shafted. DPS meters tend to turn people into elitiest who shouldn't be.

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lol ... yeah thats what its used for ... to HELP people improve :rolleyes:


Really hope Bioware regulates what you can and cant see with the meters (personal use only!). You know something is wrong when people come here and downright lie about what its actually used for just to get it implemented.


So its fair for a whole raid to be screwed by 2 people who have no clue? Its fair for all the other people in the grp to be there for 3 hours wasting time never knowing whos fault it is?

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Seems the vocal minority are the ones against the dps meters.


Actually, there was a huge thread before the forum wipe where alot, and I mean alot of people were against them. The thread was reset at least 5 times that I know of.

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We interrupt this rant for the following special announcement.....


New rounds of server access waves begins in a few minutes.


This discussion is now over.. cause I said so... if you don't listen to me.. I am going to blow my nose in a hanky and e-mail it to you!

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We interrupt this rant for the following special announcement.....


New rounds of server access waves begins in a few minutes.


This discussion is now over.. cause I said so... if you don't listen to me.. I am going to blow my nose in a hanky and e-mail it to you!


I gotta jet anyways taking my daughter to school than making my son breakfast.

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I remember a time when you played a game to have fun and determined what you were doing from 'feel' and 'skill'...


Not when you have a meter that says "stop dpsing, hold my hand now quick... we're crossing a road" -.-


You say this but I raided in Everquest, the grand daddy of mmos, and we had parsers Allll those years ago. The people who don't want parsers are the people who can't perform up to par. Which wastes the time of the other 7 / 15 people you are grouped with. There needs to be a way to quantify your damage/healing/threat output.

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Just for a bit of background, I've raided hardcore in both WoW (since Vanilla up to release of Cataclysm) and Rift, and was in a guild that was consistently a top 50 guild in WoW, and top 10 in Rift.


Now, I have no idea what the end-game content is like for star wars yet. As far as I know, the difficulty of the content is going to be on the casual side. So in that respect, damage meters won't really be necessary at all.


However, if there is good enough content for hardcore raiding guilds, a damage meter is ESSENTIAL. And this includes healing, dispels, etc. Why? Well lets put it this way. In terms of damage dealers, put yourself in a situation where every other damage dealer in the guild is actually putting up really good numbers, and they consistently compete with each other in every boss. But you turn out to have really low numbers, despite having nearly equal gear. Guess what that means... It's simple, your not performing as well as you should, your not pulling your own weight. When a guild wants to progress hardcore content, it is logical for them to have members that are pulling off the numbers they are suppose to.


Now, obviously other factors are taken into account, such as the number of times your dying, the number of times you pull aggro, the number of times you keep screwing up in encounters which is causing the raid to wipe or making the encounter harder than it should be.


So even if your not screwing up a lot, or dying a lot, or pulling aggro a lot, if your not putting up the numbers that you should be doing, then your not a contribution to guild progression at all. At this point, you better start improving your dps, while still being able to maintain your great overall raid performance. Else its time for you to get the boot.


Any good progression raiding guild will look for players who are capable of putting up the numbers that they should, while performing well in raids, in terms of not dying, aggro pull, screw ups, knowledge of the encounter, etc.


So yes, a damage meter IS necessary, unless you are a casual guild, or the content isn't hardcore enough. Not only is it crucial to identifying a raider's performance, it serves as a GREAT TOOL to improve as a player.

Edited by Pintaphilly
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The only way this game is going to last is by it's endgame content. There are going to be certain things people will need for actual progression in endgame content, one of them is a meter to gauge the raid's performance. This isn't open for debate or discussion. We'll also need non-clunky raid frames.


No clue what the raiding will be like in this game, but these are a few things that we do actually need. The people arguing against it aren't going to be actual raiders, so it doesn't really apply to them. For them, this game might as well be single player anyway. They'll level a few alts and burn out, just like they did on WoW and proclaim this game sucks as well. They're not who this is for.

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The only way this game is going to last is by it's endgame content. There are going to be certain things people will need for actual progression in endgame content, one of them is a meter to gauge the raid's performance. This isn't open for debate or discussion. We'll also need non-clunky raid frames.


No clue what the raiding will be like in this game, but these are a few things that we do actually need. The people arguing against it aren't going to be actual raiders, so it doesn't really apply to them. For them, this game might as well be single player anyway. They'll level a few alts and burn out, just like they did on WoW and proclaim this game sucks as well. They're not who this is for.


explain to me why those raiding guilds from 'that other game' finished the lvl 50 raids in a matter of days after being invited to beta without a threat meter?


I hear the 'good players need this' comment all the time, combined with claims about how only bad players don't want it..



I would also love to have an explanation for why people in LotRo manage to finish raids (and the raids aren't easier or anything) without any of these things...



oh yeah, I'm definitely a raider, and I am also definitely not a WoW player.

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explain to me why those raiding guilds from 'that other game' finished the lvl 50 raids in a matter of days after being invited to beta without a threat meter?


I hear the 'good players need this' comment all the time, combined with claims about how only bad players don't want it..


They brought proven competent players too this game. They didn't recruit from this game as a platform. I didn't say bad, I'm saying non-raiders.


I would also love to have an explanation for why people in LotRo manage to finish raids (and the raids aren't easier or anything) without any of these things...


Easy explanation. They have DPS meters in that game. I'm also sure that the difficulty isn't on par with WoW heroic modes.





oh yeah, I'm definitely a raider, and I am also definitely not a WoW player.


If you were going to be serious about raiding, you'd need these tools. Like I said, there is no debate on this topic.

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