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I wish PvP was about skill


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Gearing up is a VITAL part of an MMO, boo hoo you get farmed in the week it takes to get good enough gear to beat those you call unskilled, and are only winning because they outgear you.


And if your immense skill doesn't make up for slightly lacking in gear, then perhaps you aren't as skilled as you believe you are.


Yes because Grinding out shows how much skilled you are at the game. Only proves you are a lifeless loser who lives in his mom's basement.


- btw, you must be one of those players that do that.

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Oh and McDonalds has sold something like 476 billion burgers that if you use the term food loosely it would barley qualify..

Just cause it sold a lot does not mean its any good but generally a lemming such as yourself would never know if a bad game that was made for idiots was made for you...


Never said it was good its how **** works. A hyundai outsells a ferrari because is what most people want and can get. I never said its the right way its the way it works for mmos without it then me you and 4 other guys woulf be on the server saying well the gamelay is fun but where is everyone.


Bioware didnt do something gamebeaking they followed a model that works because as much as the devs care about keeping it real they really only care about keeping their house payments on time.


On top of it you call us idiots for playin a game we like while yhou play the same game and dont like it? Whos the idiot? Cancel then or the its just be u on hello kitty island adventure alone.


On another note how many big macs did u eat this week?

Edited by Masturomenos
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Yes because Grinding out shows how much skilled you are at the game. Only proves you are a lifeless loser who lives in his mom's basement.


- btw, you must be one of those players that do that.


I never said having gear makes you skilled

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Recent Level 50, grinded up and made it. this is the only reason i am playing this game - pvp -flash points are for people who have nothing to do. PvP offers good fun in 15 min increments.


If you want pvp gear at level 50 you need to have done enough pvp pre lvl 50 to get 1000 merc commendations and 1000 warzone commendations as well as having a champions bag already


just with that you should get maybe 1 or 2 pieces of gear, or if you were like me getting your first piece on bag 15 :(, do your daily and weeklies and there are another 11 bags a week



to bad it sucks, I have played huttball so many times I cringe when the guy makes his announcements. PVP in illum is so laggy it is hard to play.


reroll a republic toon, you will rarely get huttball and you get instant ques (if i am waiting for more than 2 mins i start thinking the que is broken)


Once again, it is a grind for gear, and of course they make it so you have to play for weeks/months to get it. the entire time you are at a disadvantage to the people who live in the basement with no jobs and can grind that crap quickly. SO they kill you easily --you are doing your rotation, interrupting when you can, CCing if you have to - but just cannot do damage, yet they they hit you for 3k a pop. Then of course you have skill lag so you have to play 2 seconds behind at all times. The one with the best connection wins? this in turn pisses any competitive person off and you look for solutions. yet there are none.


Then you have range classes that can hit you TWICE with lightning and kill you, and if you manage to get near them, well, they have 3 tools in their pockets to CC you etc. Classes are done pretty good in the game, yet there are some that are OP slightly right now. My opinion.



No Skill Pvp=

The real skill in pvp seems to be how to position yourself to get the most comms and the highest DPS, which in reality is easy. I laugh at people who play 15 min of huttball with only 50k damage and nothing else. what did you do for 15 min?


I think this entire game i have yet to have a truely fair 1vs1 match. 2 guys with similar gear and nothing but your knowledge of the game and your character, guess that is why i like COD so much, quick easy, and no worries about the dude with 90% resist.


basically, I am frustrated with the games PvP. I had high hopes based on the marketing and so far it is pretty disappointing. The /whine above are some of my concerns. I will of course try to get the gear I need, but when I do, - can i see some more warzones? how about some 2,3,5s like in wow? that is pretty fun. Or anything unique?


PVP in this game is one of the most balanced i have seen for along time, if you put the time in you get the benefits you are not op cos you paided for the game.


i only do 50k dmg a game but that goes ontop of 400k healing with cc on the better players and los n kiting the keyboard turners :D, yes i have 500+expertise but thats only 10% its the gear numbers not the expertise that make the difference, ohh and im playing from Australia put up with 300 lat and then come talk to me about having to play against US players with 10

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To your example of one game with a small population lets compare it to the biggest game that does have stat scaling and pvp gear and arena. No matter what u doubters say the truth is its the best the most popular and its because it has what you think wont work and they make it work. Stop using examples to suit your argument without examples to disprove it. Ever mmo coming out is supposed to change things but truth is if devs catered to the peple who "know it al" no one would play. Devs make games for one reason MONEY no ones giving you 100 million for your great ideas and never will. Its a business and you treat it as such and truth is your playing so your wiling to pay for a game you disagree with then play one that has what you want. So tell me whos the one doing things right again?


If you weren't illiterate I'd actually give you a proper response.

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No Skill Pvp=

The real skill in pvp seems to be how to position yourself to get the most comms and the highest DPS, which in reality is easy. I laugh at people who play 15 min of huttball with only 50k damage and nothing else. what did you do for 15 min?


They probably were trying to help their team win, ya know, the whole point of that wz.


People who think the dmg done in the swtor warzones (aside from maybe civil war) are generally the same dbags who are sitting off to the side trying to kill one guy while the dude with the ball slow shuffles right past them.


Pay less attention to your damage numbers (which are meaningless in objective based play) and try to help your team win.


Or keep boasting on the forums about how awesome you are because of an irrelevant statistic.

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They probably were trying to help their team win, ya know, the whole point of that wz.


People who think the dmg done in the swtor warzones (aside from maybe civil war) are generally the same dbags who are sitting off to the side trying to kill one guy while the dude with the ball slow shuffles right past them.


Pay less attention to your damage numbers (which are meaningless in objective based play) and try to help your team win.


Or keep boasting on the forums about how awesome you are because of an irrelevant statistic.


the problem with that is there are no medals for objectives.


which is why some people fixate on doing damage and getting kills over them. because as long as you get 8 medals then it doesn't really matter much if you lose. other then to get the daily/weekly done.

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I'm generally not a fan of Expertise and it's ramifications. That said, that gap exists only as long as you allow it to. Both in terms of your own gear situation and in terms of how you play. The situations far from ideal but I think individuals tend to overstate it somewhat as well.
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I'm generally not a fan of Expertise and it's ramifications. That said, that gap exists only as long as you allow it to. Both in terms of your own gear situation and in terms of how you play. The situations far from ideal but I think individuals tend to overstate it somewhat as well.


i agree totally.. hated resilience when they added it to wow.. and don't like expertise here.. vanilla wow had it best IMHO. comparable to pve gear with stats and set bonuses tweaked for better use in pvp then pve. but both sets were viable for either.

Edited by crustie
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the problem with that is there are no medals for objectives.


which is why some people fixate on doing damage and getting kills over them. because as long as you get 8 medals then it doesn't really matter much if you lose. other then to get the daily/weekly done.


yeah they definitely need to fix objectives. I can't even understand how they calculate objective scores. I have scored 3 times and had objectives 0 and another time never touched the ball and got the highest objective score on my team (around 2800 if I remember right).


Still, rewards aside, I'd rather take home a win.

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yeah they definitely need to fix objectives. I can't even understand how they calculate objective scores. I have scored 3 times and had objectives 0 and another time never touched the ball and got the highest objective score on my team (around 2800 if I remember right).


Still, rewards aside, I'd rather take home a win.


you get them for killing the ball carrier i believe.

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yeah they definitely need to fix objectives. I can't even understand how they calculate objective scores. I have scored 3 times and had objectives 0 and another time never touched the ball and got the highest objective score on my team (around 2800 if I remember right).


Still, rewards aside, I'd rather take home a win.


I definitely agree with medals for objectives. Objectives need to earn way more medals than anything else.


I would rather my teammates be fighting over capping then standing in acid and healing themselves.


They need go give multi medals for capping a turret or planting a bomb. Heck give five medals for it. Give three medals for scoring in huttball.

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Skill 1: Killing every type of top gear player without having that gear.

Skill 2: Doing the same thing with a different class when the class you play nerfed.

Skill 3: Doing number 1 and 2 against 3 people.

Skill 4: Learning to Level another class while waiting for the nerf for your current.

Mental skill: Playing your beloved class even if they nerf it to the hell.

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Of course there is skill, actually, those of us WITH skill def. excel in the warzones. My issue is really the lack of pvp content, need to grind gear constantly, the that the game mechanics make some classes (SORCS) op right now.


Overall, are you really happy with the PVP in the game?


I agree. If they don't change from "random" to "I get to pick" so that I never have to see the abortion that is huttball again, I am going to give up on PvP altogether. I HATE that WZ.

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Skill 1: Killing every type of top gear player without having that gear.

Skill 2: Doing the same thing with a different class when the class you play nerfed.

Skill 3: Doing number 1 and 2 against 3 people.

Skill 4: Learning to Level another class while waiting for the nerf for your current.

Mental skill: Playing your beloved class even if they nerf it to the hell.



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no, play chess if you want all strategy. The game is about grinding and becoming more powerful, sorry if you can't beat someone stronger than you. Ya ya skill skill, I'm so skilled blah blah; no you're not. I somewhat agree that there is too large of a discrepancy with the whole expertise thing.


Fixed that for you.

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skill based PvP ? play a shooter ,car race game or maybe pong .


seems most skill in MMo's these days is timing your leveling to co-incide with the current FoTM before the nerf bat hits.


That isn't 'skill' it's opportunism.


"Skill" is being good at a class no matter WHAT the FOTM is...


Something you instant gratification brats will never ever understand.

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In during people telling OP that PVP is about "gear progression".

After reading these forums for a month I have come to conclusion that SWTOR players do not want skill based PVP.

And that suits BioWare just fine, because gear grind is what keep this turd of a game afloat.

Edited by Rakimou
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Then you just hit level 49, buy all level 49 purple gear and twink yourself out. Then leave each Warzone match before it ends so you're the new top players in the game!


Already popped into a couple games seconds from the end, I'm assuming some people are already doing this. Bioware needs to start giving a tiny amount of xp throughout every match or we might end up with levelers getting crushed all day by permanent 49s. And won't that be fun for new players just starting out?

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GW2 is coming out.


Then the OP can start whining about premades because he won't have the skill excuse. :rolleyes:


P.S. On most competitive servers, people grind to rank 60 because the other players do it too. It's an arms race. This is the nature of pvp in mmo's. If you don't like it, then fps game and rts games are the way to go. Then again people whined that Terrans were OP in SC2. My understanding is people will whine about anything and everything.



The real skill in pvp seems to be how to position yourself to get the most comms and the highest DPS, which in reality is easy. I laugh at people who play 15 min of huttball with only 50k damage and nothing else. what did you do for 15 min?


I'd also like to comment by saying that the games my premade and I have 6-0'd people in 4 minutes ... I did less than 30k damage.:D

Edited by Orangerascal
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I feel this way too. I don't ever really feel like I outplay anyone. We just roll numbers at each other and somebody wins.


It's hard to get hyped up about it, since I don't ever feel like there's a big play or a baller move that someone pulls to get the upper hand. The best I get is activating Hunker Down to BKB through people's stun attempts.


Then again, maybe the part where my plan is hunker donw -> pop relics/adrenals -> blow people up is why I don't ever feel like anyone's outplaying anyone.

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the only class's that require skill to play are assasins/shadows and proberly jedi knights/sith warriors


the rest are just easy peasy mode and ive played them all i should know i have tested them.



if you want a challenge play the above assasin/shadow jedi knight/sith warriors



if your lazy and want to put no effort in for easy wins then choose the rest of the class's

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