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Massive amounts of trading on illum


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Or do it the way we want?

Right. Whine about a broken system by participating in the broken system.




You do realize that morality is entirely based on perceptions, and just because you nerd rage about it, doesn't mean your perception is the right one.

Oh right. How could I forget. "Morality is entirely based on perceptions". So I guess murder is morally acceptable?


And by the by? My perception of "playing the game" to "play the game" is the right one. Keep justifying exploits by claiming that I'm "nerdraging" about them. Heavens forbid that someone actually want people to come by their rewards honestly.

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Right. Whine about a broken system by participating in the broken system.




No, whine about the broken system by posting on the forums, finish my PVP dailies for tokens by participating in the broken system.



Oh right. How could I forget. "Morality is entirely based on perceptions". So I guess murder is morally acceptable?


And by the by? My perception of "playing the game" to "play the game" is the right one. Keep justifying exploits by claiming that I'm "nerdraging" about them. Heavens forbid that someone actually want people to come by their rewards honestly.


In some instances murder is actually morally justifiable, and your lack of anything but crying because disagree with you, or work around a system that has little impact on you personally is just sad. I suggest you take a deep breath, calm down, and come back when you can create at least one intelligent thought.

Edited by Makar
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No, whine about the broken system by posting on the forums, finish my PVP dailies for tokens by participating in the broken system.

"Fix the system I'm participating in!"

In some instances murder is actually morally justifiable

Bzzt. The whole point of the word "murder" is that it is never morally justifiable. Since you seem to consider yourself an "intellectual", I would assume that you could understand that given the fact that the word "murder" has always been utilized for actions which cannot be justified.


Although I assume you're also going to go into the whole "But if someone murdered Hitler, it's justified!" anecdote.

and your lack of anything but crying because disagree with you,

You know, this is the kind of garbage that I hate on forums.


Anytime you refute someone's statements, they always come back with "stop crying!" or "umadbro?".

Your opinion matters so very little to me it is not even measurable. I'm posting here because this is a topic that bothers me.

I like The Old Republic. I like pvping on it. What I don't like is continually being matched against the people sitting in a corner trading kills.

or work around a system that has little impact on you personally is just sad.

I pvp. I am stuck facing these people getting geared out by doing nothing.

That does impact "me personally". I'm being punished because I refuse to "work around a system".

I suggest you take a deep breath, calm down, and come back when you can create at least one intelligent thought.

Really? You think I'm actively shouting at my PC because you're posting here making your little justifications?


You have a very high opinion of yourself.

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"Fix the system I'm participating in!"


Yes, fix the broken game I'm paying for, I don't understand the problem.


Bzzt. The whole point of the word "murder" is that it is never morally justifiable. Since you seem to consider yourself an "intellectual", I would assume that you could understand that given the fact that the word "murder" has always been utilized for actions which cannot be justified.


Although I assume you're also going to go into the whole "But if someone murdered Hitler, it's justified!" anecdote.


Murder is actually an unlawful killing, not necessarily an immoral one... There is a difference.


You know, this is the kind of garbage that I hate on forums.


Anytime you refute someone's statements, they always come back with "stop crying!" or "umadbro?".

Your opinion matters so very little to me it is not even measurable. I'm posting here because this is a topic that bothers me.

I like The Old Republic. I like pvping on it. What I don't like is continually being matched against the people sitting in a corner trading kills.


Maybe people will tell you to stop crying if you... stopped crying. As to your dislike of being matched against traders, to quote you: "DON'T DO IT"


I pvp. I am stuck facing these people getting geared out by doing nothing.

That does impact "me personally". I'm being punished because I refuse to "work around a system".


You're being punished for not pursuing other avenues to gear up, and instead sit here and whine about other people.


Really? You think I'm actively shouting at my PC because you're posting here making your little justifications?


You have a very high opinion of yourself.


No, I just have a very low opinion of you.

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Honestly...The community is so obsessed with "rewards" that they forgot why they even PVP...To PVP!!!


I miss the old days where people would PVP for the sake of PVP. I'm sorry but if your name is red I am killing you. Call me oldschool.


Honestly if people werent windowlicking carebears the original Ilum would have been fine. But people insisted on exploiting the game's mechanics simply to get the rewards quicker. It's really something that cannot be prevented with the modern mmo community. Everyone wants easy rewards and will do whatever it takes to make it easier.


The current state of Ilum has absolutely nothing to due with Biowares design and everything to do with the community being complete carebears bent on "phat lewtz".


I know one guy that complains every day about how he only has 1 piece of champ gear and he's only ever opened 3 champ bags and hardly ever PVP's. It's a prime example of the current generation of mmo gamers. Joe the Plumber wants everything that Tammy the ****** has without jumping through any of the same hoops.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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Honestly...The community is so obsessed with "rewards" that they forgot why they even PVP...To PVP!!!


I miss the old days where people would PVP for the sake of PVP. I'm sorry but if your name is red I am killing you. Call me oldschool.


Honestly if people werent windowlicking carebears the original Ilum would have been fine. But people insisted on exploiting the game's mechanics simply to get the rewards quicker. It's really something that cannot be prevented with the modern mmo community. Everyone wants easy rewards and will do whatever it takes to make it easier.


The current state of Ilum has absolutely nothing to due with Biowares design and everything to do with the community being complete carebears bent on "phat lewtz".


The current state of Illum has everything to do with the design, and population balances... There's no sense PVPing to PVP when you haven't even the slightest chance of killing one out of the 5 people attacking you.

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The current state of Illum has everything to do with the design, and population balances... There's no sense PVPing to PVP when you haven't even the slightest chance of killing one out of the 5 people attacking you.


And Bioware is supposed to do what? Force everyone to play Republic? Again...That's the community being windowlickers.


By the way my server is extremely balanced. Maybe reroll there. Ilum is back and forth every day. Mind you we can destroy a group of 20 republics with a guild group of 6-10 people.

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And Bioware is supposed to do what? Force everyone to play Republic? Again...That's the community being windowlickers.


By the way my server is extremely balanced. Maybe reroll there. Ilum is back and forth every day. Mind you we can destroy a group of 20 republics with a guild group of 6-10 people.


Cap the amount of people that can enter the zone, give incentives for people to play the lower pop faction, design Illum so we're not all gravitating towards one point in the hopes of getting an arm with a slow respawn rate... There's literally dozens of ideas on how to make this better, maybe not necessarily fix, but even an improvement would be welcomed.

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I think there should be an Open world pvp area in every planet with valuable resources like purple crafting mats or unique schematics, something to fight for and a window of time that this area is vulnerable to being captured so that every hour or so people had to fight for it. put in some champions with plenty of life of the faction who is currently controlling the area/base/outpost to prevent people from easily taking it. maybe have guilds owning fortress and upgrading it's defenses and warring against opposing faction guilds.


of course any kind of mass PvP in this game will only work when they fix the massive FPS issues their engine has with many players on screen.

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[quote name='Makar']Cap the amount of people that can enter the zone, give incentives for people to play the lower pop faction, design Illum so we're not all gravitating towards one point in the hopes of getting an arm with a slow respawn rate... There's literally dozens of ideas on how to make this better, maybe not necessarily fix, but even an improvement would be welcomed.[/QUOTE] Make it so that the Jedi aren't tossing pebbles. Because that's sure going to get people to roll Republic. Or close any new Empire character creation till balance is achieved. I personally can't blame people for trading wins, considering how broken premades and geared 50's make warzones.
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I wish my server would trade. Maybe, the Republic would show up. If this what it takes to get republics to show up than so be it. Spending 3 hours during prime time driving around the zone to kill the same 3 republics over and over is boring, so is clicking nodes with 36 other Imps. Yesterday at 8:35 am, every spawn spot had an Imp camped on top of it waiting for the node to pop. I didn't finish daily until 11:40.


All the geared Republics on my server that was a challenge and geared I haven't seen since 1.1 patch. Now what's left is feeder republics fresh 50s which will eventually will quit or reroll on a new server.

Edited by Rhazesx
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You see this poster?


This poster is part of the problem. "I don't care for pvp but as long as I get my weekly done I'm good".


If you don't care for pvp, why do you need to do the weekly? It's pvp gear. There's no reason for you to be doing it if you're not going to be doing pvp.


It's also worth noting that not only are you pvping for pvp gear when you "don't care for pvp", you're also breaking the EULA by doing so.


This is, in fact, an "exploit of in-game mechanics" which is a bannable offense.

It's also a complete and utter toolbag move by people who have no interest in, apparently, actually playing the game and just want the reward.


I posted earlier that trades don't happen on my server so there is no exploit. How about the faction on servers of first day of real pvp. I won't take back my i don't care of pvp, because really I could go without. But the whole fact that I am doing my weekly's does suggest that I do pvp hence why I want pvp gear. However if you put me into the people who just want to farm valor to get battlemaster pvp gear and are trading in that way you are mistaken. I don't recall alot of people actually pvping on ilum before the 1.1 patch just trading capping things. So I disagree with how you have described me in that post.

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It always makes me laugh when i reread the BW quote that says something along the lines of: "We have the best pvp team in the world working on this game"


They have no idea what they are doing, and it has shown and will continue to show.


Why would you use the same pvp team that failed so hard at warhammer?


Obviously not the best.


PvP in this game is a sad joke atm.. but i still have a sliver of hope.

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No, whine about the broken system by posting on the forums, finish my PVP dailies for tokens by participating in the broken system.





In some instances murder is actually morally justifiable, and your lack of anything but crying because disagree with you, or work around a system that has little impact on you personally is just sad. I suggest you take a deep breath, calm down, and come back when you can create at least one intelligent thought.


It has an impact on him because he is going to be facing people with better gear than him and once you are behind the gear curve you remain there.


The fact that you even defend this kind of behavior does show exactly what type of person you are. The problem is that most people are like you, rationalizing their ******** way of thinking and their ******** actions.


And just for the record, I play Republic on a server where we are outnumbered and I complete the dailies and weeklies legitmitaley. That is just another cop-out to rationalize to yourself that what you are doing is not total ********.

Edited by Raggok
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The current state of Illum has everything to do with the design, and population balances... There's no sense PVPing to PVP when you haven't even the slightest chance of killing one out of the 5 people attacking you.


Okay, so you are too bad to actually kill anyone therefore you must cheat to get ahead. Got it.

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You wont be able to do anything for this garbage community that does that. From here on out whatever BioWare tries, they will continue to Co-op to get the easy reward since there is no punishment for death. Only a severe death penalty will change these pve carebears.
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Okay, so you are too bad to actually kill anyone therefore you must cheat to get ahead. Got it.




You're actually saying that someone is a baddie for not being able to get kills while facing a zerg?


ok, I really want to hear your strat for this.


You look outside your base and see a zerg of 20 Imps standing there waiting for someone to come out. You need to get your Ilum daily done. Walk me through your strat to beat the zerg by not being bad.


P.S. You, of course, realize that the only response you'll have for this is to list BS requirements (example: going there with an Ops group at 2am, or being a stealther that can sneak around) that the Imps do not also have to adhere to in order to be successful.

Any response that includes a requirement like that is automatically void, as it does not address the issue of balance and is acceptable to you only because you are not the one being bound to it.

Edited by Xandraxx
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You're actually saying that someone is a baddie for not being able to get kills while facing a zerg?


ok, I really want to hear your strat for this.


You look outside your base and see a zerg of 20 Imps standing there waiting for someone to come out. You need to get your Ilum daily done. Walk me through your strat to beat the zerg by not being bad.


P.S. You, of course, realize that the only response you'll have for this is to list BS requirements (example: going there with an Ops group at 2am, or being a stealther that can sneak around) that the Imps do not also have to adhere to in order to be successful.


Any response that includes a requirement like that is automatically void, as it does not address the issue of balance and is acceptable to you only because you are not the one being bound to it.


You are bad if you continually put yourself in a situation to be zerged. Things I do:


1. Use the speeders to get out of areas that are being zerged.


2. Hit the off nodes and flip them. Go to the side and see how many are coming to flip it back. Sometimes it's something that can be managed.


3. Play on the fringes of the assault areas and pick off stragglers


4. Fake going to an assault point with the zonewide messaging system, then circle around and pick off stragglers.


5. Not everyone on Empire and Republic likes to run with the zerg. Find those people and have some fun fights.


6. Don't quit if you get zerged a few times. This is a PvP game. Toughen up, sissy.



Of course, it's just easier to cry and say it's too hard and go cheat. Let's face it. All of you people who defend this crap aren't doing it to "teach Bioware a lesson" you are doing it to get to 60 as quickly as possible for gear. You'd be cheating this way even if Ilum was of a more solid design. You suck. End of story.

Edited by Raggok
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The biggest flaw in the PvP system is:




Players aren't going to Ilum because they care about those 5 points there. Their primary objective is acquiring the best PvP gear. That makes the gear the objective in this "objective oriented open world PvP".


Let the crafters craft the gear (so they can be useful in end game). Most of the players hate to gring in PvP for gear. Gear should not be the objective. It is a corruption of the whole idea, but created by the devs themselves.


Territory control, base defense - those are much better goals for PvP ... and not just gear.


BioWare!!! Don't respond with a new warzone. Respond to our concerns about the lack of real open world PvP. Thank you!

Edited by Petrosis
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The biggest flaw in the PvP system is:




Players aren't going to Ilum because they care about those 5 points there. Their primary objective is acquiring the best PvP gear. That makes the gear the objective in this "objective oriented open world PvP".


Let the crafters craft the gear (so they can be useful in end game). Most of the players hate to gring in PvP for gear. Gear should not be the objective. It is a corruption of the whole idea, but created by the devs themselves.


Territory control, base defense - those are much better goals for PvP ... and not just gear.


BioWare!!! Don't respond with a new warzone. Respond to our concerns about the lack of real open world PvP. Thank you!


Correct. It seems that those who PvP just for the sake of PvP are a dying breed. And, unfortunately, it is the developers themselve who are killing us off by not using the proper incentives and rewards.


Most people are just going to flat out suck and cheat to get what they want if they can. Most people suck in an IRL kind of way.

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