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Vader vs Revan


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KOTOR has ruined SW.


People are so into Revan, because they PLAYED HIM, so of course revan always 'beats x' because "he's like powerful, duh"


George Lucas would never let an EU character > his characters. Vader would make beat the ever living crap out of Revan. Even Anakin pre-mustafar would slaughter him.


I don't care what knowledge Revan has, or what he has done George Lucas' World > EU


Lucas Especially cares about his OT characters. He would never allow anyone to beat:


Luke, Vader, Han, Boba, Yoda, and anyone else who appears in the original Trilogy.

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the problem I see here is that most of the "vader isn´t that powerful" comes from the bad (well not bad the time it came out) special effects of the first (70s) 3 movies. However, considering pre mustafa vader/skywalker and scaling it with age, power and knowledge I think in a 21. century movie vader would kick revans as. However, I think the battle would be close, since Revan indeed is a extraordinary jedi with profound knowledge in both sides of the force and grew old and wise himself over time. However as mentioned before, Vader is a fulltime sith and Revan from a neutral point of view only a jedi. And by "only" I mean they are not trained in the most agressive ways to use the force and mostly even dare to use the more agressive lightsaber forms.


But I personaly in scale consider mustafa, Obiwan and end of game Revan evenly matched. Try to figure how to fit Anakin in there

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I'm not a Revan fanboy but he'd probably win a duel vs post-Mustafar Vader.


Vader was severly weakened after his first duel with Obi-Wan and never realized the full potential he had as the chosen one.


Vader was also incredibly vunerable to force lightning and had no defense against it. Revan was a profficient user of force lightning...


Should probably also mention that his son Luke had 100% of his potential and reached his peak during the legacy era (EU). Legacy era Luke would sh*t all over Revan.

Edited by LeeTone
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I think it would be a tie. If Vader wouldn't be in the suit, and would have 100% of his potential, Vader would win hands down.

But even though Vader lost much of his potential, he is still one the strongest sith in the galaxy, so I think it would be a tie.


But putting Vader against any powerful sith is unfair because of Force Lightning, single powerful blast of it would completely paralyze Vader and the fight would be over. So with lightning Revan has the better chance to win, but without it, it would be a tie.

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I think it would be a tie. If Vader wouldn't be in the suit, and would have 100% of his potential, Vader would win hands down.

But even though Vader lost much of his potential, he is still one the strongest sith in the galaxy, so I think it would be a tie.


But putting Vader against any powerful sith is unfair because of Force Lightning, single powerful blast of it would completely paralyze Vader and the fight would be over. So with lightning Revan has the better chance to win, but without it, it would be a tie.


The only force lighting that did any damage to him was Sidious's lighting, Galen's lighting only knocked him down to one knee. Even then with Sidious, he had an opening to where the lighting could go through and fry his life support(his opening being the hand that Luke cut off). So no lighting isn't an automatic win.

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Even then with Sidious, he had an opening to where the lighting could go through and fry his life support(his opening being the hand that Luke cut off)



Are you honestly saying THAT was the reason Vader's suit got fried up?




I still believe Force Lightning is disadvantage to Vader.


PS. I never said Force Lightning would be an automatic win. It's just his greatest weakness, and Vader's top priority should be to guard himself against it.

Edited by Zeratho
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Partially yes I am, not all of it but some of it yes it makes sense.


Yeah, I know electric works that way, but the same time it also souds amazingly stubid to me that that was the reason Vader died. Because the electric moved through his chopped arm. :p

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Are you honestly saying THAT was the reason Vader's suit got fried up?




I still believe Force Lightning is disadvantage to Vader.


PS. I never said Force Lightning would be an automatic win. It's just his greatest weakness, and Vader's top priority should be to guard himself against it.


According to his Wookieepedia page, Vader was a Sith Lord that had the most resistance to Force Lightning. Sidious had the most powerful Force Lightning, ever.

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Of course they are "true" Sith! Palpatine has eons of Sith lore on his recordings and books, Luke has seem it, Vader saw a bit as well. He has very powerful sorcery(which is in great part why he could be undetectable for so long.). Palpatine is the result of Darth Bane's rule of two, breaking it doesn't make him not Sith and I don't believe he was the first, in fact Plagueis had a hidden apprentice too.


With that out of the way, Anakin Skywalker is the chosen one, and the only guy who beat him for real was Luke, heir to his legacy and power. Revan is one of the most powerful Force users in history but let's keep it real, Vader would win.

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According to his Wookieepedia page, Vader was a Sith Lord that had the most resistance to Force Lightning.


I couldn't find this information there.


Edit: But I found this: "Vader's cybernetics, as well as his artificial life support system, made him much more vulnerable to the damaging effects of Force lightning." from page that was about Force Lightning.


I thought it was common sense that Vader was the most vulnerable to lightning. :confused:

Edited by Zeratho
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He has far more experience than Vader, and although Vader maybe have the highest Force potential, he never reached his peak. Revan defeated a Star-Forge empowered Malak, Mandalore the Ultimate, and easily defeated Darth Nyriss, a member of the Dark Council.


Post-ROTS Vader has zero chance against Revan due to his weakness against Force Lightning, of which Revan is proficient at and if that isn't enough, Revan moves much faster than he does.


Vader before the suit though would be a different story. In my opinion, it could really go either way.

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Of course they are "true" Sith! Palpatine has eons of Sith lore on his recordings and books, Luke has seem it, Vader saw a bit as well. He has very powerful sorcery(which is in great part why he could be undetectable for so long.). Palpatine is the result of Darth Bane's rule of two, breaking it doesn't make him not Sith and I don't believe he was the first, in fact Plagueis had a hidden apprentice too.


We weren't talking about Palpatine or Vader.

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I couldn't find this information there.


Edit: But I found this: "Vader's cybernetics, as well as his artificial life support system, made him much more vulnerable to the damaging effects of Force lightning." from page that was about Force Lightning.


I thought it was common sense that Vader was the most vulnerable to lightning. :confused:


It doesn't say that.


It says, "It should be noted that Darth Vader, despite being a powerful Sith Lord, was unable to generate Force lightning. This was due to his cybernetic implants, and any attempt by Vader to generate it would cause it to backfire, electrocuting his life-support systems, causing it to short-circuit and kill him. This is ultimately how he was killed, as his act of redemption in saving his son caused him to be bombarded with the Emperor's lightning. Because Vader's Sith powers were limited due to his artificial limbs, Darth Sidious found him less than satisfactory as his heir to the Sith legacy, despite the effort Sidious spent for more than a decade to recruit Skywalker. Upon the discovery of Luke Skywalker, Palpatine concentrated on turning him to the dark side. "



Where do you get "Vader's cybernetics, as well as his artificial life support system, made him much more vulnerable to the damaging effects of Force lightning." from page that was about Force Lightning."

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First Vader is unmatched in his skill with the light saber~ But because of his injuries if the fight is a long one he reverts to his crude "bashing" .


Second Vader is the chosen one , but as someone said in the pages before. Back then sith and jedi were every were. Meaning if you were a master you had to be better than a lot of Jedi or sith.


Also You seem to forget due to his armor Vader can withstand quite a few lightsaber hits. Anyone with out armor (Luke,windu,yoda, his pre mustafar self) Can easily have a limb cut off and suffer from sever pain. So his armor can let him take minor hits and still keep going, while anyone else feels the effects for the rest of the fight.

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Ppl just found this, this is decided by george lucas so makes a clear view who is stronger in the dark side.




and here the ligth side





You can see raven in 10 and vader in 2 only because of darth sidious had a crystal to increase power

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Ppl just found this, this is decided by george lucas so makes a clear view who is stronger in the dark side.




and here the ligth side





You can see raven in 10 and vader in 2 only because of darth sidious had a crystal to increase power


Not sure if Troll but Supershadow is a complete moron with SW lore and its characters.

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First Vader is unmatched in his skill with the light saber~ But because of his injuries if the fight is a long one he reverts to his crude "bashing" .


Second Vader is the chosen one , but as someone said in the pages before. Back then sith and jedi were every were. Meaning if you were a master you had to be better than a lot of Jedi or sith.


Also You seem to forget due to his armor Vader can withstand quite a few lightsaber hits. Anyone with out armor (Luke,windu,yoda, his pre mustafar self) Can easily have a limb cut off and suffer from sever pain. So his armor can let him take minor hits and still keep going, while anyone else feels the effects for the rest of the fight.


Revan has armor, just letting you know. And he is able to use the Force in balance. Also Vader isn't really unmatched in lightsaber dueling if Obi-Wan, Galen Marek, and Luke were able to beat him.


Being the chosen one means nothing. It just simply means you will fulfill something somehow. All the "Chosen One" fulfilled was tossing an old man down a long fall. No epic fight scene, just that. And that old guy didn't even stay dead.

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