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Everything posted by Cassiopea

  1. Burn the heretic! @OP But seriously. People will lose interest blablabla. Maybe you can play for fun, or in most cases for the ego boost of owning. Why are people still playing DotA, HoN, LoL, Star Craft? Oh wait for the reward of fun and owning in a team. AND afaik you can Q up as 8 from 1.2 on if I got the advertising right. Don´t start telling this are different games. There is nothing different about this game. When you are only playing for the sake of having the biggest virtual *****, then you might just try beat the minesweeper world record or something. I bet you even sucked in pvp on lvl 49 and now, after good 3 months of daily grinding you are geared up and still get beat up by randoms in random armor? JUST BLAME THE OP CLASS. trolololol my BM carnage (hahahahahaha) marauder can´t do **** in pvp BW fix this or I´ll quit and all my friends, guildmates and even granny too. simple truth: If you cant kill people same gear lvl you are doing it wrong. If you cant kill **** in PVP you just plain suck.
  2. today I experienced a very odd situation when assas/shadows where able to cap flags on Alderan BG without being seen in the process but directly after. I know this is a strong claim but the first time I witnessed it with my own eyes, better to say I did not witness it with my own eyes. I was standing in a ~90 degrees angle (he was in line of sight) to the position of the assa and was keeping the cam at the spot the whole time. Though I was fighting I was looking at the spot and didn´t see anything. (no highlight on the player too) However when the assa popped visible the spot was almost imidiatly changed. Is there any known bug or exploit atm, or did someone else experienced any "lag" related issues that might cause this outcome. I´ll try to catch this on video asap. disclaimer: I don´t claim this to be intentional, major omg fix it bug or exclude personal failure as a possible explainaton. But it happend multiple times.
  3. I´d personaly rather not argue about which classes are op and which are up. I personaly hate comandos, not because they are overpowered, pretty much any one can tear any one apart in a 1on1 situation*/** , but because they have a rediculous team dynamic combined with all the other stuff they have got. In my opinion their ability to run away is a bit too high for a class wearing heavy armor and dealing this much damage. However this is opionion from a marauders point of view. As far as op is concerned... I don´t see your problem, scoundrels/operatives have like the highest burst damage potential, combined with a decent cc combo, making up for the rather low survibility. In other words.. you should kill fu**ing anybody. Flashbang -> (victims breaks free or not, doesn´t matter, by the time it broke free you already hit your backstab) -> STUN -> (if the target acted smarter it breaks free now, but that doesn´t change anything -> see last step) -> proceed with killing How ever, the AoE spam ******** teams are to dominant. Not because the classes are inbalanced in general, but because there are too less options to shut down mass heal turtles. Technically you´d need the equal number of marauders to shut down the heal by an endless wave of interupt. However they´d fall apart at some point through massive kite and the all to common AoE spam. I´m not implying any class to be overpowered or underpowered in this game, I just think there are team line ups that work too well and will considering darwin and the basic rules of elitism (everybody claims to hate it, yet a considerable amount of players choose their playstyle by it) prevail, lowering the fun anybody else. tl/dr: OP prop. choose the wrong class, however has a point * also depending on who starts and who has the areal advantage ** force healer making an exception in my opinion (no one tears a force healer apart easily)
  4. Lots of the things you say a true, but many of Lucas´ critics are pissed not about things that are considerably art, but things like consistancy and logic. I have to agree with one of the first page texts, lots of very talented people worked with the star wars theme. Many of em more talented then George Lucas. However I agree with you as far as seeing your work torn apart in front of you. Bur you have to be open minded enough to understand their arguments. Lots of stuff the fanboys heavily dislike are very legit. Still even the fan boys have very different opions. But there are others who pretty much share the I-stopped-listening-to-Linkin-Park-when-they-stopped-making-the-same-alubm-every-year-factions attitude. I personaly think, when we speak of the art style and CGI thing Lucas would make very very very different movies with the posibilities of today. On topic: However I think him retirering is a good thing for the franchise, since the whole "better writers" argument has a lot of weight.
  5. the problem I see here is that most of the "vader isn´t that powerful" comes from the bad (well not bad the time it came out) special effects of the first (70s) 3 movies. However, considering pre mustafa vader/skywalker and scaling it with age, power and knowledge I think in a 21. century movie vader would kick revans as. However, I think the battle would be close, since Revan indeed is a extraordinary jedi with profound knowledge in both sides of the force and grew old and wise himself over time. However as mentioned before, Vader is a fulltime sith and Revan from a neutral point of view only a jedi. And by "only" I mean they are not trained in the most agressive ways to use the force and mostly even dare to use the more agressive lightsaber forms. But I personaly in scale consider mustafa, Obiwan and end of game Revan evenly matched. Try to figure how to fit Anakin in there
  6. thanks for wasting 2 minutes of my life op. (not that playing a mmo isn´t enough of a waste of lifetime )
  7. we all experienced this before, but you didn´t think this through. If we lock the boxes and spots to the person that kills a certan trash pack this on the one hand opens the system for active box lock griefing: what if you kill 4 hc trash packs taht stand in your way and f-face bob comes around and simply pulls the pack next to the spot / box. Now you will just say then lock the box to all trash packs... but where do we start, where do we end? On the other hand there is the problem of people who are not interested to harvest a spot but killing the mobs, or parts of it. etc This lock sounds reasonable, but wouldn´t work in the game or at least lead to more problems tha it solves. Just ignore the griefers. Curse their families and wish them plagues. >_<
  8. sincce day 3 and 4 of EA I have lost faith in your statement... though it mirrors my opinion. I monitored this since I took the pre holidays week of to play the game: there have at any time the existing server have been on heavy load new servers been added. Therefor I have no reason to blame BIOWARE for the missery. Its the new guys joing I blame. Though this night/day there was nothing to indicate the already high population. Thats sort of biowares fault. TL:DR /sign
  9. Man kann den Art-Style scheiße finden, aber vom technischen Standpunkt aus ist die Grafik auf dem neusten Stand: - Schatten aus multiblen Lichtquellen (heute IMMERNOCH keine Selbstverständlichkeit, vorallem in MMOs) - Polygonzahlen sind relativ hoch. Vorallem bei den Charakteren - Nachbearbeitungseffekte sind 1. vorhanden und 2. von hoher Qualität *hier könnte man noch hundert Sachen aufzählen, aber da eh gleihc jemand kommt und das Gegenteil behauptet, lass ich das einfach... Darüberhinaus ist das Contentdesign von den kleinen zugeständnissen an die Performance qualitativ hochwertig.
  10. Die Instanzen der Startplaneten sind auf hundert limitiert, weil die Gebiete nicht so groß sind. Kuck nach wieviele Instanzen es gibt, und du weißt bescheid. PS: auf diesen Server existieren weit mehr Charaktere im 30+ Bereich
  11. jaaaaaaaaaa, ok. Der orginale Post verdient schon Anerkennung. Vllt. verhindert man auch so, dass der Thread gehijaked wird.
  12. das Problem mit den Warteschlangen ist nicht das Spiel... es sind die Spieler die nicht eins und eins zusammen zählen. Die Server die jetzt shcon bei heavy sind, sind die, die schon in der EA Phase am Wochenende 3h Wartezeit haben. Komischer Weise scheinen die für alle neuankömmlinge die atraktivsten gewesen zu sein... Ich will ja nix sage, aber wenn ein MMO startet, das sieben Tage EA hatte, und morgens um sechs ist ein server schon bei normal oder schwer... dann muss man shcon in der Lage sein eins und eins zusammenzuzählen und nicht sich hinterher noch beschweren, dass man auf diesem Server eine Warteschlange hat.
  13. I´m as pissed as most people about being in a q at noon, but I´m not pissed at bioware, since there are like 20 server with low population. Thought the fact the server statesshows only the actual number of plays, I´m pissed at the people who keep creating chars and joining the ea servers. I do understand there are people who already have friends playing on these servers, and I´m not adressing them at all. But that can´t be 100% of people who are actually in the game. And I´m not just saying this for launch day, but for the whole EA phase. I myself was lucky enough to join the first day and randomly selected one of the servers, aware that this would most likely effect my whole guild and friends. But as far as I´m concerned all the eight billion people joing the heavy loaded PVP servers (not only in europe) are just a bunch of *******. *WHY* would anyone wonder why there are so many light populated servers at launch. Everyone seams to think: HEY, lets join one of the servers that are already heavyloaded at noon. When the working people isn´t even home.. ow wait... I see correlation there...
  14. I personaly don´t see the problem. The EA was scheduled for 15. now it is 13. actually meaning everyone is in by 15. Can anyone of those complaining imaging how server queries would look like if they elt everyone in the very same second? And this would technically not be about the servers, but everyone pushing in. Like the tepartment store capable of handling 100000 costumers but the doors are only able to to handle 200 a minute. How long will it take for the 100000 people waiting at the doors to fill the store at once. If everyone is in on 15. I doubt there will be hardly any queries because people already in will join nicely split over the day, making it easy for the new entries to join. The AHs will be filled already and besides beta players there will be people who already figured out stuff. However the critical point about this in user perception is how to determine who gets to play when, since the people who don´t get to play will be pissed anyhow. As far as I´m concerned first come first server is the most neutral way they could pick. PS: for the haters of the store comparison... imagine a door capable of handling 100000, getting pretty windy in there, isnt it...
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