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BioWare remind me why you want me to pay a sub for this?


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LVL 50 now for about 2 weeks. The game literally stops dead in it's tracks. Even went back to do some bonus series and find all the Datacrons. In one of the larger guilds on my server, did a couple operations, do dailies. That's it?


The most i've ever seen on our Ilum is 6 people, been up for warzones for the last 2 weeks probably have played 6 total in that time. The endgame economy is non existent. Usually I won't have enough to make it through 2-3 fifteen thousand credit repairs. The game was okay leveling up, but I see no single reason to continue besides alts. To top it all off hardmode flashpoits are a waste of time without the right class composition, when it's hard enough just to get 4 people together period.


So why is it exactly that Ea and Bioware think that people will continue to subscribe to this?

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I don't know what other MMOs are like, I've only played this one, and am currently playing this MMO not other MMOs.


That's the endgame for most if not all MMOs. PvP, raiding, achievements... it really depends on what you like to do. I find that the more social you are the better things become.

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I don't know what other MMOs are like, I've only played this one, and am currently playing this MMO not other MMOs.


Yep. There is raiding, doing pvp (world or warzones), dungeons, crafting, roleplaying, exploring for extras like datacrons... and thats about it.

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Yep. There is raiding, doing pvp (world or warzones), dungeons, crafting, roleplaying, exploring for extras like datacrons... and thats about it.


Oh sweet well I guess I'm glad I never got into the whole MMO thing then. This is about the most boring game experience I've had in the last 2 years.

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LVL 50 now for about 2 weeks. The game literally stops dead in it's tracks. Even went back to do some bonus series and find all the Datacrons. In one of the larger guilds on my server, did a couple operations, do dailies. That's it?


The most i've ever seen on our Ilum is 6 people, been up for warzones for the last 2 weeks probably have played 6 total in that time. The endgame economy is non existent. Usually I won't have enough to make it through 2-3 fifteen thousand credit repairs. The game was okay leveling up, but I see no single reason to continue besides alts. To top it all off hardmode flashpoits are a waste of time without the right class composition, when it's hard enough just to get 4 people together period.


So why is it exactly that Ea and Bioware think that people will continue to subscribe to this?


Because some people think ahead, not to mention they read about upcoming content. (You also don't usually see months worth of endgame content in the first month)

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Oh sweet well I guess I'm glad I never got into the whole MMO thing then. This is about the most boring game experience I've had in the last 2 years.


yeah, unless you are doing it with a group full of friends, then MMOs probably arnt for you. I dont mind repetitveness as long as Im with a group of people i can laugh with.


Example: One time in WoW in Ulduar, to break up the monotiny of raiding, a rogue Trick of the Traded (a threat skill) Mimiron's bomb minions onto me without my knowledge, blowing me up and causing me to at first, break everyones ears. Then laugh. Then plot my revenge.

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Oh sweet well I guess I'm glad I never got into the whole MMO thing then. This is about the most boring game experience I've had in the last 2 years.

Really if you don't want to play you don't have to play, my suggestion roll an alt and play a different story.


If you don't want to do that, then MMO's are probably not for you.

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If you liked the leveling so much...do it again! No other Mmo has this much alt replay-ability designed into it. Ill be the first to say this one fails on a few fronts and needs improvement, but I have never had the desire in any mmo as I do in this one to level them ALL up.


Its a question of what you WANT to do OP...what is that?

Next ask yourself what you need to make that goal happen, and point the finger in the right direction for why its not happening


If its group content your looking for, that's not actually Bioware's issue if your not getting it. All they can do is provide it as an option with content (they have). They cant control the community and make them play in the style other people want, and when they want even though groups are required for that. The responsibility for any community issue (IE group content) falls FLAT on that community and its members themselves.


You have options. Use them. Is your server dead in terms of groupers? Make an alt on a new one (you did imply the grind was fun.) that has both a more active, and larger base. Recruit some friends as others have suggested! Be more proactive if your a backseat grouper like I tend to be by default.


However do keep in mind that due to the story nature of the game, its got a slower level progression from most casual players. IMO there still simply are not enough 50's around to judge that situation and we all know a 50's pvp bracket will be there when there IS enough to justify it. From what ive seen most people are taking their time here in this one, and in fact playing multiple classes at the same time.

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LVL 50 now for about 2 weeks. The game literally stops dead in it's tracks. Even went back to do some bonus series and find all the Datacrons. In one of the larger guilds on my server, did a couple operations, do dailies. That's it?


The most i've ever seen on our Ilum is 6 people, been up for warzones for the last 2 weeks probably have played 6 total in that time. The endgame economy is non existent. Usually I won't have enough to make it through 2-3 fifteen thousand credit repairs. The game was okay leveling up, but I see no single reason to continue besides alts. To top it all off hardmode flashpoits are a waste of time without the right class composition, when it's hard enough just to get 4 people together period.


So why is it exactly that Ea and Bioware think that people will continue to subscribe to this?


You just described pretty much all mmorpgs, only this game has unique stories for your alts, datacrons, space combat, etc.



WoW - Rush to end game, ignoring every dungeon along the way, until you hit the end game range, farm the 5 mans, until you can farm the entry raid, then farm the bigger raid. Mind numbing dailies, and maybe suffer through awful, tacked-on PVP


SWTOR - Play through one of 8 uniquely written class tailored stories that extend all the way to level 50, participate in space combat, hunt datacrons, do flashpoints/hard modes, do operations, mind numbing dailies, and suffer through awful, tacked-on PVP.

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TOR has a LOT of content for a launch.


WoW had two raids and no battlegrounds at launch. The game had been wiped clean for months before a third raid was added.


TOR has something WoW didn't, though: A MASSIVE amount of replayability.


Edit: To clarify, I always level slow.


I currently have a level 32, a level 21, a level 15, and two level 11s. I've tossed some other characters I didn't really like that much. Overall, I enjoy the leveling a LOT, and I'm not bored in the slightest with the game.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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So if you are bored and feel like there is nothing to do, then you should move on. It's not rocket science. Have fun, then pay the subscription. Don't feel like the game deserves paying the monthly fee, then unsub.


One good thing about it is that it keeps a healthy chunk of the trolls out of the game.

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