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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

4h. downtime... a SATURDAY???


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Come on guys 2am to 6am CST is noone's prime time anywhere in the world. Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed. Its normally for TV purposes 8pm to 11pm. So its either super early morning or mid morning for everyone. They have to do it at some point no matter when people will be unhappy. Its 4 hours and I hear people talking about how they wont be able to play Saturday.


Its Saturday morning not all day Saturday or all weekend. The other patch isnt until Tuesday.


I'll quote again:

"Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed."


My family's dinner time is between 2 and 3am, due to our working swing shift. You extrapolate from there.

Edited by Shaz
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Come on guys 2am to 6am CST is noone's prime time anywhere in the world. Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed. Its normally for TV purposes 8pm to 11pm. So its either super early morning or mid morning for everyone. They have to do it at some point no matter when people will be unhappy. Its 4 hours and I hear people talking about how they wont be able to play Saturday.


Its Saturday morning not all day Saturday or all weekend. The other patch isnt until Tuesday.


Sorry to brake your bubble, but 6AM CST is 11PM in Canberra.

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I'll quote again:

"Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed."


My family's dinner time is between 2 and 3am, due to our working swing shift. You extrapolate from there.


So you think that since you are very very odd and 99% of people it not their prime time that they should cater to you and not to the 99%? I mean come on you see how unreasonable this is?

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Come on guys 2am to 6am CST is noone's prime time anywhere in the world. Prime time is defined as the time after dinner but before you go to bed. Its normally for TV purposes 8pm to 11pm. So its either super early morning or mid morning for everyone. They have to do it at some point no matter when people will be unhappy. Its 4 hours and I hear people talking about how they wont be able to play Saturday.


Its Saturday morning not all day Saturday or all weekend. The other patch isnt until Tuesday.


Erm, it's 6pm onwards for us Aussies...had a whole group ready for action too :mad:

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Prime time is irrelevant.

Maintenance should be performed in time when servers population is the LOWEST. Pay attention - not average, but LOWEST. That is common sense and it was like that for a long time.

Your 2:00 AM CST is NOT the time when EU servers population is the LOWEST. That is what matters. Anything else, like definition of prime time, "get a job", "get a life" etc, is irrelevant.

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4pm GMT. That's the entire Saturday gone for EU players. It's as if BW wants EU players to run away from the game.


Well, they succeeded - sub cancelled.

Haha, what a poor reason to unsubscribe.


There's no way to patch without someone losing game time in the process. If they did it at night for EU players it would hit NA players, Vice Versa. Besides, there's more than just this game out there. When I'm not playing TOR I'm either with friends or playing Battlefield 3.

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So you think that since you are very very odd and 99% of people it not their prime time that they should cater to you and not to the 99%? I mean come on you see how unreasonable this is?


You probably missed my previous post, so I can understand your reaction here.


No, I don't expect special treatment. I'm quite aware that I'm a second class American citizen due to my hours. What you quoted was simply my jaw-dropping at your assertion that 2am could not possibly be prime time.


Guess what? Even with my odd hours aside, 2am CST *is EXACTLY prime time* in the Oceanic time zone. Half my guild is American swing shift, and the rest are Oceanics. So, the time BioWare chose is dead center in our prime time... and the Oceanics qualify by even your shallow definition of prime time. I know you'll say it's not officially released there yet, but ... even when it is, whatcha wanna bet that they'll have the exact same downtimes? I mean, the EU servers also share our 2am downtimes, and that's not a good time for them.

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Prime time is irrelevant.

Maintenance should be performed in time when servers population is the LOWEST. Pay attention - not average, but LOWEST. That is common sense and it was like that for a long time.

Your 2:00 AM CST is NOT the time when EU servers population is the LOWEST. That is what matters. Anything else, like definition of prime time, "get a job", "get a life" etc, is irrelevant.


Exactly. My NORTH AMERICAN server is DEAD during daytime hours. There's almost no one on. It's classed as a "light" server. However, at 2 AM server time (4 AM CST), it is HOPPING. It is classed as a "full" server and has a queue to log on.


This isn't rocket science.

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You probably missed my previous post, so I can understand your reaction here.


No, I don't expect special treatment. I'm quite aware that I'm a second class American citizen due to my hours. What you quoted was simply my jaw-dropping at your assertion that 2am could not possibly be prime time.


Guess what? Even with my odd hours aside, 2am CST *is EXACTLY prime time* in the Oceanic time zone. Half my guild is American swing shift, and the rest are Oceanics. So, the time BioWare chose is dead center in our prime time... and the Oceanics qualify by even your shallow definition of prime time. I know you'll say it's not officially released there yet, but ... even when it is, whatcha wanna bet that they'll have the exact same downtimes? I mean, the EU servers also share our 2am downtimes, and that's not a good time for them.


No matter when they do it someone will complain. It doesnt mean you are somehow second class because you work odd hours. Just not the norm. I think them having the downtime when they do is best for the majority.

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You do realize like...EVERY downtime effects EU players right?


So while you sleep through most of the Tuesday maitenance, eu players just cant access the game.


You see OTHER games have downtimes that are localized by server, to not hamper the player population.


SWTOR just does them all at once, regardless of it going into regular player hours or not.


What about all the Americans who play late at night? When I played WoW, maintenance was in the morning and would sometimes go all day. American game, American servers.


This game's maintenance DOES cut into my time. It's going to cut into someone's.


I don't know what the deal is, whether the Europeans have to deal with the Americans at the same time or something. I stopped questioning EA/Bioware's decisions a long time ago.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Patch time from 10pm to 2am on a Friday evening, my time? lol that's just awesome planning... Oh well, I can only hope they will address the lag issue so many people have because otherwise it is a pretty messed up time to schedule maintenance imho.
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Prime time is irrelevant.

Maintenance should be performed in time when servers population is the LOWEST. Pay attention - not average, but LOWEST. That is common sense and it was like that for a long time.

Your 2:00 AM CST is NOT the time when EU servers population is the LOWEST. That is what matters. Anything else, like definition of prime time, "get a job", "get a life" etc, is irrelevant.


So how many people total are on during those hours compared to any other 4 hour block? How do you know they are not doing the updates during the time that the total population is lowest?


You don't. Just because your server may be waking up, does not mean that you are in the majority.

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What about all the Americans who play late at night? When I played WoW, maintenance was in the morning and would sometimes go all day. American game, American servers.


This game's maintenance DOES cut into my time. It's going to cut into someone's.


I don't know what the deal is, whether the Europeans have to deal with the Americans at the same time or something. I stopped questioning EA/Bioware's decisions a long time ago.


WoW - American game, US, EU, RU, CN servers - all with separate maintenance time frame. I'm not sure about AU/NZ servers...


BioWare portrays itself as "all hail America" company. Even the amount of political correct stuff in their posts is overwhelming (looks SO stupid).

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it's not even primetime for EU..........you guys in EU just like to whine

Some countries in the EU have a monday-friday job system. Meaning they have the saturday and sunday off.


Some people work on these days and depending on their job, don't have much time to play outside of weekends.


Now imagine that those subscribers want to play for a couple of hours on their day off to relax before doing housechores and such. Then along comes Bioware, puts up a wicked grin and flips them the finger.


This is probably the reason why some subscribers complain about maintenance times.


And sorry to say this but from the looks of it, US customerbase doesn't seem to give a **** about anyone but themself.

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