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    DnD, SWTOR
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    Tech Support
  1. I would like to see Class specific weapons added to the legacy system as unlocks for higher legacy levels. It could be something like the below Specific class to max Level, Legacy level specific as well. Unlock Double bladed Light saber for use on the following classes Sith Warrior/Jedi Knights 2 Light Saber's once Warrior meets required criteria Sith Assassin/Jedi Shadow can use 2 Light Sabers And same can go for The other classes as well.
  2. Yeah, I play on Prophecy of the Five server. Usually High pop. Any ideas on class to try? I like dps or tanking. Thinking of Jedi knight and maybe a smuggler
  3. I have recently re subbed my account and all my character's are Empire atm. I am wanting to start some republic toons, but worried the population is still to low for any type of real active play. Does anyone know if this is still true or not?
  4. Can we please get a setting to keep the max camera distance. I have to continue to scroll my mouse wheel all the time to zoom out the camera. It should retain it setting once we set it. please fix this
  5. I agree 100% with the OP... I just hope the suggestions get turned into action before the player base gets tired of waiting.
  6. /Signed During beta BW had a program in place that would match all the armor to the chestpiece. Please either reimiplement that or do something else similiar.. The rainbow bright mismatched armor during levling is getting really old.
  7. /Signed During beta you had a program in place that would match all the armor to the chestpiece. Please either reimiplement that or do something.. The rainbow bright during levling is getting really old.
  8. YES TO ALL OF THEM. These would set SWTOR apart from all other MMORPG's. It would increase replay value and just be amazing overall.
  9. welcome to a MMO.. Been like that in this type of game for awhile. Either deal with it or adapt. Send companion in to get mobs and then loot node. Kill mobs move on. Simple as that.
  10. Please go read the books, watch the cartoons, Hell even the movies. At no point do they co exist. They are AT WAR!! Regardless of what server type you play on the story lines do not change. I am 100% against this suggestion.. like 99% of everyone else.
  11. I enjoy PvP and alot of my game time is in War zones. But recently I have noticed ALOT of people afk botting war zones. Its not hard to tell which ones are. They run or a far corner and hide and then every few seconds moves to avoid being afk and kicked. Please add a majority vote or some kind of instant reporting/kicking system to combat this. Also make it once someone was either voted and kick from game or whatever they can not join another war zone for 1hr. and if they are kicked 3 times in a 24hr period they get banned from Pvp for a extended amount of time.
  12. This would be great. Mini games like this would add just another layer to the game. But to add on to your suggestion, the pod racers need to be customizable and upgradeable. could even turn it into a league and based on your upgrades is setup into brackets. Would be really cool.
  13. Keep Dual Specs out of the game. While I play a Sith Assassin. It would be cool to swap between tank and Dps. But REALLY ITS NOT NEEDED! We already have people needing on items for companions. Adding in the Dual specs would cause more issues with need rolling on gear. Its really simple if you want to be another Spec pay the cost.. Simple as that.
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