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Are Marauders/Sentinels the strongest class on full potentional?


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If you're *not* talking 1v1, I would go as far as saying we're bottom of the list, with exception to DPS Guardians/Juggernauts. You'll bust your ***, mastering 35-40 keybindings, and unless you're on a dedicated premade with a pocket tank+healer, you're going to finish middle of the road damage and go pretty much unsung more often than not.


For an unsupported Sentinel to do a ton of damage, the stars kinda have to align just right. It happens for some people and they take a screenshot and post it here as definitive proof the class is fine. The proof is in the pudding though: if every Trooper or Smuggler or Consular posted a screenshot of them topping damage, the bandwidth on the SWTOR would crash. For them, it's expected.


BS. Although I'm in a PvP guild I mostly pug and I come out on top damage-wise at least 4/5 times. Throw a Battlemaster premade at me and I'll come out on top guaranteed as I got enough survivability to take somebody down even when I leap into multiple players. Even if I don't take down a player when leaping into multiple opponents I'll do enough DPS before I die to ensure I come out on top, all possible thanks to the great survivability of Watchmen.


If you get in trouble as Watchman all you have to do is pop Force Camo and it alone will grant you a huge advantage as your opponents healbar will start to drop while yours won't. Force Camo will be back up in 45 seconds. In PvP gear, you should have 16-17k HP and can pop Warzone Medpacs for 5-6k HP or even GbtF in between till Force Camo is back up. And let's not forget Saber Ward and Rebuke. Or the fact that you selfheal while you DPS, lol. See?


That's just one of many approaches on how to do it, whatever suits your playstyle. Yet it doesn't change the fact that the great survivability alone provided to you as Watchman should put you on top damage-wise.


I'm tired of saying it but if you're Watchman and need for "the stars kinda to align just right" for you to do decent damage then I'm afraid you're doing it wrong.

Edited by darthtoph
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BS. Although I'm in a PvP guild I mostly pug I still come out with top damage 4/5 times. Throw a Battlemaster premade at me and I'll come out on top guaranteed as I got enough survivability to take somebody down even when I leap into multiple players. Even if I don't take down a player when leaping into multiple opponents I'll do enough DPS before I die to ensure I come out on top, all possible thanks to the great survivability of Watchmen.


If you get in trouble as Watchman all you have to do is pop Force Camo and it alone will grant you a huge advantage as your opponents healbar will start to drop while yours won't. Force Camo will be back up in 45 seconds. In PvP gear, you should have 16-17k HP and can pop Warzone Medpacs for 5-6k HP or even GbtF in between till Force Camo is back up. And let's not forget Saber Ward and Rebuke. And that you selfheal while you DPS, lol. See?


That's just one of many approaches on how to do it, whatever suits your playstyle. Yet it doesn't change the fact that the great survivability alone provided to you as Watchman should put you on top damage-wise.


I'm tired of saying it but if you're Watchman and need for "the stars kinda to align just right" for you to do decent damage then I'm afraid you're doing it wrong.



As a valor 56 sentinel, its kind of funny the pedestal you put these skills on.:D


They are without a doubt must have/must use skills in/and out of warzones, but they won't help much against a pack of imps, much less a pack of battlemaster premade imps.;)


As is usually the case, CC will ruin your plans more often then not. What you describe is the ideal attack for a sentinel, something which very rarely happens without good team coordination... The other team would have to be braindead.


I find it difficult to believe your above statements are of a typical pug experience.:p

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uh actually yeah I have tanked hardmodes on my sentinel, and they don't raid tank because cooldowns only last for a few seconds


No really!!! :eek:


Basically you were exaggerating to a great degree the 'tankiness' of the class, unless you did mean that sentinels were the 'tankiest' class in the game.... for the duration of their GbtF...:D

Edited by icbeodragon
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No really!!! :eek:


Basically you were exaggerating to a great degree the 'tankiness' of the class, unless you did mean that sentinels were the 'tankiest' class in the game.... for the duration of their GbtF...:D


actually rebuke + saber ward makes them extremely tanky and they are on low cooldown...well rebuke is anyway

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I really enjoy the class, it's fun, I typically top damage, and I don't die very often, but my main is (was) a 50 Sorc and the thread topic is laughable. Don't confuse fun with good. The game revolves around Sorcs and Tanks, everyone else is just trying to have some marginal influence on the outcome of the match. Unfortunately a good Sorc/Sage will kite you forever, and your damage is laughable against geared Tanks.


Also, no one should be complaining about Tracer Missile spam as a Sentinel. You almost hard counter them with the amount of interrupts you have.

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Only one Warzone I've ever played, have I seen a Sentinel/Marauder top damage. A single one. I think that's compelling proof that this class is really lackluster for most in a team environment.


First, this is evidence that playing a Sentinel is hard, not they are impotent.


Second, damage doesn't mean anything in warzones as there are better classes suited for it who spam AOE damage or DoT everyone on the battlefield. These are inflated numbers.


Third, to answer the original poster's question, if you had to choose between a Sentinel, a Trooper, a Sage, and a Scoundrel in deciding who is going to go assassinate some ridiculous tank or healer or enemy dps, you place all bets on the Sentinel. Because not only will he win... he'll even come back alive.


They are the pinnacle of skill in this game, require the most effort to play right, but by god they show results for it. Grav Round spammers and quick burst smugglers have their little tricks that can be countered, but a Sentinel needs neither deception nor spam to defeat you. He can do it face to face, fair and square, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.

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All I know is that I've been wrecking havoc in Warzones today. I'm no PVP pro by any means but if you know what you're doing, you'll be fine. If you're one of those scrubs who leaps into a group of Sorcs and whines when he dies instantly then, well you have other problems. :)
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as for the "Strongest" class, no. You can perform well with practice, but at top performance youre not doing anything that cant be simulated and even improved upon by investing the same effort into other classes and builds.


Shorter range, less CC, gimmicky centering mechanics, no heals, no passive defense, minimal utility, no real consistant group function, limiting focus mechanic, and damage that other classes can simulate already... all make Sentinel have to work harder simply to do what other professions can handle casually. Not saying Sentinel is incapable or bad...just saying there is no light at the end of the tunnel for being a "hard" class.

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