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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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Reviews of MMO's are always of the initial impression. Some sites do go back and do a more in depth review, but no one cares at that point since people's minds are already made up. If I was paid to make an objective analysis of swtor at week 1, I'd have given it high marks also. But it's not until you go through several weeks where all the faults and bugs are vividly apparent.


And SWTOR was far from a flawless launch. Flawless doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

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What's that I smell?






Is something burning?



My favorite part is the part where if this had been a negative review, those same people would be screaming THIS IS TIME MAGAZINE.


At some point you guys need to wake up and smell the coffee. Game is a success. People like it. You don't. That's YOUR problem.


Well it's not time magazine no matter how you spin it (since it is just a copy pasta) and warhammer online. What negative reviews did it get?


What is telling is that there has not be a "we hit 2 million subscribers" announcement (which many people expected) and that week to week people are playing the game less.

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Well it's not time magazine no matter how you spin it (since it is just a copy pasta) and warhammer online. What negative reviews did it get?


What is telling is that there has not be a "we hit 2 million subscribers" announcement (which many people expected) and that week to week people are playing the game less.


You may want to wait until the February 1st conference call before you make that declaration.....the guys at TORwars are pretty confident they are going to announce 2.5 to 3 million subs.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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You have to remind yourself that just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that everyone else does.


Take for example Taylor Swift. Recognized by wierd media outlets as pop star, blah blah, millionaire, but I cannot stand her.


Since I do not like her, should I be out making websites to ban her from the media? Or should I accept that other people like her and can form their own opinion without my help?

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You have to remind yourself that just because you don't like something, doesn't mean that everyone else does.


Take for example Taylor Swift. Recognized by wierd media outlets as pop star, blah blah, millionaire, but I cannot stand her.


Since I do not like her, should I be out making websites to ban her from the media? Or should I accept that other people like her and can form their own opinion without my help?



No... but if she released an album and on half the songs, shes actually burping into the microphone and time magazine gives it a 9.5/10 and says "just great from beginning to end, best lyrics ever".. Whether or not you like Taylor Swift, it should at least raise an Eyebrow.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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What I don't understand is why folks that hate the game enough to constantly post vitriol here on the forums, still pay for it?


If I didn't like it I would not pay and just leave.


So these guys are some kind of weird MMO masochists.


I was thinking the same thing we are out of the free month. Wish they would leave so these forums can be worth reading. I keep coming back to check it out, read about 2 posts and go play the game.


I can not understand why they are determined to wreck the game, makes no sense unless they are WOW employees. If they arn't why don't they go play on the test server and try and improve the game post on that forum, Bioware would probably pay more attention to them. I doubt many developers read this forum to depressing.

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I was thinking the same thing we are out of the free month. Wish they would leave so these forums can be worth reading. I keep coming back to check it out, read about 2 posts and go play the game.


I can not understand why they are determined to wreck the game, makes no sense unless they are WOW employees. If they arn't why don't they go play on the test server and try and improve the game post on that forum, Bioware would probably pay more attention to them. I doubt many developers read this forum to depressing.


They just think they can wreck the game....very few people actually visit forums...so there whining means very little in the long run.

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Magazine reviews mean literally nothing.... Why would I ever trust TIME MAGAZINE on a video game review?


We already know... as in, it is a confirmed fact.. that video game companies try there hardest to make sure only companies who promise to give out high scores will get review copies of the game and other such shady practices...


like what is this?


'Most of all, it makes you feel like you’re part of a huge narrative that’s at once personal to your character’s journey, but also part of a wider, unfolding epic between the Republic and the Empire. Quests and story arcs appear to end, but don’t. Your character may finish a mission, only to get ambushed while strolling back to his ship hours later.'





That statement is so far off from what the majority of people who actually have played the game would say. In fact most people who are fans of good narrative and actually have TASTE were completely disappointed by the "stories" in this game.


If you honestly cannot tell that it really is the same fetch quests and kill x number of monsters quests, just like every other mmo. Glossed over with Voice acting... then there is no hope in arguing with you.


you show up to a new place... There is a new gang causing a bunch of trouble... you must kill X number of them, then disable X number of terminals.


What he said, happens EXACTLY as he said it in the Sith Warrior story (Fairly Large SW spoiler ahead)

Lord Draahg ambushes you on your way back to your ship when you think you've completed a quest.



The statement is spot on, most instances story quests (which is what our reviewer is referring to) are instanced and generally speaking, you are not directed to kill x amount of enemies in instances.


I'll agree that they did that stupid kill x fetch y thing in this game with quests, but the part you quoted is SPOT ON. No MMO in the history of MMOS focused as much on story and immersion, most of us think it did good in both. The funny part is, he never even commented on how the quests are "fetch and kill x" quests, so what's your point?

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You may want to wait until the February 1st conference call before you make that declaration.....the guys at TORwars are pretty confident they are going to announce 2.5 to 3 million subs.


What indicators would even hint at 2.5 to 3 million?


It's not the hours played.

It's not the loss post 1st month free time.

It's not the copies sold.


Don't get me wrong the game will succeed but to say 2.5 - 3 million subscribers is utterly hilarious.

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No... but if she released an album and on half the songs, shes actually burping into the microphone and time magazine gives it a 9.5/10 and says "just great from beginning to end, best lyrics ever".. Whether or not you like Taylor Swift, it should at least raise an Eyebrow.


There you went and forced your opinion into a perfectly legitimate comparison.


I don't see the product the way you do. That doesn't mean you are right or I am wrong.

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Yep the game is universally praised except by the handful of Astroturfers and their alts that Troll our forums.


Its the other way around bud. I take it you do not understand how commerical game review sites work? They are paid in one from or another for good reviews. In some cases review sites will give terrible games good reviews just to get press access or exclusive to upcoming title. Reality is most player reviews of the game have been the polar opposite, giving it bad reviews.


Besides bioware has been caught multiple times spamming fake positive reviews on a number of sites, they have even admitted to it. So there the ones "astroturfing"

Edited by lokivoid
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Its the other way around bud. I take it you do not understand how commerical game review sites work? They are paid in one from or another for good reviews. In some cases review sites will give terrible games good reviews just to get press access or exclusive to upcoming title. Reality is most player reviews of the game have been the polar opposite, giving it bad reviews.


Besides bioware has been caught multiple times spamming fake positive reviews on a number of sites, they have even admitted to it. So there the ones "astroturfing"


yes every site ws paid because they have a different opinion than you. In fact Bioware seems to have paid off all my friends as well because they all love the game.


They even infiltrated my guild and got a hold of some of the wives information because they are playing the first MMO ever and liking it.


//puts on tin foil hat

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Its the other way around bud. I take it you do not understand how commerical game review sites work? They are paid in one from or another for good reviews. In some cases review sites will give terrible games good reviews just to get press access or exclusive to upcoming title. Reality is most player reviews of the game have been the polar opposite, giving it bad reviews.


Besides bioware has been caught multiple times spamming fake positive reviews on a number of sites, they have even admitted to it. So there the ones "astroturfing"


My goodness. Take off the tinfoil hat sir. This is a stretch, even for a troll.


I will give you an 'A' for Effort though, you seem to have regurgitated most of the "cop-out's" that are being used for slang in these forums.

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Besides bioware has been caught multiple times spamming fake positive reviews on a number of sites, they have even admitted to it. So there the ones "astroturfing"


You've been posting about how you hate bioware and the game for over a month which means you resubscribed.



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Both of those sources are user related links and speculation.


None of them actually use any credible source or have any actual validated proof.


Edit: to exemplify what I mean this is quoted from the first response in Reddit "A reddit story about a kotaku story about a reddit story. What the **** is happening here?"


It's someone spinning things wildly out of context in order to make it seem like a big story. Most of it is jargin' and doesn't actually point to any sources but more hearsay and opinion.

Edited by djsmileey
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You think that ANYONE would be stupid enough to use the same username on Metacritic as they do in other places? ESPECIALLY A DEV? Wow. So, say you're going through youtube reading replies to videos. You see a guy say President Bush was the best president ever. You find his profile is named superguy23, you search that up online, and find a superguy23 who listed his name as George W. Bush. So therefore, the only logical conclusion, is that it is in fact George W. Bush!


"We therefore urge you, our readers to stand up for the game and put it to the estimation it deserves IN YOUR OPINION". It is a well known fact that Metacritic attracts tons of trolls both ways fanboy and hater alike. More hater than fanboy, so reviews given ARE unfair (MW3 got like a 3 -- seriously?). Urging them to vote on what they think Dragon Age deserves, is not bad or wrong at all.

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