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Time Magazine gives SWTOR 3.5 out of 4 stars!


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So the article you linked is about how Metacritic found out about corrupt practices by a review site, then dropped them, then talks about how Metacritic vets their review sites. So... http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/star-wars-the-old-republic


Oh look. An 8.5/10. 51 positive reviews, two mixed reviews, zero negative. Not to mention that the site you linked to for that article also gave TOR an 85/100.


That is simply to illustrate that many reviews are meaningless and dishonest buisness practices are not a figment of my paranoid imagination....


Do I have to explain everything to you people?


has to do with every game... not just TOR

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Uh me disagreeing with what the reviewer stated as the strong points of the game doesnt mean I made a mistake...


I didn't buy the game based on any reviews that I read... I bought it because it wanted a space themed mmorpg...


What i was saying is not at all comparable to "calling people stupid for liking the color red"


It's more comparable to me calling somone stupid for having a puke green car covered in rust and then giving it a review saying "This thing has the fanciest paint job in its class, the green mixed with touches of orange really gives the car character.. 4.5/5"


I'm arguing that review is completely bogus...not that the game is complete crap.. or I wouldn't be playing.


I once watched a show that counted how many times one person said "UH" during an interview. It was quite hilarious.


+1 Internet Pioneer

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That is simply to illustrate that many reviews are meaningless and dishonest buisness practices are not a figment of my paranoid imagination....


Do I have to explain everything to you people?


has to do with every game... not just TOR


No, but the suggestion that you made earlier would seem to be that BioWare has somehow bought out 51 reviewers to give them a positive review.

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That is simply to illustrate that many reviews are meaningless and dishonest buisness practices are not a figment of my paranoid imagination....


Do I have to explain everything to you people?


has to do with every game... not just TOR



Yes. Can you please explain why you're still here?


PRO TIP: You're only as good as your join date (in most cases) TROLL!

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That is simply to illustrate that many reviews are meaningless and dishonest buisness practices are not a figment of my paranoid imagination....


Do I have to explain everything to you people?


has to do with every game... not just TOR


You people...what people is that?


And why are you so motivated to prove all reviews are meaningless? I mean are you going to jump in with the same passion if there is a negative reveiw?


I doubt it.

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You people...what people is that?


And why are you so motivated to prove all reviews are meaningless? I mean are you going to jump in with the same passion if there is a negative reveiw?


I doubt it.


'You people" is everyone who really cant understand what I'm getting at and think I'm just being mindlessly negative about everything


I'm arguing back with people arguing with me. The initial response I got to suggesting reviews are meaningless is "911 was an inside job"

If the review was a false review of a good game why wouldn't I?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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You people...what people is that?


And why are you so motivated to prove all reviews are meaningless? I mean are you going to jump in with the same passion if there is a negative reveiw?


I doubt it.



Because ...


Pro ALT forum for the win!

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What I don't understand is why folks that hate the game enough to constantly post vitriol here on the forums, still pay for it?


If I didn't like it I would not pay and just leave.


So these guys are some kind of weird MMO masochists.


In a nutshell, yes , i believe they exist. Saddos

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Why do you believe it's a false review?


It's false review because it doesn't point out any of the major flaws that are experienced by a lot of the player base...


For example


Ilum pvp is broken... Is that not an extremely important thing to point out?


Various talents in many classes talent trees, do not have any effect.


Widespread FPS issues for most players..




Id give it 6.5-7 out of 10? "ALL THINGS CONSIDERED"

Edited by KurleyKilla
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It's false review because it doesn't point out any of the major flaws that experienced by a lot of the player base...


For example


Ilum pvp is broken... Is that not an extremely important thing to point out?


Various talents in many classes talent trees, do not have any effect.


Widespread FPS issues for most players..




Id give it 6.5-7 out of 10? "ALL THINGS CONSIDERED"



It sounds like some people just don't like it because they didn't highlight their own personal gripes with the game. Others are claiming EA/Bioware wrote and submitted it as a press release 'disguised' as a review.


"Some elements of “Old Republic” don’t work so well.


“The Old Republic” feels a bit restrictive, mostly keeping you on designated paths.


You’ll miss the freedom “Galaxies” gave players to jump on a speeder bike or hoof it in any direction across Tatooine’s desert landscape. You can visit Tatooine (and Hoth and Alderaan, among other worlds) in “The Old Republic,” but if you stroll too far outside the mapped-out territory, your character starts dying within a few steps.


Space combat in “The Old Republic” is easily the game’s weakest point. Your ship basically flies a fixed course and you’re left to use the mouse to target enemy craft. It’s pretty weak."


Hmm. Who did Bioware hire to write it, EALouse?

Edited by daemian
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Sounds like some people just don't like it because they didn't highlight their own personal gripes with the game.


Others are claiming Bioware wrote and submitted it as a press release 'disguised' as a review.


Some elements of “Old Republic” don’t work so well.


“The Old Republic” feels a bit restrictive, mostly keeping you on designated paths.


You’ll miss the freedom “Galaxies” gave players to jump on a speeder bike or hoof it in any direction across Tatooine’s desert landscape. You can visit Tatooine (and Hoth and Alderaan, among other worlds) in “The Old Republic,” but if you stroll too far outside the mapped-out territory, your character starts dying within a few steps.


Space combat in “The Old Republic” is easily the game’s weakest point. Your ship basically flies a fixed course and you’re left to use the mouse to target enemy craft. It’s pretty weak.


Hmm. Who did Bioware hire to write it, EALouse?


It's not a personal gripe... Bioware admits that Ilum pvp is broken... that's not a PERSONAL opinion of mine... it's a fact.


so is every other issue I listed...


I know nothing of what other people are saying regarding what you've quoted.

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It's not a personal gripe... Bioware admits that Ilum pvp is broken... that's not a PERSONAL opinion of mine... it's a fact.


so is every other issue I listed...


I know nothing of what other people are saying regarding what you've quoted.


It's clearly not a false review.

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What I don't understand is why folks that hate the game enough to constantly post vitriol here on the forums, still pay for it?


If I didn't like it I would not pay and just leave.


So these guys are some kind of weird MMO masochists.


I have to agree, its amazing that people who appear to dislike the game so much still have time to post negative comments in any thread remotely positive about the game. Was just looking to share with people that are actually enjoying the game a bit of positive news.

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It's not a personal gripe... Bioware admits that Ilum pvp is broken...


that's not a PERSONAL opinion of mine... it's a fact.


It's also a fact that it's being addressed and even the great WoW had serious issues like that at lunch.


so is every other issue I listed...


Which are either being addressed or are merely opinion of what constitutes a good MMO.


The fact is all in all the hair puling is a bit silly.

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LMFAO!! That is so funny!! The only thing funnier is someone who hates a game but continues to pay...oh, wait...


Clearly you read something i didn't he never said he hated the game maybe hes just disappointed and holds out hope things will get better.

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Who cares. Either you enjoy the game, pay for it, and continue to play OR you cancel and leave. Anyone who dislikes this game, and either pays for it still OR continues to post on the forums is completely retarded and must have no life.


Also I love all the conspiracy theories about BW writing these reviews. First off, if you have EVER read a legit press release, they sound nothing like this review. This is an actual review. Just because other news organizations picked up the same review, does not mean its bogus. I am also pretty sure TIME would not print a "press release" and call it a "review" that is paid by BW.


This sort of sharing of stories/articles happens all across the news industry in all sorts of stories and weather.

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Wonder how much they spent to have their game appear in Time.


Hey BW how about you stop spending money marketing and start spending it on fixing the damn game!!! Wait I know why - it's because you want to make money selling the game and don't want to spend money fixing a game everyone is unsubbing from.

Edited by Taurusaud
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Wonder how much they spent to have their game appear in Time.


Hey BW how about you stop spending money marketing and start spending it on fixing the damn game!!! Wait I know why - it's because you want to make money selling the game and don't want to lose money fixing a game everyone is unsubbing from.


So you also think Bioware wrote this?

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