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[GUIDE] Every Title in the Game (and how to get them!)


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Hi all, wanted to share this guide with you :) I know I'm personally a huge collector of titles/achievements/codex entries, so I'm sure someone will find this useful.


Originally from: http://swtor.theplanarcollege.com/every-in-game-title-and-how-to-get-them/


Spoiler Alert! Some of these titles/descriptions may reveal details relating to class stories/flashpoints/quests. I've tried to keep it to a minimum, but some require a degree of spoiling in order to convey the instructions. Take notice if you're concerned.


Class Titles

Jedi Knight



The Indomitable – Given at the end of Act II class quests.

Hero of Tython – Given at the end of Act I class quests.

Knight of the Republic – Given after completing your class quests on Tython.

Master – Received at the end of Act III class quests.

Padawan – Received at the start of the game.



Jedi Consular


Barsen’thor – Given at the end of Act I class quests.

Emissary of Teral – Received after completing the Alderaan class quest, “The Summit”.

Jedi – Given after completing your class quests on Tython.

Master – Given after the first mission of Act II class quests.

Mender of the Rift - received after completing your Act III class quests.

Padawan – Received after your meeting with Yuon Par in the Jedi Temple on Tython.





the Butcher’s Bane – Kill Rogan the Butcher in Act 3. You will not receive it if you don’t kill him.

Captain – Received at the start of the game.

The Outlaw – Given after completing your class quests on Ord Mantell.

Republic Privateer – Rescue Darmas Pollaran and Senator Dodonna during your Act II class quest.






Captain – Received for completing Act I class quests.

Lieutenant – Given after completing your class quests on Ord Mantell.

Major – Complete you Act II class quests.

Sergeant – Received at the start of the game.



Sith Inquisitor



Apprentice – Received at the start of the game.

Darth – Received for completing Act III class quests.

Lord – Received for completing Act I class quests.

the Forcewalker – Given at the beginning of Act II class quests.



Sith Warrior



Acolyte – Received shortly after the beginning of the game.

Apprentice – Received after killing Overseer Tremel and meeting with Darth Baras during your Korriban class quests.

Darth – Given after completing Act III class quests.

Lord – Given after completing Act I class quests.



Bounty Hunter



*Baroness – Female only: marry Raffid during your Act I class quests.

Grand Champion of the Great Hunt – Granted for completing the Great Hunt at the end of the Act I class quest.

Hired Gun – Received for completing your class quests on Hutta.

*Homewrecker – Kill Raffid and the Lady during your Act I class quests.

*Knight of Alderaan – Choose Raffid to be the head of the house during your Act I class quests.

the Heartless – Complete both stages of the Heroic quest “Hostage Situation” on Hutta.

the Relentless – Complete your Act III class quests.

Republic’s Most Wanted – Granted shortly after entering Act III.


* You can only receive ONE of these titles at the end of your Act I class quests.



Imperial Agent



Agent – Received at the start of the game.

Cipher Agent – Given after completing your class quests on Dromund Kaas.

Master Conspirator – Received after completing Act III class quests.

the Double Agent – Granted at the end of Act I class quests.

the Heartless – Complete both stages of the Heroic quest “Hostage Situation” on Hutta.



Flashpoint Titles


the Deprogrammer – Granted for completing the Directive 7 flashpoint.

Rider of the Maelstrom – Received from completing the Maelstrom flashpoint.

the Backstabber – Received from choosing to leave the ambassador behind in The Esseles flashpoint.

the Merciless – Granted for choosing to execute the captain in the Black Talon flashpoint.

the Stalwart – Granted for sparing the captain in the Black Talon flashpoint.

the Throne Breaker – Given after defeating the final boss of The False Emperor flashpoint.

the Uncompromising – Received for choosing not to leave the ambassador behind in The Esseles flashpoint.

the Unmasked – Granted for defeating the final boss of The Foundry.


Operations Titles


the Unyielding – Defeat Nightmare Mode Karagga’s Palace in under two hours.

the Infernal – Defeat Nightmare Mode Soa in under two hours.


Alignment Titles


the Destructive – Granted for reaching Dark III alignment.

the Loathsome – Granted for reaching Dark V alignment.

the Honorable – Granted for reaching Light III alignment.

the Pure – Granted for reaching Light V alignment.


Social Reward Titles


Big Time – Received upon reaching Social Tier 10.

Party Time – Received upon reaching Social Tier 5.

Space Combat Reward Titles


Flyboy/Flygirl – Granted after completing your first space mission.

Hot Shot Pilot – Rewarded for completing your faction’s highest level space mission, available at level 48.

the Pilot – Granted for completing the level 28 space mission: Taspan Ambush (Imperial) or Syvris Evacuation (Republic).


Quest Reward Titles


Black Bisector – Granted for completing the Gree questline on Coruscant (Republic only).

the Heartless – Complete both stages of the Heroic quest “Hostage Situation” on Hutta (IA/BH only).

the Keeper of Truth – Received after completing the “Chamber of Speech” quest on Tython (JK/JC only).

the Mantellian – Granted after completing the Heroic quest “Destroy the Beacons” on Ord Mantell (Smuggler/Trooper only).

the Revanite – Given after becoming initiated with the Revanites on Dromund Kaas (Imperial only).

Hero of the Gorinth Canyon – Received for completing the quest “The Mandalorian Terror” on Balmorra (Republic only).




Skirmisher – Valor Rank 10

Duelist – Valor Rank 20

Gladiator – Valor Rank 30

Centurion – Valor Rank 40

Champion – Valor Rank 50

Battlemaster – Valor Rank 60

War Hero – Valor Rank 70

Conquorer – Valor Rank 80

Warlord – Valor Rank 90

Elite Warlord – Valor Rank 100




Founder – Granted if you have paid for SWTOR at least once before March 19, 2012. Received via in-game mail.



If you see any errors or missing entries, please let me know so I can update accordingly!

Edited by kiriavark
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i'd suggest putting the class titles in spoiler tags due to some giving away key things about the class such as the imperial agents.


you could do each section in separate tags so that if someone wants to look at one section they can see them without seeing others

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i'd suggest putting the class titles in spoiler tags due to some giving away key things about the class such as the imperial agents.


you could do each section in separate tags so that if someone wants to look at one section they can see them without seeing others



Fair enough! Done.

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Hi there!


We appreciate when anyone takes time to put together a nice resource for the community. Since New Player Help has a good deal of guides, we've started the New Players Fleet Pass: A Directory of Resources as a way to manage all of these terrific resources. This thread has been added to the directory!


Thanks for the guide! :)


Awesome! Thanks.


Glad it's helping people out. :)

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The Kaon Under Siege title (Rakghouls' Bane) - I have done this FP but not received this title. Do you have to kill the bonus boss.


I only did the FP on HM though, does that matter? Thanks


Not sure, though I've heard people having issues getting this title. I'm going to remove it from the list until I can personally confirm it. Thanks for bringing it up!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for putting together this guide, I've found it very useful.


It'll take me a while to get the nightmare mode <2h titles :)


Just wondering... If you look in "Planets" under your in-game codex entries, you'll see that there are some Title achievements on most planets. The Drommund Kaas title obviously is the Revanite, but what do you think the others are?

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Two titles you can get with 1.2 release on PTS. That will mail to all your characters on any server, lke founder title. Can be achieved at anytime.


Front line of defense - With any character make it to lvl 10 on PTS.

The cutting edge - complete chapter 1 of any class on PTS.


Ghrunn Felshard

DS Vanguard

Order of Methedras

Corellians Run

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