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Damage meters / gear checks (no thx)


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We both know that the player has no say if he is being judged by Damage meters so he just not use them.


Every argument for them is Straw Man...it is why Bioware is not acting on implementing even the combat log any time soon.


If you want GS and meters you have your elitist based game for that...it's called WoW


Not true at all they already announced meterics are coming.... so ya lol.

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We both know that the player has no say if he is being judged by Damage meters so he just not use them.


Every argument for them is Straw Man...it is why Bioware is not acting on implementing even the combat log any time soon.


If you want GS and meters you have your elitist based game for that...it's called WoW


And I like how you consider anyone that wants to see their performance as elitist.... ya okay im elitist because I like to know how much dps im putting out to make sure I am maxed....


And honestly in my short time in WoW i never ran into a single elitist that was kicking people for dps or anything else.


I saw people saying LFM xxxx raid ilvl 390+ which is perfectly fine in my book ITS THEIR RAID so what you dont have the gearscore to join it why are people mad about that?

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If you want GS and meters you have your elitist based game for that...it's called WoW


This always cracks me up. WoW is so non-elitist it's not even funny. I swear most people have no idea what the word even means.


And someone who calls you bad isn't elitist. He may be a jerk, but he's not elitist.


In any case, WoW isn't hard enough to have elitists. This game, frankly, really isn't either. Not that its a bad thing; I'm really enjoying this game, and I plan to be around a long time. But people who point at "elitism" as something that belongs in another game, when that other game doesn't even really have elitists, really needs a better argument.


The definition of "elitist" is not "someone who hurt my feelings once." It's not "someone who is better than I am." It's not "someone who plays competitively." It's not "someone who only wants to play with high-performing players." It's none of those things.


Seriously, before you start flinging the word around, at least take a second to learn what it means.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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We both know that the player has no say if he is being judged by Damage meters so he just not use them.


Every argument for them is Straw Man...it is why Bioware is not acting on implementing even the combat log any time soon.


If you want GS and meters you have your elitist based game for that...it's called WoW


Lies, they're needed for nightmare mode bosses to see who's slacking on hard enrages.

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to clarify to those who seem to have misunderstood:


I would rather not see these in game. There are reasonable arguments to the contrary, but it would seem (in my opinion) they would be best suited to guilds intently focused on progression through very difficult content.

Adjusting playstyle and strategies is my prefered method of play, and I'd like to think many non-elitist content bulldozers would agree. It is entirely possible (and sometimes much more fun) to run Heroic areas and FlashPoints (at least all I've seen so far) with less than ideal conditions. I find it boring to go in with a group of supermen and methodicly demolish mobs through an optimized path.


Shocking as it may sound, many people play the game for fun and would rather not stress or be belittled about their gear or lack of. Keep in mind this is a half formed idea, and I would love to hear logical if not constructive comments for or against.




Every argument for them is Straw Man...it is why Bioware is not acting on implementing even the combat log any time soon.


If you want GS and meters you have your elitist based game for that...it's called WoW


^^^also this ^^^

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Another "I hate dmg meter / GS!" thread, that's cool...




Damage meters, imo, are needed to figure out if spec X is better then spec Y. Looking at my talents is one way to go, but I'd want to know PRECISELY if it's better or not.


Gear score is coming, they already have armor rating so it's only a matter of time.

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Not true at all they already announced meterics are coming.... so ya lol.


They keep saying it..... look around where are your meters? Not on the PTR not anywhere


Next month I'll ask the same thing


so yeah lol


Edited by Jett-Rinn
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They keep saying it..... look around where are your meters? Not on the PTR not anywhere


Next month I'll ask the same thing


so yeah lol



Probably around march with the next big update or shortly after but they are coming regardless.


And it is a needed addition because there are dps hard enrages in this game and not having a meter to see where you can improve dps is a missing feature imo.

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This isn't really true.


The Logic was, if you had a certain level of gear you most likely saw and defeated some of the content previously, and thus were more desirable then someone without that level of gear. You couldn't just RNG your way into amazing gear without having seen some of the content first.


Some people who had poor RNG, but if you had achievements more often then not people were willing to take you unless you were woefully under-geared.


How do you account for players being carried then? And honestly lets be real, how hard is it to know a pve encounter? PVE people want to inflate their "skill" but its a a scripted event give me a break.


Event: A

Action: Move to Location B

Spam rotation

Wash rinse repeat.


Even a monkey could do it.

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Damage Meters are not needed in a game that is as easy as SWTOR is. There is no care to be World First, because none of the content is challenging. A PuG can beat nightmare mode on the first day, and tha tis fine, becuase this game is about the story, not the end-game.


If people want to race the Koreans to be the first to kill something, then by all means leave this game and play that other game.

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Damage Meters are not needed in a game that is as easy as SWTOR is. There is no care to be World First, because none of the content is challenging. A PuG can beat nightmare mode on the first day, and tha tis fine, becuase this game is about the story, not the end-game.


If people want to race the Koreans to be the first to kill something, then by all means leave this game and play that other game.



"I am a pretty bad player and cannot pull my weight, thus me and the other bottomfeeders are happy our badness is not at display and we can get dragged along with other people that wonder why they wipe to enrages"



thats the only argument i read here:D

Edited by Anelitt
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I like DPS meters are gear checks.


It saves me time, DPS meters, saves alot of time and lets dps get better easier.


Gear checks? Saves guilds and pugs alot of time when guilds recruit for raids they want geared people, so if they can look at a number rather then look over all the gear, it saves time. Not much but it helps.


These features only add to the game not take away

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Why would a good player not bother to improve their gear?


Because they may have a life outside the game? I know its hard to imagine going to work, paying bills, raising children.


Also some people play the game because its just fun. You take away that aspect when you turn it into a huge competition.

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Damage Meters are not needed in a game that is as easy as SWTOR is. There is no care to be World First, because none of the content is challenging. A PuG can beat nightmare mode on the first day, and tha tis fine, becuase this game is about the story, not the end-game.


If people want to race the Koreans to be the first to kill something, then by all means leave this game and play that other game.


That may be so but...


But if swtor does not put out really challenging content, to give incentive for progression to player, it can't survive much longer.

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Because they may have a life outside the game? I know its hard to imagine going to work, paying bills, raising children.


Also some people play the game because its just fun. You take away that aspect when you turn it into a huge competition.


You can still play it as a social game even if they have damage meters. No one forces you to compete.

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