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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

613 exp, 4 shot by Tracer Missle spam.


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Herp derp some people should read the entire thread before posting.


Herp derping actually exhibits your inexperienced age moreso than enticing people to take you seriously.


Therefore, I no longer consider this a constructive topic. Moving along.

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I sense someone has no pvp 50lvl gear in this complaint. Gear up and his +600 expertise will not make as much difference.



Also, LoS them, BH need line of sight. If you are playing an assassin or a shadow, you will be beat down if you don't become defensive in your tactics when the tracer hits you.

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Tracers usually cap crit around 2.4-2.6k and 2.8k-3.1k with relic. If you have 600+ exp that means you should have something around 16 - 18k HP. Which there is no way you'd be 4 shot. Only way to 4 shot someone is someone with 12k or less HP.
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I love the "Just LOS the sniper" or "just LOS the Merc" arguments. They're AWESOME.


You know why?


Because in forcing you to run away from your desired target and find somewhere to LOS (especially if their teammates are being intelligent and standing in locations that require you to, you know, engage them.. [especially if you're melee]) they have CC'd you more effectively than any whirlwind, sleep dart, or stun ever will... and for zero resolve to you. They are essentially REMOVING you from combat by doing so if they can (and they will) pin you in a position that doesn't allow you to contribute. The only downside to them doing this is they don't get the super cool numbers at the end of the warzone that says that they killed you or did 20584 damage to you.


Sure, LOS those snipers and mercs all day long so that they can just switch targets and pick off another teammate while you run the long way around to the ramp in Huttball so that you can actually reach them to kill them. I'm sure i'm not the only one thats hit the air vent only to be ambush - followthrough - snipe combo'd or 4x tracer missiled while midair trying to reach a sniper or Merc on the platforms.


In other words you want EZMODE pvp, where you expect to just run up against a ranged unit without any skill or consequence.


If you don't know how to use basic LoS strategies against range, when necessary, then you've got much more to learn about PvP.

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


Learn to interrupt?

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Also, even IF TM or any other spammable skill would kill someone with adrenal relic trinket w/e zerk buff and 100% crit chance, that means nothing.


You are not supposed to SIT there, without using any defensive ability, or interrupt, or CC, or LOS, and take it like a bauss in the back, ignoring dmg coz you have 615 expertise and you're like a mountain assaulted with toothpicks.


You have to prevent dmg, mitigate it, avoid it. Is simple as that. How fast can an OP or Scoundrel drop you with their relics and stuff popped when you don't move a finger? How good is your expertise then? What about a sniper / gunslinger?


You make tests that prove nothing. You should find more relaxing / constructive ways to spend your time in game IMHO :-)


OTH, NERF ELEVATORS! They kill peeps in full pvp gear with 615 expertise! You can't los it, you can't CC it, they 1 shot you!!!!

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If you do nothing and let him cast 4 TM on you, plus instant casts that you didn't see, you deserve to die.


LOS and interrupts are part of the pvp you know? Nothing like interrupting a merc using only TM and see him backpedal for 4 sec doing nothing, probably hitting the TM button like mad, ofcourse only the bad Mercs do that.

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No that's pretty much what happened. The BH is a well known pvper and pvp's with the 2P rakata for the 15% crit bonus to it and all the rest of the gear is BM.


It was a 1v1 fight because i wanted to test it. he cast 4 spells and I was dead. Maybe they have an instant cast or something i missed.. is that possible?


wow 1v1 because the game is balanced around that.....


oh wait it is not.


games like this are not balanced around 1v1 so therefore your complaints are moot. you can probably dominate someone just as hard if your its counter class. plus why didn't you do anything. like interupt stun cc etc? i cant believe he got 4 off and if he did then he blew all his cd's and will be left to get owned by someone who should have been with you.

Edited by Atamosk
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This is a really long thread that should be titled "People who think arsenal tree is overpowered because they cant stand in the open without being nuked"


pretty standard whining, funny how you ask anyone who isnt garbage at pvp what class they think has the least utility and the answer is always mercenary.


Im all for a TM nerf if I get at least two of these:

-Root on my AOE knockback

-A skill that boosts my DPS for one skill (since we have no defensive cooldown worth anything)

-Jetpack charge equivalent (force leap)

-Grappling hook

-an interrupt

-an instant cast CC that interrupts if the target is damaged

-a skill similar to stim boost

-a skill or shield that protects against movement impairing effects.

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Honestly if anyone should be upset, it should be the Mercs for being given such a stupidly effective 2 button rotation. Last instance I was in had an Arsenal Merc just spam tracer missiles until his heat maxed out, and he was keeping up in DPS with our other DPS.


how do you know he was keeping up his dps? how does anyone know for that matter. we can't possibly know, which is great. just wondering if their is actually a way you can tell or is it jusging factors of speed of kill

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how do you know he was keeping up his dps? how does anyone know for that matter. we can't possibly know, which is great. just wondering if their is actually a way you can tell or is it jusging factors of speed of kill


Hey might be referring to dmg output on the scoreboards.


But I think the point we can reiterate are noobs that leave tracer/grav spammers alone. Any team that completely ignores all range deserves the pain it's going to cause them.

Edited by Lazorous
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how do you know he was keeping up his dps? how does anyone know for that matter. we can't possibly know, which is great. just wondering if their is actually a way you can tell or is it jusging factors of speed of kill


True I was just kind of eye-balling it, looking at bars when missiles hit compared to the other DPS abilities and all that. Why this game didn't come with a combat log is beyond me. Then again, it also has no group matchmaking so I guess they just flat out forget a lot of things.

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Tracer can easily crit upwards to 5k damage, if the expertise is the same or lower on the enemy you are hitting. If you simply pop an adrenal and a relic. Example being, power adrenals + surge and crit relic. Firstly higher crit chance, higher crit multiplied and the extra power makes sure you get those high hits.


I've had well over 7k crits on heatseeker on enemies. Goes to 8k + on lowbies. The 4x tracer missile crit in a row however is pure luck. Generally it is very hard to get 4 crits in a row. So he most likely popped a heatseeker or a railshot follow up which finished u off with that damage if one or two of his tracers did not crit.



People are very ignorant now a days :(


Being a full champ with Biochem and crit surge relic, I find your numbers to be highly questionable.

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I have never been Tracered to death by itself. One Tracer and I am reaching for Force Leap. I will shred a Merc standing around.


Basicly this is what happens to every arsenal on my server. 1-2 TM gets them focused for the rest of the game by someone who locks them down the whole match.Most of the leap effects have a built in interrupt, along with the regular interrupt that every class other than Merc/Commando get. Though most usually (and maybe pop a defensive CD if they need to) and run up to the arsenal merc, then charge after the knockback and lock them down/kill shortly after(within the next 8 seconds tops usually).


Edit: Usually someone with some sort of pull ends up using that to get them off the rafters in huttball, too.

Edited by Kortobowden
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This is a really long thread that should be titled "People who think arsenal tree is overpowered because they cant stand in the open without being nuked"


pretty standard whining, funny how you ask anyone who isnt garbage at pvp what class they think has the least utility and the answer is always mercenary.


Im all for a TM nerf if I get at least two of these:

-Root on my AOE knockback

-A skill that boosts my DPS for one skill (since we have no defensive cooldown worth anything)

-Jetpack charge equivalent (force leap)

-Grappling hook

-an interrupt

-an instant cast CC that interrupts if the target is damaged

-a skill similar to stim boost

-a skill or shield that protects against movement impairing effects.


You get energy shield right? How is that not a defensive skill worth anything. Plus you have 2 knockbacks, which is more than the other classes which is why yours doesn't root.


I'm not saying Mercs/commandos need a nerf, because I don't neccesarily agree with that, I'm just saying there's no reason to make **** up. Even though I realize the otherside is doing it too and this thread is probably a pretty good example of that.


Although to be totally honest 4k tracer missiles don't seem THAT completely out of reach given the numbers I've been hit with. I'm sure it would require some consumables though.

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Hey might be referring to dmg output on the scoreboards.


But I think the point we can reiterate are noobs that leave tracer/grav spammers alone. Any team that completely ignores all range deserves the pain it's going to cause them.


totally agreed.


everytime i run into battle and see 2/3 sorcs spamming lightnight and people attacking the melee i take my palm and place it over my face

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Yes, they have instants and he probably used 2-3 against you.


Also tracer spam is only deadly if you stand there and let them wail on you. LoS them and they're screwed.


How are they screwed?


Do you mean they are screwed out of killing you for the few seconds it takes them to run around a corner and use their instants to finish you off?

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You get energy shield right? How is that not a defensive skill worth anything. Plus you have 2 knockbacks, which is more than the other classes which is why yours doesn't root.


I'm not saying Mercs/commandos need a nerf, because I don't neccesarily agree with that, I'm just saying there's no reason to make **** up. Even though I realize the otherside is doing it too and this thread is probably a pretty good example of that.


Although to be totally honest 4k tracer missiles don't seem THAT completely out of reach given the numbers I've been hit with. I'm sure it would require some consumables though.


Where did I make anything up? And yes in pvp a 2 min cooldown, 12 second, 25% damage reduction shield is worthless.


My point was that Mercs have no utility, even with Pyrotech. People crying about a BH standing on a ledge nuking you should be ignored.


People crying for nerfs for a skill that an entire tree is built around that is countered by multiple skills on EVERY class should simply not be taken seriously, especially when the class has next to no survivability.

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True I was just kind of eye-balling it, looking at bars when missiles hit compared to the other DPS abilities and all that. Why this game didn't come with a combat log is beyond me. Then again, it also has no group matchmaking so I guess they just flat out forget a lot of things.


but you completed the encounter right? so then whats the issue? not trying to be a dick or anything im jsut trying to bring up the point about how if you are completing the content then what is the problem.


from what i have read their arent many issues with not being able to kill bosses if the mechanics are done wel..


the reason wow need a dps meter was because to kill a boss in some dungeons you had to have crap gear and push it to the limit. otherwise you would lose. it was tuned that tight. it has changed since then but people are competing for world first are the only people who should care.

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Where did I make anything up? And yes in pvp a 2 min cooldown, 12 second, 25% damage reduction shield is worthless.


My point was that Mercs have no utility, even with Pyrotech. People crying about a BH standing on a ledge nuking you should be ignored.


People crying for nerfs for a skill that an entire tree is built around that is countered by multiple skills on EVERY class should simply not be taken seriously, especially when the class has next to no survivability.


That "worthless" ability has saved my *** plenty of times.

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