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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hutball is awful. Fire whomever designed it.


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Huttball is actually surprisingly enjoyable, purely because it genuinely rewards team play and punishes selfish behaviour. The teams that win are teams that know how to make effective use of the environment, understand how and when to pass and most importantly who can get players in effective positions BEFORE they're needed (running ahead of the ball carrier, so he has someone to pass to when needed). You just don't see that in other warzones, where you can be a perfectly useful member of the team just blindly attacking anything that comes near a fixed point


The only thing I'd change is the air vents - instead of shooting you randomly they should have an arrow around their base that switches direction every few seconds and shows where it will take you. This makes them more tactical and eliminates the randomness

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Huttball is difertent and its great. May take a while to get to and learn to move and position yourself on it.


Since doesnt play exacly as most pvp zones here and other games and people have to learn to do it some hate it because they get lost on it and dont want to put any effort in learning it.


People are lazy.

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Huttball only sucks because the Imperials get roughly 3700% more practice.


When it's Republic vs Republic (Once a week or so) it's fun. The rest of the time, I basically sit there practicing swear words in vent while I watch my team get rolled because we can't take full 8 man premades and the other 4 people think passing the ball is bugged because they're slightly dumber than a box of rocks.

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There are only a couple of major problems with huttball.


The map certainly does favor some classes over others. Anyone with movement boosts (leaps, charges, grapples, sprints) has a distinct advantage. This isn't a "Learn to play" issue so much as some classes are just plain **** outta luck maneuvering the map, they don't have the tools.


As some have said, huttball rewards teamwork. It punishes selfishness. That is a good design if, and only if, you can choose the team you're put with. In a randomly thrown together WZ, that's a terrible design structure that can penalize 3/4ths of the team for those two guys that refuse to work together and keep grabbing the ball.



If they would do something to provide EVERY class with some sort of movement capability, from any of the options available, that problem would be resolved very quickly. And it's not so much a "Give everyone everything" so much as "Make sure everyone has at least something." Everyone needs at least one movement enhancing ability.


As far as the teamwork aspect goes, let us queue with an 8m ops. If this map is supposed to be about teamwork, let us pick our team so we know what we're getting.



Address those two issues and I think huttball would be perfect. Without addressing those two issues, it's a gamble on having fun. Sometimes things happen that outweigh the frustrations, other times the frustrations are insurmountable. I shouldn't have to walk out of any WZ thinking, "well, we won, but my class is terrible in there."

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If you could leap/charge to anywhere within range, I'd probably agree with you. As it is though, you need someone to charge to, hence it means that if your team are playing properly, they are deliberately avoiding standing in places they can be charged to.



I was talking about mobility, not just charges or guardians. I play a guardian and maybe it's my server but when I have the ball people are fairly careful not to stand where I want to charge (and as often as not I will pass the ball before I will guardian leap with it). Guardians are more mobile and more valuable in Huttball than some other classes, but...


The most popular class in the game (and in huttball) gets to run fast/far through snares, fire traps and acid pits even with the balls speed debuff. No teamwork required - they can do that at least 2x/min. And that class has some nice cc also.

Edited by WaywardOne
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