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Balance is actually pretty close (depending)


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The sky is not falling, the distance between the best class and the worst is not that far on average because the best and worst are very situational and depend on the enviroment and the present objective.


Overall there are a few adjustments like.


From my perspective the biggest problem I have seen is that in general Melee are punished for being at range but ranged are not punished for being in Melee.


If that can somehow be worked out (dead zone, damage reduction at close quarters ect) The game will be pretty close.



My only other observation is that tanks dont feel as tanky.. at least Melee tanks anyway.



But PVP is fun and nothing like some other games I have played when it comes to balance.



So the sky isnt falling.. the game is fun, and I an confident they will keep making adjustments.


Have a great day

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I agree for the most part, especially after seeing the Operative adjustments. I swapped to Concealment after the nerf to see why people were complaining and did just fine, it felt quite balanced if just a tad on the weak side compared to a few other FotM specs.


Although reducing ranged accuracy at close range would not work currently for PTs, who work at melee with a lot of ranged abilities. A talent in the tree could fix this however.

Edited by BombasticHoydens
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^^ This.


Add a small amount of accuracy loss, maybe 10% when a ranged class is in Melee range.


Now that is an innovative Idea!


Most classes have an accuracy talent that could be chosen to reduce the penalty therebye adding a new wrinkle to talent builds also.


This is a very strong suggestion indeed.

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i observe this forum quite closely and i see alot of screaming for nerfs, complaining about class imbalances and general "overpowered-not-me's"


very often people give gameplay examples why they think there is some kind of imbalance and most often those are more rage-reactions that constructive observation. meaning situations that appear imbalanced usually are based on very clear differences like fight players of a different level or far better gear or just diverging numbers of group participants.


true concerns i found here are faction imbalance issues, mostly favoring empire, which is not gamebreaking but is really not neccessary.

yet i did not see any TRUE class imbalance issue and i do not support any of the previous class nerfs of the last patches.


classes are very fine in this game! much better than most other MMOs.

people should FIRST try to adapt their tactic against classes that appear hard to defeat before complaining on the forums. most "imbalances" are very fixable by improvements of the related players gameplay. really

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Sorcerers are absolutely broken.


Tracer missile is a one button wonder and needs to be toned down.


Expertise is dumb.


I agree that Sorcs are broken but they're not an easy fix, the numbers are fine but they do too much. Therefore to nerf them you either adjust the numbers to where they're weak at everything, or just flat out remove abilities which is also not really a solution. Or give other ACs more abilities, a good solution but time consuming.


Tracer Missile spam is retarded, and the thing I hate is that it works. The other day in a Cademimu group we had an Arsenal merc who did nothing but spam tracers until max heat, which took quite a long time actually then auto attacked between maxing out heat with single tracers. And he was doing great damage output, it was retarded.


Expertise is fine, not letting us get it on gear mods is dumb.

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There are some good suggestions in this thread. I feel like the game is pretty balanced for the most part with one exception. Ranged vs melee in Hutt Ball. The terrain advantage heavily favors ranged classes and there is no real tangible way for a melee to make up the difference unless they have a numbers advantage.


Even with a Sprint and some other utility tools, if I had a dollar for every time I've been hammered by a sorc or BH with little to no defense besides frantically trying to LoS, I'd be a rich man. I'm speaking specifically about Hutt Ball BTW.

Edited by Cowflab
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There are some good suggestions in this thread. I feel like the game is pretty balanced for the most part with one exception. Ranged vs melee in Hutt Ball. The terrain advantage heavily favors ranged classes and there is no real tangible way for a melee to make up the difference unless they have a numbers advantage.


Even with a Sprint and some other utility tools, if I had a dollar for every time I've been hammered by a sorc or BH with little to no defense besides frantically trying to LoS, I'd be a rich man. I'm speaking specifically about Hutt Ball BTW.


Melee characters happen to be the best at running the huttball. Juggs and assassins are the best runners with powertechs being good but much slower.

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There are some good suggestions in this thread. I feel like the game is pretty balanced for the most part with one exception. Ranged vs melee in Hutt Ball. The terrain advantage heavily favors ranged classes and there is no real tangible way for a melee to make up the difference unless they have a numbers advantage.


Even with a Sprint and some other utility tools, if I had a dollar for every time I've been hammered by a sorc or BH with little to no defense besides frantically trying to LoS, I'd be a rich man. I'm speaking specifically about Hutt Ball BTW.


I understand what you're saying but a "Pull" on enemy players and a "Leap" are by far the most useful tools in Huttball.

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I understand what you're saying but a "Pull" on enemy players and a "Leap" are by far the most useful tools in Huttball.


Yeah most melee types get quite a good deal of range manipulation utility. My Juggernaut friend looks like some kind of crazy flying red blur from all the leaping he does to friends and enemies alike. Not to mention Force Push. In fact, all the tanks have the ability to either push or pull targets to them.


Makes me wish my Operative could get in on some of that instead of getting pinballed around by Merc/Sorcs all day.

Edited by BombasticHoydens
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Sorcerers are absolutely broken.


Tracer missile is a one button wonder and needs to be toned down.


Expertise is dumb.


You're crazy- I win as much as I lose- I have beaten every class and lost to every class!


Skill, Skill, Skill- learn to play! Stop trolling forums and work on your skills.

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The game is far from balanced, why people think it is is beyond me.



Every part of the game favours range classes over melee (pvp and pve), from pvp point of view....Voidstar aoe fest at objectives, huttball aoe knockbacks in fire/acid ranged fire from paltform to platform not to mention being able to dps people while using vents something melee can't do. there is only 1 out of the 3 WZ that is close to being melee friendly and even that has it's bad points.

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i observe this forum quite closely and i see alot of screaming for nerfs, complaining about class imbalances and general "overpowered-not-me's"


very often people give gameplay examples why they think there is some kind of imbalance and most often those are more rage-reactions that constructive observation. meaning situations that appear imbalanced usually are based on very clear differences like fight players of a different level or far better gear or just diverging numbers of group participants.


true concerns i found here are faction imbalance issues, mostly favoring empire, which is not gamebreaking but is really not neccessary.

yet i did not see any TRUE class imbalance issue and i do not support any of the previous class nerfs of the last patches.


classes are very fine in this game! much better than most other MMOs.

people should FIRST try to adapt their tactic against classes that appear hard to defeat before complaining on the forums. most "imbalances" are very fixable by improvements of the related players gameplay. really


This, if they keep nerfing and what not, BW is going to ruin the class balance they have going, which is pretty freaking good compared to any MMO out there, and is especially noteworthy considering it is brand new. The problem I find MMO's suffer, and anyone in the creative field will tell you this, you have to get to a point where your work of art is "finished", let it go, and take your hands off it, otherwise often the artist will keep tweaking it with the best intentions, until they mess it up.

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The game is far from balanced, why people think it is is beyond me.



Every part of the game favours range classes over melee (pvp and pve), from pvp point of view....Voidstar aoe fest at objectives, huttball aoe knockbacks in fire/acid ranged fire from paltform to platform not to mention being able to dps people while using vents something melee can't do. there is only 1 out of the 3 WZ that is close to being melee friendly and even that has it's bad points.


i am melee. no complaints considering pvp at all. my character feels rather strong indeed. (offensive focus guardian, soresu)

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The game is reasonably balanced.


I hate going against every class under certain circumstances. Maybe Sents/Mauraders could use a bit of love. But it is admittedly a complicated class to play, so we'll see how it works out when the Sent/Mar meta-game expands with gameplay guides, general knowledge increases, and preferred builds improve.


I do, however, see a potential issue with Guard and healers in the future and how well they synergize, though. It represents currently too much of a swing. Unguarded healers can be taken down pretty easily by focus DPS and appropriate CC trains (as intended). Guarded Healers cannot be taken down. Throw in crosshealing between two healers in vent.


Balancing for heals are going to be extremely difficult in the future simply because the healing potential swings drastically depending on whether the healer is Guarded or not.

Edited by Puzzlybox
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The solution's actually pretty obvious -- give more ranged defense skills to those classes who suffer the most.


Example: Juggernauts are basically just fine.....when they can jump to a target. Guardians/Warriors need a channeled ability that burns Rage/Focus that provides a 50% damage reduction, and reflects 25% of damage taken back at the attacker. Make it so it channels while moving, and we're done.


They're burning Rage to do it. They give up offense power for a defensive buff (that had an offensive side effect). 5 ranged players are discouraged from attacking the same guy, as ALL of them take damage.


Add these sorts of abilities before you go nerfing anyone. Outside of a few small adjustgments with specific classes, it's my belief that the primary issue right now is that ranged toons > melee toons, for various reasons.


In general, the balance is pretty good.

Edited by OldManRelic
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The game is reasonably balanced.


I hate going against every class under certain circumstances. Maybe Sents/Mauraders could use a bit of love. But it is admittedly a complicated class to play, so we'll see how it works out when the Sent/Mar meta-game expands with gameplay guides, general knowledge increases, and preferred builds improve.


I do, however, see a potential issue with Guard and healers in the future and how well they synergize, though. It represents currently too much of a swing. Unguarded healers can be taken down pretty easily by focus DPS and appropriate CC trains (as intended). Guarded Healers cannot be taken down. Throw in crosshealing between two healers in vent.


Balancing for heals are going to be extremely difficult in the future simply because the healing potential swings drastically depending on whether the healer is Guarded or not.


Knock the guardbot 15m away, problem solved. Sorry, the same argument was made in WAR, and was a L2P issue there, too.

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The solution's actually pretty obvious -- give more ranged defense skills to those classes who suffer the most.


Example: Juggernauts are basically just fine.....when they can jump to a target. Guardians/Warriors need a channeled ability that burns Rage/Focus that provides a 50% damage reduction, and reflects 25% of damage taken back at the attacker. Make it so it channels while moving, and we're done.


They're burning Rage to do it. They give up offense power for a defensive buff (that had an offensive side effect). 5 ranged players are discouraged from attacking the same guy, as ALL of them take damage.


Add these sorts of abilities before you go nerfing anyone. Outside of a few small adjustgments with specific classes, it's my belief that the primary issue right now is that ranged toons > melee toons, for various reasons.


In general, the balance is pretty good.


Damage reflection is a damage ability type to balance, too little and it's worthless but too much and it becomes far too powerful. Although it's strange that in a Star Wars game involving thousands of jedi and sith there is no deflecting back at targets, even for basic attacks. It look strange to see a Sith Warrior just walk into lightning instead of raising his saber to absorb it, or walking into a hail of gunfire only deflecting a couple shots here and there into the ceiling.

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