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What are 3 things that iritate you the most ?


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1) Relying on pets (thus making everyone a pet class) to do anything in this game past level 20 and especially at higher levels. Theyre annoying after a while and the game is horribly balanced because of this design flaw (Healers use tank pets, everyone else uses healer). Then there is the crafting ... I thought it was stupid from day one but it just sounded like a the same difference. Now its just annoying to have to wait 30 minutes to over an hour just to be able to craft something useful. This isnt innovative ... its making everyone a pet class, and the only real difference in crafting is that its now triple the time sink!


2) Grouping. It sucks major *** in this game. When I cant successfully form a group as a TANK for over an hour and a half ... there is a problem. Your healers are horribly designed as most players just spec as DPS, there are no dual specs to help alleviate the shortage, and whoever came up with the idea to have all FP's start from the fleet while 90% of the players are out in planets questing should be fired! This game needs a server only LFD tool so at the very least I can continue questing and not have to spam for hours, in the fleet, with nothing else to do.


3) Bugs. My god this game is bugged to hell and back. Maybe im the only one but ive yet to experience an MMO release where the amount of bugs actually got me to the point of frustration, anger, and disappointment. Bioware delayed this game for over a year and its STILL in this condition? Epic Fail. Bioware should be worshipping Lucas right now because SWTOR would be dead already if it wasnt for the lightsabers.

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TL;DR: Go back to school and learn to read if this is too much text for you. Otherwise apply for job at McDonalds and bring me a BigMac menu, hold the spit.


Sorry for the offtopic but... Its necessary to write like this???


In fact, its far worse to be a McDonalds customer rather than a McDonalds employee.

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1. Craft missions completing and auto-closing whatever windows you haver opened - especially closing the GTN is extremely annoying.



I have to add this to my list. Very, very irritating. An option to turn off the 'pop' would be great. Just let me know via voice and chat that they're back and stick the stuff in my inv. It's going in there anyways.

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I don't have a list of three right but I know my #1 irritant.


The idea that crew mission results trump nearly anything going on.


I don't want the results while I'm fighting.

I don't want the results while I'm in a warzone.

I don't want the results while at the GTN.

I don't want the results while I'm switching out mods or enhancements.

I don't want the results while I'm at a vendor buying or selling or just shopping.


I'm tired of crew mission results popping up windows in the middle of nearly everything closing whatever I had opened already.


Queue up the results and put them in the upper right corner where all the other queued results go.

Edited by racsofp
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People use GTN?


Hell that should make it to a list right now. GTN is the worst piece of crap out there. Finding something you are looking for is like finding a needle in a haystack. Cant just search intelligently.


I want to find a purple medium HELMET..i gotta scroll through all the medium armor gear. Are you kidding me?

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Haha, great idea for a thread, anyway, here's my three:


1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


2. Give Conealment Operatives a gap closer, and remove the gap closer from Sorcs, they don't need it


3. Allow us to view weapons in the ctrl-click screen, and not just armor


Not reading through all these pages of (most likely) QQ... but you can change the max camera distance.


If set to 100% you are getting almost a bird's eye view???


Don't get your complaint. Knowing the types on these forums, you were probably just to lazy to look for the option.

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1) Travel system in general (load screens, slow speeders, orbital stations, etc.)

2) Lack of dungeon finder

3) Lack of UI customization


The horrible GTN/auction house is a close 4th.

Edited by Mavajo
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1. The forums


2. The people who always post goodbye threads never have an Avatar, have a name like "kthxbyeirock" (all in lower case) and have never once posted for help. It's like they new they were just using the 30 day free and quitting but feel the need to troll the foums to death before they leave.


3. The forums.

Edited by Brakner
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I really only have 1 complaint, the stories don't seem to carry over. I killed tremel, it said i cut off his hand later, I corrupted a siths work, the apprentice emailed me and said i'm a bastard for helping. gave someone a blank disc, still got paid. I even got an email from someone I killed once thanking me for help.
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1. Cant do my WZ daily cuz all Imp's have have better gear also every WZ we are outnumbered ( ex. 8/6)



2. Cant do my Ilum Daily: its like this for us Daily = Weekly , Weekly = Monthly.



3. am jumping in the fleet 24/7 there's no FP, Operation and all the fun ends once u hit 50





*am paying and playing this game to get farmed by Imp's*




true story

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1) Forum posts like these about what irritates you most in SWTOR, disquised as a innocent post when it's really designed to make people hateful.


2) Forum posters who say they are quitting then don't or say that 243983287 people will be quitting if you don't change what I say needs to be changed.


3) The special crowd who feel the need to have a 3rd party addon hold their hands in game so they come to the forums and make 92874398247239874 threads about it.

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1) People who want to make a left turn on the highway when it isn't their turn.

2) When somebody gets my cheeseburger wrong at McDonalds.

3) I call customer support and get a guy who barely knows English.


Wait, you mean things that irritate me with SWTOR? Ooooooh...


1) ABILITY. DELAY. It makes me punch babies

2) The major faction imbalance

3) Lack of ground-breaking end game. Samey Samey = bad mojo, imo.

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1) Forum posts like these about what irritates you most in SWTOR, disquised as a innocent post when it's really designed to make people hateful.


2) Forum posters who say they are quitting then don't or say that 243983287 people will be quitting if you don't change what I say needs to be changed.


3) The special crowd who feel the need to have a 3rd party addon hold their hands in game so they come to the forums and make 92874398247239874 threads about it.


So people shouldn't give their opinion on what BW could do to improve the game? Your attitude is as detrimental, from my perspective.

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1) Forum posts like these about what irritates you most in SWTOR, disquised as a innocent post when it's really designed to make people hateful.


2) Forum posters who say they are quitting then don't or say that 243983287 people will be quitting if you don't change what I say needs to be changed.


3) The special crowd who feel the need to have a 3rd party addon hold their hands in game so they come to the forums and make 92874398247239874 threads about it.


This ^^

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So people shouldn't give their opinion on what BW could do to improve the game? Your attitude is as detrimental, from my perspective.


You should comment on what was said and the words in the post not something you made up in your mind that the poster didn't actually type out.

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So people shouldn't give their opinion on what BW could do to improve the game? Your attitude is as detrimental, from my perspective.


^ this


These forums are to post your complaints, suggestions, and overall discussions over certain things in the game. Forums really aren't the best place to go "OMG! I LOVE THIS GAME!" those posts are fine and dandy, but they're kinda useless in terms of a "General Discussion" forum.


If you love the game, GREAT! Good on ya, mate. But really, say it in the Republic fleet. It's more productive and you'll probably get a better community reading from it. :)

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Haha, great idea for a thread, anyway, here's my three:


1. Let me zoom out a bit more, it annoys me that I can't play from a sort of birds eye perspective


2. Give Conealment Operatives a gap closer, and remove the gap closer from Sorcs, they don't need it


3. Allow us to view weapons in the ctrl-click screen, and not just armor


for number 1. They have an option to set the zoom distance, have you tried that?

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You should comment on what was said and the words in the post not something you made up in your mind that the poster didn't actually type out.


I did.


1) Forum posts like these about what irritates you most in SWTOR, disquised as a innocent post when it's really designed to make people hateful.


This, is not only falacious, but also says we shouldn't complain because it's "diquised hate". I didn't writte my 3 annoyances because I was drawn by hate, I did it because I want the game I like playing to be better.

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3. Nerfing classes before even combat log is in place or some damage meters, when most of the classes cant even fluently play due to ability delay and abilities bugged so most classes cant even really play on full throttle anyway. Yes talking about operatives nerfed due to some videos showing 6k crits from battlemaster operative hitting on 15lvl sorc. Pathetic.


Are you serious? They really did this? This actually happened?

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1. No LFG tool. This might be fine in high pop servers on IMP side, but any republic player can tell you that FP and end game content is almost impossible to find a group for.

2. Ability delay made me literally break a mouse because i was so frustrated I slammed the **** out of it.

3. Republic gear looks like something my blind, deaf, and handicapped, 95 yr old grandmother made with her knitting kit.


The main thing is that I am literally depressed by how disappointed I am in this game. I have been waiting for this game for years now and this is what I get. Guess I'll be returning to rift until this is fixed, but I am not really sure this game is fixable.

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I did.




This, is not only falacious, but also says we shouldn't complain because it's "diquised hate". I didn't writte my 3 annoyances because I was drawn by hate, I did it because I want the game I like playing to be better.


Just as I wrote my three opinions on what irritates me most, however you took what I said as a personal insult when in actuallity it was not directed at anyone in specific it was an OPINION but I am not allowed to like this game or have an opinion because why?

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