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Viability of Sniper/Gunslinger in PvP?


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I'm not here to argue about the debate I've already read up on, whether a pure DPS class is worth playing or not, I'm here to ask experienced high level PvP players (obviously preferably those that play Sniper/Gunslinger) the viability of these classes based on the Cover system.


I love these pure DPS designs regardless of whether they are trash or effective, I especially am intrigued by the Cover mechanic. I'm an FPS/TPS gamer and this gives me the good ol' fashion GoW feel. I'm worried though that the way this ability seems to work it would make for stagnate PvP gameplay, needing to stop and take cover everytime I want to deal burst DPS. Some insight from high leveled players would be greatly appreciated. Possibly tips and tricks would be lovely as well.

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Sniper is team support class. It makes good teams even better and bad teams even worse. 1 vs 1 requires really good play on your part or opposition to be undergeared/slow/stupid. Besides, a lot of abilities are simply broken and don't activate when you hit the button (~20 sec to activate Cover Pulse? Come on...)


So, unless you really like sniper playstyle, stay away from this class.

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Sniper is team support class. It makes good teams even better and bad teams even worse. 1 vs 1 requires really good play on your part or opposition to be undergeared/slow/stupid. Besides, a lot of abilities are simply broken and don't activate when you hit the button (~20 sec to activate Cover Pulse? Come on...)


So, unless you really like sniper playstyle, stay away from this class.


I fail to see how we're a support class?

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99% of the feedback ive seen on the forums is negative, however this is partly due to the fact that people only get on the forums when they have something to complain about. when everythings going great why leave the game?


i currently have a 42 gs and i love it. the cover system, while it was annoying at first has become a beast machine for me. you just need to learn how to play, everything is situational and location based. follow others and let them go ahead to take hits, then sit behind em and nuke people.


The only annoying aspect is how well a good healer can los us, but with 3 stuns/roots this isnt as much of a problem. more or less just be creative with the way you play a gs and youll have fun with it.


i have no screenies but i average around 200k damage per game with 7-8 medals, which i hear is decent for pre 50 brackets. and im on a smaller server so i usually end up top in the game.


ITs hard to learn btu once you master it you merk people like theres no tommorow.

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Can you heal, guard, run huttball, solo protect nodes against even-geared teams of people with a brain?



The point I'm making is, how do we support a team? We bring nothing to the table. Just mediocre single-target damage--and that target lights up like a christmas tree alerting them to move out of the way.



Why bother bringing us to any pre-mades?

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Can you heal, guard, run huttball, solo protect nodes against even-geared teams of people with a brain?


The first two are typical support skills - and since when can snipers/gunslingers do any of that ;)


They can protect nodes from people who lack clues though, thanks to cover. But that's mostly the mid node in CW.

Edited by dannythefool
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The first two are typical support skills - and since when can snipers/gunslingers do any of that ;)


They can protect nodes from people who lack clues though, thanks to cover. But that's mostly the mid node in CW.


Ya exactly, that mid node.



But everyone knows we hide up top behind the pillar near the expertise buff now :/

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Can you heal, guard, run huttball, solo protect nodes against even-geared teams of people with a brain?


Heal = No

Guard = No

Solo Protect = No (No heal or stealth)

Run Huttball = No better than anyone else, worse than any class with sprint or self heals.


It says in the character creator they are DPS/DPS.


But hybrid healers do the same, if not more.

Edited by Ellyll
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I did great in pvp but I can't kill a tank simply because our damage type doesn't really let us.


Even our tank killing cull does defense rolls so we are the weakest vs any kinda tank.




Rerolling merc so I can kill tanks with magical tech damage.



Oh but to answer your question really, I didn't find cover a hindrance at all I preferred cover really for its much higher defense you get from it.

And with the right spec marksman can be quite mobile too, the biggest problem with cover is lag it makes it slightly annoying.

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The point I'm making is, how do we support a team? We bring nothing to the table. Just mediocre single-target damage--and that target lights up like a christmas tree alerting them to move out of the way.



Why bother bringing us to any pre-mades?


AOE stun on 45 sec. cooldown with 30m range, ranged root, execute-type ability with 40m range (mine crits for ~3200). I can't count how many times I downed huttball carrier a few steps away from our goal line.


AOE grenade (hits 5 targets) with 3 sec cooldown and 30m range is great for mass interrupting in Alderaan or Voidstar. If you can get XS Flyby off it effectively prevents point capping for a while (12 sec duration, 2 sec activation).


If your team sucks and/or other team is well-organized, you won't be able to use these effectively, if at all. You can't help your team when you're dead and without support you will die a lot.

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Engineer spec snipers/gunslinger version can pull out some of the most prolonged and quickest burst in the game. You will not top DPS unless people line up long enough for you to create an AoE death zone (which they will in Voidstar), but overall, if you use ALL of your abilities to their fullest, if you want someone to die as long as they aren't being guarded and healed, chances are they WILL die, I don't care if they are a sorc or what they are. The key to a good sniper is not to panic (AKA, avoid running out of cover if people attack you, you have the tools to survive against a couple people at least for a little while) and to use EVERY tool at your disposal. Every ability you get beyond maybe shiv will have purpose.


God help you if someone ever passes you the huttball though...

Edited by Kuari
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My main is a sniper, rank 38 (has about 200 expertise). What I end up doing is mostly dps support. Flashbang is lacluster (it'll be broken immediately most of the time) but leg shot is quite useful. Orbital strike is surprisingly useful because sometimes people cannot move the fight from under it. I don't think we excel at killing sages/sorcs but we can put them on the defensive and/or have them on the run extremely fast (a few shots and most of the time they have to bubble/LoS/heal etc). I know our damage is cut short against higher armor and tanky types but if I'm left alone, I can still wreak havoc on their hp pool. Going 1on1 with any class is almost always a waste of my resources, everything is much, much better if I rain down punishment without being disturbed (while this is true for most classes, I think it's more evident with a sniper).
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Engineer spec snipers/gunslinger version can pull out some of the most prolonged and quickest burst in the game. You will not top DPS unless people line up long enough for you to create an AoE death zone (which they will in Voidstar), but overall, if you use ALL of your abilities to their fullest, if you want someone to die as long as they aren't being guarded and healed, chances are they WILL die, I don't care if they are a sorc or what they are. The key to a good sniper is not to panic (AKA, avoid running out of cover if people attack you, you have the tools to survive against a couple people at least for a little while) and to use EVERY tool at your disposal. Every ability you get beyond maybe shiv will have purpose.


God help you if someone ever passes you the huttball though...


Very true about useing EVERY ability and I even use shiv on tanks cause of the tech damage.


Personally I ran a hybrid marksman build works really well in pvp gives a perma snare which is awesome to have and makes you very energy efficient.



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I'm not here to argue about the debate I've already read up on, whether a pure DPS class is worth playing or not, I'm here to ask experienced high level PvP players (obviously preferably those that play Sniper/Gunslinger) the viability of these classes based on the Cover system.


I love these pure DPS designs regardless of whether they are trash or effective, I especially am intrigued by the Cover mechanic. I'm an FPS/TPS gamer and this gives me the good ol' fashion GoW feel. I'm worried though that the way this ability seems to work it would make for stagnate PvP gameplay, needing to stop and take cover everytime I want to deal burst DPS. Some insight from high leveled players would be greatly appreciated. Possibly tips and tricks would be lovely as well.


They are slightly weak. In 1vs1 you want to stack up everything and then burst down your target. Don't waste your interrupts or stuns until trying to seal the kill. You will have a lot of trouble against good healers (ones that you can't taunt into using their trinket on a leg shot) and you'll have a lot of trouble against anyone using tank stances with shield gens (because all of your attacks aside from grenades are primarily ranged which can be absorbed and shielded).


Cover mechanic is not a bonus it is a detriment to the class. You can theoretically get ranged buffs except that they only help against other snipers who - by the nature of the spec - would also receive said buffs against you. They could *theoretically* be good against mercs and such but mercs and such use casted/tracer spam which ignores cover. Also, getting stunned takes you out of cover so whenever hunker down is on CD you're very vulnerable to scramble field being broken or just plain being pulled out of cover (stun + charge, etc).


Basically they're really good against people who don't know how to fight them because a lot of people don't understand their weaknesses and mechanics but they are generally a bit underpowered and tricky to play.


The only thing I'd do to change them really though is to make cover a little better (maybe an accuracy buff or a 5% dam redux) and decrease the interrupt cooldown to 8 seconds from 12 seconds. The other problems they have primarily have to do with how much better tech/force attacks (tracer missile and lightning spam) is against damage mitigation and would be fixed with a sorc/merc nerf that's likely incoming anyway.

Edited by dcgregorya
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It's not a bad class, best CC in the game, and as others have pointed out it's workable.


It is, however, one of the more awkward classes. You have to get in cover, target, and cast. Tab targeting in this game is done by some magic that I do not comprehend and trying to click a target just doesn't work. Also, abilities don't always work. Sometimes you just can't go into cover no matter what you do. Or, sometimes abilities get tweaked, won't fire and you have to reenter cover. And there's always a lag between your action and the ability firing. They knew they had died, they fell down, but the bullets just needed some time to get there.


I think I like the class but it really needs some polish.

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It's not a bad class, best CC in the game, and as others have pointed out it's workable.


It is, however, one of the more awkward classes. You have to get in cover, target, and cast. Tab targeting in this game is done by some magic that I do not comprehend and trying to click a target just doesn't work. Also, abilities don't always work. Sometimes you just can't go into cover no matter what you do. Or, sometimes abilities get tweaked, won't fire and you have to reenter cover. And there's always a lag between your action and the ability firing. They knew they had died, they fell down, but the bullets just needed some time to get there.


I think I like the class but it really needs some polish.


There is a very bad open world bug where going into cover will stop skills from working when on uneven ground. I've had to physically move to get *any* attacks to work from cover and this was with hunker down up. After 4 seconds of fumbling that's enough to just die in an open world PVP fight.

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My approximate spec just from memory...


Plasma probe helps in creating an AoE death field, but its true use shows in Voidstar and Alderaan. That probe? Doesn't disappear on death like orbital strike does. If people don't figure out the ways around it, they are not capping a point guarded by one of those probe until its done ticking.


EMP discharge is great when you need another shield probe and adrenaline probe also, do NOT underestimate Deployed Shield. Be WILLING to jump into the middle of a battle just to pop it. It will save your group's life. It REALLY should give protection points for how much it aids the battle....

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It depends on the map.

We really really shine on Voidstar. Alderaan can be ok, but usually we have to run too much to do dammage.

Huttball is really bad. If you kill people, they will just respawn and defend against your ball carrier. If you are on he weaker team, you are making your team even worse as you bring no utility to your team.

And we are probably the worst ballcarrier in game.


If you are republic it might be fine. But I am imperial and play a lot of huttball.

So I am dropping my 6 item champion valor 59 sniper for an assasin.

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