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why isnt there a wookiee race


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There is 0 reason why they couldn't have simply made a Wookie class.


They have them as companions.


The model is essentially human with elongated features covered with hair. Jeez, my belf and tauren in wow wear some of the same tier pieces. They just expand or shrink as needed. It's a model...


Language argument is null and void. Translators - problem fixed.


Romance - Aweomse- One you go furry, you won't leave in a hurry...


Planet - bleh - Wookies could have been an unlockable. Maybe you were stranded off planet and taken in by x,y, or z. As for canon or eu, this game spits in the face of it in so many ways. Don't even go there and use that as your argument.



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1. Again give the NPCs in game that don't speak Basic (or English in fact :p) subtitles and wookie sounds or even a robot translator isn't the end of the world.


2. And professionals can't write a story for a Wookie? I've have thought being proffesionals that would be exactly what they COULD do. ;)


3. Wookies have more than 1 body type canon-wise and did in SWG IIRC. The aren't going to be a carbon(ite) copy of the human ones..... but then that would BE the whole point, wouldn't it. :)


1. NPC's not speaking intelligibly without subtitles and player characters are two very different things. A main character should be understandable. Subtitles would work, but would be a waste in a fully VO'd game. Droid translator could work.


2. Professionals could write a story for a wookiee, but your story isn't based on your race, it's based on your class. Therefore, it would require a completely new wookiee class, as I've stated before.


3. Pics please. I've only ever seen 1. I could imagine 2 of the ones that are currently in game, but beyond that it really just gets bad. And again, this isn't SWG. Get over it.

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  • 4 months later...
I did actually. It never felt like Star Wars. It never caught the feel of the movies for me. It didn't get anything right about Star Wars. It may have been adequate for RP'ers to do what they wanted but that isn't Star Wars. Its not about a giant do what the **** you want, its about that feeling of going into a giant space battle between the Republic and the Empire and taking down what seems insurmountable, its about overcoming the odds, its not about exploring space. Its about being part of an adventure to unbelievable places, not sitting around in a cavern grinding my dance skill.

wow dude thats why its an MMO..........if u want something the way you are describing go play SW battlefront II

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A few reasons shy it won't happen:


1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a wookiee.


Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.



Wookiees are iconic?, what about Jedi and Sith?, they are iconic as well. You make no sense. lol

Edited by SWGVet
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A few reasons shy it won't happen:


1. Wookiees, with the notable exception of one who had a speech impediment, do not speak basic (the in universe common language of humans). In a game with this much voiceover, that's bad. Your character would nothing but grunt, growl and howl.


2. Wookiees are a bit too iconic. Iconic is a good thing right? Yes, but too much of it makes them bad for class driven story. A Wookiee would have to be it's own class, with it's own abilities and it's own story, as none of the current class stories would at all capture what it is to be a Wookiee.


Now, on the point of number 2, maybe if they did something similar to LOTRO's Monster play, where you could make a side character that was a Wookiee class, that could work, but I don't know of anything like that on the books.


1. Yeah and not being allowed to talk in general chat would bother a lot of people. But hey Wookies don't speak basic.

To resolve this issue they could have the Wookies speak with English VO and all responses would be subtitled. (those that normally speak basic. ie. humans would have alien gibberish)


2. Wookies as there own class wouldn't be a bad idea, In fact adding 2 to 4 alien species as their own class with their own stories might make for a good expansion pack.

I want my own bowcaster. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bowcaster

Edited by Ranid
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2. Wookies as there own class wouldn't be a bad idea, In fact adding 2 to 4 alien species as their own class with their own stories might make for a good expansion pack.

I want my own bowcaster. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bowcaster


exactly they need to add race specific classes in expansions. I want to see the following


1. Wookie Beserker

2. Trandoshian Hunter

3. Assasin Droid

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5. Wookies from my knowledge have almost always been on the side of the good guys, which would mean there would need to be a new race for Empire as well (Which is fine if you ask me)..


Actually, (and this is one of my nitpicks). Empire has more races than Republic at the moment (7 races to 6)). They'd never go through all the trouble to make a singular-faction race though.
















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Which faction would get the wookie

They are a Neutral race can be good or bad imp or pub

That's why there not a playable race IMO


easily they would go with the republic. Seeing as they are one of those iconic races of good and they fought with the Republic during the clone wars.

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Why are people still going on about the "don't speak Basic" cop out?


It's actually pretty insulting to the players' intelligence. Common sense would tell you people wanting to play as a Wookiee already know and accept that Solid Snake won't be giving "cool" one liners they're just gonna spacebar through the second time around. :rolleyes:


They just want to smash stuff as Wookiees.

Edited by LaManoNera
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There is 0 reason why they couldn't have simply made a Wookie class.


Because once you get them to 50, you can roll a Wookie for any class which completely breaks lore.


Again the whole language thing is an issue.


Gear is an issue. And you can't say companions have gear just fine. Yeah, companion wookies wear gear, but it doesn't show up on them.

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I did actually. It never felt like Star Wars. It never caught the feel of the movies for me. It didn't get anything right about Star Wars. It may have been adequate for RP'ers to do what they wanted but that isn't Star Wars. Its not about a giant do what the **** you want, its about that feeling of going into a giant space battle between the Republic and the Empire and taking down what seems insurmountable, its about overcoming the odds, its not about exploring space. Its about being part of an adventure to unbelievable places, not sitting around in a cavern grinding my dance skill.


yeah but ur wrong. in swg u could have awesome space battles taking down a star destroyer or a rbelw station. get with a group and get in the yt1300 and have an adventure. organized open world pvp event were epc as ever. taking down ancient krayt dragons and kimogilas gave great achevement feel. going in the death watch bunker required group coordination. crafters had theor own roles. ur rght swg wasnt a movie, it was living breathing galaxy waiting to be explored with u and ur friends. a world doesnt end bt a move does

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I think what they could do is unlock your companions for flash points and PvP matches. They could have all of the same abilities as your class character. For instance the Smuggler has Bowdaar (a Wookie) unlockable through the legacy system is now playable in Flash Points and PvP Warzones but they use your abilities to play and stats you have on your character. It would be a simple fix for those who are looking for a change and would give players a incentive to unlock perks in the game.
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yeah but ur wrong. in swg u could have awesome space battles taking down a star destroyer or a rbelw station. get with a group and get in the yt1300 and have an adventure. organized open world pvp event were epc as ever. taking down ancient krayt dragons and kimogilas gave great achevement feel. going in the death watch bunker required group coordination. crafters had theor own roles. ur rght swg wasnt a movie, it was living breathing galaxy waiting to be explored with u and ur friends. a world doesnt end bt a move does


Did you even play SWG?


The only ships worth using were the fighters, because the larger crew-ships were almost all in a state of perpetual bugginess, and were severely under powered. (want to get something done? you and 5 of your friends are better off in individual ships than a single one)


Open world PvP usually amounted to the side with the most people camping the cloning center.


Aside from the terribly placed user cities, the pain in the arse that was Image Designer, the refusal to split space and ground skills, the borked Jedi alpha class. The game was an ever loving buggy mess many players seem to forget about. It was hemorrhaging subs even before the CU and NGE were dropped because it just wasn't that good. It did crafting right, and expansive worlds right. But that's pretty much it.


Anyway, I digress. I really wish so many people would cease to look at SWG through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia.

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not to mention the fact that wookies are a rare sight outside of kashyyk. i mean look at the movies...you can count the wookies not on kashyyk on one hand...


having hundreds of wookies running around would just be wrong and not fitting.


LOL. A rare sight outside of Kashyyk, but apparently 10% of the inhabitants of the SWTOR universe are running around with them (companions). Give it up. The Wookiee, Jawa, and Droid hate is readily transparent.


Now, I can understand why Wookiees won't be implemented because they can't speak basic, but Jawas and Droids can speak it. And if Jawas and Droids can be common throughout the galaxy because they are companions, than they can be player characters as well. The weaksauce ip and the rarity outside of their homeworlds are just excuses made by the haters. How ridiculous is the immersion/canon in this game already when there are speeders being crowding every sqaure inch of the space stations and wookies and jawas are a common site everywhere you go?


Now that I think about it: just loop the same 20 seconds of Wookiee sound effects and you are done with the voice acting. Anti-wookiee fail arguments are fail.

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Except I don't see another person who did the same thing I did when I did my class quest. I see someone. I see a potential group member, I don't think that "**** fifty people already did this whats the point" I think of it as mine and only mine. Who gives a rats *** if someone did it already. By that logic that guy who played Mass Effect before me killed the entire point of beating Saren. That's not true. The point of doing that was the adventure. To go on an epic quest. I don't give a damn if someone else did it already! I'm doing it, thats all that *********** matters.


LOL. 70% of everyone running around with lightsabers and being sith lords or jedi doesn't break the lore, but 5% of the players playing wookiee bounty hunters or smugglers would. Not to mention that they are already somewhat common as companions.


You couldn't fail any harder if you were trying. Just sad.

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