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People don't really like playing with other people


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I think some of the "not thanking" people for giving you a hand is a lot of players are still stuck with the Kill Stealer mentality. If so and so is attacking the mob I'm on he/she must be trying to KS me.


It never crosses their minds to associate the mob a person is on turning grey to them, the lack of XP or loot etc that they get from 'assisting' in a kill, means that KSing in this game is close to virtually impossible.


I had a similar situation to yours, except I DPS'd the mob, took agro off the player (taunt ftw) who was almost dead and helped kill it, and then they accused me of kill stealing. I tried to explain to them that it wasn't possible, but they kept insisting I was stealing their XP and trying to steal their kill and loot etc. Of course... I got no XP, got no loot, and got no credit for the kill.. but trying to explain that to them just went right over their heads.


Eventually I had to /ignore them because they kept ranting in general about how <insert character name here> was a KS'r etc etc etc, even though several people besides myself told them the same thing I did.


Needless to say. I was VERY VERY tempted to clear every mob around the guy so he COULDN'T get any more kills... but my 'nice' side personality wouldn't let me.





There hasn't been community in MMos since wow destroyed it. By attracting the young,m abusive an narcissistic they completely destroyed it.Al so the fact that people dont wanna play with others is mostly because of the attitudes of the young. They are in part a direct result of the issue today.

Edited by BegaTasty
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Oh great some one buffed me now I have to stop go back jump off my mount buff them back and a have a conversation with them.


Nice weather we are having, oh wait there is no weather in this game, then they call me a wow fanboy and a hater so I jump back on my mount and go back to business while they rage behind me.


Funniest post I've read all week! :)

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No they weren't.


Try launching a game that forces grouping now and see what happens.


You'll go bankrupt.


Being forced to rely on others ALL THE TIME will never make money now that people know better.


EQ got away with it because people were addicted.



Odd that.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?



I am sorry to hear that.


I do not see alot of other people but I have gotten several random buffs and have given several.


I have helped people kill things and was rewarded with an emote which to me is fine


I was depressed that I could not get some one to help me in the morning to get a datacron

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This isn't yet much of an MMO with the sterile closed world and the low population. More of an Action RPG with some coop thrown in.


I wonder if outdoor world events would draw people out. How many people can this game handle in one area?

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


WoW happened

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Dont blame WoW for this games shortcomings. BW made this game very single players friendly and its now paying the price on MMO aspect.


I leveled my last WoW alt to level cap without ever grouping up once. Therefore, WoW is not an MMO.


according to your logic, anyway.

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Weird. Every server I ever played on had an active and involved community. Try again!


/2 in SW/ORG is an exception because its basically the chat lobby of WoW.


Go into an LFD or even an LFR today and you will find a very silent enviroment unless someone screws up.


Go out into the world and tell me how many outside of Org/SW you see.

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most gamers are loners, those that aren't are playing with close family and friends.


MMOs without a "forced join" system will never be as social as the older games.


Half the gaming population are "participation trophy!" kids. They never learned what losing is, and how to handle it when it slaps them in their junk and makes them spit rage on their system.

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MMO communities were better when you were 'forced' to group. Since all leveling is super easy solo, a community doesn't really develop like it used to. I hate to say that but that's the way I see it.


Yup, I've said this many times myself. When you can do most of the game easily without having to even speak to anyone, you tend to just not see much value in being social. Its an unfortunate side effect of games not being such total time sinks.

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Yup, I've said this many times myself. When you can do most of the game easily without having to even speak to anyone, you tend to just not see much value in being social. Its an unfortunate side effect of games not being such total time sinks.


I'd rather not be forced to group to level.


I love endgame raiding


I love endgame PvP


I like being able to group if I want for lvling and stay solo and still be effective. I would not enjoy MMOs nearly as much if I relied on others to be on to level an alt or something.

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I heard a rumor that community and forced grouping was so popular and pulled in millions of subs ... oh wait, it didn't. If anything it shows that people want exactly the opposite as proven with this game and many others.


Yeah it pulls millions of bandwagoneers who actually hate the genre but can't seem to figure it out or admit it, hence all the toxic whining on every mmo forum in existance today.


Old school mmos were niche and had long term fans. New school mmos are pop and a flash in the pan.

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There hasn't been community in MMos since wow destroyed it. By attracting the young,m abusive an narcissistic they completely destroyed it.Al so the fact that people dont wanna play with others is mostly because of the attitudes of the young. They are in part a direct result of the issue today.




I'm 49, and have been gaming since pong and asteroids were the only choices.


I'm not anti-social, I am the DM for a weekly tabletop pen and paper game, and have been for 20+ years.


I simply don't play video games to 'make friends'. I have lots of those. I just want to play the game. And I hate it when designers put in stuff so that we all have to go "Oh, it's recess time. Find a friend or three or you can't play."


Just scale the content for group size. Those that prefer grouping, can group, and those that solo and do that.


To the pro forced-grouping crowd: If grouping is so awesome, why do so many want to solo? Why is that method of gaming "correct" and soloing not? It can't be because it says MMO on the box, because clearly almost every MMO allows for plenty of soloing.


As a roleplayer, there are many ways to interact with others besides 'team up for combat'.

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this is a complicated issue, but yeah, given a choice of playing by themselves or with one or two people they know IRL, people will always do that over grouping.


Grouping and raiding just suck. You are forced to play at the pace of the slowest group member you are at their whims of bathroom breaks, child interruptions or mom telling them to finish their homework etc. It's been shown time and time again that as hard as developers try and force grouping, because they know your less likely to cancel a game if you've made friends, the harder players will come up with creative ways to NOT group.


EQ was a forced grouping game and i, like many others, met lots of really good friends in that game and we're all nostalgic about it. But i also remember logging in and my regular group isn't on or our healer was gone that night and we couldn't do anything unless we got some random dude to heal and then they would try and be part of the regular group which caused drama. Would i wanna go back to all that? Nope, while it was fun at the time, it was more headache than it was worth.


So as for the no grouping and lack of "community" (whatever that is in a video game), i say good riddance. WoW really was the culprit that changed things. It started with cross server BG's. No longer did you have huge rivalries with the alliance on your server, now it was just a bunch of faceless alliance. Then it was dungeon finder and now it's raid finder. They need to just take the final step and eliminate raiding and let you hire npc's instead of humans.

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I'll try and keep this short.


I play an imp as of right now on a"standard" server.


-Chat is dead.

-People join pugs without saying a single word for the entire mission and then just leave.

-I finally run into another player somewhere in the world and they don't even acknowledge my existence.

-I throw buffs on players as I see them. I rarely receive buffs from other players.

-The only time someone takes interest in me is when they are snagging my mission objectives out from under me.


What happened to "community" in an MMO?


Internet anonymity killed it. Lots of folks get burned out on dealing with the jerks and douche-bags that they would rather just associated with their friends and/or guild. And it's sad in a way because there are lots of great people out there playing. But, people lose the motivation to dig through the rough to find the diamonds.

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It died long ago. Meet the new breed, and thank WoW for them.


How is WoW to blame for this? WoW did very little that was new, they took the same old formula and just kind of super sized it. Oh I know, let's blame their LFG function, that is always good for a few kicks.


The only thing you can really blame WoW for is making MMOS accessible to the masses. I guess you neckbeards see that as a negative.


The problem is that people have stopped playing this game. I was on the starting Sith area last night for three hours and the population never got over 20. That was from 6 - 9 PM on a Thursday night. Somehow, that's WoWs fault too I suppose.

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How is WoW to blame for this?


WoW did for MMOS what Green Day did for punk rock.


Now every game developer makes a mmo with the intention of conquering the entire video game market.


The next truely great MMO we see will likely come from a dev who lowers their expectations and just makes a good MMO with no apologies.

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I enjoy PuGs in a game where the leveling curve is slow enough that even the slowest gamer can learn how to effectively learn their class AND where people have time to develop a community.


My first character in Dark Age of Camelot (started playing in Nov 2001) took 41 days played to hit 50. It sucked. I would never want leveling to take that long again. But it seems we all just fly through levels in games now. But at the end of it, I knew dozens if not hundreds of people. I have played MMOs with some of the same people after that "experience" for the past 10 years because of the time it took. And it was the days before VoIP was popularized.


Nowadays I associate PuG with ungrouped Warzones where people are not playing using the tools available to their class, are not working towards the objectives of the match, and would rather bicker than work together. As frustrating (and boring) as tree groups could be in Albion, at least we knew what we were doing by that point and everyone could (for the most part) get along and have a good time.

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WoW did for MMOS what Green Day did for punk rock.


Now every game developer makes a mmo with the intention of conquering the entire video game market.


The next truely great MMO we see will likely come from a dev who lowers their expectations and just makes a good MMO with no apologies.


So Blizzard is to blame for making a game a lot of people want to play, right?

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Three words...World of Warcraft. Those say Im lying, never played a MMO before WoW.


Yes WoW is responsible for everything. I love to play both WOW and TOR. Not sure if this has occured to you all or not. I don't play to socialize, I play for the fun and rich dynamics of the story. Yes, I have friends in game but that is not my main motivation for playing. If I wanted interaction I would not be sitting in front of computer. Of course its a social game and certain aspects require group. I may or may not chat it kind of depends on the group. I am sure I am not alone. I think for many people this is not the make or break experience for the game.

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