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Leave space combat alone!


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I played and loved Rebel Assault growing up...therefore, I like space combat in TOR as it is.


If people desire StarLancer level of gameplay then they should start demanding that from the industry and help revive the genre. Yeah I want that back too but I'm sick of all you people whining about it then refusing to really do anything to make the industry change their mind.

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I played and loved Rebel Assault growing up...therefore, I like space combat in TOR as it is.


If people desire StarLancer level of gameplay then they should start demanding that from the industry and help revive the genre. Yeah I want that back too but I'm sick of all you people whining about it then refusing to really do anything to make the industry change their mind.


Rebel Assault Rocked!


Personally if the do make a sim type combat I would prefer Xwing Vs Tie to Starlancer

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I played and loved Rebel Assault growing up...therefore, I like space combat in TOR as it is.


If people desire StarLancer level of gameplay then they should start demanding that from the industry and help revive the genre. Yeah I want that back too but I'm sick of all you people whining about it then refusing to really do anything to make the industry change their mind.


I think that's what some of us are doing.


No this is not a standalone flight sim but it's two major game corps involved in this game.


Based in th popularity of space combat and the comming changes perhaps this might spawn it's own game, reviving X-Wing vs Tie fighter space sims again.

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Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play.


Back when I started gaming as a kid, "difficult" was considered good. When you beat a level or completed a puzzle, you felt good about it because despite the difficulty, you won. Now people want everything handed to them while spending minimum effort on the task. Do you really feel like you accomplished something when beating the current space combat missions?


I understand that this is a game and should be fun but increasing the difficulty increases the fun.


With that out of the way, I'm going to use the same argument that proponents of current on-rails space combat use: It's an optional mini-game, don't play it if you don't like it.

Edited by krookie
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I am for a SWG style space game. Leave the current mini-game as it is and bolt on a BW JTL. Many subscribed to SWG just for the space component. It's what kept me subscribed for the last year I played.


Why can't we keep what we have and add on a real space game? The OP makes it sound like it has to be one or the other. Why not both? I don't see any reason to remove anything that people enjoy. I also see plenty of reasons to add parts of other games that people have proven to enjoy.

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For me personally the mini arcade game that space is now just doesn't fit in with an MMO world. So much more can be done with space.


yes I want the game as complex and huge as it can be.


Agrees with this, add in the game Privateer 2 where you could upgrade your ship to over a dozen different types. Each with varying armour, speed, cargo hold size, weapon & mod systems it could carry. Upgraded weapons from lasers to plasma canons, and different types of missiles to capital ship busters.


Most of all free flight, be able to set navigation points so you can fly patrol routes. PVP in space as well as picking up various missions from clearing pirates to hunting down Republic/Imperial vessels. An entire new game could be added to make Swtor one of the most amazing rpgmmo's on the market.


esit: Allow for players to purchase cargo & contraband to sell at different planets would definately make the smuggler class what they are.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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I am for a SWG style space game. Leave the current mini-game as it is and bolt on a BW JTL. Many subscribed to SWG just for the space component. It's what kept me subscribed for the last year I played.


Why can't we keep what we have and add on a real space game? The OP makes it sound like it has to be one or the other. Why not both? I don't see any reason to remove anything that people enjoy. I also see plenty of reasons to add parts of other games that people have proven to enjoy.



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A nice cockpit, full inside ship, space combat would be awesome. Something like JTL. But I understand that was a bit much for some people. So if we can't have a dogfight space sim then a STO / Eve style would do alright. As long as its free roaming and with tons of ship types and upgrades.
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Honestly I think they need to keep the "on rails" missions and maybe add in free fly zones for some space PvP. Having played SWG space was very open but a lot of times it took forever to really do anything if at all. So I understand the need for "free flight" and think it would be great for PvP areas and not so much PvE. just my 2 credits. :cool:
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I don't mind current state of space combat either.


I just wish space missions had more variety [instead of just re-hashing the lower levels] and random encounters [random boss ship that spawns for example].

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I played and loved Rebel Assault growing up...therefore, I like space combat in TOR as it is.


If people desire StarLancer level of gameplay then they should start demanding that from the industry and help revive the genre. Yeah I want that back too but I'm sick of all you people whining about it then refusing to really do anything to make the industry change their mind.


this is a good point in that what some ppl are suggesting is a completely different gameplay. Flight sims are not popular with the MMO crowd. The attempt by BW to make a fun distraction was successful and it shouldnt get sweeping changes

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The developers have done well trying to fulfill the iconic fantasies of Star Wars. They've got the Jango Fett fantasy with the Bounty Hunter, the Clone/Stormtrooper fantasy with the Trooper, the Han Solo fantasy with the Smuggler, the Darth Vader fantasy with the Warrior, and so on.


But, where's the Wedge Antilles fantasy? After Han, Wedge was my favorite guy in Star Wars. He didn't have the Force; he was just a damn good pilot.


TOR has the potential to be the definitive Star Wars game. Right now, it's not. With a more fully-realized space combat system, it would take a huge step toward taking that title.


And the thing is, we're not asking for A-10 DCS or Falcon 4.0. We're asking for something of the complexity of X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter, which consisted of moving the ship, shooting various weapons and balancing power output to maximize performance. IN many ways, the ground game for TOR is much the same way. We move our characters around, we use our various abilities, and we maximize our resource usage.


Hell, I don't even want SWG-style space combat. I see no reason for there to be mostly-empty space above planets. It worked for SWG, but it doesn't fit TOR's idiom. Much like X-Wing Alliance, the space combat could be nothing but small "arenas" connected via hyperspace jumps.


I actually think that the space combat we have now is good. Our ships are too big to be flying around like fighters. And I think that part of the game should be expanded, too, as the game goes on. But, I want that Wedge Antilles fantasy fulfilled. I want an alternate advancement path for my characters to become better pilots. I want to fly Republic and Imperial fighters in dogfights. And, yes, I want to take on other pilots in PvP combat. The current space system does not allow for that. And, no, there is no way to make PvP with the current space combat engine at all interesting. it would be nothing more than trying to maximize damage on multiple passes of the other players' ships. It would be the TOR equivalent of Revolutionary War-era warfare, where enemy forces lined up on opposite sides of the battlefield and shot at each other while simultaneously making easy targets of themselves (luckily, weapons weren't very accurate back then). An 8-on-8 or 16-on-16 scenario would make for a very fun furball that I would regularly want to take part in.


For control schemes? Yes, I love a joystick for a flight game, but I am told that Freelancer had some incredibly good mouse-and-keyboard controls. The stick should, however, be supported.

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Space combat right now = Star Wars movie space scene.

Space sim combat ANYTIME = dull boring nothing like Star Wars combat and would barely pass for Star Trek space combat.


I would rather have a GREAT arcade style space combat than a piss poor SWG free style space sim.


Action = yes please, its something sims cannot provide and MMORPGs are NOT SIMS.

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.


Suggestions of free form flight and off rails would just increase the difficulty of play. Does anyone really want to use their whole keyboard or have to go buy a flight stick to play space combat? What makes it so great right now is the simplicity of its controls. Right now it’s easy to understand and get engaged in. I don’t want to have to memorize 10 – 15 different keys just to be able to play it.


I’m enjoying space combat as a way to gain exp between worlds. I like how it only takes 5 – 10 min of my time and the controls are not overly complicated. Imo the mini game already has enough depth with the ship being customizable and the missions being very challenging. Sure I’ll get bored of them sometime in the future but BW has already stated they’ll be adding more so I don’t see a problem with that.


And what if by BW revamping space combat increases lag or fps issues? There are none right now, space combat works seamlessly. For me, PVP at times is completely unplayable, I would hate to see space combat become that way.


So BW please do not make it more complicated or difficult to control space combat, I like it the way it is now



Go look up old school Wing Commander. That's a space game done right and it isn't terribly complex.

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I dont PVP because of the horrid FPS and i'm not the only one. Your such a big champion of forum minority you should know FPS is a major issue in this game right now. It's not a stretch to suggest it could be the same.


its a mini game it doesnt need to be complicated to be successful. Ever heard of angry birds? its quite popular. But i guess those millions of fans are mentally retarded to you?


No, I've never heard of anything called 'angry birds', that said I did a search on it.

Now I see what those ignorant TV commercials are referencing, and yes I do believe those millions of 'fans' must be retarded, or at least very, very bored.

What that has to do with SWTOR's fail in terms of space component, I don't see.


I wonder how you manage to play the ground game. I mean. for heaven's sake you need to actually used different buttons to move your toon around, and OMG there's like whole bunches of different abilities *gasp*.


This game is less then one tenth as difficult as MMO's used to be, far too dumbed down for many of us to enjoy for long. Yet here you are complaining that you wouldn't be able to keep up if you had to use a couple more buttons?

It's optional, go play with your mad birds.

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...and many thought it was a complete waste of resources, including the developers and producers of the game

Until you find this amazing link you mentioned, I refuse to believe this. JTL created subscriptions for SWG. No developer/producer/community manager/sane person would think that a waste of resources.

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I don’t get people’s desire for BW to bolt on a flight simulator to this MMO. Why create a complete stand alone game inside one of a different genre? If I want a flight sim i’ll go buy one.w


you dont understand it ?


why, it is because THERE IS A FLIGHT SIMULATOR ATTACHED to ALL star wars movies.


no exceptions.


all star wars movies pictured around 50% space adventures and action.


you cant leave that out and say that you have star wars.


if you dont want to play flight sim, DONT.

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"Hmm, not trying to argue but IMHO JTL was the one feature most of us in that community really loved till the end..."


an article came out where one of the content managers stated JTL was a waste of resources. I dont have the link. But it pissed of current players because they focused on content most were not interested in and neglected the content they wanted. Its an "MMO" folks, not a flight sim. The driver of the game is character progression. What some ppl are asking for is a completely different genre of game.


you are trusting on what SOE developers say about what swg players wanted ?




there is your problem.

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Space combat could use some overhauls to make it:


1) co-op multiplayer

2) competitive multiplayer


I'd do both of those things first before even thinking of doing a revamp of the space engine.


I bet if they made space combat like a "Warzone", even if it was on rails, and it was a balanced, interesting mini-game, many people would be very happy for a while.

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In the beginning I was really for development of a good space game. But after seeing what Bioware has given us, I would rather that no more development time was put into space combat. I don't see much good coming from it. I tried the current space game and all I have to say is that I won't be spending ANY further time playing it. Edited by EcrirTwyLar
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