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Why is Crafted Gear not the best?


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Thats not true in a press release it was noted that 52% of the people playing were pvping.... soo its more like 50/50 not 10%pvpers and 90%pve'ers lol.


This is only because there is no queue for Flashpoints, and gearing for PvE (at least the first tier of it), is soo easy via doing warzones.


My guess is that number has LONG dropped since that initial press release.

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Simple dont make mats tradeable and bind them.


Either way your raiding for gear.... there is no difference lol.

Which isn't really a reply to what I said?

Saying there is no difference between the effort to get a pair of legs off a boss and getting an orb to make a pair of legs ergo they should be the same and thus the crafted gear shouldn't be better.


Making epic crafting orbs non trade able (like they are now in game) doesn't help 'crafters' because like I said in my first post I can craft a rakata belt just as well as a dedicated crafter with swtor's crafting system.

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Thats not true in a press release it was noted that 52% of the people playing were pvping.... soo its more like 50/50 not 10%pvpers and 90%pve'ers lol.


Ofc, but thats cause you can get epics with no effort from WZs, you can just join there solo and get best gear win or lose, just takes longer. In Pve you have to group up to do raids and be succesful to get loot under organized structure where people are evaluating your performance. When rated WZs comes for premades, you can see that 52% certainly aint doing em.

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Thats not true in a press release it was noted that 52% of the people playing were pvping.... soo its more like 50/50 not 10%pvpers and 90%pve'ers lol.


I think that means 52% had pvp'd. While 100% had PvE'd of course.


PvE is a vast majority of the game no doubt. PvP is a solid minority, but a minority nonetheless.

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Thats not true in a press release it was noted that 52% of the people playing were pvping.... soo its more like 50/50 not 10%pvpers and 90%pve'ers lol.


Fact remains, look at every game out there. Show me even one game that has both PvE and PvP servers where the amount of servers are equal or the higher number in favor of the PvP servers.


And here? I hate PvP, I refuse to PvP. But if I wish, I can join a WZ and get me some welfare commendations while letting everyone farm me. And I'll bet that's where a lot of PvP on the PvE servers comes from.

Edited by Zorvan
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Why must crafted gear be superior to PvP gear, or raid gear?


I think that top crafted gear should be as good as top PvP and top raid, but the BEST possible? No thank you. Some people dislike crafting and should not have to be punished due to that.


This!I craft the gear except a few exceptions for all my chrs.It is what I like to do but that is my choice.If someone wants to get theirs thru PVP or PVe FPs and heroics that is their choice.It is a game.Different people enjoy different aspects of it so they should be able to get good gear during that process.I keep thinking games are suppose to be fun.What the hell was I thinking.

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Originally Posted by LogicalPremise

Why must crafted gear be superior to PvP gear, or raid gear?


I think that top crafted gear should be as good as top PvP and top raid, but the BEST possible? No thank you. Some people dislike crafting and should not have to be punished due to that.


Those who don't wish to craft can simply buy the augments from crafters.


See how nice and simple that was.

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The best system that I have ever seen for acquiring gear was from this old game, Earth and Beyond. Everything in that game that was worth having was at some point a raid boss drop (raid bosses in this game eventually took a combination of the three top guilds in the server to defeat). The dropped items would be dismantled by dedicated crafters till they learned the recipes and could then build them at 200%. To boils this gear though required pieces that dropped from the bosses or dismantling the 100% version that dropped from the boss at a good chance at getting the rare piece needed for that particular piece of gear.


It was a fantastic blend of raiding and crafting to get the best gear. Too bad ea bought out westwood right after they finished the game and never really gave it the attention it deserved. The magnitude and complexity of the open world raid mechanic used by this game also made sure that loot more or less stayed with the people that earned it and didn't just get sold off right away. This might not be the case with the wow style raiding that swtor uses though. O well.

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i don't know if this has been said, but here goes:


leave raid gear as the apex pve gear, leave pvp gear as the apex pvp gear and take all of the modifiable gear (aka "oranges") and make them only crafted/unable to be obtained via any other means (quest rewards, random drops, etc.). if you're not gonna let crafters make apex stat gear, at least they can be the go to fashionistas.


otherwise, BW lied/failed at enabling crafters to make any kind of name for themselves. so far, as a social activity, crafting is major fail.

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This promotes social interaction and group effort. You join a group and run raids, get some nice pieces of gear from bosses, and a few rare components from each boss you defeat to make something truly epic and rare.


I totally agree with this... As it is, this game is enough of a Theme Park already, which for me personally is the only real disappointment. I enjoy the heroic combat and all, its not that...

I simply love the Star Wars universe and being able to have much more Sandbox kind of experience would be, I think, more satisfying and innovative overall.

From that point of view crafting endgame gear would be a step in the right, Sandbox direction. Of course endgame armor and stuff should still drop from raids, at the same time however, those same drops should also provide the best crafters an opportunity to create the best and most unique gear for PVE. The same principles could be applied for PVP gear crafting...

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Which isn't really a reply to what I said?

Saying there is no difference between the effort to get a pair of legs off a boss and getting an orb to make a pair of legs ergo they should be the same and thus the crafted gear shouldn't be better.


Making epic crafting orbs non trade able (like they are now in game) doesn't help 'crafters' because like I said in my first post I can craft a rakata belt just as well as a dedicated crafter with swtor's crafting system.


I think perhaps there is a miscommunication here? I don't think anyone is advocating BOP materials or saying that only crafters should have the best gear. If I am speaking for the majority correctly, what we are saying is that everyone should be able to commission a high level crafter to create the best gear in game, in exchange for rare (required) BOE materials that drop off various bosses, and of course payment for services rendered.

Edited by Gundiok
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I would like to see crafted mods that are best Best in slot and Bind on Pickup. It makes all the crafting skills relevant for the character that has them (along with making stuff) and balances them against skills like Biochem and Cybertech which are relevant at all levels.


Needless to say such a system would need to mean such mods can't be combined with other BiS BoP mods.

Edited by SirUrza
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i don't know if this has been said, but here goes:


leave raid gear as the apex pve gear, leave pvp gear as the apex pvp gear and take all of the modifiable gear (aka "oranges") and make them only crafted/unable to be obtained via any other means (quest rewards, random drops, etc.). if you're not gonna let crafters make apex stat gear, at least they can be the go to fashionistas.


otherwise, BW lied/failed at enabling crafters to make any kind of name for themselves. so far, as a social activity, crafting is major fail.


So far, crafting is a fail as a whole in this game. You can't even find a few crafters willing to fill the GTN with armoring, mods, enhancements outside of a few classes and at random levels.


Loot drops,quest rewards, and commendation gear already make crafting worthless.


The only worthwhile craft is Biochem. I keep 3 gathering skills on all my characters, no craft skills. At least i can sell all the mats I harvest to the vendors unless a guildie needs some.

Edited by Zorvan
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i don't know if this has been said, but here goes:


leave raid gear as the apex pve gear, leave pvp gear as the apex pvp gear and take all of the modifiable gear (aka "oranges") and make them only crafted/unable to be obtained via any other means (quest rewards, random drops, etc.). if you're not gonna let crafters make apex stat gear, at least they can be the go to fashionistas.


otherwise, BW lied/failed at enabling crafters to make any kind of name for themselves. so far, as a social activity, crafting is major fail.


Very good idea and a good point. I hate the fact that as a crafter, on top of not being able to make apex gear, I cannot change even the basic look of my PVP;PVE gear: my champion PVP gear for shadow infiltrator will look exactly the same like any other shadow with same stats...

Edited by crowncrow
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Because this game has to be just like WoW in every aspect.





EDIT: Oh yeah, except voice acting.


Voice acting is overrated.


Having someone read a book to you rather than reading it yourself doesn't make the book any better than it was.

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Voice acting is overrated.


Having someone read a book to you rather than reading it yourself doesn't make the book any better than it was.


Well, I have to admit I enjoy audiobooks lately more then reading nevertheless you are right, after 30 levels of story the voice acting became flat and boring...

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What I think (and this is basically me suggesting BioWare take a leaf from FFXI's book):


Crafts should be considerably more difficult and expensive to max out.

They should also be able to make far superior BoE gear to the regular 4 man flashpoint drops, but only through difficult to obtain PvE drops or extremely rare critical successes so they never flood the market or become easily available. On top of that, they make trade-able items which are paired with BoA PvE drops to obtain any piece of the best gear in the game. This means crafters are never redundant, in fact they are always in demand, but they only play a part in the creation of the best items.


Most importantly, gear escalation should not just be the same set of stats over and over again on an ever increasing scale. This diminishes the demand for crafting simply due to lack of interest or the attitude of "It's only a small upgrade, I can get by without". Each piece of gear should offer unique bonuses. Lower level items shouldn't necessarily become useless at higher levels, and items should change the way you play your class. For example - a lightsaber with lowish damage but extra threat generation and a large health boost. A shield which has no absorption but reflects damage. Armor that reduces electrical damage and increases tech damage you take. Hidden bonuses. Stuff that makes items INTERESTING and gets people to try different things. Increased variation in options helps to prevent stagnation in the crafter's economy.

Edited by archontrieste
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Crafting gear is meant to give you a foot step into Raiding, whats the point in end game Raid when you can just make better gear from crafting.



that is wow. every other game does not need to be wow.


free your mind from the confines of wow.




someone who can pay MAJOR bucks for a crafted armor, would have 'worked' for that money, and therefore, 'deserve' it.


totally leaving out the fact that 'work for it', 'deserve' etc stuff are being totally silly, stupid in games. games are for entertainment. not WORK.

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lol no.


Then keep your crafter redundant, zero variation, boring linear stat escalation gear system and see how much fun you're having with it 6 months from now when the market completely stagnates, almost everyone does biochem, and every high level player is wearing exactly the same gear. You think it won't happen? Because it's already begun.


Or offer your own opinion, because anything is better than the current system where the player economy takes a back burner to the artificial economy.

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The obvious point many are missing here is:


As more people ding 50 less people are buying crafted items because they dont need them. So crafting becomes obsolete, not just to make YOUR items but also to make credits. Useless.


And the fix: Crafted items need to be relevant at endgame. If they aren't BIS, they should be second best, but nonetheless still a necessary step to get the BIS item (be it PVP or PVE). We need some bosses that can't be beat unless you got mostly crafted items. Either you enjoy to dip into the crafting part of the game and make your own items, or you aren't interested and buy it for a fair price on GTn, either way problem solved, all happy

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Unless mats are insanely rare or hard to acquire crafter gear should never be BIS. Some may disagree with the 'work for gear' approach but IMHO the best gear should only come from PVP and PVE content respectively.



HEY guys remember this?!




The best stuff is always going to come from other players, and then be made by other players. There will be stuff that you can craft that is among the best stuff in the entire game. So very close to the top tier that you could get for anything..



Edited by Chromiie
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