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10 Good
  1. Everything annoys me, I'm sour about life and I'm always looking for reasons to rant because my life is too damned easy if I don't invent problems for myself. Oh, and RNG of champion bags.
  2. Several times I've been looking for a shortcut down a cliff and thought to myself "this doesn't seem like too big of a drop". It's always about half way down that I realize I am completely wrong.
  3. I thought this thread was going to be stupid, but I've been pissed off by this very same issue myself as a Sith Warrior.
  4. Being bipolar != being neutral. If they're going to add a neutral alignment, there needs to be decidedly neutral choices in the game.
  5. I don't know what SWTOR will be. Currently I'm really, really enjoying the stories associated with each class, and the leveling process feels like much less of a grind because missions are significantly more interesting than the leveling experience in previous MMOs I've played. That is to say the parts I'm enjoying are the parts that are more akin to a single player RPG. And that's actually where my enjoyment of the game ends, bugs completely aside. The multiplayer experience brings nothing new to the table; in fact it feels dated. The mechanics feel just like WoW. The gear is uninspiring, nothing is unique, it's all just a linear stat progression and doesn't offer any mystique or intrigue - the feeling of getting an upgrade will never compare to the feeling of getting, say, a Ridill in FFXI, or a Nightmare battleship in EVE. The market is stagnant, and can even be completely circumvented during level progression. The majority of crafts are borderline useless and there is no real player economy to speak of. The PvP is unvaried, lacking in long term incentive, and same old. I think I will probably get as much as I can out of each storyline, and I really think BioWare aced the class missions and did a great job with the missions in general. But once I get bored of this one aspect of the game, I don't see a reason to stick around. As much as it pains me to say it, it's how I truly feel - RP aside this game is totally mediocre.
  6. You have to understand, most people will only play a game while it entertains them and they feel it is worth it by their own standards. It is not their responsibility to be forgiving because of it being so soon after release or how much work BioWare has on their plate. Customers are not a charity and if their opinion conflicts with the direction that the game is taking then it is their right to end their own service. Not everyone likes SWTOR's direction, and it is not their job to like it, no matter how much you may like it. And it never hurts to offer some constructive criticism before departing. If they get enough feedback on the same issue, it may be addressed.
  7. Then keep your crafter redundant, zero variation, boring linear stat escalation gear system and see how much fun you're having with it 6 months from now when the market completely stagnates, almost everyone does biochem, and every high level player is wearing exactly the same gear. You think it won't happen? Because it's already begun. Or offer your own opinion, because anything is better than the current system where the player economy takes a back burner to the artificial economy.
  8. What I think (and this is basically me suggesting BioWare take a leaf from FFXI's book): Crafts should be considerably more difficult and expensive to max out. They should also be able to make far superior BoE gear to the regular 4 man flashpoint drops, but only through difficult to obtain PvE drops or extremely rare critical successes so they never flood the market or become easily available. On top of that, they make trade-able items which are paired with BoA PvE drops to obtain any piece of the best gear in the game. This means crafters are never redundant, in fact they are always in demand, but they only play a part in the creation of the best items. Most importantly, gear escalation should not just be the same set of stats over and over again on an ever increasing scale. This diminishes the demand for crafting simply due to lack of interest or the attitude of "It's only a small upgrade, I can get by without". Each piece of gear should offer unique bonuses. Lower level items shouldn't necessarily become useless at higher levels, and items should change the way you play your class. For example - a lightsaber with lowish damage but extra threat generation and a large health boost. A shield which has no absorption but reflects damage. Armor that reduces electrical damage and increases tech damage you take. Hidden bonuses. Stuff that makes items INTERESTING and gets people to try different things. Increased variation in options helps to prevent stagnation in the crafter's economy.
  9. I have had far more success in PvP as Vengeance. Very rarely do I get less than 7 medals, and usually I get around 9. It feels like the PvP tank to me. I find I die far, far less easily, despite what everyone says about PvP mitigation. I get more protection medals because I can use Soresu and Guard. This also helps me protect important ops members better, such as a ball carrier. My damage is consistently good, as opposed to the high burst of smash and then hitting like a herring until force choke or crush are up again. Also, I've found that smash can miss due to lag or enemy movement speed buffs, and then you're left with nothing. It might just be that Vengeance suits my play style better, but even in that case I would still argue that Vengeance is Rage's equal if only because it is far more reliable and steady. You aren't dead as often and you're never the underdog because of cooldowns.
  10. Darth Bane just looked like he had an extra chromosome. I think the fact that the vast, vast majority of the most powerful Jedi and Sith were quite average, slight, or downright small in build shows that muscle strength doesn't have a big impact on a force warrior's ability. Being able to jump many meters into the air, throw people across rooms and lift objects that weigh several tons without even using physical contact is a little more than "augmenting physical ability" if you ask me. It's kind of at the point where your muscles are required to move and not much else. Wait... why am I arguing about RP? Damned game turned me into a SW nerd. WTB size 2.5 because 2 is too thin and 3 is Henry Rollins neck.
  11. I wish we still had the option to kill him. I plan to make the extra effort to get my droid some healing gear soon. When contrasted with Quinn, the idea of having an effeminate hunk of steel chirping an endless stream of sycophantic bollocks in my ear seems like the best day of my life. Every time I see Quinn's stupid, smug little face I want to pommel strike him in the eye.
  12. Vette just does better damage. I've done the same thing in the mid 40s, geared Jaesa out (with crit, accuracy and surge) and still been quite disappointed with the results. As a melee, Broonmark also seems to hit harder than Jaesa if you gear him for DPS and uncheck his tanking abilities, thought I haven't tested that out too much. In the end though, when playing solo PvE I just don't see much purpose to carrying a DPS companion except when doing lower level content. All of them feel like a distinct liability when you have the option to bring a healer. I know it's just personal taste, but I prefer the zero downtime and ability to solo much tougher mobs than just being able to kill ordinary mob groups in ~5 less seconds.
  13. From a purely RP perspective: my power comes from the force, not my muscles, so I'm a size 2. It doesn't make sense for my muscles to be huge when I rarely rely on them to do heavy work. I'm not a soldier. Size 3 just looks wrong on a force user to me. I've never seen a Jedi or Dark Jedi who looks like a roider. You do risk looking a little weak if you don't pick the right armor sets as a 2, though. I would have preferred something in-between, something more 'average human', but I can't abide the gym monkey look of a 3. And going by the films: Vader, Luke, Windu, Sidious, Maul, Dooku, Yoda, Obi-Wan; all < size 3. Yes, even Vader. He was daunting as hell, but he was not all that buff, his presence just made him seem so. Same with Mace Windu, you think "man, he was a big guy, right?", then you look at a photo. Tall but fairly thin. Too many Darth Fatasses around, nothing but wide targets. Want to recruit more people who look like they can actually dodge a lightsaber on the odd occasion they can't parry. Oh, and force charge on body size 4 = coke flavored keyboard & monitor.
  14. Or just click on passive mode briefly so he runs up to you, then deselect it. I've never ever seen Quinn actually 'bug out' and stop healing me. I've only ever had problems with him when I'm too far for him to heal but he is still within blaster range of a mob, so he stands in place shooting. I'm very skeptical whether there is actually a bug or not, and as such I don't think the droid would ever be deadweight. Then again, my experiences might be different to others'.
  15. You say that like it's unachievable using a priority system. I think it would be seriously detrimental to get stuck into a hardwired rotation of the same few abilities. Especially so considering we have like 25 abilities that are all worth using in the right situations. A priority system is every bit as much designed to maximize output as a rotation is. The difference is it requires thought and it is infinitely more adaptable as opposed to a hotkey cycle, which would cost you damage and survivability in many situations if strictly adhered to. Some 'clowns' just prefer to avoid getting sucked into an extremely rigid style of play when playing a game where priorities change. Anyway this isn't a new concept. It's just a known fact in MMOs that there are classes who thrive a lot better on priority systems than rotations, and there are those that are the opposite and work much better with rotations. I don't think we are the latter.
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