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Powertech DPS in tank spec is too high compared to other tank specs in pvp


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If it is such a huge fail, then how come I always end up in the top 3. Clearly I am doing something right.


Also as a Tank your are not a damage dealer. At most i get around 75-100K Damage done. 1 medal.


I get a minimum of 2-3 Defender medals. 1k, 3k and 10k.


I get Protection medals like paladin. 10k Damage prevented on an ally without dying.


You get atleast 1 other medal for 1 Killing blow. (I can solo nearly every class 1-1 other then smugglers and grav round troopers =/)


Then there is 1 more medal for 10 Kills.


Thats 6 medals. add 1 more for the lower rank protection medal. Thats 7 medals.


If your lucky, add 25 kills medal. Thats 8 Medals.


8 medals is good for a tank.


So yeah...PvE tank!


...you get in the top third with 75k damage?


what the hell, i do 125k-ish (except huttball) and im usually bottom third.

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If it is such a huge fail, then how come I always end up in the top 3. Clearly I am doing something right.


Also as a Tank your are not a damage dealer. At most i get around 75-100K Damage done. 1 medal.


I get a minimum of 2-3 Defender medals. 1k, 3k and 10k.


I get Protection medals like paladin. 10k Damage prevented on an ally without dying.


You get atleast 1 other medal for 1 Killing blow. (I can solo nearly every class 1-1 other then smugglers and grav round troopers =/)


Might wanna think that through once more. In a fail pve tank spec you can dominate pretty much any class 1v1 and you usually end up top 3.


Also, if you're losing to tracer missile spamming noobs I stand by my "not a very good PT" comment. There is no reason to lose to a tracer spammer with charge and 8 sec interuppts.

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...you get in the top third with 75k damage?


what the hell, i do 125k-ish (except huttball) and im usually bottom third.


Here ya go. Some of my results I screenshotted.






First place with less then 50k damage.



Might wanna think that through once more. In a fail pve tank spec you can dominate pretty much any class 1v1 and you usually end up top 3.


Also, if you're losing to tracer missile spamming noobs I stand by my "not a very good PT" comment. There is no reason to lose to a tracer spammer with charge and 8 sec interuppts.


Im not following you anymore. Fail specs get you 1vs1 wins and top 3? Win specs get you bottom? What are you talking about.


Also I said Grav spammers, not tracer.

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I think many people are confused. The OP point isn't that PT tanks do as much damage as DPS. It's that their DPS is higher then the other tanks in tank spec.




Not sure if true or not but it does seem possible. PTs get all positives on their tank stance, others don't

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Not sure if true or not but it does seem possible. PTs get all positives on their tank stance, others don't


This is the real problem. They need to make defensive stance not so bad for juggs and to a lesser extent assassins.


The problem is if they do that in a way that doesn't require any spec into tank tree it'll just end up benefiting the smash build lamers.

Edited by yukirshiro
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I hope this is a troll.


Not a troll. You can't possible believe getting hit by Grav round spamming troopers in a match at the same time is something you can do anything about. A decent grav round hits for 1100. I only got 10k of health. I can stun one, I can charge one. When Im beating one, the other can wail on me.


I'm starting to think you are a troll here.

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Not a troll. You can't possible believe getting hit by Grav round spamming troopers in a match at the same time is something you can do anything about. A decent grav round hits for 1100. I only got 10k of health. I can stun one, I can charge one. When Im beating one, the other can wail on me.


I'm starting to think you are a troll here.


Bah, don't give it away so early.

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I'll be cool with buffing Warriors as long as that stupid In-Combat Camo is taken out of the game.


Just kidding, I still won't be.


I'm in all purples and I've seen Juggies with 4k more health than me.


Stop whining.


wrong class that would be maurders <<

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I play a PT shield tech spec with tanking gear and although not fully champion gear yet my dps is usually the lowest in WZ's, although I get usually more medals than others but that is mostly from running protection.


What kills me is all of the abilities that I have that have a Knockback component to them don't knock anyone back or even using inload which is supposed to stun the target for the duration doesn't stun. However it does appear that all the other classes with KB and stun can fully use theirs. As far I know we get the 1 stun that lasts 4 seconds and 1 aoe (carbonite) that lasts 2 seconds.


Death from above as an example has KB component but in PvP it doesn't work.

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I think many people are confused. The OP point isn't that PT tanks do as much damage as DPS. It's that their DPS is higher then the other tanks in tank spec.




Not sure if true or not but it does seem possible. PTs get all positives on their tank stance, others don't


He doesn't take into account anything besides dps though, and it isn't exactly high even in ST/pyro spec. Jugg gets a ton more survivability and a good bit more cc for instance. Sins also do about as much damage, have more cc, stealth, and the single best team damage move in the game. So while ST/pyro MAY have SLIGHTLY higher dps than other tanks, it's not without tradeoffs.


Not only this but PTs rely on shielding for resource management and dps increase. As we all know, shielding doesn't work on a lot of stuff in pvp. Soresu form, while it does throttle rage income from attacking, also gives you range for being hit by anything. Heck, the way it's worded it probably gives you rage for guard damage even. Sins get a straight 30% force regen increase and can spec another 50 in/coming out of stealth if they want as well.

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The Vanguards/Pyro-Techs you see doing massive dmg are not really Tanks... THey're DPS using tank stances BTW. Nerfing there tank DMG would be so stupid...




What I do is spec in 8/5/28 pyrotech. All dps gear eliminator gear. I use ion gas (tank stance) to guard someone until i get the 3 medals (2k,5k,10k) then switch to combustible gas (pyro dps stance) and dps the rest of the time. My dps is almost twice as high in comustible, but i can still get a nice crit here or there with rail shot.


And before I get lectured on medal farming, i will stay in tank stance in certain situations, but i'm not really as effective. I just die a lot quicker from guarding.

Edited by Drexorn
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which is why im often voted as mvp as i usually have the highest objective score and saving healers....


now shoo little troll.


hes being serious if you can't out dps most classes if not all, your doing something wrong, pyrotech dps is extremely high, but its sustained dps in pve is rather low because of how hit and miss our heat system is. So you gotta basically keep heat below 15% and that reduces dps a lot, but remove heat from the game, no class out damages a pyrotech, period.

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All things are not equal. PTs have the worse defensive cooldowns by far. They're not even "OH ****!" worthy, which makes them pointless for non-trivial stuff (when Bioware adds something hard to the game eventually). If you're going to buff other tanks damage, then our cooldowns need to be buffed.


Bioware just want PTs to be offensive tanks. Look at our gear. There's way too much AIM and Accuracy on the tank sets compared to other classes. We lose out on defensive stats in return, which I don't like. Besides END, we seem to get more than others. which is nice until you get to the point where more END doesnt help because the bosses can't spike you down that fast anyway.


The mod slot in every BH tank armor is mostly AIM, then END, and barely any defensive stats (the level 56 mods in columi is 57 AIM 31 END 10 defense/absorb). Then you look at the mods on Jugg/Assassin and it's balanced between STR/WIL, END, and a defensive stat.

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Juggs have significantly more survival than PTs in pvp, have quite a bit more cc, have the ability to get real self healing, and have a better tool for keeping their teammates alive. They are also not hampered by shielding mechanics for resource management and dps as well as having less talents devoted to useless tank stats. I'd say that's a pretty good tradeoff.


PVP tankwise it's pretty much sins>juggs>pt.


hell friggin no juggs don't, powertech survivability talents are predominantly hard bonuses like endurance and absorption, the only way a juggernaut can do that is a 14/27 build, in which case the survivability is sort of similar and the powertech's utility and damage is a light year ahead.


the ptech has lower avoidance than them....but avoidance doesn't do much of anything in pvp really, instead they get more absorption, a better survival cooldown (lol 15s pvp of energy shield with their absorption, makes them almost unkillable if they decide to use their heal and a cpl consumables)

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hell friggin no juggs don't, powertech survivability talents are predominantly hard bonuses like endurance and absorption, the only way a juggernaut can do that is a 14/27 build, in which case the survivability is sort of similar and the powertech's utility and damage is a light year ahead.


the ptech has lower avoidance than them....but avoidance doesn't do much of anything in pvp really, instead they get more absorption, a better survival cooldown (lol 15s pvp of energy shield with their absorption, makes them almost unkillable if they decide to use their heal and a cpl consumables)


Please read up on stuff.


Juggs focus more on defense, which is superior to absorption or shield rating in general.


Juggs get massively better cooldowns also. 30% last stand and 40% damage reduction is much better than a 15% hot and 25% reduction. Not to mention you also get saber ward. Juggs also get a 20% damage reduction buff for friendlies. Not to mention they aren't forced to rely on broken stats to manage resources or dps.


Since you don't seem to know, 40% dr for 10sec is much better than 25% dr for 12sec.

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