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Do away with PVP Gear


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I read the op. I'm a true pvper. Meaning I dont pve at all since level 10. Pvp gear should be the best for pvp. If you do away with pvp gear, better have crafting be the best pvp gear cause I'm a true pvper. I wont be doing pve for gear


. Let the pve'ers have their pve and let the pvpers have their pvp =D


I can appreciate that some only like the first person shooter aspect of PVP. It is what gets my heart thumping and is much more challenging than PVE for me.


I guess I feel like I am speaking a foreign language here so let me say this one last time.


MOBs and Monsters do damage. Presumably they do similar types of damage to the players as the players do to them. so the gear does not have to be different i.e. no need for PVE / PVP. Because WOW screwed all of this up does not mean every other game must follow the same flawed dynamic.


What I am advocating is a system where you can achieve your goals without having to wonder if the toon on the other side got there by exploiting game mechanics.


If I get face rolled no problem.... I just would like to think it is because he worked his butt of to get the great gear to do it with....

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This is really simple. Those that solely PvP should have better PvP than those that dont. Those that purely PvE should have better PvE than those that do not. Im not advocating for crafters to be able to make the best PvE gear OR PvP gear. Why? Because I've PvP'd my a** off since level 10. I've maybe completed 20 quest since then. When I hit 50 after 40 levels of pure PvP then I should have better PvP gear than someone who quested their way to 50. They should not be able to buy better PvP gear than I have because their mom gave them money to buy credits. To think anything otherwise is quite simply... retarded. No, crafters should not be able to make the best gear in the game. What would be the point in Raiding or PvPing? Like I said, you dont like your craft pick another but some fresh 50 should not be able spend credits and have equal gear to someone who has devoted hours and hours and hours to obtaining PvP or PvE gear. Someone who has never done a warzone should not be able to obtain full raid gear and merc someone who has done nothing but warzones, the same visa versa. Just change your craft man. Nuff said.
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I think they should buff crafting some how to get on par with pvp gear. Don't get rid of gear period anywhere...


IMO some of the pvp gear looks like well, realy bad. Some players like it and thats cool but I'd love to have the option to deck out crafted gear or Orange loot the way I want to look and use it for pvp instead of seeing everyone in BM gear

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This is really simple. Those that solely PvP should have better PvP than those that dont. Those that purely PvE should have better PvE than those that do not. Im not advocating for crafters to be able to make the best PvE gear OR PvP gear. Why? Because I've PvP'd my a** off since level 10. I've maybe completed 20 quest since then. When I hit 50 after 40 levels of pure PvP then I should have better PvP gear than someone who quested their way to 50. They should not be able to buy better PvP gear than I have because their mom gave them money to buy credits. To think anything otherwise is quite simply... retarded. No, crafters should not be able to make the best gear in the game. What would be the point in Raiding or PvPing? Like I said, you dont like your craft pick another but some fresh 50 should not be able spend credits and have equal gear to someone who has devoted hours and hours and hours to obtaining PvP or PvE gear. Someone who has never done a warzone should not be able to obtain full raid gear and merc someone who has done nothing but warzones, the same visa versa. Just change your craft man. Nuff said.


Clearly we approach the game from different perspectives. I see one game with multiple paths but unified by a common frame work. I am sure with all of you time and effort you would out pvp any newbie who rolled into your warzone even if he was Bill Gates and outfitted in the very best gear available.


Gear only should make distinctions between classes the real skill..... not some retarded stat like expertise... should make the difference between players.


The real expertise is you, because you are the one who ground out the levels in warzones. If all they did was face the computer in combat then there is no way they are going to be prepared to face you even if they have the same gear. I am confident if you are half the player you seem to be they would not stand a chance.


Ultimately what I want to do is face the best human players in the game regardless of how they obtained their gear. What I don't want is some poser who valor farmed his way to 60 having an advantage because of some artificial mechanic like expertise deciding the difference in combat.

Edited by DosPeros
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I think you are missing the point. I dont PvP, and most others dont either, so that we can see how many people we killed at the end of the Warzone. The rewards for PvPing are new and better gear. Trust me, if they removed that people would stop PvPing, why else would you? Im not saying that crafting should not be buffed. Apparently it should. However, I think, just as in WoW, crafters should be able to make, at most, a blue set of PvP gear to get people started. They should not be able to make PvP gear that is equal to that of the rewarded PvP gear you get from actually PvPing. Nor should they be able to make PvE gear equal to that of Raid gear, which is your reward for completing the raid. Why exactly would you raid if you could just buy the same gear on the AH? There needs to be rewards for PvPing and rewards for PvEing. If you remove those rewards then why the he** would anyone bother? You are attempting to turn this game something where the person with the most credits wins. If your broke, tough, you get merc'd. If you have credits though you get the best gear. Somehow I think your idea will lead to alot of credit buying, thats just me though.
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I think you are missing the point. I dont PvP, and most others dont either, so that we can see how many people we killed at the end of the Warzone. The rewards for PvPing are new and better gear. Trust me, if they removed that people would stop PvPing, why else would you? Im not saying that crafting should not be buffed. Apparently it should. However, I think, just as in WoW, crafters should be able to make, at most, a blue set of PvP gear to get people started. They should not be able to make PvP gear that is equal to that of the rewarded PvP gear you get from actually PvPing. Nor should they be able to make PvE gear equal to that of Raid gear, which is your reward for completing the raid. Why exactly would you raid if you could just buy the same gear on the AH? There needs to be rewards for PvPing and rewards for PvEing. If you remove those rewards then why the he** would anyone bother? You are attempting to turn this game something where the person with the most credits wins. If your broke, tough, you get merc'd. If you have credits though you get the best gear. Somehow I think your idea will lead to alot of credit buying, thats just me though.


Your wrong. Simply wrong or just inexperienced.

Touted as the best PvP MMO ever, DAOC, had ZERO pvp advanced for years.

All it had were stats and good PvP content.


EvE still currently has ZERO pvp advancement.


You dont need PvP specific progression in an RPG. You need RPG. that is to say content. Whether it be player generated content like EvE or provided content like DAOC, you have to have something to fight over and there is nothing to fight over if there is nothing to lose.

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There are those of us that see through the thinly-veiled grind of PVE where you gear up only to confront more PVE encounters but the same gear you worked so hard for is useless in PvP.


Make it one and the same. They could use item level to arbitrarily have a built in expertise stat if they think it's needed, but stop with the separate gear nonsense.


if i take your post as true this means you are admitting to being on drugs because this so called veil does not exist, in fact in many cases pve gear is better for pvp then pvp gear because of the better stats.


or your crazy but i would guess its drugs

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Maybe Im completely off base crunchy. Maybe most people PvP for the PvP content and lore. Personally, the reason I do PvP is that I dont give two sh*** about lore or content. What I do give a sh** about is killing you when you are out questing and enjoying your lore. For doing that I want better gear so that next time you are out questing, taking in the scenery and having the time of your life, I can end it even faster. Right now there are 3 warzones and Ilum. Apparently you dont PvP enough to realize that after so many of the same laggy warzones it gets mind-numbing. Why do we keep grinding though? For the gear. Because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, it was all worth it when we ruin your gaming experience in the open world. Maybe me and all of my friends that came over to this game are just sadistic or a**holes. Really, I dont care, they arent going to remove PvP gear because quite frankly, thats retarded and is just not going to happen. So I guess if you want to stay comfortable and safe just sit in town and craft, thats apparently the only thing you are concerned about anyway.


To the other poster, I can think of numerous times, especially with weapons, that PvE gear is better than PvP gear for PvP. If you guys have such a problem with the PvP world, heres an idea... STOP PVPING. Roll a PvE server and dont queue for warzones. Just please... quit whining.

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Actually, with the upcoming changes, the best gear will ALWAYS be crafted - because crafted gear will have an extra slot (augment) in it. Itll become even more of a gear-gap than now - either you have the time to get the PvP gear and strip the mods out of it AND you have the time to farm or farm money to buy a complete set of orange-crit gear, or you're down 28 of a stat in EVERY SLOT.


Good times.

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Your wrong. Simply wrong or just inexperienced.

Touted as the best PvP MMO ever, DAOC, had ZERO pvp advanced for years.

All it had were stats and good PvP content.


EvE still currently has ZERO pvp advancement.


You dont need PvP specific progression in an RPG. You need RPG. that is to say content. Whether it be player generated content like EvE or provided content like DAOC, you have to have something to fight over and there is nothing to fight over if there is nothing to lose.


PvP in EVE is also the number 1 reason people quit, right out of CCPs mouth at their panel at Dragon*Con this last year.

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PvP in EVE is also the number 1 reason people quit, right out of CCPs mouth at their panel at Dragon*Con this last year.


Yeah but that has nothing to with progression.

Thats because the PvP in eve is *********** brutal.

Way to hardcore and skill intensive for most folks.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Maybe Im completely off base crunchy. Maybe most people PvP for the PvP content and lore. Personally, the reason I do PvP is that I dont give two sh*** about lore or content. What I do give a sh** about is killing you when you are out questing and enjoying your lore. For doing that I want better gear so that next time you are out questing, taking in the scenery and having the time of your life, I can end it even faster. Right now there are 3 warzones and Ilum. Apparently you dont PvP enough to realize that after so many of the same laggy warzones it gets mind-numbing. Why do we keep grinding though? For the gear. Because at the end of the day, when all is said and done, it was all worth it when we ruin your gaming experience in the open world. Maybe me and all of my friends that came over to this game are just sadistic or a**holes. Really, I dont care, they arent going to remove PvP gear because quite frankly, thats retarded and is just not going to happen. So I guess if you want to stay comfortable and safe just sit in town and craft, thats apparently the only thing you are concerned about anyway.


To the other poster, I can think of numerous times, especially with weapons, that PvE gear is better than PvP gear for PvP. If you guys have such a problem with the PvP world, heres an idea... STOP PVPING. Roll a PvE server and dont queue for warzones. Just please... quit whining.



No the reality is that you need to go play a PvP game like... BF2 or counter strike or world of tanks.


This is an RPG.

Your kind of whinnig is what created this mess in the first place.


I dont wanna PvE. WAH!

I want to make the VAST MAJORITY of the player base bend to my will.


This isnt even about PvE it is about content.

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crunchy, just shhh and go craft something. I want progression with my PvP and I would bet most people do. If you dont like the way they did it, dont do it. Really, really simple.


I expect it will change. But your right its a pointless battle.

Dont get me wrong i love PvP.

I like the way the combat works here.


I dont like that only point of doing it is gear.


There is no prestige.

There is no territory to grab.

There is no economy.




Currently Enemies IGNORE each other and mission goals.

Its a game for kids or simple minded folks.


Maybe you are right though... maybe they will never have anything but a gear grind and it will only be about gear grind.

If so i will enjoy what i can out of the game but without a robust meaningful PvP...


People kill trade for gear because the only lasting aspect of PvP is the gear.

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You should play some different MMO's.

MMO's are about the story you make in it. The rest of it is a means to create that story. Once the story is gone there is nothing left. If the story is all about gear you really should consider a different game.


you might consider the Frozen Throne mod for old Counter strike. Hell of a lot of fun.


For a so called "EVE Player" you have quite a short memory. If gear isnt important why would you bother training up for T2 stuff?


Go on, go and fit your Vaga/Ishi/Zealot or Cerb with Meta 1 stuff and lemme know how you get on.


Theres gear progression in every game and EVE is no different. Like I said, If EVE is so different then why did you bother training for T2 Arty's?

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For a so called "EVE Player" you have quite a short memory. If gear isnt important why would you bother training up for T2 stuff?


Go on, go and fit your Vaga/Ishi/Zealot or Cerb with Meta 1 stuff and lemme know how you get on.


Theres gear progression in every game and EVE is no different. Like I said, If EVE is so different then why did you bother training for T2 Arty's?


OK so once i get all my t2 gear i need to get t3 to remain competitive right.

wrong. The primary reason for skill grind in EvE is for PvE economics.

More over their is no gear grind. there is a skill grind. I want something i get the money and buy it.


There is a grind in eve but its not gear based its economy based which means... However i make money, generally through PvE but can be done through PvP, is my grind.

But more than that my grind is subject to PvP action.


Im all for gear grind if it involves losing the gear in death either through straight drop or some kind of irreparable damage system.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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For a so called "EVE Player" you have quite a short memory. If gear isn't important why would you bother training up for T2 stuff?


Go on, go and fit your Vaga/Ishi/Zealot or Cerb with Meta 1 stuff and lemme know how you get on.


Theres gear progression in every game and EVE is no different. Like I said, If EVE is so different then why did you bother training for T2 Arty's?


Well eve does not have pvp gear or pve gear at least as its all the same virtually. I am a pirate in eve game and love the crafting because its a true player run market not a grind for bags but a grind for money to buy from crafters and others.

I am not saying i go out and pvp with commander mods cause that would be bad when I die.

Unlike this game were i never have to worry about losing my gear because its way to care bear for that. Put if where people lose a piece of there nice Battlemaster when they die in world pvp then watch the QQ start as most hear have never seen a real mmo where items really matter in a world environment.

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Wow..... the need of some to attack is amazing....


An MMORPG is a multilayered game designed to mimic many aspects of everyday reality but placing it in a fantasy setting.


Crafting is a vital part of the economics of the game and is often one of the most common reasons for guilds and player interaction. It is ultimately this content that gives people to hang around and play while they wait for the next roll out of updates and adventures.


Crafting should not be redundant it should be the main method of getting top flight gear. How stupid is it for me to kill a animal and get credits and a blaster? They don't even have pockets ffs..... unless they are a marsupial.....



This is not a first person shooter game and should not include only those dynamics. Ultimately in theory and practice the less artificial mechanics introduced to a system the less the developers will have to "Balance" the game. This is always true and is seen in real life and fantasy as well. While I grant you the game as a whole is an artificial contrivance it is based upon well understood social theories.


It is not deniable that exploiters and imbalance are now a part of the game due to these artificial devices. Using crater only armor in no way creates an exploitable in balance or diminishes the level of expertise required to be successful at PVP. It does create a vibrant and interactive gaming community which becomes dependent upon each other to attain success.


As to being spiteful and bitter you don't know me so who is talking rubbish....


No you are wrong go back to your RP server where animals dont drop loot i guess.

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Fine. Do away with them. But then I want my champion set to be exchanged for Columi and I want everyone who has Battlemaster/Centurion compensated in equal measure (e.g., Rakata for Battlemaster).


I now see part of the problem with my original Post. I have only played on a PVP server and I never realized there was such a thing as Columi and Rakata gear. I never see it don't know how to get it.


I was calling for the removal of PVP gear because it makes 1/3 of the entire game mechanic irrelevant at level 50 (crafting) I was calling for the removal of PVP gear because it adds a crap stat to damage through fake expertise. I was calling for the removal of PVP gear because it was being exploited (or at least the method to obtain it valor).


I now also call for the removal of PVE gear.



Same reasons.........

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I think you are missing the point. I dont PvP, and most others dont either, so that we can see how many people we killed at the end of the Warzone. The rewards for PvPing are new and better gear.


I am certainly missing your point. I would really prefer that if after i defeated my enemy in PVP i got to keep something they had on them... Like the platinum piece I lost in EQ2

I still loose sleep over that one.


I hate the configuration the developers have picked for Sentinel Armor (my class) It's stupid and the only reason it works is the expertise stat which overpowers conventional armor. What I would rather have happen is you and I have to figure out which stats we need on our armor to make them the best. Being smart about your armor and gear choices should be just as much a part of PVP as the actual combat.


Trust me, if they removed that people would stop PvPing, why else would you?


I play the game in a small guild (4 of us) we are friends from youth spread around the country connected by vent and yet in the game we get together every night to wreak havoc, on our fellow gamers. We seek to dominate in PVP..... preferably open world PVP .... Our enjoyment comes from playing and winning. Titles are great, moneys great, respect is great....... But the fear our opponents show us when they see they are going against us is what I really seek.



Im not saying that crafting should not be buffed. Apparently it should. However, I think, just as in WoW, crafters should be able to make, at most, a blue set of PvP gear to get people started. They should not be able to make PvP gear that is equal to that of the rewarded PvP gear you get from actually PvPing. Nor should they be able to make PvE gear equal to that of Raid gear, which is your reward for completing the raid. Why exactly would you raid if you could just buy the same gear on the AH? There needs to be rewards for PvPing and rewards for PvEing. If you remove those rewards then why the he** would anyone bother?


This is not a first person shooter game.... it is designed by intent to mimic the real world in a fantasy setting. I don't play on an RP server... I think it is pretty weird, but hey whatever floats your boat.... but I do enjoy the aspect of also guilds, crafters and social interaction. It is what allows hardcore PVPers to have a game. They would not build this game for the warzones and Ilum alone..... ever.


You are attempting to turn this game something where the person with the most credits wins. If your broke, tough, you get merc'd. If you have credits though you get the best gear. Somehow I think your idea will lead to alot of credit buying, thats just me though.


I earn more credits faster PVPing than I did everything else.... So it should mean you have plenty of credit to spend... at my store, buying buffs, and implants, and ....


As a final note.... I honestly have no Idea how you could stand the grind to level 50 only doing warzones..... I'm not critisizing merely observing. I have been doing almost nothing but warzones an ilum since level 50.... it has to be one of the most tedious ways to grind I could ever imagine.

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