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2 Hour Deserter debuff


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This is the same argument spun out over and over again from Warhammer to Rift.


Groups versus pick ups have never worked in those games in the aspect of giving a fair chance to both teams.


Groups stick together, know what the others will do or even communicate Via Vent/TS for even greater effect.


Grouping in any form should face similar circumstances, there is no other solution that works.


For the person who says , well just take the commendations , why is it a big deal to lose or get hammered in a WZ, are the very people who that take full advantage of this EZ mode of game play.


Groups/Groups Pugs/Pugs


The whole idea




Finally, a non-troll who can read between the f'ing lines.

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2 hour debuff = Cancelled Sub


i would be happy with a 15 min one.


2 hours is harsh. I spilled coffee the other day and had to leave a warzone. That, I believe, is a legitimate excuse, but when I came back 5 minutes later I shouldn't have had to wait for almost 2 hours. I think a 15-20 minute debuff is good.


And to all the people who ask why they should stay for the full match if they know they're going to lose: people like you leave in the first couple of minutes and screw your teammates. Warzones are team activities and people like you are not working as a part of the team. Your elitist selfishness should be "rewarded" with a debuff.

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Its players like you that make their own teams bad. And four Battlemasters isnt even close to a sure win. At all. Specially because it doesnt take too much time to get Champion gear, and champion gear is at the very least a fighting chance vs.battlemaster. Oh and full Battlemasters are still a really, really small minority.


I notice you edited your post.


They're not that small of a minority on my server. And yes, champ gear is very attainable. I'm covered in it.

But you obviously still don't understand my point.


Groups should fight groups. PUGs should fight PUGs. Period. The end.


I don't want to fight against PUGs when I'm running a guild group. It's boring and completely lacks any competition or challenge.


I don't want to fight premades when I (rarely) queue solo. It's boring and completely lacks any competition or challenge.


And as I said, if you can't get that or would seriously disagree with it, then you're probably one of the people taking advantage of the way this system currently works.


I don't fault you for that. As I previously stated, I take advantage of the fact that I can leave really crappy games if I'm not having fun.

That's not to say, however, that I wouldn't agree with the current system being changed...

(i.e. Adding a deserter debuff...)

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Sigh, actually reading comprehension does include reading between the lines. If you say youre gonna keep on leaving warzones and you don't think that's wrong then you are kind of implying - considering the context - that you don't want a deserter debuff.


There's no direct logical connection but social interaction is based more around norms which have grown from the effect of induction anyway.

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2 hours is harsh. I spilled coffee the other day and had to leave a warzone. That, I believe, is a legitimate excuse, but when I came back 5 minutes later I shouldn't have had to wait for almost 2 hours. I think a 15-20 minute debuff is good.


And to all the people who ask why they should stay for the full match if they know they're going to lose: people like you leave in the first couple of minutes and screw your teammates. Warzones are team activities and people like you are not working as a part of the team. Your elitist selfishness should be "rewarded" with a debuff.


Yeah people it's sad when the other team gets a door, or scores 1 TD or even gets 2 turretts, you just see a stream of spoiled children leaving because it's not a guaranteed win.


I never understood why people are like "OH LOOKS LIKE A LOOS /leave" screwing everyone else over. That's why we need a 15 min debuff.


Warzones last about 15 min so either way they are committed to 15 min, they can either spend it in or out of the one WZ.

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I think people shouldn't be punished for leaving a game because they dislike something about it (whatever the reason) but... I know I'm not the only person who has been removed from a warzone because of disconnects. I think your issue would be less seen if they allow 1-2 minutes for people to reconnect to the warzone they were in previously.
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Regarding separate queues: The queues are already long enough without that crap with the new 1-49 and 50 brackets. There are MAYBE like 4 premade imp teams on primetime on my server (high pop) and 1 republic. You will just force people to not be able to pvp with their friends. There's a reason why you can only queue with 4. It's a balance between mixing up the sides and playing with your friends. This is a design decision and is intended.


Second, your argument that you're all about the fun is just dumb. Fun is what you make of it. Guess what? I find warzones fun, win or loss, bad team or good team. You know what my premade teams do when we join a match (yes, even premades cannot carry all teams, and premades fight premades allllll the time, you just happen to be on the sidelines) and we see that the match is lost? We start goofing off. We have some fun bouncing some noob into the corner of the map and refusing to let him out.

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Sigh, actually reading comprehension does include reading between the lines. If you say youre gonna keep on leaving warzones and you don't think that's wrong then you are kind of implying - considering the context - that you don't want a deserter debuff.


There's no direct logical connection but social interaction is based more around norms which have grown from the effect of induction anyway.


No, what I'm implying is that there's a reason people leave warzones and that until that reason is fixed, people will continue to do it.

Adding a debuff will address the symptom, which is all well and good for temporary relief. But I've never been much of a proponent of symptomatic treatment modalities.

I'd prefer to address/fix the root of the problem, from which all subsequent problems arise.


The root(s) of the problem here is that there is:

A.) No match-making system to pair groups against groups or pugs against pugs.

B.) No way for players to choose which warzone they're queueing into.

C.) Not enough Republic players for Empire to play anything other than Huttball 90% of the time.

D.) A drastic gear/skill acquisition curve for new level 50's. (1-49 pvp does NOT prepare them for what WZs are like @ 50)

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I am getting so tired of entering a half finished War zone nearly 70% of the war zones I enter are already half finished and 95% of those, the team you join are usually losing.


So please please start punishing these deserters they don't deserve to enter and new War zone 2 minutes later and then again ruin it for someone else because they will again leave.


2 hours? excessive much?


As previously mentioned, 15 minutes would suffice.

Edited by Paralassa
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Its players like you that make their own teams bad. And four Battlemasters isnt even close to a sure win. At all. Specially because it doesnt take too much time to get Champion gear, and champion gear is at the very least a fighting chance vs.battlemaster. Oh and full Battlemasters are still a really, really small minority.


Why do you care? If you insist on playing against almost insurmountable odds then you should look for teams that have people leaving.


If the guy doesn't have the time or the desire to play in a match where he his pitted against an obviously high ranked pre-made team then let him bail and you make up for it if you're so awesome.

Edited by Paralassa
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Debuffs are ridiculous unless you fix the other problems first, like




Huttball that goes on for 10 minutes at 5-0 and similarly with Alderan etc.


Bar new players from coming into games that have advanced too far. If I join an alderaan 2 or 3 cap close to end of game, it is only fair to allow me to leave.


Accelerate the game clock where one side clearly is dominating.


Allow all of the opposing players to accept a loss by agreement on all players on that team.



Until you fix WHY players are leaving matches, you can't penalize them for doing so.

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I would agree to a deserter debuff if there was a full fledged premade bracket. I finish most of my games even when we are just getting steamrolled, but after playing for several hours and having wins not count and just losing the others, it gets tiring.
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Fix the bugs first. Twice I've been kicked out of a huttball game when my team was 5-1 or 5-0 because I died and it wouldn't let me release to respawn. (ctrlu/stuck don't work, you just sit there clicking the release button until you get booted).
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No, what I'm implying is that there's a reason people leave warzones and that until that reason is fixed, people will continue to do it.

Adding a debuff will address the symptom, which is all well and good for temporary relief. But I've never been much of a proponent of symptomatic treatment modalities.

I'd prefer to address/fix the root of the problem, from which all subsequent problems arise.


The root(s) of the problem here is that there is:

A.) No match-making system to pair groups against groups or pugs against pugs.

B.) No way for players to choose which warzone they're queueing into.

C.) Not enough Republic players for Empire to play anything other than Huttball 90% of the time.

D.) A drastic gear/skill acquisition curve for new level 50's. (1-49 pvp does NOT prepare them for what WZs are like @ 50)


Allright then. I agree with everything you've pointed out as well but I want add that I think there needs to be some kind of platform that allows for competitive pvp outside of warzones and that a matchmaking system isn't sufficient in regards to that.


You'd think that bioware could've added some easily and quickly attainable gear that while worse than what you get later still makes you more than a pushover.


Also thanks for writing symptomatic treatment modalities, now I had to google it and actually ended up learning something :p

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2 hours is ridiculous. No idea how many games I've been kicked from bc the game started and the stupid 1 min loading screen and by the time I come into the game deserter buff is half way down. Force sprint and still don't make it out in time and booted for deserter
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I think alot of this could be solved with the addition of a couple things..


1) Allow anyone on a team to mark healers and other players,because sometimes the team leader is asleep at the wheel.


2) Add a "group kick" feature to do away with the afk people. (they get kicked and no points)


3) Add a simple voice channel for teams in and out of a WZ like LOTRO has, this would help tons with communicating in a WZ.

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I don't leave unless Huttball comes up. I'll stay and lose 600-0 in Alderaan, I'll take being farmed in voidstar with a bad group...but don't even THINK of forcing me to play that BS game of Huttball and threaten to punish me when I chose to leave. Huttball is slanted and I will not play it.


So...if you wanna punish me, let me pick the WZs I queue up for. If I join one and THEN quit, do it after I've been active for a bit, not when I zone in and realize one of my friends CTD or didn't get invited.

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Regarding separate queues: The queues are already long enough without that crap with the new 1-49 and 50 brackets. There are MAYBE like 4 premade imp teams on primetime on my server (high pop) and 1 republic. You will just force people to not be able to pvp with their friends. There's a reason why you can only queue with 4. It's a balance between mixing up the sides and playing with your friends. This is a design decision and is intended.


Second, your argument that you're all about the fun is just dumb. Fun is what you make of it. Guess what? I find warzones fun, win or loss, bad team or good team. You know what my premade teams do when we join a match (yes, even premades cannot carry all teams, and premades fight premades allllll the time, you just happen to be on the sidelines) and we see that the match is lost? We start goofing off. We have some fun bouncing some noob into the corner of the map and refusing to let him out.



Well, we don't have any issues with long queues on my server, but I know a lot of servers do and I feel for you guys on that.

Hopefully the queue times will get quicker as more and more people get to 50.

Your server must not be as high-pop as you think.

Almost every Imp guild on DT is running at least 1 premade at any given time.


And I completely agree with you that even a 4man can't always carry 4 other bad players to a win. It happens. This is why I feel people should be allowed to form a full 8man and queue against other 8mans.


However, I'm not talking about sticking around and goofing off with my guild group. It's easy to have fun even in crappy circumstances when you're playing with friends and guild mates.

We do silly stuff like what you mentioned all the time.

At the very least, even if we lose to a better premade or whatever, it's still usually a close or at least a fun game.

I'm talking about people who are q'ing solo and getting farmed by premades 8/10 games.


And, in case you missed it in my previous post or haven't seen it in-game for yourself...

There are more than a few guilds/groups who have figured out how to get 8 people (2x 4mans) into the same WZ on the same team... Reliably.


By the way... Calling my argument dumb is dumb. :D

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I think 15mins would do the trick.


They can't run a warzone till after that warzone finishes at that rate. I think League of Legends is the same, and it works.


I concur. 10-15 minutes is fine.


There are plenty of reasons to leave the Warzone and not all are because you're losing.


Bio-Breaks, unexpected visitors, Pizza delivery, food boiling over etc.


I think a 15 Minuit break is justifiable. Anything more, not.

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Debuff duration doesn't matter, the people who leave matches will still leave if they're getting rolled. Make it a two week debuff for all it'd help, people would still leave. Anything short of making it impossible to leave a match and people will leave matches.
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