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/follow broken


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My wife and I play together. She often goes AFK to take care of the kids, fix food..etc.. Or i might have to answer a business call. When one of us go AFK, we put ourselves on /follow. So the other one of us can continue to run around and quest. You get the idea, I'm sure that's why /follow command was put in these games in the first place. Well we have grown dependent on this very useful feature.


In beta, she could be following me for up to an hour and follow would never break. Now I run 20 feet and she will stop following and run in place for several seconds. I have to get up.. go to her PC and hit follow again. Well its useless because it breaks every 20 feet or so. SO basically I have to just wait for her to get back because we want to level together . Or i can play my toon for a few quests, then run her for a few. It works.. but its so inconvenient! /follow is our dream command! when its broke, it makes the game less fun for us!


Sorry for the long post.. anyone else notice this? I'm not sure how many others make so much use of this feature.. but we depend on it.

Edited by Lyonheart
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Yes, my friends and I have formed a static group, and we often have members go AFK for whatever reason at random sometimes, and in the beta test (Game Test or whatever you want to call it), we would continue questing until the absent member returned thanks to a follow command that was actually functional.


Now? The follow option is practically broken. If the person on follow isn't lagging behind us, then he/she stops following altogether.

Edited by Quind
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Lyon... I love you. <3


Please say hello to your wife for me. How is she btw?





Edit: oh yea... whats up with the autofollow bustin all the time? Srsly, it gets old. I dislike getting out of my chair... walking over to the other computer, and resetting. Really annoying.

Edited by Appathetic
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I "believe" it was working fine until the final 2 weekends of beta now it's completely useless. The following toon will just run in place after following for a bit then just stops all together and the follow is broken. Any chance a dev will respond in here?
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This also stops multi boxers cold. I know its controversial and a lot of solo purists don't like them. It has been approved by Bioware so get over that. This stops quite a few extra accounts that Bioware might be getting by people who can afford them. I hope it gets fixed soon.




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We are sorry to hear that you are having problems in-game. We encourage players to use the in-game customer service portal, as that is the most effective way of reporting in-game problems to the right team.


Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback.

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Autofollow - /follow player command is completely broken actually. It worked smooth in beta, but it s broken in this build.

FIX IT Bioware!

To Parali : already posted in game support. since 2 days - no answer yet.

Edited by Tirrexx
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Autofollow in EQ worked great. I recall folks leading friends up the long ramp in East Karana, then cut the corner to tight and their friend's corpse was a thousand feet downhill. Ack!


oops, went off on a tangent there, sorry.


Hopefully they will fix it. Easiest way to communicate with a partner while running is to follow and type.

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It is a shame what has become of the follow function in TOR.


Until one of the last few general beta builds, it was the greatest follow function in any MMO.


If you targeted a groupmate who was far ahead and hit the follow key, you actually accelerated and caught up with the target. Also, follow had good AI (probably using the same AI as companions - and companion AI was a lot better in those builds, too), even following around corners, going around obstacles, taking alternate paths, and so on. You rarely stopped to follow, except if you stopped or the person you followed jumped off a dangerous cliff.


It was just such a great quality of life feature. It boggles my mind why they took it out.


I hope they will fix follow so it will be as great as it once was during beta, including catching up and navigating smartly around obstacles when navigating.

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I only played in the last beta weekend, but follow was broken then, and it's still broken now. This is such a basic requirement of an MMO, I don't understand how they can **** up this much ****.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know there are a ton of bugs that need to be fixed in the game that are very important but to me this is as well. Whether i am playing with the kid or my friends this has to be working.

I work 10-12 hours a day, spend time with the family and sit down for a couple of hours at night to play. Well i have a 10 week old that needs constant attention. Its nice to tell the RL friends or my older son that i am on autofollow and brb.


Enjoying the game Bioware but is unplayable for me atm for the most part due to this. Hope its on your list to be patched!!

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I /sign this 100 times, this is killing me right now, please fix the follow, I've seen a lot of silly bugs in games but how do you mess up /follow? Never realized how important this was to me until I couldn't use it, they need to hotfix this, as it stands this is probably the thing I want most right now, even more than the ability to move my UI elements, which I also want pretty bad.
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