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Took away a big part of the game.


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They said from the start that first come first serve would be the way it went.


If it meant that much to you to level up the fastest...you'd have ordered sooner.


Now here is finally a post that's made a very good stab at being funny and making lite of all the QQ threads and you gotta come in here all serious ( fanboy/girl ) and try to ruin it.

Get over yourself already and laugh, this is funny **** !!:D

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This logic is very flawed. We are not waiting in line for food. We are waiting to get into a game where starting ahead means being ahead. The people who are not in yet are at an incredible disadvantage when it comes to the economy, gear, name selection, and even the ability to play with their friends.



Seriously. People who are in the front of the line for ANYTHING always get the better pick of whatever it is in question. Someone ahead in line in a restaurant may get the last piece of pie, or in a store, the person ahead of you may purchase the last of any particular product. Guess what? They're using those things before whoever else they were ahead of, and have gained an advantage in some way, shape, or form. This so-called disadvantage is so petty it's hardly worth mentioning. A couple days in the grand scope of the longevity of this game is but a drop of water in the ocean.

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General release is on the 20th. Lots of new people coming in that you can out level. I'm not seeing the problem.


Too bad about the server though. You can probably still join it. I dobt they are going to stop peple from choosing a busy server


Yea there will still be new players, but I can definitely relate to the OP. One of my favorite things to do is race other players to create a character with my desired login. Not gonna be able to do that now. But hey, you know what, I can do one of two things. I can sit here on the forums and complain, or I can complain with my wallet. Havent decided which way to go. Is making my point worth not purchasing the game?

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that makes absolutely no sense. what if you were one of the first to join the site but didn't even buy the game? should you be allowed to play for free?


Not at all.

Hey its not my company at the end of the day and Bioware can do as they please. My feelings do not change anything at all.

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I have, and I think it falls under who joined the site first, not who paid first.


Bioware does not though,, did someone we are getting burgers as well, cause I am a lil hungry?


I don't know about burgers, but judging from some of the writing in the game, we're surely getting Hamburger Helpers.

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Yea there will still be new players, but I can definitely relate to the OP. One of my favorite things to do is race other players to create a character with my desired login. Not gonna be able to do that now. But hey, you know what, I can do one of two things. I can sit here on the forums and complain, or I can complain with my wallet. Havent decided which way to go. Is making my point worth not purchasing the game?


you would really consider canceling your preorder because you dont get to play first??:mon_eek::mon_eek::mon_eek:

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We are waiting in line. Those who ordered first, get the product first. If you thought you were going to be at a terrible disadvantage....why did you not pre-order sooner once you read that early access was based on pre-order date? The logic is flawed only if your thought process is.


You are absolutely right. They did get one over on some of us with the wording "Up to" 5 days. It worked great this time, but guess what, some of us might be hesitant to pre-order future games from these companies under the general "fool me once" premise. How's that going to work out for them?

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.



With a little forum digging you can get a estimate yourself. I guessed last week that I would be invited on day 3 because of my October code registration (it wasn't that hard to predict). Then I simply checked on the forum for one of the many "post here if you got in and when you pre-ordered" threads and made my own estimate. Furthermore, (like you said) they even released an official estimate of who will be invited tomorrow. You could have saved yourself some grief and researched this a bit.


Or you could make this thread, either way works..

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I know people enjoy different aspects of MMO's and I can respect whatever style of play one may enjoy the most. Be it raiding, PVP, casual quest play etc.


Personally my favorite element of an MMO is leveling faster than other people. I was always competitive in each WOW xpac, and had the largest launch anticipation for TOR one can imagine.


Sadly this element has been taken away from me. To add insult to injury we have the 1% fanboys to call us all whiners about being excluded from the first. Now I got over it and am still patiently waiting to play.


The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


Now I am not here to complain but would like to point out many of us do feel very left out. It was nice of the devs to release an estimate today but the fact still remains. I really didn't want to do this but feel it is important to bring up the fact that I did meet Daniel Rattcliffe once and we are bros. Please pass this along to the correct authorities so I can start playing tonight.


Thank you for your time.


Sucks to be you. However, answer me this, why is your want to level faster than other people more important than someone elses want to have a smooth launch through the head start?

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you would really consider canceling your preorder because you dont get to play first??:mon_eek::mon_eek::mon_eek:


I am seriously considering it. I was looking forward to starting a new MMO on a level playing field. A 2 day (maybe more) jump on playing time is enough to build up a nice advantadge economically and in PvP. I paid the same $5 pre-order fee as everyone else, so I personally feel a little bit cheated. It's all good though, like I said, nothing is forcing me to pay them $15 a month and $60 upfront to feel like a 2nd rate customer.

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Sucks to be you. However, answer me this, why is your want to level faster than other people more important than someone elses want to have a smooth launch through the head start?


Competition? Why do people want to PvP? Why do raiding guilds race for server firsts? I'm not big into that type of play-style but you can't deny that there are a large portion of people who do enjoy that.


Also, would those people who were let in first be willing to wait until last for that smooth launch? I'd be all for that if it were the case.

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My first SWTOR account was as old as yours. Had to recreate when they fubar'd my origin account. However, it is dumb to think signing up for a forum and paying cash towards a game is the same thing when they said they were letting earlier pre-orders in first.


AUGH, I need to take a writing class badly.


I did not say it was the same thing. Its the idea and ideals that are based around money that I have a prob with. Its more of a moral issue.


I played and watched SWG fall apart because they forgot the little things, that players are people and only based the gaming exp around ways to suck money out of us. I played WOW and watched as they took every opportunity they had to suck every penny out us they could.

Over and over again it was the only way they could make up for so many people catching on and leaving the game. Why? Because the LOVE was gone from it and this game had a **** ton of love being placed on it, by real passionate people as you can tell from the forums. lol


There were other ways to let people in other then account age or when you paid do not forget. We could have played pazzak, or had a lotto, or some sort of event or manner that was fun. Guild deployments even, in alpha order,, your entire guild drops down like a troop and then you are taking away for training, something other then money..


Least, this is my feelings.

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Ya, when i mention customer satisfaction people with high egos aka playing star wars like to rub it in and say great job bio-ware, yet in our case absolutly different outcome.

Really irratates me that they worry over server crashes ect lil thing that fixes as it tones down. MMOs have always been the same changin it now was a leap of faith for the worse, that maybe just an opinion but its an opinion of a huge majority of people not playin right now due to the so called "waves" aka sit in line n shut up.

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I am seriously considering it. I was looking forward to starting a new MMO on a level playing field. A 2 day (maybe more) jump on playing time is enough to build up a nice advantadge economically and in PvP. I paid the same $5 pre-order fee as everyone else, so I personally feel a little bit cheated. It's all good though, like I said, nothing is forcing me to pay them $15 a month and $60 upfront to feel like a 2nd rate customer.


What economy? The servers have been up for just about 48hrs? You think that's long enough to build an economy?


Do you know how many thousands of players will not be level 50 or even 30 by the time you get to play? Not to mention the fact that low levels players in warzones get buffed to higher levels.


I know that in the US the $5 preorder fee is a deposit which is deducted from the balance of the game. I know next to nothing about how it works in Europe or other countries although i cant imagine why it would be different.


Edit. the servers have been up for less than 48 hrs

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What economy? The servers have been up for just about 48hrs? You think that's long enough to build an economy?


Do you know how many thousands of players will not be level 50 or even 30 by the time you get to play? Not to mention the fact that low levels players in warzones get buffed to higher levels.


I know that in the US the $5 preorder fee is a deposit which is deducted from the balance of the game. I know next to nothing about how it works in Europe or other countries although i cant imagine why it would be different.


At the pace of hardcore gaming nowadays anythings possible. 70-80 in just over 24 hrs of release in wow, Rift players pushin 50 before ppl barely hittin 20, not to mention theres always exploits people use.

Regaurdless of the cirumstances the fact of the matter is I dont like the idea of doing a battleground with 50s partially decked, especially when they did not pay a cent more then I did just happen to buy the game sooner wich honestly is a new introduction into a release of a game. It was a well thought gameplan however did not take into consideration how it would take effect on gamers used to just preordering and playing, instead of preordering n playin after idk about you but I dont like sloppy seconds.

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The bigger problem for me now is that the server my Sith Reddit guild occupies is classified as "Super Heavy". At this rate me and my wife will be in on Friday and our chances of joining our friends is not good.


FWIW, it seems likely this will follow the usual MMO release pattern, and server load will drop some once the initial rush is past...either because some people stop playing, or because they shift to less crowded servers. So I wouldn't give up on being with your guild.

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At the pace of hardcore gaming nowadays anythings possible. 70-80 in just over 24 hrs of release in wow, Rift players pushin 50 before ppl barely hittin 20, not to mention theres always exploits people use.

Regaurdless of the cirumstances the fact of the matter is I dont like the idea of doing a battleground with 50s partially decked, especially when they did not pay a cent more then I did just happen to buy the game sooner wich honestly is a new introduction into a release of a game. It was a well thought gameplan however did not take into consideration how it would take effect on gamers used to just preordering and playing, instead of preordering n playin after idk about you but I dont like sloppy seconds.


How many people actually hit 80 in 24 hrs? It took me about a week and i didnt even have a job then. I never played rift so cant comment about that.


So basically what you're saying is that if you don't get to play the game first or if you are not guaranteed to be the first to reach the level cap then you don't want to play the game. Ever.

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Not to mention be sure to come up with several names for your toons lord knows alot will be taken. GG Nov n Dec players aka me.


this is really a non-issue. what could possibly be so important about a name? If you're first choice is taken pick a new random one.

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