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Hutball changes (drop the ball!)


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If you are pulled to a player (friend or foe) you should drop the ball


If you jump to a player (friend or foe) you should drop the ball.


If you activate sprint you should drop the ball.


If you go invisible you should drop the ball (already in the game).


If you activate the sprint buff present on the playing field you should *NOT* drop the ball.


This will make the classes a bit more balanced in Hutball and you will not get the "Maurauder is easy mode in Hutball" discussions no more. You will also avoid people who position themselves ultra stupidly and ruin the game for you.


I realize that Sith Inquisitors and Sith Warriors and their respective mirror classes will not like this but it will mean a much more serious game play and not just jumping/pulling/speeding through the match.

Sure, it's impressive when a team is so synced that they can pull a player with the ball perfectly but it's even more impressive when you have a good pass game that gives you a win.


Possibly you could say that if you are pulled to someone that will allow you to keep the ball since that is an interaction between two players.

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How about you just stop signing up for WZ's before you run out of tears.


i agree, if everyone in game refused to run huttball due to the exploits and patheticness of this "pvp" match like we republic are now doing on hydians way then Bioware might get the message REMOVE huttball from the game it sucks peroid

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i agree, if everyone in game refused to run huttball due to the exploits and patheticness of this "pvp" match like we republic are now doing on hydians way then Bioware might get the message REMOVE huttball from the game it sucks peroid


You must be bad at huttball

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Terrible idea. Why not remove passing or moving with the ball too? Why remove ALL the strategy of huttball? Positioning for a force-pull is as much a part of the strategy as positioning for a pass. Making all the most intuitive skills drop the ball would make huttball a confusing and frustrating affair.
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this would be stupid and no one would ever score. just wait for the person with the huttball to cross the ledges and knock them off.




It would just make huttball slow turtles from one side or the other. While you might envy the sides that can fast break and score with some use of skill...it is good for the game that they have the skill to play without just ending up in a turtle for the match.

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wow , hutt ball is amazing, why on earth would you want to do anything but make more WZ's like it ...they need a whole chain of hutt ball arena's . let us make teams, leagues , have seasons, play offs and championship games . each server has a home field ..all kinds of awesome. do not change hutt ball.
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Terrible idea. Why not remove passing or moving with the ball too? Why remove ALL the strategy of huttball? Positioning for a force-pull is as much a part of the strategy as positioning for a pass. Making all the most intuitive skills drop the ball would make huttball a confusing and frustrating affair.


This is spot on.


Pretty much all of these suggestions mean both sides have to think less about their positioning. Yeah I can force leap to a much better position while carrying the ball, but it was the other team not considering their options properly when they decided to rain force lightning death from above or something like that which gave me that opportunity - and I myself had to look for that opportunity instead of stupidly running the same path as every other time. Yeah I can fall down 20 metres and keep the ball - if I lost the ball in that case, they could all just follow me without even looking if there's someone else up there I could pass to - and of course that person had to have the good sense to stand there, knowing that I might try to pass him the ball. Yes I can force speed and keep the ball, meaning it's important when to root/stun me - and I myself have to consider when to use the ability best.


And so on. Taking skills out of the equation pretty much removes all tactical thinking. I understand that there are those people who don't like to think tactically, or think at all, but I don't really buy that we need a 15m warzone where everybody zergs in the middle because that suddenly actually is the most effective strategy, and the only one that works. It'd be the great equalizer that leads to each side winning precisely 50% of all matches in the long run, because the outcome would be decided randomly by who gets to hold the ball when the match ends.

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wow , hutt ball is amazing, why on earth would you want to do anything but make more WZ's like it ...they need a whole chain of hutt ball arena's . let us make teams, leagues , have seasons, play offs and championship games . each server has a home field ..all kinds of awesome. do not change hutt ball.




that would be so awesome.


I also want to add:


let us view matches at the bar in fleet, also I WANT TO BET ON THE GAMES!

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wow , hutt ball is amazing, why on earth would you want to do anything but make more WZ's like it ...they need a whole chain of hutt ball arena's . let us make teams, leagues , have seasons, play offs and championship games . each server has a home field ..all kinds of awesome. do not change hutt ball.


I'd agree with this - but only when they have some more different types of Huttball map in the game. As a concept I think it's great fun but it sure does get tiresome hearing the same guy say the same thing about the same Hutt being shown the same respect every 15 minutes.


But a server-wide Huttball league where you pay x credits to enter your team of 10 (8 plus 2 standbys if someone can't make it), winner takes all and maybe gets a title or mount at the end of the season, played across 5 or 6 different Huttball maps, each with their own unique twist on the format (different traps, different layouts, etc). Round robin or straight knockout format.


Oh man, I would play the absolute crap out of that! Would be incredible. Beats rated Arathi Basin hands down. Would be a complete game-changer and (le gaspe!) an actual, bona fide, genuine USP for SW:TOR as an MMO.


Hmmm, this idea has me very excited it seems, haha :cool:

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i agree, if everyone in game refused to run huttball due to the exploits and patheticness of this "pvp" match like we republic are now doing on hydians way then Bioware might get the message REMOVE huttball from the game it sucks peroid


i'm on hydian way, republic. i love hutball. when we do a premade with me and my other guildies, we win easily. learn to play the game :p

btw, empire might outnumber us 3 to 1 on our server, but man do they suck. after half an hour on ilum with some guildparty's, empire just leaves becouse they can't win 3vs1...

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awful idea, take away everything that makes huttball good?? id never play it again


you're basically saying you are unable to compete at the high paced tactical game that huttball is, and would rather it became a middle zerg fest?



Edited by Tohrazer
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The only thing that really gets me mad about hutt ball is successfully running the ball almost all the way to the goal line and either getting harpooned up to the enemy base and insta killed, or even worse being harpooned into a fire that you can't get out of because of the root attached.
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This is spot on.


Pretty much all of these suggestions mean both sides have to think less about their positioning. Yeah I can force leap to a much better position while carrying the ball, but it was the other team not considering their options properly when they decided to rain force lightning death from above or something like that which gave me that opportunity - and I myself had to look for that opportunity instead of stupidly running the same path as every other time. Yeah I can fall down 20 metres and keep the ball - if I lost the ball in that case, they could all just follow me without even looking if there's someone else up there I could pass to - and of course that person had to have the good sense to stand there, knowing that I might try to pass him the ball. Yes I can force speed and keep the ball, meaning it's important when to root/stun me - and I myself have to consider when to use the ability best.


And so on. Taking skills out of the equation pretty much removes all tactical thinking. I understand that there are those people who don't like to think tactically, or think at all, but I don't really buy that we need a 15m warzone where everybody zergs in the middle because that suddenly actually is the most effective strategy, and the only one that works. It'd be the great equalizer that leads to each side winning precisely 50% of all matches in the long run, because the outcome would be decided randomly by who gets to hold the ball when the match ends.[/QUote]


TL;DR. I have to be on my guard to not make a defensive mistake and you have to be on your guard to take an offensive advantage.


The suggested changes would force people to think more about positioning of all players and not just a couple of players that play a specific class. Even though these changes arent perfect, they are a good start to balance out the usefulness of different classes in this warzone.

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Everyone that is using "L2P" in their posts should have interdiction to post a reply again for a week. I mean if your brain can't come with a PRO or CON argument to what ever the OP is saying then you should STHU. One has to dig to a tremendous amount of L2Ps just to get to some content around here.

I enjoy Huttball as it is now but that doesn't mean it is perfect. If you consider what OP is saying he has a perfect valid point there. In the current state of the rules, 2-3 classes have the ability to move the ball around by themselves much more easier then the rest. If both teams are getting a equal numbers of those classes in their composition then the game is balanced if not....

There is nothing wrong with having to pass more instead of just avoiding entire enemy defense by sheer speed or jump. That way gunslingers/snipers will get a job like killing the ball handler while the faster guys will engage the front runners to prevent a pass.


And for the record, I don't know the OP but he brought a suggestion w/o whining or complaining and some of you lot just labeled him as being a newbie and attacked him instead of the matter he raised.


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