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Whats the point in playing a pure DPS class?


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Its 3 hotbars worth of abilities ffs with the dmg on the gd tooltip and they all have the same crit dmg barring aa's.


Its not difficult in anyway, the problem is why dps the same as someone who can do the same dmg as you with more utility and/or heals?


If you cannot out-dps a Merc or Powertech on a Marauder, you are terrible or play solo. Get a group or get better.


Fluff AE damage shown on the charts means nothing. The real benefit is what you bring to the group in terms of interrups and overall harassment.


I'm betting you are a k/d watcher in CoD while playing objective games too. People like you will never be happy.

Edited by Qilz
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If you cannot out-dps a Merc or Powertech on a Marauder, you are terrible or play solo. Get a group or get better.


Oh so under certain circumstances Marauders will out dps classes that can put up the same numbers while healing or tanking as well.


Nice, keep these tidbits rolling guys

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Some people will blame anything for losing.



Forcing players to become hybrids?


Why? There's no need.


Whether A DPS Operative manages to throw out a couple of weak heal with no skillpoints invested in them does not decide the outcome of the game!


Pure dps classes can compete if played well.


But if played badly..


Finalboss: "There's a reason you never see nerf threads for Marauders/Sentinels/Gunslingers/Snipers"

Because most people assume that they are bad and don't play them.


The good ones are still good.


And some people get their jollies by pretending moral superiority to the lazy, stupid, bad players, who only complain because they're bad when the game is fine! Fine, I say! Just learn to play. Warlocks are fine; 30 second fear is balanced...


You've sidestepped all the legitimate objections to healers that have been given to you. How is it balanced that you see Sorcs with medals for high damage in a single heal AND in a single attack? A good sorc WILL outperform a good pure DPS while enjoying more tactical flexibility and utility. They need to be brought back in line with other classes; none of your trolling changes that.


Where's the ignore button on this forum...

Edited by VoidAngel
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If you cannot out-dps a Merc or Powertech on a Marauder, you are terrible or play solo. Get a group or get better.


Fluff AE damage shown on the charts means nothing. The real benefit is what you bring to the group in terms of interrups and overall harassment.


I'm betting you are a k/d watcher in CoD while playing objective games too. People like you will never be happy.


Oh so the numbers mean nothing at all? Well thats good to know, lets lower your classes insignificant numbers a little so my pure dps class can actually out dps people on a regular basis.

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Guys, let ignore the trolls on this one.


Pretty much, again. I'm trying to understand why someone would roll pure DPS when they could not only DPS (as good as a pure dps mind you), but can also tank, or heal. Example:


Why be a sniper when you can be a powertech and have access to guarding and taunting (which does wonders in PvP), or a Merc who can do damage, but also heal.



Why be a Marauder (who only runs around attacking?) when you can be a Juggernaut who can guard, taunt, intercede, as well as have access to a knockback, and still dish out numbers thats on par to a marauder?


The way the game is set now, I just dont see a benefit in it at all.

Edited by Verrell
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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


More bad player QQ, poorly disguised as an honest question.

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Nerfs aren't really needed as much as pure DPS needs more utility. I don't mean my Gunslinger being able to heal or tank. We just need an "out" for escaping or a better chasing/catching skill as its too easy to escape us in pvp unless we manage to catch them totally unaware and they're stupid to boot. Sages/Sorcs are our primary target but shields are insane ATM and its just way too easy for them to LoS and heal even if pure DPS specced.


A nice fix would be a sprint for GS and Snipers to help level the playing field (perhaps a longer but slower %) and a slow ability that isn't spec required (as is you have to spec a skill AND slow effect addition for it). LoS is just pathetic and at times buggy even if you have a clear view but not full bodied.


As is I still feel useful as a 50 GS but no where near what I should compared to hybrids that have easier cycles, aren't losing time getting into cover, as well as have much better utility and survability (we have decent survability but it's all dependent on multiple 45-60s cooldowns). I "might" manage the same damage as a Sage (or some Troopers...) if I wasn't so easy to kill or could chase my targets better. Range is an advantage but if we can't close that gap we can't seal the deal on a regular basis.

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Ok since so many people complain here is how I handle lets say a BH that spams tracer missle and here is how it goes down about 90% of the time in 1v1 world pvp. Using my example from last night.


I was speedering along on my sentinel saw a BH at 96% health he was 2 levels higher than me. He shot at me knocking me off. I jumped at him. He through me away and tried to tracer missle me. I immedialty stealthed before he could pull off tracer missle and got back to him. He tried to tracer missle me again i interrupted it before first shot got off. I immediatly slowed and put my dots on him.


At this point I now have 2 dots ticking every second for true dmg. meaning ignoring all armor he has and hitting him for straight 300 dmg per tick for 6 ticks. He has successfuly hit me once I have hit him 3 times. my health is about 5% higher than his now. within 2 hits I will apply 2 more dots for a total of 4 dots over 6 seconds all doing same amount of dmg roughly.


He then uppercuts me as I start my channel ability. He doesnt innerupt it so it hits him for 900+ every hit (3 hits) and by the end of my channel he is now half health and I am 3/4 he attempts to run but I reapply my slow and dots again on him. as he is realizes he is slowed again he starts tracer missle again. I of course trying to build up my focus just pop a defensive buff and let the first round hit me. He is now about 30% health and I am a little above halfway. Now with my focus up I reapply dots again for the last time and unload all my focus on him. immediatly after his tracer missle he goes to spam it again. I interrupt he goes to heal I force choke him again. he tries stun me i pop my get out of stun free card. he then tries to heal I interupt again. now hes out of options and tries to run but at this point hes almost dead and i finish him with another channel attack. dead. ending fight

48% health me him dead.


I had full stacks and could have easily popped my healing ability but I chose not to and saved it for incase I needed speed instead.


Fight lasted about 30 seconds

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I get out dps'd by scoundrels on my gunslinger fairly often but then again I'm playing sabotage spec. I lvl'd w/ sharpshooter and I think that's probably much better for single target dmg but again I'm not complaining really. Perhaps if I switched spec's I could do better on the chart and get over 5 medals a game but I feel like I'm helping out the team more with these 3 sec aoe grenades and incendiary grenade, especially in voidstar and civil war.

Sometimes I think maybe I should have rolled scoundrel though, the option to heal OR have good dps sounds kinda good now to be honest.

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The issue is hybrids do too much dmg, healing or tanking.


Or pure dps classes need to do more dmg or have more utility.



I udnerstand why you are so mad and frustrated though, it must be rough being told over and over again that your class is easymode while you are trying to take pride in your accomplishments.

Edited by Meluna
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Nerfs aren't really needed as much as pure DPS needs more utility. I don't mean my Gunslinger being able to heal or tank. We just need an "out" for escaping or a better chasing/catching skill as its too easy to escape us in pvp unless we manage to catch them totally unaware and they're stupid to boot. Sages/Sorcs are our primary target but shields are insane ATM and its just way too easy for them to LoS and heal even if pure DPS specced.


A nice fix would be a sprint for GS and Snipers to help level the playing field (perhaps a longer but slower %) and a slow ability that isn't spec required (as is you have to spec a skill AND slow effect addition for it). LoS is just pathetic and at times buggy even if you have a clear view but not full bodied.


As is I still feel useful as a 50 GS but no where near what I should compared to hybrids that have easier cycles, aren't losing time getting into cover, as well as have much better utility and survability (we have decent survability but it's all dependent on multiple 45-60s cooldowns). I "might" manage the same damage as a Sage (or some Troopers...) if I wasn't so easy to kill or could chase my targets better. Range is an advantage but if we can't close that gap we can't seal the deal on a regular basis.


I honestly think our survivability is a joke. Not only that, but 35m as a Sniper/Gunslinger?

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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


Inq will be nerfed and brought into line soon enough, they are silly right now. But, thats a side point, as a combat medic your damage is horrible. Yes you can dps but as a rule its almost always more useful to heal teammates and cc opposing team than dps.


The other issue is that youre clearly talking about pugs here. Healers can keep themselves alive longer to pew pew more hence better numbers. But, organized pvp is different -- great/pure dps classes like sentinels and marauders make a huge difference.


As a side note, if my team is terrible I often give up healing others and just pew pew/heal myself for medals...sad but built into the game design. If im gonna get rolfstomped at least I am gonna go out with max valor.

Edited by Bluetickone
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Ok since so many people complain here is how I handle lets say a BH that spams tracer missle and here is how it goes down about 90% of the time in 1v1 world pvp. Using my example from last night.


I was speedering along on my sentinel saw a BH at 96% health he was 2 levels higher than me. He shot at me knocking me off. I jumped at him. He through me away and tried to tracer missle me. I immedialty stealthed before he could pull off tracer missle and got back to him. He tried to tracer missle me again i interrupted it before first shot got off. I immediatly slowed and put my dots on him.


At this point I now have 2 dots ticking every second for true dmg. meaning ignoring all armor he has and hitting him for straight 300 dmg per tick for 6 ticks. He has successfuly hit me once I have hit him 3 times. my health is about 5% higher than his now. within 2 hits I will apply 2 more dots for a total of 4 dots over 6 seconds all doing same amount of dmg roughly.


He then uppercuts me as I start my channel ability. He doesnt innerupt it so it hits him for 900+ every hit (3 hits) and by the end of my channel he is now half health and I am 3/4 he attempts to run but I reapply my slow and dots again on him. as he is realizes he is slowed again he starts tracer missle again. I of course trying to build up my focus just pop a defensive buff and let the first round hit me. He is now about 30% health and I am a little above halfway. Now with my focus up I reapply dots again for the last time and unload all my focus on him. immediatly after his tracer missle he goes to spam it again. I interrupt he goes to heal I force choke him again. he tries stun me i pop my get out of stun free card. he then tries to heal I interupt again. now hes out of options and tries to run but at this point hes almost dead and i finish him with another channel attack. dead. ending fight

48% health me him dead.


I had full stacks and could have easily popped my healing ability but I chose not to and saved it for incase I needed speed instead.


Fight lasted about 30 seconds


Congrats, you beat a middling skill player as a dps class in a 1v1 scenario! Clearly the system of team PvP is completely balanced thanks to your experience of defeating a BH 1 on 1!

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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


Pure dps classes SHOULD NOT be doing more damage then classes that can heal. DPS skill trees should all, ideally, do roughly equivalent damage. Regardless of AC's. When choosing an ac it should come down to aesthetic appeal and playstyle.

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I honestly think our survivability is a joke. Not only that, but 35m as a Sniper/Gunslinger?


My only gripe is "cover" all the good dmg gunslinger skills require it. I think it will get better though when they fix the ability lag. As it stands it takes me a moment to get cover and then the moment to get the skill off. To me this ability "lag" effects a gunslinger/sniper more than any other class for this reason.

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My only gripe is "cover" all the good dmg gunslinger skills require it. I think it will get better though when they fix the ability lag. As it stands it takes me a moment to get cover and then the moment to get the skill off. To me this ability "lag" effects a gunslinger/sniper more than any other class for this reason.


Go play a jedi knight and see what a HUGE advantage cover and terrian provide if used properly.

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Pure dps classes SHOULD NOT be doing more damage then classes that can heal. DPS skill trees should all, ideally, do roughly equivalent damage. Regardless of AC's. When choosing an ac it should come down to aesthetic appeal and playstyle.


except they can still heal.



I don't think you grasp how doing 2 things is better then 1

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except they can still heal.



I don't think you grasp how doing 2 things is better then 1



Exactly. Whats the point in doing one thing when you can do that one thing (in some cases better than the pure dps) while doing something else?

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To do DPS as a Tank/Healer class in PvP, you must sacrifice your survivability. Trust me, it is no fun as a Shadow going balls first into melee with no shield and light Armour. I imagine the same is true of Sage/Sorc/Ops/Scoun. Every time I see one of these classes not spending their time healing, I always jump on them and they die pretty easily.


If you find your DPS class is doing less damage than another class that is tank/heal specced of equal gear, I think your dealing with a BCAK (between chair and keyboard) problem.

Edited by PulseXXX
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Pure dps classes SHOULD NOT be doing more damage then classes that can heal. DPS skill trees should all, ideally, do roughly equivalent damage. Regardless of AC's. When choosing an ac it should come down to aesthetic appeal and playstyle.


Are you insane? You think that is balanced?

Edited by EternalFinality
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To do DPS as a Tank/Healer class in PvP, you must sacrifice your survivability. Trust me, it is no fun as a Shadow going balls first into melee with no shield and light Armour. I imagine the same is true of Sage/Sorc/Ops/Scoun. Every time I see one of these classes not spending their time healing, I always jump on them and they die pretty easily.


If you find your DPS class is doing less damage than another class that is tank/heal specced of equal gear, I think your dealing with a BCAK (between chair and keyboard) problem.


No, I have zero problem playing my Sniper or Sentinel.


The issue I have is why am I playing a pure dps class with next to no utility when I could be putting up the same numbers with more utility and either tank or heal at the same time.

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Sadly, all some people care about is how much DPS they can dish out, and in return they think that makes them a good player. Don't get me wrong though, plenty of skilled players out there that are pure DPSers.


Just funny to watch a BH stand in the middle of a WZ spamming tracer missle, getting spanked, and doing nothing objective based for their entire team. Never gets old.


Well yeah? When a person plays a PURE dps and is unable to do anything but dps, you would think that they'd like to, you know...do dps!


But when a tank or healer can do the same DPS...in some cases more, WHILE providing the utility, while providing the debuffs...snares/stuns/roots etc etc


Then playing a pure DPS defeats the whole point other than to have fun...which is hard to do when you, as a DPS player, have to try harder to actually do your roll as good, while being incapable of doing the other stuff.


It has NOTHING to do with the skill of a player. If you have an equal skilled/geared DPS who can do nothing but DPS against a equal skilled healer, who can do the same damn DPS with the same utility while being able to support themselves, while being able to get into Heroics/FP/Premades/Raids whatever faster, then tell me, what is the point of a pure DPS?


No, not fun, I've already covered that. It's not fun waiting around for a group x2-x5 times as long, it's not as fun seeing whatever class have the same or more damage, getting more medals or whatever. It's just frustrating.


P.S Im happy with my DPS but I'm stating a proper point.

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