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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Early Access Broken Promises....Not a good start, EA


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Currently we are 6 days before launch.


Sir, that isnt entierely correct.


we have 15. Dec and it is 14:35 here, in fact there is somewhat more then 4 days left.

and its not launch, its release.

launch was the 13th and i had a great party here in forums the last 3 days :mad:

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Can we seriously stop this stupid moronic posts. Did the OP play the first 3 hours of stress test weekends? Did you sit in the 2000+ person queues? Did you get in to play those first 2 hours with 500 other level 1-5 doing the same quests? YES they did stress test. What did the outcome of that stress test show? THAT YOU CANT HAVE 50,000 PEOPLE SIGNING ON AT 1 TIME. So better to let people in at waves to get level gaps going because each planet is broken up into servers so having 500 people in 1 server is bad. Honestly the only thing I can say they might not have done well with the early access is only do waves for about 6 hours a day. However even that seems justified due to not knowing how the 5 oclock rushes will affect them. I havent gotten into the EGA yet and im fine with that because i know BW will get me in. Do i know when? no, but they told me before this started that it would be like that
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All fine and that.


The one i did read, says i will get in game as soon as it's possible.

When i see people playing, to me that means game access is possible. Yet i'm not in, so EA (origin store) sells with false advertising.


As soon as possible for each individual, it isn't possible right now for EVERYONE to be in the game. Their options were to hose the servers so no one could play, or bring in a few at a time. With bringing in a few at a time their choices (probably among others) were to bring people in based on order of preorder or random choice. Either way if you didn't preorder right away, odds are poor for you (one out of what, 2-3 million?) to get in on the first day.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


They have said from the beginning you will get in based on when you signed up, it is their criteria for entrance. You are upset you didn't get in yet trying to take it out on someone other than yourself. This is stressful for them and seeing hundreds of "Why am I not in yet?" isn't good support for the devs

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Haha, yeah I still don't get all the butthurt about this. I'm Nov 27th and I'm not remotely upset. What people don't seem to realize when they talk about how "Rift did it" or something is that TOR has received FAR more preorders than any other MMO has at launch. I appreciate the fact that I'm not waiting with 60 people trying to kill a mob for a quest in the starter worlds. Not a fanboy, and like I said I'm not even in yet and may just miss out on today, but still am glad for what they've done because IN GAME everything sounds like it's going really smoothly, which is all I can hope for once I get in.


Edit: Before anyone talks about WoW expansion preorders, notice I said "at launch". Also, I realize Age of Conan got 700,000 preorders but I can promise you TOR has far more globally due to Europe/Russia and the international love for this IP. Doubtful Age of Conan brought in several hundred thousand preorders from outside the US.

Edited by HaikonMR
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What about the headline on the front page that says, 'Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game! '



Misleading or no?


They can if they pre-order before Nov... To many people trying stir **** up just to be stirring **** up..

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If the original poster has been playing MMO's for as long as he said he has, he should have learned to read by now.


Really, because its' my opinion that most MMO players don't have the attention span to even read flavor text, let alone the details of a promotion.

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funny .. I bet these same kids cry when there 80 HP honda civic gets only an extra 1/2 HP after installing their K&N filter... BUT BUT BUT False advertising they CRY! .. "it's written on the box, I get 20 hp if I put this filter in"


they just don't understand the "up to 20 hp"


just like this game


"Reading Comprehension" people .. I know you can do it!!!

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I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?




its almost like they dont want everyone to be doing the same quests all at once so people can actually enjoy the game rather than waiting ages for a quest kill that 100 people are camping...

its almost like they listened to every single person on the beta ************ about having to wait 15 mins for a box to spawn due to so many people stealing the quest items

(and the fact the early access originally said 15TH) its almost like they are doing exactly what they said they would but some people got in even earlier (basied on when they ordered which is so unfair, orders in oct should be first)


i mean really, how dare they treat us like this... i might just throw my computer away at such outrage from them....


or maybe **** and wait for ur invite

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Sorry but your making a fool out of urself. cheers, cya, theres the door.

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It was stated pretty bloody clearly when pre-orders went live and the early access program was announced, that access would be staggered based on when your code was redeemed. You dont like it? Tough.


You can whinge and moan all you like but it isnt going to change the fact that BioWare and EA have not broken ANY promises. They stated from day one that this was how it was going to be, if you're too stupid to understand thats hardly their fault.


The complaining was inevitable however they did it, this is one of the smoothest early access launches I have experienced and I've been through a few. Most are plagued by server crashes, massive queues and a plethora of other problems, which in some cases (STO being my prime example) meaning that a large number of people get no early access whatsoever, because they spent all their time either waiting for servers to be restored or stuck in ruddy queues. By staggering the access BioWare has avoided these problems, makes perfect sense to me. Besides, what real difference does early access make? You get a brief jump on people, woop-de-sodding-do, everyone will hit the level cap eventually, whats so good about being one of the first there?


Frankly the whining on the forums is little more than a testament to the number of morons in the world.

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funny .. I bet these same kids cry when there 80 HP honda civic gets only an extra 1/2 HP after installing their K&N filter... BUT BUT BUT False advertising they CRY! .. "it's written on the box, I get 20 hp if I put this filter in"


they just don't understand the "up to 20 hp"


just like this game


"Reading Comprehension" people .. I know you can do it!!!





Ah..... but do you fall for the supermarket special deals, where the bargain advertised one is more expensive than the non-advertised one?


Advertising is the art of the con.

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I like the idea that you have some kind of right to being treated equally by a company you buy something from, regardless of when you buy it or whether you have enough money to order it in a certain way. That's cool- I'd like to propose that since I wait in line for concert tickets as long as everyone else, then it's not fair that I should have to have worse seats just because I don't have enough money for the good seats. Just because I can't pay for my car up front, doesn't mean that I should have to pay more for it, by way of interest, than someone who can because it's discrimination for us to pay different amounts for the same car. I'd like to say that it's unfair that my local restaurant was giving away desserts last month with their dinner specials, but when I went and ordered the same dinner this month, I got nothing- I should never receive less than another person when I'm paying the same price- if they offer something extra once they need to offer it until the end of days.


What are these "sales" and "bonuses" that you all speak of? What is "Free"?

Edited by ElhonnaDS
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it was worded in such a way as to lead people to assumptions , take your 30 days free , run and never look back.


tell me genius, how else could it have been worded?


staggered early launch .. up to 5 days early access for redeemed pre order codes, first come, first serve ...


since you think you can do better .. lets hear it?


sorry to inform you but there IS no other way to word it without actually making changes to the process

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Ah..... but do you fall for the supermarket special deals, where the bargain advertised one is more expensive than the non-advertised one?


Advertising is the art of the con.


No, I don't.


Difference being that I happen to know how to read and understand what I read. In more than one language even.


I wasn't conned, I could have easily not ordered the game and the EGA didnt even enter into the decision, I thought it was nice and if I got in before the release date that would be cool but it clearly said UP TO and I figured, ordering in November, that I might get one, maybe two, days.

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I use to say that some folks needed to learn to read......but I forgot that there are those that don't seem to have comprehension skills either & need to work on that too.

just becouse someone can read doesn't mean they can comprehend what they are reading. :confused: and this is most likely why there are those that are upset about the early access, they just didn't/couldn't comprehend what they were reading from the start.

Edited by Cougaren
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In the text it specifically said that people who preordered earlier would get a higher priority on when their early access started. It may have been in the fine print, but it was definitely there on that page.


Not for origin store and finnish language. It only gave (false) promise of game access asap. (people playing = access possible. Me no in = EA lies of game access asap)

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I use to say that some folks needed to learn to read......but I forgot that there are those that don't seem to have comprehension skills either & need to work on that too. just becouse someone can read doesn't mean they can comprehend what they are reading. :confused: and this is most likely why there are those that are upset about the early access.


Giving a promise of game access as soon as it is possible.

People playing the game = access possible, is it not?



That is the only thing that Origin Store says to me, no talk about X days of EGA. Or that someone gets before me because they ordered earlier. Just that i will be playing the second playing is possible.


I'm not playing, so /shrug?

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