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If Op/Scoundrel was so OP...


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I'm not really sure Sorceror/Sage are really OP, and there being a lot of them doesn't necessarily mean that either. I had a game of Voidstar with SEVEN Sorcerors on the Empire team. They got creamed. If there were seven operatives might as well just immediately leave.


...if I ran into a match where I saw 7 ops or scoundrels up against me, yeah, I'd run like hell too. Dear lord... 7 inquisitor class types? Only leave if its huttball...

Edited by Kuari
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What does one thing have to do with the other?


In vanilla wow shamans were the most overpowered class, and also the least played. Same thing for warlock during the Burning Crusade. Not everyone insta rerolls FOTM classes.


^this guy never played or was very terrible in vanilla wow.

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Yeah tell that to the Bright Wizards back in the Warhammer days, there was a point where you were guaranteed at least 5 BW every game, usually more.


Sure, FOTM uber-classes raise the population a lot. But a Hunter was always the most played class in WoW, and generally one of the worst classes.

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^this guy never played or was very terrible in vanilla wow.


ROFL, that guy has to be trolling.


Considering what the term "Sunwelled" means to mages, I think it's obvious people do insta-reroll FOTM a lot.

Edited by Vlaid
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Countless ad-hoc forum and in-game surveys + subjective observation.


Yes, there's no amount of scientific rigor in this analysis but multiple instances of similar observations gives it credibility. Would be nice if there was some official tally.


So basically you are making it up. How are you going to claim something as fact that is just your guess.

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No.. no it wasn't reasonable, which is why his mocking works. Only having 2 of a class in his guild is in no way indicative in of the popularity of the class. There's endless reasons why their is so few in his guild that have nothing to do with the Class popularity or "OP-ness."


And there were quite a few people leveling Scoundrels and Ops up until the announcement of the incoming nerfs. I ran into them on my Shadow alt all the time in <50 Warzones.

You truly live up to your forum handle, don't you? I barely see any scoundrels/operatives in game on my server. Funny thing is I'm on the most populated server in the game, so what does that tell you? On Helm of Graush.

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Have you not been in the 10-49 warzones? 50% of them are Op/Scoundrel loaded.


Last night I was in one with 14 operatives/scoundrels out of the 16 players. Maybe your server is a little slow.

I have never seen so much liars in an MMO gaming forum in my history of playing MMOs like in this game, honestly like ***? If you're going to try to prove a point, don't put obvious lies in your posts.

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Countless ad-hoc forum and in-game surveys + subjective observation.


Yes, there's no amount of scientific rigor in this analysis but multiple instances of similar observations gives it credibility. Would be nice if there was some official tally.


Translation: "I just made this up on the spot."



Personally, I am levelling up my marauder but my next PVP toon will be my BH.

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Why didn't everyone reroll op/scoundrel like we're currently seeing with sorc/consular?


have you done any 1-49 WZ before the announcement .I had to laugh in one match all republic were scoundrel or gunslingers and imps had all but 2 were OP!

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Translation: "I just made this up on the spot."



Personally, I am levelling up my marauder but my next PVP toon will be my BH.


Please, I'm not saying this is scientific but do any modicum of searching on the forums and you will find the instances I'm referring to. Also, again, nice straw man, how about proving that what I'm saying is incorrect rather than putting your fingers in your ears and saying "Nah Nah Nah Liar"

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have you done any 1-49 WZ before the announcement .I had to laugh in one match all republic were scoundrel or gunslingers and imps had all but 2 were OP!


Again, yes I have on my Sentinel and have not seen what you're seeing, doesn't mean it isn't happening, just that I haven't seen that.


(And for the benefit of others, see how I didn't knee-jerk respond calling him a liar?)

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I don't see everyone rerolling Sorc/Sage because they are so OP. I see it as more of a personal choice as to mechanics that sound fun. I have a Scoundrel, Vanguard, and Sorc.



I've played against Sages/Sorc's time and time again and they aren't OP. They have high damage output because they usually spec to hit with DoT. If you focus on hitting the Sorc he goes down without that much effort.

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Can someone actually provide proof of their so called class being least played? Or are they actually just talking complete and utter crap because they read someone else say it on the forum and thought they'd jump on the bandwagon like a complete tool?


Is there a site?

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