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General / Master title?


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Hey there. I don't remember where I read it, but I once read that a Jedi Knight, at his final class quest (or one of the final), could choose through dialog to become a Master, or a General (mainly failing in becoming a Master). Titles would be given based on your choice.


Is that still true? Or all Jedi Knigths become Master? Or maybe they can become master, but if they don't, they don't become anything?



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I believe if you are Light Side / Neutral you get the Master title and if you are Dark Side you are told you will be given the title of General but you actually end up with Master still. Haven't got that far myself yet but I remember reading that in other threads.
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I believe if you are Light Side / Neutral you get the Master title and if you are Dark Side you are told you will be given the title of General but you actually end up with Master still. Haven't got that far myself yet but I remember reading that in other threads.


So, Kenobi was a DS then? ;)

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Light or possibly grey is where they have a cermony in your honor,and Satel makes you a master.On DS,however,Satele remarks on how she wanted to give you the reward,but she doesn`t because of your inability to control you emotions.Instead General Whats-his-face gives you title of General

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Light or possibly grey is where they have a cermony in your honor,and Satel makes you a master.On DS,however,Satele remarks on how she wanted to give you the reward,but she doesn`t because of your inability to control you emotions.Instead General Whats-his-face gives you title of General


Still get the first title.

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Light or possibly grey is where they have a cermony in your honor,and Satel makes you a master.On DS,however,Satele remarks on how she wanted to give you the reward,but she doesn`t because of your inability to control you emotions.Instead General Whats-his-face gives you title of General



I went pure DS through the entire game and had the cinematic you've describe, but afterwards you still end up with the Master title. Even though Shatele said I would not be given that rank/title. So it must be a bug.


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I believe if you are Light Side / Neutral you get the Master title and if you are Dark Side you are told you will be given the title of General but you actually end up with Master still. Haven't got that far myself yet but I remember reading that in other threads.


This is how it goes down. You can ***** about becoming an honorary general as well, but in either case, your character gets the 'Master' title.




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  • 2 weeks later...



...if I'm LS I'll get Master, if I'm DS I'll get General AND Master, or will I just get Master, because General is kinda bugged?




I'm DS. In the final ceremony, Master Satele said that she had wanted to be able to advance me, however, I was not ready to be a Master yet.


The other guy cuts in when he hears this and says he deserves to be honored for what he has done (IE your character). He says that he is making you an honorary General of the Republic. Your character even says that maybe the Jedi Order is not for me, and that I've always been more a Republic oriented/military person anyway. Satele then says to talk to her later.


I thought, hey, all those other posts about not getting a General title were wrong. However when I looked through my choices, Master was there and General was not. Extremely disappointing.


Since they seem to have changed the way they want the JK ending to take place, they need to re-do or eliminate the entire dialogue where Satele says she's disappointed in you and doesn't grant you Master. Such a huge glitch IMO for the end of the entire damn story.


Regardless of trooper stuff. Certainly somewhere troopers should have the General rank too.


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I wonder if the General title was removed under a similar notion with Sith Warriors receiving the Wrath title.


I haven't completed the JK story yet, but thus far have remained strictly LS. If they ever add more character slots, I'd be willing to roll another JK to go DS.


6 Empire DS, 2 Republic LS. Pretty cut and dry.

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Argh! I'm as light-side as a jedi can be (I only have 50 DS, from kissing Kira), but I so want General. Godammit...


Weird, I've kissed Kira (and moar), and have no dark side points from it....maybe I'm that good?!


sorry, bit off topic.

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I'm DS. In the final ceremony, Master Satele said that she had wanted to be able to advance me, however, I was not ready to be a Master yet.


The other guy cuts in when he hears this and says he deserves to be honored for what he has done (IE your character). He says that he is making you an honorary General of the Republic. Your character even says that maybe the Jedi Order is not for me, and that I've always been more a Republic oriented/military person anyway. Satele then says to talk to her later.


I thought, hey, all those other posts about not getting a General title were wrong. However when I looked through my choices, Master was there and General was not. Extremely disappointing.


Since they seem to have changed the way they want the JK ending to take place, they need to re-do or eliminate the entire dialogue where Satele says she's disappointed in you and doesn't grant you Master. Such a huge glitch IMO for the end of the entire damn story.


Regardless of trooper stuff. Certainly somewhere troopers should have the General rank too.






Thats almost as bad as the sith warrior storyline where you are called the emperor's wrath for almost 14 levels only to never get that title and be stuck with darth... ya i was disappointed.




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Weird, I've kissed Kira (and moar), and have no dark side points from it....maybe I'm that good?!


sorry, bit off topic.


There is an option where you can flirt with her for ds points, if you pass on it you can later do it with no ds points and pursue a relationship.


I skipped the ds option on both of my play throughs as a jk though. I actually don't like kira, but I still went the relationship route just to get that part of the story.


I want her to call me "tough guy" again and this time get me the option to slap her.

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  • 4 months later...
This aggrivates me so much, iwas so looking forward to being a general instead of being a stupid jedi master :(


There are so many people who say that. But think about it in terms of role playing/Lore. At this time in the galaxy, a Jedi Master is a title that is very rare, and I would think quite coveted. ANYONE can join the army, but only a few can join the jedi temple.


I, in fact, am dissapointed that the cut scene was such that Setele refuses you the position of master, but it kinda makes sense, in a way, there was a time in the movie somehting similar happened and hte jedi council refused a title based on being too emotional etc (i dont remember the details). BUT, having said that, I am glad that I get to keep master title regardless, General would just be too wierd as a jedi, jedi are NOT generals, I would think general would be something the troopers would get.


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I, in fact, am dissapointed that the cut scene was such that Setele refuses you the position of master, but it kinda makes sense, in a way, there was a time in the movie somehting similar happened and hte jedi council refused a title based on being too emotional etc (i dont remember the details). BUT, having said that, I am glad that I get to keep master title regardless, General would just be too wierd as a jedi, jedi are NOT generals, I would think general would be something the troopers would get.


That was Anakin, which adds to him confiding more in Palpatine. Which is why I'm eager to see this play out more. And there are Jedi Generals. They're not supposed to be a military organization but during various wars, especially the Clone Wars they were given the General rank to command the troops. Even Padawans were given the "Jedi Commander" title to command troops.

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